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Control Page 8

by J. F. Jenkins

  “I wish you’d tell me what’s wrong,” a gentle male voice said from a nearby classroom. The door to this one was open, so Alan didn’t feel bad for walking in. He did so quietly and leaned against the wall near the door. It took him a moment, but he recognized the two teenagers talking alone in the room—Dale and Tori—also on his list.

  Dale also looked different than his profile picture. His features were much easier to make out in person. In the picture he had been with a number of friends at what looked like a concert. His hair had looked dark. In truth, the boy’s hair was brown but also had a multitude of blond highlights in it. Unlike Orlando who kept his shaggy hair in his face to hide behind, Dale had his similarly styled but tidy with a slight swoop in his bangs so it was out of his eyes. He was tall too, almost at Alan’s six-foot-four, and strong. The teenager might prove himself to be more useful than Alan anticipated.

  The boy grabbed Tori’s hand, and she looked exactly the same as her picture. Flat dark red hair that had a slight frizz to it, and pale blue eyes, she had the same mousy demeanor depicted in her profile.

  Tori held his hand, but wouldn’t look him in the eyes. “I told you, I would when I was ready.”

  He shook his head, and closed his eyes. “Did I do something wrong? Why don’t you trust me anymore? If there was one person you could tell, I’d think it’d be me. We’ve been together since ninth grade. We tell each other everything.”

  “I don’t think you’d believe me, and you might get mad.”

  “Was it something from the party? You’ve been...different since then. What happened? I can take it, I promise.” Dale paused. “Like if you cheated or something on accident...”

  “What? Why would you even think that? If anyone should be worried about cheating, it’s me.”

  “You know you’re the only girl for me,” he said stiffly and his face hardened.

  Tori shook her head, her hair falling over her face. “It’s got nothing to do with anyone else but me. H-how much of the party do you remember?”

  “Not much of anything.”

  She sighed. “I’m fine. Things are just stressful with the concert coming up, and my solo.”

  He laughed a little. “My little perfectionist.” He tenderly touched the girl’s hair. Alan couldn’t help but wonder if the guy actually believed her obvious lies or not. Dale chewed on his lower lip for a moment. “Just know if something can tell me okay? You can tell me anything.”

  Dale knew something. He had to have. His words implied as much. Or maybe Alan was reading too much into the situation.

  “Yes, thank you for repeating it again,” Tori mumbled sarcastically. Alan had become an expert at detecting it thanks to Orlando.

  Throwing his hands up in frustration, Dale pulled away and stood up. “I worry because I love you Tori. I have to get back to class.” He grabbed a piece of wood that read Hall Pass, and left the room. Alan was left with the difficult decision of staying to see what Tori did, or following Dale out. He decided to stay with Tori for the time being. The two were a couple. Their paths would no doubt cross again in some way, and he could see Dale then.

  Tori put her head in her hands and started to cry, and that was all she did for five minutes. When she finally composed herself, she fixed her makeup and reached for a stack of papers on a nearby desk. “Time to grade more tests for Mrs. Larson,” she said with a heavy sigh. Her mind didn’t seem to be on the work though. Every few minutes she’d look up at the clock, as if in anticipation.

  At thirteen past the hour, a young woman walked into the room. She moved past Alan so quickly he almost didn’t realize she’d been there. His stomach tightened when he saw who the woman was—Sprout—one of Alona’s charges. Alan was convinced that she was a student at the school, along with her cohort Bean. Because of the masks they wore, though, he couldn’t figure out who either of them were.

  “Right on time,” Tori said as she looked at the clock. She swallowed. “He’s asking a lot of questions. I don’t know how much longer I can keep lying to him about this. It’s too hard.”

  “It gets easier,” Sprout said and sat on top of a nearby desk, casually crossing her long legs.

  “I’ve never been good at it, and even more so with him. Everyone is noticing something is wrong, and I can’t just say ‘I have super powers that can kill you all just by touching you’. He thinks I cheated on him. Me, cheat! I don’t know if I should be insulted or not since he’s the one who left the party without me, not the other way around.”

