The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV

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The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV Page 43

by John MacArthur

  14c“You shall also make a covering of ram skins dyed red for the tent, and a covering of badger skins above that.

  15“And for the tabernacle you shall dmake the boards of acacia wood, standing upright.

  16“Ten cubits shall be the length of a board, and a cubit and a half shall be the width of each board.

  17“Two 2tenons shall be in each board for binding one to another. Thus you shall make for all the boards of the tabernacle.

  18“And you shall make the boards for the tabernacle, twenty boards for the south side.

  19“You shall make forty sockets of silver under the twenty boards: two sockets under each of the boards for its two tenons.

  20“And for the second side of the tabernacle, the north side, there shall be twenty boards

  21“and their forty sockets of silver: two sockets under each of the boards.

  22“For the far side of the tabernacle, westward, you shall make six boards.

  23“And you shall also make two boards for the two back corners of the tabernacle.

  24“They shall be 3coupled together at the bottom and they shall be coupled together at the top by one ring. Thus it shall be for both of them. They shall be for the two corners.

  25“So there shall be eight boards with their sockets of silver—sixteen sockets—two sockets under each of the boards.

  26“And you shall make bars of acacia wood: five for the boards on one side of the tabernacle,

  27“five bars for the boards on the other side of the tabernacle, and five bars for the boards of the side of the tabernacle, for the far side westward.

  28“The emiddle bar shall pass through the midst of the boards from end to end.

  29“You shall overlay the boards with gold, make their rings of gold as holders for the bars, and overlay the bars with gold.

  30“And you shall raise up the tabernacle faccording to its pattern which you were shown on the mountain.

  31g“You shall make a veil woven of blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and fine woven linen. It shall be woven with an artistic design of cherubim.

  32“You shall hang it upon the four pillars of acacia wood overlaid with gold. Their hooks shall be gold, upon four sockets of silver.

  33“And you shall hang the veil from the clasps. Then you shall bring hthe ark of the Testimony in there, behind the veil. The veil shall be a divider for you between ithe holy place and the Most Holy.

  34j“You shall put the mercy seat upon the ark of the Testimony in the Most Holy.

  35k“You shall set the table outside the veil, and lthe lampstand across from the table on the side of the tabernacle toward the south; and you shall put the table on the north side.

  36m“You shall make a screen for the door of the tabernacle, woven of blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and fine woven linen, made by a weaver.

  37“And you shall make for the screen nfive pillars of acacia wood, and overlay them with gold; their hooks shall be gold, and you shall cast five sockets of bronze for them.

  Exodus 27

  The Altar of Burnt Offering

  (Ex. 38:1–7)

  1“You shall make aan altar of acacia wood, five cubits long and five cubits wide—the altar shall be square—and its height shall be three cubits.

  2“You shall make its horns on its four corners; its horns shall be of one piece with it. And you shall overlay it with bronze.

  3“Also you shall make its pans to receive its ashes, and its shovels and its basins and its forks and its firepans; you shall make all its utensils of bronze.

  4“You shall make a grate for it, a network of bronze; and on the network you shall make four bronze rings at its four corners.

  5“You shall put it under the rim of the altar beneath, that the network may be midway up the altar.

  6“And you shall make poles for the altar, poles of acacia wood, and overlay them with bronze.

  7“The poles shall be put in the rings, and the poles shall be on the two sides of the altar to bear it.

  8“You shall make it hollow with boards; bas it was shown you on the mountain, so shall they make it.

  The Court of the Tabernacle

  (Ex. 38:9–20)

  9c“You shall also make the court of the tabernacle. For the south side there shall be hangings for the court made of fine woven linen, one hundred cubits long for one side.

  10“And its twenty pillars and their twenty sockets shall be bronze. The hooks of the pillars and their bands shall be silver.

  11“Likewise along the length of the north side there shall be hangings one hundred cubits long, with its twenty pillars and their twenty sockets of bronze, and the hooks of the pillars and their bands of silver.

