BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: The Unforgettable Southern Billionaires: The Complete Collection Boxed Set (Young Adult Rich Alpha Male Billionaire Romance)

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BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: The Unforgettable Southern Billionaires: The Complete Collection Boxed Set (Young Adult Rich Alpha Male Billionaire Romance) Page 45

by Walker, Violet

  Fredericka Chesterfield took in the sight of a grown up Ethan Silver and what a sight it was. The man was even bigger and sexier than he had been when he dated her sister. She’d had a celebrity sized crush on the young man with the unusual eyes and a penchant for saying what was on his mind. Even in anger he was gorgeous, but especially so in faded jeans revealing a pair of sinfully sculpted thighs, a fitted flannel clinging to his arms, his back and chest deliciously curved and fire spitting from every pore. Goodness the man was a work of art. “It’s good to see you again Ethan, if under these less than pleasant circumstances.”

  For the first time Ethan took in her face. Freddie had grown into a stunning woman, even better looking than her sister who had always been considered the beauty. They had the same black hair but Freddie had velvet green eyes and freckles dotting her face. She was a tiny woman and with her pixie haircut she looked like a sexy little fairy. She also looked…sad. He crossed his arms and kept his gaze trained on hers, not willing to repeat the question.

  Her smile didn’t reach her eyes and her gaze no longer met his. She sighed heavily and closed her eyes. “I don’t know how to tell you this Ethan, especially with the way things ended with you and Toni…,” she trailed off, hating to remind him of the awful thing her sister had done.

  Ethan laughed bitterly. “What happened Freddie, did Paul gamble away his trust fund and poor little Toni was hoping I still carried a torch for her?”

  Her eyes widened. “Yes he did, actually. But that’s not why I’m here.”

  Something in her eyes made his legs suddenly feel weak and he made his way to a chair across from her and stared for a long minute. Elbows resting on his knees he took the bait. “Fine Freddie tell my why you’re here, then.”

  She thought of all the ways to give him this news and figured Ethan would appreciate the direct approach. “Toni is dead.” His expression was blank revealing not even a moment of remorse and Freddie knew this meeting might not go as she had planned.

  “I’m sorry for your loss Freddie, really. But what does any of this have to do with me?”

  Freddie attempted to tuck a few wispy strands behind her ear, still unused to the short cut. She pulled her phone from her purse and swiped a few times before handing it to Ethan. He took it from her reluctantly but she watched him closely as he took in the first image. His eyes narrowed then scanned the image top to bottom, back up and down again. He sent her a questioning gaze. “Keep going,” she encouraged with a barely visible smile.

  Ethan’s breath caught in his throat at dozens of images of a little boy with those trademark violet brown eyes he shared with his father. The little boy had his strong patrician nose and those heart-shaped lips he hated until he was about fourteen and girls told him how much they loved kissing him. He looked exactly like Ethan did at five or six years old. “How old is he?”

  “You know how old he is Ethan.”

  Except he didn’t know, how could he? The last time he’d seen Toni had been about seven years ago when she left him alone and heartbroken on the day of his greatest achievement. He hadn’t seen her since she proved to him, once again, that he wasn’t worth sticking around for. “Dammit! Why didn’t she tell me?” When Freddie said nothing, he knew. Toni was nothing if not industrious. “She hoped to pass it off as Paul’s but he knew the boy wasn’t his and tossed her out on her ass?” he furiously remarked.

  “You got it.” She smiled at him, this time it was wistful and affectionate. “I always said you were a smart man.”

  “Not smart enough, apparently.”

  She smiled again at his words. She never understood why Toni broke up with Ethan. He was handsome, rich and smart. Paul had just been rich. He had old money but the man never worked a day in his life. “Well some people just have shit taste, right?”

  He smiled at that. Freddie always could make him laugh. “Is he here?”

  She shook her head. “I wanted to tell you first and gauge your reaction. I didn’t want Matt here in case you reacted poorly. He’s already lost Toni and I didn’t want him to feel rejected again so soon.”