  Sprout only nodded, and let the girl continue to talk. Every little thing obviously stressed Tori out. Alan wasn’t sure he would like someone like her on his team. He smiled at the realization that Alona was just as desperate as him, otherwise she would never tolerate such a girl.

  “Do you think he has powers as well? You said he was hinting at it. I know he was injected as well,” Sprout said and there was a slight grit of irritation in her tone.

  “Something is different about him too. He says he can’t remember the party. That he blacked out, which isn’t like him at all. Dale would never do anything that would hurt his body. He’s never drank, or smoked, or anything. Unless the injection had that affect on him?” Tori lifted her gaze so she could meet Sprout’s.

  Sprout shook her head. “Sleep is a side effect, as you know. Memory loss not so much. He’s lying to you. And if he can lie about that, then he can lie about other things. Are you sure you want to trust him with your secret?”

  “Not telling him could kill him. I’m afraid to touch him. Touch anyone,” Tori whispered.

  “We’ve touched and it was fine, but maybe that’s all the more reason to end things with him. If you can’t trust him, how can you have a relationship?”

  “But I love him.”

  Sprout shrugged. “It’s only an idea. Now if he owned up to the injection and decided to pledge allegiance to my team, that would be another story entirely. With the help of my leader and her allies, we could work around your setbacks. Find a way for you two to be with each other and not be afraid.”

  Manipulative. Alan was amazed. The girl had been taught well by Alona. That sounded exactly like something his ex would have said.

  “I’ll try to convince him,” Tori whispered.

  “Tomorrow night, ten minutes to midnight, Central Park. Bring him or come alone. It’s your decision.” And then Sprout left, once more rushing by Alan so fast all he could feel was the breeze.

  He followed her so he could find out her true identity, trying to keep up with her as she ran through the hallways. That would be a huge advantage for his team. She turned a sharp corner and entered the women’s bathroom. Being invisible still, he followed her inside and didn’t think anything of it. What he wasn’t anticipating was having it in use by multiple girls. Every stall was filled, and there were six of them. One girl stood in front of a mirror checking her hair. They were supposed to be in class. Didn’t they want to learn? Back home, the level of education the earth humans received in what was referred to as high school was a choice. Most students made the decision to go, but they understood that if they didn’t keep up with their studies, they would lose the privilege.

  If Sprout had been alone in the bathroom, Alan would have broken into the stall to catch her in the act of removing her mask. He couldn’t do that now. New plan, he decided.

  Leaving the bathroom, he went to find Orlando. Class should have been ending soon and Alan would need his help. The bell rang, and students started to flood the hallways. Alan waited as patiently as he could for Orlando to exit.

  “We need to speak momentarily. It’s urgent,” Alan said as soon as the teen boy passed by. Then he added, “Now.”

  Orlando was in the middle of conversing with the Nia girl, but he was able to work in a slight nod of acknowledgment towards Alan.

  “I’m not sure it’s my kind of scene, but thanks anyway,” Orlando said.

  Nia shrugged and gave him a slip of paper. �
�It wouldn’t kill you to hang out with someone new. You might be surprised and find out you like it more than you think. Or we can do something else. Just thought you might be interested in getting out more. I heard you don’t do that a lot. I’m flexible. “

  Orlando looked her over and raised an eyebrow. “I’m sure. We can discuss it later, but I make no promises. I like my almost solitude. Anyway, I need to make a stop before Lit. Save me a seat, and preferably away from Lopez. The kid never shuts up and one of these days I might snap.”

  “Entertaining, but sounds ugly. It’d be a bloodbath,” Nia said. Alan noticed her eyes glimmer ever so slightly.

  Orlando shrugged. “Yeah, sure. Bye.” The hallways started to thin out and he walked to the private bathrooms Alan had initially teleported into.

  “Okay, two minutes, talk,” Orlando said.