  12“And along the width of the court on the west side shall be hangings of fifty cubits, with their ten pillars and their ten sockets.

  13“The width of the court on the east side shall be fifty cubits.

  14“The hangings on one side of the gate shall be fifteen cubits, with their three pillars and their three sockets.

  15“And on the other side shall be hangings of fifteen cubits, with their three pillars and their three sockets.

  16“For the gate of the court there shall be a screen twenty cubits long, woven of blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and fine woven linen, made by a weaver. It shall have four pillars and four sockets.

  17“All the pillars around the court shall have bands of silver; their dhooks shall be of silver and their sockets of bronze.

  18“The length of the court shall be one hundred cubits, the width fifty throughout, and the height five cubits, made of fine woven linen, and its sockets of bronze.

  19“All the utensils of the tabernacle for all its service, all its pegs, and all the pegs of the court, shall be of bronze.

  The Care of the Lampstand

  (Lev. 24:1–4)

  20“And eyou shall command the children of Israel that they bring you pure oil of pressed olives for the light, to cause the lamp to 1burn continually.

  21“In the tabernacle of meeting, foutside the veil which is before the Testimony, gAaron and his sons shall tend it from evening until morning before the LORD. hIt shall be a statute forever to their generations on behalf of the children of Israel.

  Exodus 28

  Garments for the Priesthood

  (Ex. 39:1–7)

  1“Now take aAaron your brother, and his sons with him, from among the children of Israel, that he may minister to Me as bpriest, Aaron and Aaron’s sons: cNadab, Abihu, dEleazar, and Ithamar.

  2“And eyou shall make 1holy garments for Aaron your brother, for glory and for beauty.

  3“So fyou shall speak to all who are gifted artisans, gwhom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom, that they may make Aaron’s garments, to consecrate him, that he may minister to Me as priest.

  4“And these are the garments which they shall make: ha breastplate, ian 2ephod, ja robe, ka skillfully woven tunic, a turban, and la sash. So they shall make holy garments for Aaron your brother and his sons, that he may minister to Me as priest.

  The Ephod

  5“They shall take the gold, blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and the fine linen,

  6m“and they shall make the ephod of gold, blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and fine woven linen, artistically worked.

  7“It shall have two shoulder straps joined at its two edges, and so it shall be joined together.

  8“And the 3intricately woven band of the ephod, which is on it, shall be of the same workmanship, made of gold, blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and fine woven linen.

  9“Then you shall take two onyx nstones and engrave on them the names of the sons of Israel:

  10“six of their names on one stone and six names on the other stone, in order of their obirth.

  11“With the work of an pengraver in stone, like the engravings of a signet, you shall engrave the two stones with the names of the sons of Israel. You shall set them in settings of gold.

  12“And you shall put the two stone
s on the shoulders of the ephod as memorial stones for the sons of Israel. So qAaron shall bear their names before the LORD on his two shoulders ras a memorial.

  13“You shall also make settings of gold,

  14“and you shall make two chains of pure gold like braided cords, and fasten the braided chains to the settings.

  The Breastplate

  (Ex. 39:8–21)

  15s“You shall make the breastplate of judgment. Artistically woven according to the workmanship of the ephod you shall make it: of gold, blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and fine woven linen, you shall make it.

  16“It shall be doubled into a square: a span shall be its length, and a span shall be its width.

  17t“And you shall put settings of stones in it, four rows of stones: The first row shall be a 4sardius, a topaz, and an emerald; this shall be the first row;

  18“the second row shall be a turquoise, a sapphire, and a diamond;

  19“the third row, a 5jacinth, an agate, and an amethyst;

  20“and the fourth row, a 6beryl, an 7onyx, and a jasper. They shall be set in gold settings.

  21“And the stones shall have the names of the sons of Israel, twelve according to their names, like the engravings of a signet, each one with its own name; they shall be according to the twelve tribes.

