The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV

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The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV Page 761

by John MacArthur

  and to w for His Son 1 Thess 1:10

  To those who eagerly w Heb 9:28


  and when I w for light Job 30:26

  w patiently for the Ps 40:1

  we have w for Him Is 25:9

  And the people w Luke 1:21

  day you have w and Acts 27:33

  Divine longsuffering w 1 Pet 3:20


  w at the posts of my Prov 8:34

  w for the Consolation Luke 2:25

  who himself was also w Luke 23:51

  ourselves, eagerly w Rom 8:23

  from that time w Heb 10:13


  of the adulterer w Job 24:15

  my soul silently w Ps 62:1

  My soul w for the Lord Ps 130:6

  for the one who w Is 64:4

  the creation eagerly w Rom 8:19


  us, that whether we w 1 Thess 5:10


  w before Me and be Gen 17:1

  in which they must w Ex 18:20

  You shall w in all Deut 5:33

  Yea, though I w Ps 23:4

  W about Zion Ps 48:12

  that Israel would w Ps 81:13

  I will w within my Ps 101:2

  I will w before the Ps 116:9

  Though I w in the Ps 138:7

  W prudently when you Eccl 5:1

  w in the ways of your Eccl 11:9

  come and let us w Is 2:5

  “This is the way, w Is 30:21

  be weary, they shall w Is 40:31

  w in the light of your Is 50:11

  people, who w in a way Is 65:2

  commit adultery and w Jer 23:14

  the righteous w Hos 14:9

  w humbly with your God Mic 6:8

  take up your bed and w John 5:8

  W while you have the John 12:35

  so we also should w Rom 6:4

  Let us w properly Rom 13:13

  For we w by faith 2 Cor 5:7

  W in the Spirit Gal 5:16

  that we should w Eph 2:10

  And w in love Eph 5:2

  W as children of light Eph 5:8

  attained, let us w Phil 3:16

  note those who so w Phil 3:17

  that you may w worthy Col 1:10

  Jesus the Lord, so w Col 2:6

  us how you ought to w 1 Thess 4:1

  w just as He 1 John 2:6

  and they shall w Rev 3:4


  Enoch w with God Gen 5:22

  by His light I w Job 29:3

  The people who w Is 9:2

  He w with Me in peace Mal 2:6

  Jesus no longer w John 11:54

  w according to the 2 Cor 10:2

  in which you once w Eph 2:2

  to walk just as He w 1 John 2:6


  of the LORD God w Gen 3:8

  see four men loose, w Dan 3:25

  before God, w in all Luke 1:6

  they saw Jesus w John 6:19

  And w in the fear of Acts 9:31

  you are no longer w Rom 14:15

  not w in craftiness 2 Cor 4:2

  of your children w 2 John 4


  the LORD your God w Deut 23:14

  is the man who w Ps 1:1

  He who w uprightly Ps 15:2

  He who w with Prov 10:9

  He who w with wise men Prov 13:20

  w blamelessly will be Prov 28:18

  w wisely will be Prov 28:26

  Whoever w the road Is 35:8

  Who w in darkness and Is 50:10

  it is not in man who w Jer 10:23

  do good to him who w Mic 2:7

  If anyone w in the day John 11:9

  he who w in darkness John 12:35

  adversary the devil w 1 Pet 5:8

  is in darkness and w 1 John 2:11


  then the w of the city Josh 6:5

  his face toward the w 2 Kin 20:2

  like a leaning w Ps 62:3

  and like a high w Prov 18:11

  If she is a w Song 8:9

  We grope for the w Is 59:10

  you, you whitewashed w Acts 23:3

  a window in the w 2 Cor 11:33

  down the middle w Eph 2:14

  Now the w of the city Rev 21:14


  broken down, without w Prov 25:28

  salvation for w Is 26:1

  you shall call your w Is 60:18

  By faith the w of Heb 11:30


  and makes them w Job 12:24

  ones cry to God, and w Job 38:41

  Indeed, I would w Ps 55:7

  Oh, let me not w Ps 119:10

  they have loved to w Jer 14:10


  w blind in the streets Lam 4:14

  My sheep w through Ezek 34:6

  They w in deserts and Heb 11:38


  And they shall be w Hos 9:17


  learn to be idle, w 1 Tim 5:13

  w stars for whom is Jude 13