  “I used your list. I’m investigating students on it. The one called Tori is meeting with Sprout tomorrow night shortly before midnight. I need you to deliver a message to her boyfriend for me asking him to meet with me this evening,” Alan said, getting straight to the point. There was a lot he needed to cover in his two minutes.

  “Wow, um, yeah I can do that, I think,” Orlando said. It was surprising not to receive some kind of witty comeback as a reply.

  “If you would like to help more, get close to the girl you were just speaking to because she was on the list as well.”

  “Yes, I know who was on it. I made it. But I’m not going to get close to her because she’s kind of weird and she’s only trying to get in my pants anyway.” Orlando rolled his eyes, one of his trademarks.

  Alan didn’t understand the phrase he used. “Why?”

  “Because I’m a stud.” Orlando shrugged. “It just means she wants to date me and steal my innocence. Do unmentionable things to me. I thought I made it pretty clear I have a girlfriend, but she must be smitten because she’s persistent. Not my type. Too...something. Plus she wants me to go play some vampire role-playing game with her and I’m concerned she might take it a little too seriously if you know what I mean. I don’t have anything against nerds wanting to socialize and have a good time. I do however like my bodily fluids inside my body.”

  “Is she really a vampire?” Alan asked quietly and then shook his head. That was stupid. There was no such thing. “Consider it for the cause. It would be helpful.”

  “Anything else? I don’t want to be super-late. Detention wouldn’t be productive. I’ll get grounded again,” Orlando said.

  “No, that is all until after classes. I’m calling another meeting at The Apartment.”

  “Yes sir.” Orlando saluted him and it was one of those moments when Alan couldn’t tell if he was being serious or not.

  Alan gave him the benefit of the doubt. “Thank you.” He’d been expecting so much more resistance. That was always Orlando’s way. Alan watched the boy leave for his classes without another word. “Interesting.”

  He then teleported to go tell JD and the others the news.


  Several hours later, the group was at The Apartment in what was being called the War Room. Another name JD declared in an attempt to be more official. In all actuality, the room reminded Alan of the den in his home back on Altura. Everyone settled into their usual spots: Orlando in the chair nearest to the door, JD and Cadence on the couch, Alan in a chair near a window, and Angela was in the remaining chair.

  “Did you do as I asked?” Alan glanced over at Orlando.

  The guy nodded. “Yeah I told him to meet at the school flagpole at about ten tonight. I may have hinted it had something to do with his girlfriend, so he might be expecting her to be there. I was able to slip the note in his bag in a pretty obvious spot, but he might not get it. He has no idea I gave it to him. Figured it’d be good if I kept that anonymity thing going.”

  JD snorted. “You told who all of that?”

  “A guy at my school who was at the party. Alan told me to. I’m trusting he has all of the details.” Orlando moved his gaze to Alan.

  Alan ran his hands along his pants, smoothing the wrinkles. He needed a moment to think about his words. “I observed his girlfriend conversing with the one called Sprout, as I said earlier when I made my requests. The two are meeting tomorrow evening before midnight at a place called Central Park. She had made mention of wanting the boy brought as well. The girl is exhibiting abilities and they sound dangerous. Both she and Sprout believe he is as well.”

  “Who?” JD asked. “I’m so lost.”

  “So not surprised.” Angela snickered.

  Orlando mock-pouted. “I was going to say that.” He laughed. “His name is Dale. He’s a guy in my grade.”

  “So what do you want us to do?” JD asked.

  Alan looked at each of his charges, making sure to make eye contact with each one. “It’s time for some real action, planned even. I request two of you to accompany me tonight to my meeting. My hope is to convince him to not listen to his girlfriend, and join our side. I’m sure it will take a lot of persuasion, but it’s worth a shot if it means keeping someone away from the blue tribe. Plus, he may convince the girl to join us as well. Tomorrow we will all divide into groups and take different stations and listen, hopefully even see, quite a bit.”

  “I’ll come with you tonight,” JD said. He glanced at Orlando who shook his head. JD let out a soft laugh. “Probably a good idea. You’d only scare him off.”