  Ethan nodded. “I appreciate that Freddie. When can you bring him here?”

  She stood and stretched from the long drive from the city. “I can return tomorrow. He’s in town with a nanny because I assumed you’d be at SE.”

  Ethan stood and came closer to her. “I really am sorry for your loss Freddie.” He wrapped his arms around her and felt his chest tighten. When she wrapped her small arms around his waist, he felt a jolt of electricity that startled him. He kissed her hair and quickly pulled back. “Let me walk you out. What time will you both be back tomorrow?”

  She looked up at Ethan. “Both?”

  His brows scrunched together in confusion. “Did you think you were just going to drop him off with a stranger and leave?”

  “No, but I wasn’t sure what type of reception I would get so I asked the nanny if she’d stay with him for two weeks until you were comfortable together.”

  He nodded his understanding, taking in all the changes in Freddie as his big hands circled her tiny waist. “Aside from Toni’s so called sins Freddie, I’ve always liked you and you will always be welcome here.” She smiled up at him and he felt that strange tug in his chest and a fire rushing through his veins. “Can you stay for a couple weeks or do you need to get back to your life?”

  She smiled at his words. Ethan always had a strange way of phrasing things and it drove Toni crazy but it delighted Freddie to no end. Inside her car she looked up at him. “Haven’t you heard Ethan Silver, I’m a big deal now.”

  “Oh yeah?” He smiled, seeing a glimpse of the witty kid she’d been years ago.

  She nodded proudly and reached behind the passenger seat. “I’m bestselling children’s author London Lane.” She handed him a book with a fluffy puppy on it titled ‘Moondog Finds A Family.’

  “Wow, congratulations Freddie. I’m sure this makes you the coolest aunt in the world.” A tear slid down her cheek at his words and his instantly frowned. “What’s wrong?”

  She shook her head with a watery smile. “Nothing. That was just, a really nice thing to say.”

  “Well, I am Mr. Nice Guy.”

  His dry delivery succeeded in making her laugh. “You really are Ethan. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”


  “Don’t keep us in suspense Ethan, tell us what that hot little fae wanted with you!” Brooke shrieked over the clang of silverware against china at dinner that night.

  His brothers both stopped eating, forks half way between their plates and mouths. “What hot little fae?” Jackson asked.

  “What the hell is a fae?” Chase asked, his face bunched in confusion.

  Brooke waved off their questions and looked at Ethan. “Well?”

  Ethan continued to chew the salmon until it was damn near liquefied in his mouth. He hadn’t planned to get into all this just yet. He still needed time to wrap his head around the fact that he was now a father, had been a father all these years but hadn’t known. Did Toni know she was pregnant when she dumped him? There were too many thoughts floating in his head to share any of them with his family so he said nothing. He just shrugged.

  Understanding that he wasn’t going to volunteer any information Brooke carried on. “She has the cutest pixie cut,” she looked knowingly at Galina, “her black hair such a stark contrast with that gorgeous porcelain skin.”

  Chase muttered a curse. “Not Toni? Please for the love of all that is holy tell me that bitch wasn’t here today!”

  “More importantly,” Jackson interrupted, “please tell us you kicked her out on her scrawny cheating, stuck up ass!”

  Ethan had to smile at the protectiveness his brothers displayed. He would miss that camaraderie when he was no longer at SE, but he still valued their loyalty. To think, at one point he thought he’d never fit with these two boys of privilege. But he’d quickly become the third Musketeer, getting into trouble and protecting t
hem without question. And that’s why he decided to put them out of their misery. “It wasn’t Toni. She’s dead.”

  “Thank goodness! Ouch!” That statement from Chase earned a swift elbow to the ribs from Brooke.

  “Seriously Chase?”

  He at least looked shamed by his reaction. “I just meant thank goodness it wasn’t her, not that she was dead. Although…,” Her look of fury stopped that thought cold.

  He looked to Vance. “It was Freddie, Toni’s younger sister.” He went on to explain everything—including his break up with Toni—in detail and told them that Freddie would return the following day with his son, Matt.

