Thankful Kisses

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Thankful Kisses Page 2

by K. L. Fast

  Clearing his throat, he says “Yes ma’am. I promise I’ll take real good care of her. Tell ya’ what, how about I give you my number, so you can call to check on her?”

  Seeming content with that answer and his number stored in her phone, she begins to help me off the bed and into the wheelchair.

  “Let me.” Marc says, as he comes to the side of the bed.

  “Come on Princess, let’s get you to your castle.”

  Suzy moves out of the way and Marc gently picks me up with one arm around my back and the other under my knees, placing me on the chair. Kissing my forehead, he stands up and moves to the side to let Suzy take me outside.

  Once we are in his huge red F150 and he has me buckled in, he hops in the driver’s seat and we start to make our way towards where ever he lives. He puts his big hand on my thigh and gives it a soft squeeze. I am so tired that I start to doze off as I put my hand on his and he interlaces our fingers. My last thought before sleep claims me is that it feels like we’ve done this a thousand times before.


  The aroma of steak hits my nose, and my stomach rumbles loudly. Fuck, my head hurts. I feel like I have the world’s worst hangover but that can’t be right because I don’t drink, and I am supposed to be making Thanksgiving dinner for everyone.

  With a start, I realize that I am not in my bed. In fact, I am not one hundred percent sure where I am. I smell all man. That’s when the events of this morning come rushing back. Oh, my fucking God I burnt my parents’ house down and met the man of my dreams at one time. I am so warm in these flannel sheets and a thick down comforter that smells just like him, but I want to see Marc.

  Opening my eyes, I notice that it’s dark out and I briefly wonder how long I slept. I try to throw off the comforter, and that’s when I realize that I’m tangled in the sheets. I am in the middle of trying to get myself unraveled from this death trap when Marc walks in with a hot pink cup. It’s the kind of cup that keeps things hot or cold for hours and some pills. I am still stuck, but that cup is taunting me.

  Chuckling, he walks over to the bed and puts down the cup before he says, “Hey Princess, need some help?”

  I stick my bottom lip out in a pout. “Yes, I can’t get out of your stupid sheets.” Laughing, he grabs the sheets and easily pulls them off my legs. I realize that I am just in a man’s shirt and my white panties. Gasping out loud, I blush from head to toe. It takes everything in me not to reach for the sheets again. I have never been this naked in front of a man before. He doesn’t seem to notice, and I hate that.

  “There you go, you’re all set.” He sits me on the side of the bed and puts the pills into my hand. I toss them into my mouth and take a small sip from the offending cup. I look down as I set the cup back on the nightstand. Shit, how tall is this bed? My feet don’t even touch the floor. It looks like refurbished oak. I knew the home improvement shows my dad made me watch would come in handy one day. He stands in front of me and pushes my hair behind my ear as he caresses my cheek. I can’t help but lean into his touch.

  “I was worried about you. How are you feeling?”

  God, he is so sweet. “I’m okay, my head kind of hurts and I really have to pee.” I blurt out quickly slapping my hand over my mouth. I cannot believe I just said that out loud. Laughing, he helps me off the huge bed. He seems reluctant to let me go, and truth be told I would have loved to stay in his arms, but I really do have to pee. Clearing his throat, he quickly says “Ahh right, okay. The bathroom is right over there.” I give him an apologetic smile and quickly make my way to the bathroom.

  “Come down to the kitchen when you’re finished. It’s down the stairs to the right. I made dinner for us.” He says as he grabs the cup and heads out the door. As soon as he’s gone, I rush to the bathroom to relieve myself. I wash my hands and look at myself in the mirror. When I see my reflection, I have to bite my lip to keep me from scream out. Holy fuck! I look like a hot mess. My hair is all over the place. I think I still have a small amount of soot in it, or is that dry blood? Fuck, I can’t think about it. Just the thought of blood makes me want to pass out.

  Leaning forward I take a closer look at my forehead and sigh, it’s not as bad as I thought it would be. Just a minor cut and some bruising on my forehead. I have huge dark circles under my eyes. It looks like I am going to have to do some snooping to find a washcloth. My face looks rough as fuck. No wonder I don't see the fire in his eyes when he looked at me minutes ago.