  He w about for bread Job 15:23

  Like a bird that w Prov 27:8

  if anyone among you w James 5:19


  I shall not w Ps 23:1

  he began to be in w Luke 15:14


  balances, and found w Dan 5:27


  necks and w eyes Is 3:16

  have begun to grow w 1 Tim 5:11


  “There is a noise of w Ex 32:17

  the LORD for the w Num 32:20

  my hands to make w 2 Sam 22:35

  day of battle and w Job 38:23

  w may rise against Ps 27:3

  speak, they are for w Ps 120:7

  trains my hands for w Ps 144:1

  by wise counsel wage w Prov 20:18

  will wage your own w Prov 24:6

  shall they learn w Is 2:4

  from the distress of w Is 21:15

  we shall see no w Jer 42:14

  same horn was making w Dan 7:21

  men returned from w Mic 2:8

  king, going to make w Luke 14:31

  Who ever goes to w 1 Cor 9:7

  for pleasure that w James 4:1

  You fight and w James 4:2

  fleshly lusts which w 1 Pet 2:11

  w broke out in heaven Rev 12:7

  He judges and makes w Rev 19:11


  to her, that her w Is 40:2

  w are not carnal 2 Cor 10:4

  may wage the good w 1 Tim 1:18

  w entangles 2 Tim 2:4


  they will keep w Eccl 4:11

  but no one is w Hag 1:6


  w himself at the fire Mark 14:54

  Depart in peace, be w James 2:16


  when she saw Peter w Mark 14:67


  He even w himself and Is 44:16


  w the wicked from his Ezek 3:18

  w everyone night Acts 20:31

  beloved children I w 1 Cor 4:14

  w those who are 1 Thess 5:14


  “The man solemnly w Gen 43:3

  them Your servant is w Ps 19:11

  Then, being divinely w Matt 2:12

  Who w you to flee Matt 3:7

  Noah, being divinely w Heb 11:7


  w every man and Col 1:28


  such a person is w Titus 3:11


  w against the law of Rom 7:23


  He runs at me like a w Job 16:14


  He makes w cease to Ps 46:9

  And you will hear of w Matt 24:6

  Where do w and fights James 4:1


  w myself with snow Job 9:30

  I will w my hands in Ps 26:6

  W me thoroughly Ps 51:2

  he shall w
his feet in Ps 58:10

  “W yourselves Is 1:16

  O Jerusalem, w your Jer 4:14

  head and w your face Matt 6:17

  For they do not w Matt 15:2

  not eat unless they w Mark 7:3

  w His feet with her Luke 7:38

  said to him, “Go, w John 9:7

  w the disciples’John 13:5

  “You shall never w John 13:8

  w one another’s John 13:14

  w away your sins Acts 22:16


  and w my hands in Ps 73:13

  When the Lord has w Is 4:4

  cut, nor were you w Ezek 16:4

  w his hands before the Matt 27:24

  My feet, but she has w Luke 7:44

  So when He had w John 13:12

  w their stripes Acts 16:33

  But you were w 1 Cor 6:11

  if she has w the 1 Tim 5:10

  Him who loved us and w Rev 1:5

  w their robes and made Rev 7:14


  cleanse her with the w Eph 5:26

  us, through the w Titus 3:5


  and drinks, various w Heb 9:10


  who are left shall w Lev 26:39

  the cities are laid w Is 6:11

  empty and makes it w Is 24:1

  w the mountains Is 42:15

  “Why this w Matt 26:8


  The field is w Joel 1:10

  this fragrant oil w Mark 14:4

  w his possessions Luke 15:13


  w shall be glad Is 35:1


  w and destruction are Is 59:7

  that this man was w Luke 16:1


  w between you and me Gen 31:49

  keep the w of the LORD 2 Chr 23:6

  of them we set a w Neh 4:9

  my steps, but do not w Job 14:16

  is past, and like a w Ps 90:4

  keep w over the door Ps 141:3

  and all who w for Is 29:20

  W the road Nah 2:1

  Look among the nations and w Hab 1:5

  W therefore, for you Matt 24:42

  “What! Could you not w Matt 26:40

  W and pray, lest you Matt 26:41

  W, stand fast in the 1 Cor 16:13

  submissive, for they w Heb 13:17


  in the days when God w Job 29:2

  come, he would have w Matt 24:43


  w the righteous Ps 37:32

  She w over the ways of Prov 31:27

  Blessed is he who w Rev 16:15


  But you be w in all 2 Tim 4:5

  be serious and w 1 Pet 4:7


