Meredith's Pride [Galactic Nuptials 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

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Meredith's Pride [Galactic Nuptials 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) Page 2

by Missy Martine

  “Go, Delsin. You don’t want to lose your clearance.”

  He nodded, and then hurried toward the stairs. I hope we don’t have to watch the cubs for long.

  Several hours later, Delsin made final preparations to land on Khera. He watched Hakan maneuver their small ship. “Is everything a go for landing?”

  Hakan nodded. “Yes, we’re going…”

  “Delsin!” Etu came bursting through the door.

  “Etu, you know you’re supposed to be buckled in with the cubs for landing.”

  Etu winced, his voice breaking, as tears streamed down his face. “We received a communiqué from Knoton.”

  “What’s wrong?” asked Delsin. Knoton had been instructed to stay behind and help protect the pride’s females when they refused to leave.

  “All is lost, Delsin. The war is over. The Mkata brought in help from another world. Knoton did not recognize their species. He said they quickly overtook the Chaarta and slaughtered everyone, including the females. Knoton was wounded but managed to escape when their attention turned to the women.” He choked back a sob. “Everyone is dead, brother. We’re all that’s left of our pride.”

  Chapter 2

  Delsin shook his head. “They killed Preyta? Why would Honaw kill her? I thought the whole reason for this war was his obsession with her.”

  “Knoton said she went feral when Chayton fell. She killed four of the enemy before they took her down.”

  Delsin blinked back tears and felt as if his heart was ripped from his chest. His fists clenched, and he held his breath as he fought not to let his beast take over. What will become of us?

  “How are we going to survive?” asked Hakan.” We have no way to increase our numbers until Jacy and Keme mature. We’ll have to remain in hiding indefinitely.”

  Delsin swallowed hard and brushed his hand across his eyes. “Did you tell Knoton where to find us?”

  Etu shook his head. “I didn’t want to tell him anything until I talked with you.”

  “Go back and send another message. Let him know we’re on Khera. Tell him to hurry here as fast as he can, but be especially cautious. We’re all that’s left, and we can’t afford to lose anyone else.” He took a deep breath and turned toward the front. “Notify Arridia of our arrival and give them the landing codes for Khera. Let them know we’re expecting one more craft to join us and give them Knoton’s identifying numbers.”

  Etu nodded and turned slowly toward the door. “Right away.”

  Delsin turned to Hakan. “Let’s get this bird on the ground.” A few minutes later he followed Hakan down the ramp and got his first look at the forest moon orbiting Arridia. He studied the dense forest and turned when Etu cleared his throat. “What is it, brother?”

  “What are we going to do? We’ve got to find some mates. We’re not equipped to take care of these babies.” All five of the cubs were crying at this point. “None of us know what we’re doing, and the cubs are missing their parents.”

  Delsin thought for a moment and then pulled the page from his pocket he’d torn from Andon’s catalog. “We’re going to order us a mate.” He turned to Hakan. “Watch the cubs. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” He turned to go back into the ship.

  Etu grabbed his arm. “Where are you going?”

  “I’m going to send a message to Galactic Nuptials and find out if this Meredith female is still available. If she is, I’m going to send Hakan to Earth to pick up our new mate.”

  “Our mate!”

  “Yes, brother. We’re going to do this together. We don’t have enough credits to get two mates so we’ll just have to share one. The main thing is to increase our pride with new blood.”

  “And you want to do that by mating a female from Earth.”

  “Unless you’ve got a better idea.”

  Etu grinned. “Okay, you’ve sold me. Just make sure she’s pretty.”

  “Is this pretty enough for you?” He held the picture up for Etu to see.

  “Goddess! What are you waiting for? Go send your message!”

  * * * *

  Meredith peeled off his clothes and studied his reflection in the bathroom mirror. Only a little over five and a half foot tall, his reflection didn’t exactly scream “masculine.” He was small for a man, with long brown hair he usually pulled up into a ponytail. He believed his best feature to be his blue eyes. More than one of his past lovers had mentioned how mesmerizing they were. Meredith snorted, and turned on the water in the shower.