  I go through all his cabinets and cubby holes which gives me a chance to see how amazing his bathroom is. There is a huge jetted bathtub that will cover my knees and tits at the same time. There is a glass shower with a built-in bench seat. Other than that, the bathroom is bare. There are a few bottles of men’s shampoo and body wash and two towels and two washcloths. Turning on the water I quickly wash and dry my face. I try to tame my hair, but it’s just not working. Sighing, I give up on it and head downstairs.

  Chapter Four


  Waiting for her to appear from the bathroom is pure agony. Not only have I been hard as a rock most of the day, but just the thought of her being here in my home makes me want to go all caveman and fuck her on every surface in this house. Starting with the table I have just set.

  When she finally makes her way towards the kitchen, I feel my heart start to beat a little faster and when she stops in the doorway with just my flannel shirt on I about lose it. Fuck, she is the sexiest woman I have ever seen. With her long black hair cascading in waves over her ample chest, curves in all the right places and long thick legs. Don’t even get me started on how hot it is that her grey eyes are looking up at me like I am her savior.

  She bites her lip, and her cheeks turn pink with her blush as I blatantly check her out. “Hi Princess, I know it's not the Thanksgiving dinner you were hoping for, but I made us steaks with a salad and some baked potatoes. I hope that will do for tonight.”

  She brings her left hand up to her mouth as her lip starts to tremble. “That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. I have never had someone take care of me like this before. I am always the one taking care of people.”

  Her eyes start to fill with tears, and I can’t hold back I walk over to her and gather her into my arms. She is so short that her head doesn’t even come up to my shoulder. I gently hold her against me for a few minutes before I pull away. I lift her head up with my finger until she is looking at me.

  “You know I hate those tears, someone as sweet as you should never have tears in her eyes.” I tell her as I start to brush away the tears that have fallen onto her cheeks with my thumbs. Fuck, her tears almost bring me to my knees.

  “You better get used to someone treating you like the princess you are, because I’m not going anywhere.” I pull her close as I lean my head down to kiss her. It's meant to be another reassuring kiss, but when I make a move to pull back, she grabs the front of my shirt and pulls me closer trying to deepen our kiss. It takes everything for me to pull back from her sweet, tantalizing mouth. But I know that she is still hurting and the doctor's instructions, shit, I’ve forgotten the instructions, so with a groan I pull my mouth away and lean my forehead on hers.

  I'm in serious jeopardy of getting the worst case of blue balls I've ever had. But I will not do anything to hurt my princess. I will do whatever it takes to protect her. She has all my instincts on high alert. There's a part of me that just wants to wrap her up in bubble wrap so I can keep her safe from any harm.

  “Come on. Dinner's ready, we don’t want it to get cold.”

  She gives me the cutest fucking pout I have ever seen. Chuckling, I pull back and grab her hand leading her to her seat. I move around the table to my seat.

  “Oh Marc, everything looks so amazing, and it smells delicious.” She tells me as her stomach growls. Her eyes go big, and her cheeks turn bright pink as she starts laughing. “Well, I guess my stomach agrees with me.”

  I can’t help but laugh alongside h
er. “Well, let's eat up because I have a surprise for you.”

  She claps her hands and bounces up and down which of course makes her tits do the same. Oh fuck, now I’m picturing what her tits will look like while she rides my fat cock. I bite my cheek to stop myself from groaning out loud.

  “I love surprises,” she says and turns bright pink she clears her throat and starts to cut into her steak taking a small bite moaning as the flavor hits her tongue like she doesn't know how tempting she is. Dear God, is this woman trying to kill me? How the hell am I supposed to keep my hands off her if she keeps making those damn noises? I swear, if I could I would spread her out on this table like a buffet and feast on her little pussy like I have wanted to for the last ten hours.

  Trying to keep it together, I take a bite of my steak. It isn't bad for a rush job. I begin thinking about basically anything to try and keep myself in control while she continues to eat her food like it's the best thing she’s ever eaten. I don’t even realize, that I've groaned out loud until she turns the prettiest shade of pink I have ever seen and looks down at her plate.

