Tiger Trouble (Alaskan Tigers Book 12)

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Tiger Trouble (Alaskan Tigers Book 12) Page 3

by Marissa Dobson

  “I fucked up. The chance is gone.” He growled and tossed his bottle in the sink, breaking it, and sending glass shards flying. “I need a run.”

  Before she could say anything, he was gone, leaving her to clean up the glass. With her thoughts drifting back toward the man she spotted earlier, she grabbed a garbage bag and set to work. Every piece of glass she picked up seemed to bring another question to mind about the Alpha. If only she could remember his name, she could stop referring to him as the man or the Alpha. Thorn mentioned it in passing before, but now her mind was drawing a blank.

  Thorn was normally more controlled. He didn’t usually let his temper take over, but tonight he had and now she was cleaning up his mess. Piece by piece, she gathered the glass while forcing herself to think about anything other than the Alpha. She needed to figure out how she was going to convince her brother to focus on another clan.

  Maybe Ohio was the place they should try for. The clan was beginning to pick up the pieces and they were opening their own resort soon. More than that, it would be a safe place for Tabitha’s supporters who were escaping vindictive Alphas. She might be able to do something to assist them. Texas had been a concern for her. They were established, already a large clan and it was likely she wouldn’t fit in easily. Unlike Thorn, who would be there with a purpose, she’d be extra baggage.

  Thorn had already made it clear to her that he wouldn’t take a position with a guard team unless she could come, too. Guilt tinged the edges of her thoughts. She was holding him back, but the idea of going somewhere totally new with no one by her side was almost too much. If it hadn’t been for him, she’d have stayed in Mississippi. She would have supported Tabitha behind Lee’s back without ever finding the courage to leave. Thorn taught her to protect herself, but she was no match for Lee or his men. She’d have died and knowing Lee, it wouldn’t have been a quick death.

  A knock on the door startled her, and she jerked as she reached for a large piece of glass that had fallen under the edge of the counter. “Shit!” She pulled her hand back to discover she’d sliced her palm open. Blood pooled in her cupped hand as she reached for a kitchen towel to wrap around the wound. She wasn’t concerned about making a mess, but the sight of her own blood made her stomach churn.

  The door flew open, leaving her standing there with her mouth open as blood dripped down her wrist and onto the floor. “What the…” The words died on her tongue as she looked up to find the man from the training arena.

  “You’re bleeding.” Not waiting to be invited in, he pushed the door shut and strolled toward her.

  “It’s nothing.” As he came around the sofa toward the kitchen, she stepped back until she was pressed against the island. She wanted to move, but fear and something else she couldn’t put her finger on kept her motionless.

  “Who did this?”

  “No…no one.” She stumbled over her answer as he towered over her. “I…glass…”

  “I didn’t mean to scare you. I smelled the blood and…” He wrapped his fingers around her wrist to bring her injured hand closer and electricity shot through them. Every part of her tingled until she thought her hair might stand on end. “Well, that explains it.”

  She tried to pull her hand back, but he held onto her. “I…no…I…”


  She couldn’t answer. She couldn’t think straight. Even with the current rushing through every cell in her body, she couldn’t believe he was her mate. She should have suspected it before. It was the obvious reason for her fantasies about him but her mind didn’t want to comprehend it.

  “How about we get you cleaned up?” Keeping his hand on her wrist as if he worried she’d run, he plucked the dish towel out of her other hand and held it to her bleeding palm to absorb some of the blood. “Let’s get you over the sink and I’ll find a first aid kit.”

  “I could just shift.” As the words left her mouth, she realized what it would mean. She’d have to get naked. Nudity never bothered her before, but the idea of being naked in front of him made her second guess herself.

  “Not until we get the glass out.” He led her over to the sink before removing his hand from her wrist.

  “Glass?” She flexed her fingers, straightening her palm, and burning pain shot up her arm.