  He’d held out as long as he could, and then called Galactic Nuptials again this morning. His shoulders slumped as he thought about his conversation with Miss Casteel. She’d been kind, but firm, that he should put his application to the back of his mind and let her work on finding someone for him. She didn’t want him to get his hopes up.

  “Fat chance of that!” He climbed into the shower and let the warm water cascade over his head. He was miserable in both his private and his work life. He’d studied to be a teacher, but no school wanted to hire an openly gay man to teach preschool. Do they think I’m gonna molest kids right in the classroom? He’d had to settle for a job as an insurance clerk in a large firm. Even there he wasn’t safe from harassment. Over the years he’d been beaten up several times in gay bashings, had nasty pranks played on him, and pretty much been made to feel inferior. They’d kept him at such a low salary he’d been forced to find a second job in a small café. At least there he earned tips.

  “Why can’t I find a man that wants me just the way I am?” he whispered. He’d be tall, with broad shoulders, a hairy chest, and loads of muscles. The warm water splashed on Meredith’s skin, beading up and dripping down the middle of his chest to surround his erect cock in a cocoon of warmth. One of his hands rose to tweak his nipples, teasing them into tighter and tighter peaks. Closing his eyes, he let soap-slicked fingers explore down his body to cup and play with his heavy sac.

  Working his bottom lip between his teeth, he began stroking the firm column of flesh with his hand, swiping his thumb across the smooth tip. He let his nails scrape lightly over his scrotum, aching for the touch of someone else’s hand. Meredith cupped the soft sac, rolling it gently as it drew tight. Fervently, he pumped his cock, moaning when he came, ropes of pearly white cream shooting out and disappearing with the running water. Gasping for breath, his knees buckled, and he sank slowly to the floor of the tub. “Fuck this.” He breathed heavily in and out. “I’ve gotta pull myself together.”

  Moving slowly, he quickly washed off and turned off the water. He’d just wrapped a large towel around his body when the phone rang. Grimacing, he traipsed through the house leaving wet footprints on the hardwood floor.


  “Meredith, this is Korona Casteel from Galactic Nuptials.”

  Meredith’s hand trembled where it tightened on the phone. “Uh, hello, Miss Casteel. What can I do for you?”

  Her laugh was musical. “It’s what I can do for you, dear boy. Can you come to the office this morning? I’ve got a client that you might be interested in.”

  He could feel his heartbeat slamming against his chest wall. “I’m sorry, but I can’t. I’m supposed to work at the coffee shop today, and I can’t afford to lose any more time this month.”

  “No worries, Meredith. I’ll just come to see you. Can you take a break for a few minutes if I come to the coffee shop?”

  “Sure, no problem at all.”

  “Okay, tell me where.”

  “I’m working at The Coffee Station. It’s on the corner of State and Galagos. Do you know where that is?”

  “Yes, I know exactly where it is. I’ll be there in about an hour if that’s okay.”

  “Sure, that’ll be great. I’ll see you then.”

  “Okay, Meredith. Bye for now.”

  Meredith hung up the phone and danced around his bedroom. “They found me somebody!” Quickly, he pulled on his clothes, grabbed his keys, and headed out the door. The Coffee Station was only ten bl
ocks away, so he took off jogging.

  Meredith walked into the shop and studied the room. The thick whirr of the frothing machine drowned out the laughter and murmur of voices of the people in the coffee shop. The wrought iron trendy chairs with padded seats were filled with people hunched over laptops and books. The air was heavy with the smell of sweet caramel and chocolate while muffins baked in the kitchen. It competed with the fresh-brewed coffee and acrid scent of espresso.

  He was a little early for his shift, so Meredith ordered himself an Italian café latte. The drink was his favorite. Made with espresso, a hint of chocolate, and steamed cow’s milk, it made for a wonderful pick-me-up. He took his warm mug and found an empty seat. Steam misted across his face as he blew on the frothy drink.