  She clears her throat and wipes her pretty mouth with her napkin. “Oh, I’m sorry Marc. Am I annoying you? Everyone says I am the worst eater.” She ends on a whisper.

  I have to grab the edge of the table and force myself not to growl out loud. Whoever the fuck said that to her and made her feel that way is going to pay. In a gravelly voice I tell her “Yes you are.” She looks away.

  “But not in the way you think. Absolutely not the way you think. The noises you make don't annoy me, they turn me on. It makes me think of all the other ways I can make you moan. Fuck baby, I have been hard since the moment I knew you were gonna be ok. You and me, Princess,” I say as I gesture between us, “we are happening. There is no way I am letting you go, this is motherfucking it.”

  She stares at me blankly for a moment. Then she smiles and my heart lights up. “I want to be yours Marc. I feel like I have known you for years but how is that possible? I don’t even know your last name, or what your favorite color is, or how old you are.”

  I love the way she babbles when she is nervous. Reaching over the table I grab her hand and bring it to my lips kissing her knuckles softly.

  “It’s okay princess, we may not know each other right now but we have our whole lives to find out. Let’s start by answering the questions you asked. Elson. Thirty. Fire-engine red. You?” I say with a chuckle.

  “Jackson. Twenty-two. Purple. Favorite book?”

  “Favorite book?” I ask.

  She shrugs. “You can tell a lot about a person based on their favorite book.”

  I think about this. “Ok princess. It's The Catcher in the Rye. What does that say about me?”

  “Hmmm. That is prolific. It tells me two possible things. One, you are a complete cynic who can't handle a sexual encounter.” She says with a smile. Raising an eyebrow at her sudden cheekiness, “or?” I prompt.

  “Or this is all a figment of your imagination, whilst you are suffering from a mental breakdown.” I bark out a laugh.

  “It's gotta be the second one, because sexual encounters are my middle name.” She visibly pales when I say that, and I regret it immediately. Her eyes flicker to the pink cup I gave her.

  “Whose fucking cup is this? Do you have a girlfriend, a wife and a couple of kids stashed away somewhere?” She is quick to temper, and I love it. I tamper down a huge grin. My girl is fucking jealous.

  “No, I was single. That's my Mama’s cup. She leaves them every damn place. She must have a thousand of the obnoxious things. I just about kill her when she comes back from the store with one. She even orders them from Amazon. She's crazy, but she’s my mom ya know? She lives just next door. You’ll meet her soon.” I say, trying to put her at ease.

  She raises her eyes back up to me. “Was single?” Her blush is so damn sexy.

  “Baby, I thought you got the message earlier. You are my girl now.”

  She just sits there with her mouth in the cutest little O and something in me just snaps. I need to her understand that this isn’t a game to me. That when I said she was going to be mine I meant it. I get up from my side of the table, walk over to her and box her in with both my hands on either side of her chair, she lifts her head to keep eye contact as I lean in until our lips are a breath apart.

  “You. Are. Mine. Teagan, do you understand me?” I growl out before placing my lips on hers. When she moans and immediately wraps her arms around my neck and tries to pull me even closer, I just lose it. Growling louder, I plunge my tongue into her mouth and deepen our kiss as I pull her up from the chair and flat against my body.

  Oh God, her body feels perfect against mine. Like she was made for me. Jesus, I am about to come in my pants like a teenager just from having her rub herself against me. There is only so much a man can take, I know I can’t take her yet but what could it hurt if I had a little taste of what’s mine? Breaking away from our kiss I pick her up by the thighs and place her on the counter. Before she can even finish her squeal, I am stepping in between her slightly parted legs smirking as I lightly run my hands up. I look her in the eyes and tell her on a growl “I’m going to eat that sweet little pussy of yours.”

  Chapter Five


  I don’t know what happened. One minute I’m pissed at Marc, the next I'm in his arms, and he is telling me that he’s going to eat my pussy. I’ve never even been kissed before this, let alone have someone touch my pussy. I can feel my cheeks start to heat with my blush. Looking down at my hands I whisper. “Marc there is something I need to tell you.”