  “I can see a piece of glass wedged in your hand.” He moved the towel aside, keeping it close to soak up the blood. “Try not to move your hand. As I came toward you, the glass caught the light and that’s how I know it’s there. It can’t be too deep—”

  If it was anyone else bleeding, she wouldn’t have had a problem, but her own blood sent her stomach rolling and left her lightheaded. Thorn would’ve cracked a joke and made her forget about her injury, keeping her attention on something else while he bandaged her, but he wasn’t here.

  “Whoa, now.” He looped his arm around her waist, keeping her upright. “You okay?”

  Forcing her eyelids closed, she nodded. “The sight of my blood makes me lose myself. Can you get it out…or get Thorn?”

  “Don’t worry, I’ve got you.” He brought her closer to his body and hollered for his guard. “Rhett!”

  “Huh?” She hadn’t met all the Alaskan Tigers, but she couldn’t recall anyone named Rhett. Was he the man who’d been with him observing the guards practice?

  “Don’t worry, he’s with me,” he told her, just as the other man opened the door and stuck his head in. “Find me a pair of tweezers.”

  “I could have—” He cut her off with a shake of his head.

  “I’m not leaving you to go get them, and you need to keep your hand still.”

  “My makeup bag is on the bathroom counter and there’s a pair in there.” She nodded in the direction of the bathroom as Rhett stepped into the cabin. Without another word, he headed down the short hallway toward the bathroom. “There’s a small bottle of alcohol in the bag as well.”

  “Alcohol?” he asked, lifting her off her feet and sitting her up on the counter.

  “Rubbing alcohol, not liquor.” The back of her legs cooled as she settled on the countertop, a reprieve from the heat coursing through her. “I don’t even know your name.”

  “Tex, the Alpha of the Texas Tigers, but you already know that part…don’t you, Carleen?” Her eyebrow shot up in question, bringing a smile to his face. “I saw you watching us. Curiosity got the best of you. Was it because you wanted to know about me, or because you wanted to see how Thorn would do?”

  “Maybe a bit of both.” His words hit her and her back stiffened. She’d have pulled away, but she was by the corner of the counter where it formed the L, and he was blocking the only way off. “How did you know my name?”

  “Thorn. He won’t come to Texas without you, which is why we’re here.” Rhett explained, strolling back into the kitchen, holding out what Tex needed.

  Taking the supplies from his guard, Tex turned back to her. “Before a decision could be made concerning Thorn, I needed to interview you as well.”

  “A package deal means you both must meet the requirements,” Rhett stated, moving back from them.

  “Wait outside,” Tex ordered. “I’m going to clean her up and she’ll need to shift. Then we can speak with her.”

  Over Tex’s shoulder, she watched as Rhett paused, appearing uncertain whether he should argue or not. He stood there for a moment, debating, and as he did she felt Tex’s muscles tighten as though waiting for a fight. Between the two men there was a single thread of tension along with a twinge of anger coming from the Alpha, making it clear she was missing something. What was happening between them? Any discord shouldn’t be aired for another clan to see, even if they were allies. What situation would Thorn be walking into if he took this position?

  The seconds ticked by in silence before Rhett started to move again, but it wasn’t until the door clicked shut behind him that Tex met her gaze. “What just happened?” she asked.

  “Nothing.” He unscrewed the cup for the rubbing alcohol and po
ured some over the tweezers before taking hold of her hand again. “You might want to look away.”

  “You’re lying.” Her breath hissed out from between her lips as he wiped away the blood. “Distract me.”

  “Hmm…” Without looking up at her, his lips curled into a cocky smile. “Should I tell you what joyful hours I’m imagining as I make you my mate? Or how tempted I am to fuck you right here on the counter and make you mine? Maybe I should fist a handful of your hair so I can pull you back just enough that your neck is arched out to me in offering, waiting for me to rub my scent all over you. To kiss along your tender skin, starting at your earlobe and working down, inch by inch. All the while my hands slip under your skirt, preparing you for when I slide my—”

  “Stop.” It came out more breathless than she had meant, but she couldn’t take another moment of it. Her body was already hot and flustered as images of his words danced through her mind. Each fantasy grew more erotic than the last.