  Meredith let his gaze bounce from couples leaning toward each other at the chic bistro tables to the laughing groups of teenagers crowding the booths. His own table partner, an empty chair, had him saying a silent prayer that Miss Casteel had indeed found him a mate.

  He groaned at the first sip of the chocolate-drizzled whipped mocha and glanced up when the bell jangled over the door. He watched as Miss Casteel navigated the room, a wide smile on her face.

  She put out her hand. “Don’t get up.” She sank down into the chair closest to Meredith. “I won’t keep you in suspense, Meredith. We’ve had an inquiry regarding your availability as a mate, but there is a rush factor.”

  Meredith’s hand flew to his chest, splaying out over his breastbone. He struggled to speak. “You’ve found someone? Somebody really asked for me?”

  She reached over and squeezed his hand. “Yes, dear boy. We’ve had someone ask specifically for you. Actually, it’s two people.” She grinned. “The men are from the planet Linnaeus, although they’re living on a moon orbiting Arridia at this time. It’s only a temporary location for them, but they’re not sure where they’ll put down permanent roots yet. They’re lion shifters.”

  Meredith cleared his throat. “Um, what…I mean, that’s great. Why are there two men wanting a mate?”

  “It’s not unusual for their species to form triad relationships. It’s my understanding there’s not many left in their pride so they’re willing to share. Is that a problem?”

  “No, no it’s not a problem.” He narrowed his eyes. “What’s the catch? Are they butt ugly?”

  Korona laughed. “No, they’re pretty hot even in their Federation identification pictures. They weren’t able to get to one of Galactic’s offices to have an official picture taken so this will have to do.” She handed him two small prints.

  Meredith studied the pictures and felt his heartbeat speed up. Their catlike eyes were mesmerizing. Not even the grainy pictures could take away from their masculine appeal. “I repeat, what’s the catch? This seems too good to be true.”

  “The catch is there’s a time crunch.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “They’re sending a representative to Earth to pick up their mate as soon as I tell them you’re available. They don’t have time to wait around. They need a mate as soon as possible.”

  Meredith frowned. “Why?”

  She shrugged. “I’m not sure what to tell you, Meredith. They explained their situation to Tarooka, and he approved them for a fast meeting. He told me that they had legitimate reasons for the rush.”

  “Who’s Tarooka?”

  “Tarooka Meekers owns Galactic Nuptials. He’d never steer any client into a situation that wasn’t safe. He’s always had an uncanny ability to match the right people together, although he doesn’t always explain his reasons for the matches he makes.”

  He studied the pictures again and felt his cock hardening inside his jeans. “How fast are we talking about?”

  “They’ve got their own shuttle and can be here ready to leave in forty-eight hours, if you’re willing.”

  Meredith licked his lips. “And you’re sure it’s me they want?”

  “Absolutely, Meredith. They forwarded your picture along with their application in their communiqué. They definitely asked for you specifically.”

  Meredith relaxed as laughter bubbled from his chest. He stood and pulled Korona from her chair, grabbing her up in a bear hug and swinging her around. “Thank you, thank you so much.”

  She held him tightly, patting him lightly on the back. “I’m happy for you, Meredith. You deserve something good in your life.”

  He felt elated. He’d never believed the day would come that someone would want him for a mate. I don’t care what happens. I’m going to be the best mate they could ever imagine.

  Korona struggled in his arms until he released her. “You’re going to need to organize to get ready to leave here in just two days.”

  “What do I need to do?”

  “You’re going to need a physical exam, and you’ll need to be fitted with a translator before you leave. Luckily, the exam won’t take long because they don’t have to worry about you being compatible to bear children.”


  She laughed. “Women have to be tested to see if they are able to reproduce with the men they’re mating, or if medical intervention is needed. In your case, he’ll merely do some blood work to make sure you’re not carrying any germs to another world. You’ll also need to pack, notify people that you’re leaving and give out our address for any messages that need forwarding. There’s a mountain of paperwork for you to sign before you can go off-world.”

  “Where do I go for this medical exam?”