  “Wow.” Jackson sighed.

  “Damn,” Chase uttered with disbelief.

  “Congratulations,” Brooke and Galina offered simultaneously.

  “I guess that means you’ll be sticking around after all, son.”

  Ethan shook his head. “Now I’m more determined than ever to forge my own path. Being a single parent isn’t easy and since I’m no longer a CEO, I really need to find a job that will allow me to care for my son.” His words, as he expected, rendered the entire table silent.

  “A kid settles you down more than a woman!” Jackson’s roar sounded supersonic in the silent dining room. He looked to Vance. “Are you really so controlling and manipulative you won’t make an exception for your own grandkid?”

  Ethan held his hand up to stop his younger brother. “I appreciate the defense Jack but it isn’t necessary. Now that I have a son I can’t risk losing so much based on someone else’s whims.” He tossed a pointed glare in Vance’s direction. He pushed away from the table and stood. “I’ll stick around for a couple weeks while I get acquainted with Matt but I’m still leaving.”


  “Dad are you really going to do this to him?” Chase was seething and he wanted nothing more than to unleash the fury he felt at the man responsible. “After everything he’s done, the leadership he’s exhibited you’re just going to make him give it all up?”

  “I’m not making him do anything.”

  Chase had to clench his jaws tight and squeeze his fists to keep from leaping over the table and strangling the old man. “You’re not? What happened to ‘settle down or lose your share of the company’ because that sure as hell sounds like force to me!”

  Vance stared at his oldest boy, proud that his sons were standing together, even if it was against him. “You all have a choice to do as I ask or not do.”

  Chase pushed his chair back and stood, pulling Brooke’s chair out with him. “If that’s the case then I choose to not do. Count me out.” He left the room, pulling Brooke in his wake.

  Vance turned his attention to Jackson who also looked to be ready to bubble over with rage. “Well?”

  Jackson shrugged knowing there wasn’t much he could say to change Vance’s mind. “You’re going to do what you want Dad, no matter what we say. But,” he stood and helped Galina up, “I stand with my brothers and I’m out too.”

  Chapter Three

  “Hi Matt, I’m Ethan. Your dad.” Ethan was crouched down so he and Matt were violet brown eye to violet brown eye. Seeing his son—his son—up close was frightening, it was beautiful and it was the most nervous he’d ever been in his life. He wanted to wrap his arms around the little boy and smell him and hold him tight and never let him go. If someone had told him even ten minutes ago that he would feel such a connection, such intense and all-consuming love for someone he just met, he would have told them to lay off the drugs.

  “Hi Dad. Can I call you dad?”

  He looked into those fathomless eyes, so open and honest and ready to love, and he thought the happiness he felt would burst out of him. “Sure buddy, call me whatever you like.” He stood and reached out a hand to the boy, checking over his shoulder with Freddie to make sure he was doing alright. “Let’s go inside and you can meet your uncles and grandpa.”

  Those familiar eyes widened again. “I have uncles? Did you hear that Aunt Freddie, I have uncles!”

  Freddie and Ethan smiled down at him. “I guess we’ve been outranked by uncles,” she laughed.

  Ethan laughed too thinking that Matt would instantly love Chase and Jackson. Just beyond the sitting room the Silver family waited to meet their newest member. Matt ran into the room at full speed and stopped quickly, staring up and up and up at his new uncles.

  “Are you guys my new uncles?”

  Jackson squatted to look him in the eye and inspect his face close up. He ruffled his hair and looked behind his ears while the boy giggled. “I don’t know. Are you Matt?” He nodded enthusiastically. “Hmmm how do I know? Let me see some I.D. sir.”

  Matt giggled more, looking behind him up at Freddie and Ethan. “I don’t have I.D. and I’m not a sir. I’m a kid.”

  “Well if you don’t have I.D. then how do I know you’re Matt?” He exaggerated a shoulder shrug and looked Jackson in the eyes.

  “How do I know you’re my uncle?” He held his hand out. “I think I need to see some I.D.” He laughed along with the adults in the room, and he laughed louder when Jackson picked him up and flipped him over his shoulder.