  “Why? Are you saying you haven’t thought about those very things?”

  “I…um…” She forced herself not to pull away from him. “I’ve been preoccupied. I mean, with concerns of how Thorn would do.”

  “Let me remove that anxiety. Thorn did fine. He’s made the short list and when I came to talk to you, it was up to you whether he’d stay on the list or not.”

  “Up to me?”

  “Like Rhett said, you needed to be on our side if you were going to come to Texas. You’d have to be willing to commit to me as your Alpha.” He glanced up at her. “Doesn’t seem like I had anything to worry about, now.”

  She stared into his deep gray eyes. The way the color seemed to swirl around, reminding her of storm clouds, drew her in. His eyes were beautiful, but they held a hint that he had seen too much. Whatever it was he had survived, it left him jaded. Without thinking, she reached up and pressed her fingers to the side of his face. “Maybe now I understand.”

  “Understand what?” His voice was low and husky, sending goosebumps along her skin.

  “Why Thorn wants to be in Texas.” She caressed the curve of his cheek with her fingertips, working her way down to his jaw. “We’re the same. Our circumstances were different but we’re all broken. We can put ourselves back together, time and time again, but the pieces never go back perfectly. There are always scars. Some of them are hidden and some of them are out for the world to see. Either way, they’re there.”

  “You don’t look broken.” He set the tweezers aside and placed his hands on the counter on each side of her. “You already know more of my backstory than I know of yours. Why don’t you tell me why you’re so jaded?”

  “I—” Before she could finish, Thorn stormed through the door. Shit…

  Chapter Four

  Standing there surrounded by Carleen’s scent relaxed muscles within Tex that he hadn’t even realized were tight. As she sat on the kitchen counter with her legs on either side of him, it felt more intimate than it was. Maybe that’s how things always were with mates. The reaction she had on him and his beast was enough to allow him to forget about his surroundings for a moment. So when Thorn returned, he was thrown off guard for a moment. It was a good thing Rhett was at the door and had entered a step behind him.

  “What the fuck is going on here?” Thorn crossed the small living room and was in the kitchen, coming to them faster than he should have been able to. He was a weaker shifter, but more than that, his bulk should have slowed him down.

  Tex spun around, giving Carleen his back, and using his body to block her. She was his sister but Thorn’s anger was out of control and his tiger was too close to the edge. There was no telling what he might do.

  “Thorn, it’s nothing.”

  “Don’t give me that shit! You’re bleeding.” He came around the counter, his fists balled. “I’m not going to stand here and allow it to happen again. Not again.”

  “It’s not him.” She tried to get off the counter, but Tex reached back and held her there. “Let me…before this gets out of hand.”

  “Go shift. Thorn and I will discuss this.” He tipped his head back toward the bedrooms.

  “Go, Carleen. You don’t need to be here for this.” Thorn flexed his shoulders.

  “Don’t be stupid, Thorn.” Rhett stood behind him, waiting for him to make a move. “Think this through. Attacking an Alpha will get you killed.”

  “Fuck that. I’m taking him with me.” Thorn snarled.

  “Damn it, Thorn.” Carleen jumped off the counter, but Tex moved with her, keeping his body in front of her as a shield. “I cut myself when I was cleaning up the glass. If you want to blame someone for my sliced palm, then place the blame where it belongs—on you. You threw the bottle and left.”

  “What I walked in on seemed like more than that.” He wasn’t even looking at her, instead keeping his attention focused on Tex—just how Tex wanted it.

  “You know how I am. He stopped by to question me and was kind enough to get the glass out of my palm.” She took a deep breath and placed her hand on Tex’s back. “It’s not like you think. Don’t ruin your chances because you’re jumping to conclusions. Please…”

  “Why don’t we sit and talk while Carleen shifts and heals?” Noticing the change in the lingering tension, Tex hoped to gain control before things could get out of the hand. “I think it’s safe to say that she’s not going to leave until she knows you’re not going to do something stupid, so we can either take this down a few notches or let me bind her hand to stop the bleeding.”