  “You’ll need to go see Dr. Xavier Jtsar. He does the exams for all our clients. His office is in the same building as Galactic Nuptials. He’s on the fourth floor. Just get over there sometime this afternoon or early in the morning, and he’ll work you in. I’ll let him know you’re coming.” She picked up her purse and slung it over her shoulder. “Do you have any more questions?”

  Meredith thought for a minute and couldn’t organize his thoughts. “None that I can think of right now, but I’m sure that’ll change.”

  “That’s okay, Meredith. Feel free to call me anytime if you want to know anything. I’m happy for you. And I’m pleased that we could help make your dreams come true.” She started toward the door. “I’m going to get the paperwork done today. Drop by my office after you see the doctor, and you can sign everything then.”

  “Bye, and thank you.” Meredith watched her leave, blinking back the tears in his eyes. “Oh, no, I forgot to ask about Midnight. Wonder if they’ll let me bring him. What could it hurt?

  Chapter 3

  Meredith paced anxiously back and forth outside the terminal doors of the Earth Transit station. Every once in a while he’d stop and study his reflection in the glass door. His fingers shook as he combed them through his unruly hair. He’d left it loose so he’d look more like his picture in the Galactic Nuptials’ catalog.


  He looked down at the pet taxi nestled against his luggage and sighed. Midnight was not happy confined in such a small space. Korona had briefly been speechless when he’d asked if he could bring his furry companion along for the trip. There were no rules against it, but she did warn him to keep a close watch on the small feline. Other worlds could hold dangers neither of them was aware of. He frowned at the tape seal across the small cage. They’d searched and scanned his bags, leaving a binding tape across each one to prevent him from opening them before he left Earth. Luckily, the cat’s carrier held its own water source.

  Sighing, he began pacing again, watching for anyone that looked like he might be a cat shifter. Meredith pulled out the black-and-white pictures of his mates-to-be and rubbed his thumb across the images. He’d received a report on the two men, and he’d nearly memorized it when he couldn’t bring himself to sleep. Their names were Delsin and Etu, and Delsin was the leader of his pride. Meredith chuckled softly. Does that make me his queen?

  A man walking through the concourse caught Meredith’s eye. He towered over everyone else, easily over six feet t
all, with dark black hair. He had a feral look to his face with tiny, thin black whiskers. His dark-green eyes kept darting to a paper he had clutched in his hand as he searched the crowd. When his gaze met Meredith’s, he stopped, consulted the picture, and then smiled, showing off his wicked, pointed teeth.

  * * * *

  Hakan moved forward and let his gaze wander down the human’s body. He gasped, taking a small step back when he spotted the bulge between his thighs that shouldn’t be there. Cautiously, he moved toward the small man. “Are you Meredith Carter?”

  Meredith smiled, holding out his hand. “Yes, that’s me. But everybody calls me Mer. It’s great to meet you.”

  Hakan stiffened, his eyes widening. Slowly, he reached out and shook the offered hand. “I’m Hakan of the Chaarta pride. I’ve been sent to escort you to your mates.”

  Mer bounced on his toes, smiling and giving Hakan a little wink. “I can’t tell you how happy I am you’re here. I’m all ready.” He stopped, and seemed to study Hakan’s face. “Is something wrong?”

  Hakan snapped his mouth shut and forced a smile. “No, I’m sure everything’s fine.” He pulled a picture out of his pocket and showed it to Meredith. “This is you, right?”

  He glanced at the photo and nodded. “Yep, that’s me.”

  Shrugging, Hakan gave him a genuine smile. “Then let’s be on our way.” He bent and lifted one of Mer’s bags only to jump back in alarm when it hissed. “What the hell?” He peered closer, narrowing his gaze on the tiny creature inside. “What is it?”

  Mer let out a cough that sounded suspiciously like a laugh. “It’s a cat, a pet actually. His name is Midnight.”

  The small cat watched him warily through the bars of his cage and hissed again, every hair on its back standing up. Hakan bared his teeth and growled, laughing when the ball of fur growled back, hissing even louder. “This is going to be so much fun.”

  * * * *


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