  22“You shall make chains for the breastplate at the end, like braided cords of pure gold.

  23“And you shall make two rings of gold for the breastplate, and put the two rings on the two ends of the breastplate.

  24“Then you shall put the two braided chains of gold in the two rings which are on the ends of the breastplate;

  25“and the other two ends of the two braided chains you shall fasten to the two settings, and put them on the shoulder straps of the ephod in the front.

  26“You shall make two rings of gold, and put them on the two ends of the breastplate, on the edge of it, which is on the inner side of the ephod.

  27“And two other rings of gold you shall make, and put them on the two shoulder straps, underneath the ephod toward its front, right at the seam above the 8intricately woven band of the ephod.

  28“They shall bind the breastplate by means of its rings to the rings of the ephod, using a blue cord, so that it is above the intricately woven band of the ephod, and so that the breastplate does not come loose from the ephod.

  29“So Aaron shall ubear the names of the sons of Israel on the breastplate of judgment over his heart, when he goes into the holy place, as a memorial before the LORD continually.

  30“And vyou shall put in the breastplate of judgment the 9Urim and the Thummim, and they shall be over Aaron’s heart when he goes in before the LORD. So Aaron shall bear the judgment of the children of Israel over his heart before the LORD continually.

  Other Priestly Garments

  (Ex. 39:22–31)

  31w“You shall make the robe of the ephod all of blue.

  32“There shall be an opening for his head in the middle of it; it shall have a woven binding all around its opening, like the opening in a coat of mail, so that it does not tear.

  33“And upon its hem you shall make pomegranates of blue, purple, and scarlet, all around its hem, and bells of gold between them all around:

  34“a golden bell and a pomegranate, a golden bell and a pomegranate, upon the hem of the robe all around.

  35“And it shall be upon Aaron when he ministers, and its sound will be heard when he goes into the holy place before the LORD and when he comes out, that he may not die.

  36x“You shall also make a plate of pure gold and engrave on it, like the engraving of a signet:


  37“And you shall put it on a blue cord, that it may be on the turban; it shall be on the front of the turban.

  38“So it shall be on Aaron’s forehead, that Aaron may ybear the iniquity of the holy things which the children of Israel hallow in all their 10holy gifts; and it shall always be on his forehead, that they may be zaccepted before the LORD.

  39“You shall askillfully weave the tunic of fine linen thread, you shall make the turban of fine linen, and you shall make the sash of woven work.

  40b“For Aaron’s sons you shall make tunics, and you shall make sashes for them. And you shall make 11hats for them, for glory and cbeauty.

  41“So you shall put them on Aaron your brother and on his sons with him. You shall danoint them, econsecrate them, and 12sanctify them, that they may minister to Me as priests.

  42“And you shall make ffor them linen trousers to cover their 13nakedness; they shall 14reach from the waist to the thighs.

  43“They shall be on Aaron and on his sons when they come into the tabernacle of meeting, or when they come near gthe altar to minister in the holy place, that they hdo not incur 15iniquity and die. iIt shall be a statute forever to him and his descendants after him.

  Exodus 29

  Aaron and His Sons Consecrated

  (Lev. 8:1–36)

  1“And this is what you shall do to them to hallow them for ministering to Me as priests: aTake one young bull and two rams without blemish,

  2“and bunleavened bread, unleavened cakes mixed with oil, and unleavened wafers anointed with oil (you shall make them of wheat flour).

  3“You shall put them in one basket and bring them in the basket, with the bull and the two rams.

  4“And Aaron and his sons you shall bring to the door of the tabernacle of meeting, cand you shall wash them with water.

  5d“Then you shall take the garments, put the tunic on Aaron, and the robe of the ephod, the ephod, and the breastplate, and gird him with ethe intricately woven band of the ephod.

  6f“You shall put the turban on his head, and put the holy crown on the turban.

  7“And you shall take the anointing goil, pour it on his head, and anoint him.