  “Fuck it.” Thorn looked past him to his sister. “Go shift. I’ll keep my temper in check until you’re back. But if you’re lying to me, I’ll kill him.”

  “Threatening an Alpha—” Tex glanced at Rhett, cutting him off.

  “He’s protecting his sister and while normally I’d say it’s an uncalled-for threat, knowing their history with Lee, it’s understandable. Bear in mind understandable is not the same thing as acceptable. If you commit yourself to me, you should know I won’t stand for outbursts like this, especially not from my guards. Voicing your opinion is one thing, but threats against any member of the clan is intolerable, especially an Elder. The last thing we need to do is bring problems into the clan. Once this is settled, you’re going to need to prove to me that you can keep your temper in check. Otherwise…” He knew what he had to say and what would have to happen, but the realization of those words hit him full force and he fought the urge to turn back to Carleen. “Otherwise, I’m not going to be able to offer you a spot with the clan.”

  “Don’t dangle an opportunity in front of my face just to get me to look away. I’d give up the chance of having any Elder accept me into their clan if it means keeping Carleen safe.”

  “Holy Hell, Thorn, can’t you ever stop.” She slammed her hand onto the countertop and blood seeped from the wound. “I told you this is different. I told you what was happening, and yet you continue to go down the same path. You’re going to ruin your chance if you don’t shut up.” As if feeling the moisture building under her palm she glanced down, the blood draining from her face.

  “Here.” Tex grabbed the rag, careful to keep the blood stain out of view and wrapped it around her hand. “It’s nothing. Don’t think about it.”

  “Go shift and get your damn hand healed,” her brother snapped.

  Tex’s gaze went to her face as he felt her stiffen under his touch. Was she scared of him? Her expression was shielded and even touching her, he wasn’t sure what she was thinking. He needed to get her alone, so he could find out not only more about the relationship she had with her brother, but more about her in general. She was to be his mate, and while Thorn was on more questionable ground, he hoped they’d both join him in Texas. In what capacity Thorn would be joining them was still up for debate. While she would be his mate and that would influence some of his decision, it would do nothing to influence Rhett. As their main Elder Guard, Rhett was giving him input on the situation and the guards they bro
ught into the clan.

  “Go on, it’s fine,” he assured her as he brought her other hand over her injured one, to keep the towel secure. “Keep this on there until you shift.”

  “Thanks.” She glanced over his shoulder toward Thorn before looking back at him and mouthed the word “sorry” before scurrying away.

  Knowing she was about to get naked and shift into her tigress form made him want to go back and join her. It might be a quick shift, but the opportunity to see her in her beast form brought his tiger closer. Instead, he bent down and began to gather up the remaining glass that still littered the floor.

  “What were you doing here?” Thorn stepped back up to the end of the counter but when Rhett moved closer, he stopped.

  “If you hadn’t considered the fact that I would need to question her before considering you for a position within my clan, you’re not as clever as I thought you were.” He placed the glass shards in the bag and rose, bringing it to the counter. “You come as a package deal, but I must determine this is what she wants and that she’ll be loyal. When I arrived, she was already bleeding. Thinking the worst, I came inside. I startled her and a piece of the glass got stuck in her hand.”

  “Thinking the worst? What does that mean? You thought I was killing her?”

  “No.” He continued to clean up the rest of the beer bottle before grabbing paper towels to wipe up the blood on the counter. Even with Thorn’s anger, the counter would be clean by the time Carleen rejoined them.

  “The compound is safe, but after everything the clan has gone through, Tex and many of us expect the worst,” Rhett explained. “He reacted as if she was in danger and went to protect her. You should be thankful for that, especially considering she was cleaning up your mess. What if she had been alone? How long would she have been passed out on the floor from the sight of her own blood before you came back?” Rhett shook his head. “I watched you running around the compound. You should have sensed her blood, but you did nothing.”


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