  “This is my I.D. mister, it’s something only uncles are allowed to do.” He flipped him again so Matt’s head was close to his and stopped in front of Chase. “This is your other uncle, our older brother Chase.”

  “Are you a movie star?”

  Chase flushed at the question. “No little man, I work with your dad.”

  Matt looked up at his dad. “You’re a movie star Dad?”


  For the first time in his life Ethan was happy, actually, honest to goodness happy. He couldn’t stop smiling at Matt and everything he did. He was a bundle of energy, smart as hell and curious about everything. He had spent the week with Matt and Freddie, getting to know his son and learning how to be a father. They had traipsed the property, rode horses and even played hide and seek. Matt baked cookies with Galina, drew pictures with Brooke and he played catch with his new uncles, the highlight of his new family.

  And Freddie was always there, quiet and supportive with an easy smile for him. When did she get so damn beautiful? When he wasn’t mesmerized by his son, his thoughts were all about a tiny woman with inky black hair, mile long lashes and freckles that tormented him. She was so soft and feminine and easy to be around. And damn she smelled so good, like some exotic flower. It was intoxicating.

  But more than how she looked was how Ethan felt when he was with her. He didn’t feel stressed, didn’t feel the darkness that often washed over him and forced him to retreat. He didn’t feel worried that he would fail as a father and he barely thought about his new future, one that would not include Silver Enterprises.

  “Dad look at us!” Matt waved to his dad as he and Freddie were strapped in to a human slingshot at a nearby carnival. His smile was big, his cheeks flushed bright red and his eyes shining bright with excitement.

  Ethan smiled over at the image they presented and snapped a few photos. They were both so small wrapped snug into what amounted to an elastic rug. He watched with his heart in his throat as the contraption pulled them up higher and higher before slinging them into the open air. Why did I think this was a good idea? But as he watched, partially terrified, he couldn’t help the smile that grew as he heard them both scream and laugh with delight as they swung back and forth until finally stopping.

  He walked over to them as they were lowered to the ground. “Wow, you guys looked great!”

  “Oh my gosh Dad, that was so fun! We flew through the air like a bullet, it was so cool!” Matt was jumping up and down, talking so fast he was running out of breath at the end of his sentences.

  “I saw, you were flying.” He picked him up and his heart swelled with love when Matt squeezed his arms around his neck.

  “That was really fun.” Freddie’s face was as flushed as Matt’s.

  “Aunt Freddie you were very brave.”

  She leaned i
n and kissed his nose. “Thanks big guy, I couldn’t have done it without you.” She looked up at Ethan, his deliciously spicy scent wrapped around her and pulled her in closer. She took a step back. “How about we get some lunch before we head back?”

  “Tacos?” Matt’s voice was hopeful.

  “What do you say to tacos, Dad?”

  Ethan pulled her in with his free hand and ruffled her hair. At her laugh Matt leaned over and joined in. “Dad is fine with tacos, aren’t you?”

  “Sure am.”


  Later that night Matt was curled up in bed sound asleep and Ethan stood and watched him, just soaking up the fact that this incredible creature was now his responsibility. “I’ll do right by you little man, I swear I will.” He turned and left the room, leaving the door open so a sliver of light crept in.

  He found Freddie curled up with a book in the ugly sitting room the rest of the family avoided whenever possible. “There you are.”

  She looked up and smiled. “Here I am.” Her heart kicked up a notch as Ethan came closer and settled his big body next to her on the uncomfortable sofa. “What’s up Ethan Silver?” She tried to ignore the heat that rushed through her body when his leg touched hers and his arm slung over her shoulders.

  He chuckled. “I’m glad you’re here Freddie. Really. I don’t know how I could have lasted the past week without you. You’re fantastic with him.”

  Her smile was bashful. “You’re pretty fantastic with him too.” She was surprised how good the surly Ethan she remembered was with his son. He was patient, he actually listened to him and he talked to him as an equal. “Plus, you know, Matt is easy to love.”


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