  8“Then hyou shall bring his sons and put tunics on them.

  9“And you shall gird them with sashes, Aaron and his sons, and put the hats on them. iThe priesthood shall be theirs for a perpetual statute. So you shall jconsecrate Aaron and his sons.

  10“You shall also have the bull brought before the tabernacle of meeting, and kAaron and his sons shall put their hands on the head of the bull.

  11“Then you shall kill the bull before the LORD, by the door of the tabernacle of meeting.

  12“You shall take some of the blood of the bull and put it on lthe horns of the altar with your finger, and mpour all the blood beside the base of the altar.

  13“And nyou shall take all the fat that covers the entrails, the fatty lobe attached to the liver, and the two kidneys and the fat that is on them, and burn them on the altar.

  14“But othe flesh of the bull, with its skin and its offal, you shall burn with fire outside the camp. It is a sin offering.

  15p“You shall also take one ram, and Aaron and his sons shall qput their hands on the head of the ram;

  16“and you shall kill the ram, and you shall take its blood and rsprinkle it all around on the altar.

  17“Then you shall cut the ram in pieces, wash its entrails and its legs, and put them with its pieces and with its head.

  18“And you shall burn the whole ram on the altar. It is a sburnt offering to the LORD; it is a sweet aroma, an offering made by fire to the LORD.

  19t“You shall also take the other ram, and Aaron and his sons shall put their hands on the head of the ram.

  20“Then you shall kill the ram, and take some of its blood and put it on the tip of the right ear of Aaron and on the tip of the right ear of his sons, on the thumb of their right hand and on the big toe of their right foot, and sprinkle the blood all around on the altar.

  21“And you shall take some of the blood that is on the altar, and some of uthe anointing oil, and sprinkle it on Aaron and on his garments, on his sons and on the garments of his sons with him; and vhe and his garments shall be hallowed, and his sons and his sons’ garments with him.

  22“Also you shall take the fat of the ram, th
e fat tail, the fat that covers the entrails, the fatty lobe attached to the liver, the two kidneys and the fat on them, the right thigh (for it is a ram of consecration),

  23w“one loaf of bread, one cake made with oil, and one wafer from the basket of the unleavened bread that is before the LORD;

  24“and you shall put all these in the hands of Aaron and in the hands of his sons, and you shall xwave them as a wave offering before the LORD.

  25y“You shall receive them back from their hands and burn them on the altar as a burnt offering, as a sweet aroma before the LORD. It is an offering made by fire to the LORD.

  26“Then you shall take zthe breast of the ram of Aaron’s consecration and wave it as a wave offering before the LORD; and it shall be your portion.

  27“And from the ram of the consecration you shall consecrate athe breast of the wave offering which is waved, and the thigh of the heave offering which is raised, of that which is for Aaron and of that which is for his sons.

  28“It shall be from the children of Israel for Aaron and his sons bby a statute forever. For it is a heave offering; cit shall be a heave offering from the children of Israel from the sacrifices of their peace offerings, that is, their heave offering to the LORD.

  29“And the dholy garments of Aaron eshall be his sons’ after him, fto be anointed in them and to be consecrated in them.

  30g“That son who becomes priest in his place shall put them on for hseven days, when he enters the tabernacle of meeting to minister in the 1holy place.

  31“And you shall take the ram of the consecration and iboil its flesh in the holy place.

  32“Then Aaron and his sons shall eat the flesh of the ram, and the jbread that is in the basket, by the door of the tabernacle of meeting.

  33k“They shall eat those things with which the atonement was made, to consecrate and to sanctify them; lbut an outsider shall not eat them, because they are holy.

  34“And if any of the flesh of the consecration offerings, or of the bread, remains until the morning, then myou shall burn the remainder with fire. It shall not be eaten, because it is holy.

  35“Thus you shall do to Aaron and his sons, according to all that I have commanded you. nSeven days you shall consecrate them.


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