  He had a point. Orlando was not the easiest to get along with. One wrong phrasing could turn Dale away. JD was the one who was good with words and morale. The boy knew how to say things in a way most understood, and keep things light and not threatening. Alan didn’t want to intimidate Dale. He glanced at Cadence, hoping she would come with them as well.

  “Pick me up at around eight?” she asked with a soft sigh.

  “You got it,” JD said.

  “Thank you,” Alan said, hoping his gratitude was evident. “Angela, have my materials been of any use to you? I would much like for you to feel comfortable during our task tomorrow. However, if you do not feel as though you are ready, I will allow for you to sit out.”

  Angela shook her head quickly. “Are you kidding me? I’m a part of the team. You’re not leaving me behind.”

  He liked her zeal, but that wasn’t reassuring to him. “But are you comfortable with your abilities?” Alan asked, making sure to stress the point by not looking away from her.

  She maintained eye contact and said firmly, “I’m fine.”

  “Excellent.” Everything seemed to be in order, and the meeting went so much smoother than Alan had anticipated.

  Orlando raised an interesting question. “Are we going to invite Dale to our team? Do we want to train and trust another newbie? Don’t get me wrong, he comes off as cool from what I know of him, but I also don’t know him.”

  “None of us knew each other before,” JD pointed out. “I mean, not really.”

  “But our circumstances were different when this started. Besides, I know you and trust you now.” Orlando shrugged and waved a hand while he averted his eyes to look out the door.

  Alan interjected. “I’ll discuss it with my superiors. They let Angela slide because she is related to JD. They may have another place for Dale depending on the abilities he has, or if he has any to begin with.” He paused. “I believe that is everything?”

  “You tell us,” Orlando said.

  He nodded, making sure to be more confident. If he was ever going to earn their respect, he needed to make sure he acted like he believed in himself. “Yes, we are done for the time being.”

  Chapter Eight

  The day had been just about perfect. Class had been easy. In fact, more often than not, all Orlando did was watch half of a movie which meant the last day of school before Thanksgiving break would be spent watching the other half. Either that or they would discuss favorite holiday foods and traditions, another thing that was easy for him to do since he usually kept his answers vag
ue. The food was always stuffing. He could eat only that and be satisfied. It had been a long time since he last ate stuffing that wasn’t store bought. Outside of seeing Tait, that would be what would make the awkward Thanksgiving adventure worthwhile for him—home cooked food.

  At Morningtide when they did any kind of family discussions, Orlando would make up witty answers that were over-the-top in shock value. The jab at the elite snobbish students was always too much fun. Things were going well for him at Lunar Falls. He didn’t feel the need to go to such extremes.

  Orlando wasn’t sure how he felt about Alan meeting and recruiting more students from his school. If what he said was true and they’d received the injection, Orlando would prefer they work for Alan over Sprout. She was more or less psychotic, and so was the woman she worked for. He also thought about what Alan had said about Nia. Orlando knew the guy had good intentions, but something about her was kind of off. Because he dressed in a similar style to her, she seemed to think that meant they had to spend time together or were destined for love.

  Outside of Tait and her twin brother Peyton, Orlando didn’t seek out the company of anyone. He was used to doing things on his own. Why ruin something that was working well for him? Unlike at Morningtide, whenever someone did try to give him attention, Orlando didn’t push them away. The students at Lunar Falls didn’t do so just to poke fun at him either.

  Might have to suck it up and give Nia a call, Orlando thought with a scowl. The things I do for the cause. Being nice to her couldn’t hurt right? But he had promised to be more cooperative. He’d give it a try. At least he didn’t have to do any more for the night.

  Homework done, he was about to take a shower and get ready for bed, but his cell phone began to ring. Tait’s ring tone played and he eagerly picked it up.

  “Yes dear?”

  “I...Orlando, hi,” she said and his smile was gone. There was apprehension in her tone, and she spoke quietly. These were sure signs that the conversation wasn’t going to be a pleasant one.

  “What’s up?” he asked, trying not to be presumptuous and to keep it casual.


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