  Losing his smirk, he tucks my chin lifting it tell I'm looking at him. “Hey now Princess, no need to get shy. You can tell me anything. I will never judge you, Teagan.”

  Licking my bottom lip, I mutter. “I uh. I'm a virgin.”

  That's all I get out before he growls and slams his lips against mine. Grabbing my hair at the base of my neck he gives it a little tug making me gasp in pleasure thrusting my hips off the counter and against the massive bulge in his jeans. Groaning into my mouth, he starts to thrust his hips hitting my clit in just the right spot.

  I have never even cum using my fingers before. I've tried, but it never felt this right. Moving my hands into his thick curly blond hair, Oh God, every time he rubs his denim-clad cock against my throbbing clit it sends little shock waves through my body. I feel my core tighten as my orgasm hits me full force. Throwing my head back, I scream out. “MARC!”

  That was intense. Before I am fully recovered, I am in his arms, and we are heading upstairs. I don’t even bother opening my eyes. I just assume that we were heading to his bedroom. When I am set down on a freezing cold surface, my eyes fly open on a squeal. “Holy shit balls, that is cold!”

  When Marc laughs, I lightly slap him on the arm. “Hey, that’s not funny mister. Wait, why are we in the bathroom?” Smirking, he lifts his shirt over his head and lets it fall to the ground.

  “Well Princess, I think we both need a shower. It’s been a long day, and I know you must be wanting a shower. I know I am dying to see you naked and have you in my arms. I decided we should both get in.”

  He starts to undo his jeans and pushes them down. “Oh.” I say dumbly as his pants hit the floor. Holy fuck Batman, he’s not wearing any underwear. Jesus, he is made like a Greek God. He has really thick arms and a massive chest with little curly blond hairs on it. A six-pack of abs I am dying to run my tongue over. Holy fuck! His very hard cock is huge, and I do mean huge. How the hell is that supposed to fit in me?

  I don’t know how long I sit there staring at his cock. “How the hell is that thing going to fit in me, Marc?” I ask as I whip my head up to look at him.

  He has the biggest grin on his face as he says “Don’t you worry about that tiny pussy of yours. I’ll make sure you are ready before taking you.”

  My breathing has increased again. I feel flushed as my eyes drop back down to his gorgeous cock. />
  “Now come here, Princess. I want to see that beautiful body of yours,” He commands.

  Biting my lip, I slide off the counter and look up at him as I slowly undo his flannel shirt I've been wearing, one button at a time. Apparently, I am going too slow because on a growl he reaches over and rips it open sending buttons flying everywhere making me gasp in delight.

  Groaning he tells me “Fuck you’re the sexiest woman I have ever seen.” He drops down to his knees and pulls my panties down. once they are over my thighs, they fall to the ground.

  His face is so close to my pussy that I can feel his heavy breathing on my bare skin. I know he can see how wet I am by the way my pussy lips are glistening with my arousal. Growling, he gives my pussy a little kiss and stands up.

  He walks to the shower and turns it on. He sticks his hand in to make sure it is the right temperature before he walks back to me. Lifting me into his arms, I wrap my legs around his waist. Oh, Jesus, his cock is nestled in between my pussy lips and every step he takes the length of his cock rubs against my clit.

  Gripping onto his shoulders, I bury my face into his neck groaning as I feel an orgasm approaching with every step he takes. Just as we are about to walk into the shower, my orgasm hits me. My belly starts to quiver, my nipples go rock hard, and I feel my entire body start to tighten. I groan out my release.

  “Fuck… Princess, I can feel your sweet pussy juice flowing down my cock.”

  All I can manage to get out is a little whimper, giving him biting kisses on his neck as I start rubbing my wet pussy up and down his hard shaft. Groaning, he walks the rest of the way into the shower and presses me against the cold tile wall. Gasping I lift my head up, so I can look at his face.

  “Princess you are making this very hard for me to follow the doctor’s instructions.” He says with a clenched jaw and wild eyes.


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