  who listens to me, w Prov 8:34

  the flock, who were w Zech 11:11

  he comes, will find w Luke 12:37


  guards the city, the w Ps 127:1

  W, what of the night Is 21:11

  I have made you a w Ezek 3:17

  I have made you a w Ezek 33:7

  the day of your w Mic 7:4


  w who go about the Song 3:3

  w shall lift up their Is 52:8

  His w are blind Is 56:10

  I have set w on your Is 62:6

  Also, I set w over you Jer 6:17

  strong, set up the w Jer 51:12


  Eden to w the garden Gen 2:10

  Unstable as w Gen 49:4

  and w will come out Ex 17:6

  your bread and your w Ex 23:25

  w for them out of the rock Num 20:8

  of affliction and w 1 Kin 22:27

  w wears away stones Job 14:19

  drinks iniquity like w Job 15:16

  not given the weary w Job 22:7

  He binds up the w Job 26:8

  I am poured out like w Ps 22:14

  where there is no w Ps 63:1

  they have shed like w Ps 79:3

  Drink w from your own Prov 5:15

  “Stolen w is sweet Prov 9:17

  the whole supply of w Is 3:1

  and needy seek w Is 41:17

  For I will pour w Is 44:3

  silence and given us w Jer 8:14

  eye overflows with w Lam 1:16

  will be as weak as w Ezek 7:17

  w the land with the Ezek 32:6

  w came up to my ankles Ezek 47:3

  justice run down like w Amos 5:24

  walked on the w Matt 14:29

  you gave Me no w Luke 7:44

  there was much w John 3:23

  given you living w John 4:10

  rivers of living w John 7:38

  blood and w came out John 19:34

  “Can anyone forbid w Acts 10:47

  with the washing of w Eph 5:26

  can yield both salt w James 3:12

  were saved through w 1 Pet 3:20

  is He who came by w 1 John 5:6

  the Spirit, the w 1 John 5:8

  are clouds without w Jude 12

  its w was dried up Rev 16:12

  let him take the w Rev 22:17


  w the whole face Gen 2:6

  that it was well w Gen 13:10

  I planted, Apollos w 1 Cor 3:6


  and struck the w Ex 7:20

  If He withholds the w Job 12:15

  me beside the still w Ps 23:2

  though its w roar and Ps 46:3

  w have come up to my Ps 69:1

  then the w would have Ps 124:4

  rich, and he who w Prov 11:25

  Who has bound the w Prov 30:4

  your bread upon the w Eccl 11:1

  a well of living w Song 4:15

  w cannot quench love Song 8:7

  of the LORD as the w Is 11:9

  w will fail from the Is 19:5

  because I give w Is 43:20

  have sworn that the w Is 54:9

  thirsts, come to the w Is 55:1

  fountain of living w Jer 2:13

  w flowed over my head Lam 3:54

  the sound of many w Ezek 43:2

  w surrounded me Jon 2:5

  shall be that living w Zech 14:8

  often, in perils of w 2 Cor 11:26

  living fountains of w Rev 7:17

  w became wormwood Rev 8:11


  Its fruit shall w Ps 72:16


  He did not w at the Rom 4:20


  of our hope without w Heb 10:23


  and here your proud w Job 38:11

  all Your w and billows Ps 42:7

  the noise of their w Ps 65:7

  the multitude of its w Jer 51:42

  was covered with the w Matt 8:24

  sea, tossed by the w Matt 14:24

  raging w of the sea Jude 13


  My heart is like w Ps 22:14

  w melts before the Ps 68:2

  mountains melt like w Ps 97:5


  and show them the w Ex 18:20

  day I am going the w Josh 23:14

  and the right w 1 Sam 12:23

  As for God, His w 2 Sam 22:31

  to a man whose w Job 3:23

  But He knows the w Job 23:10

  “Where is the w Job 38:19

  the LORD knows the w Ps 1:6

  you perish in the w Ps 2:12

  Teach me Your w Ps 27:11

  This is the w of those Ps 49:13

  w may be known on Ps 67:2

  Your w was in the sea Ps 77:19

  where there is no w Ps 107:40

  I have chosen the w Ps 119:30

  I hate every false w Ps 119:104

  in the w everlasting Ps 139:24

  and preserves the w Prov 2:8

  The w of the wicked is Prov 4:19

  instruction are the w Prov 6:23

  w that seems right Prov 14:12

  not know what is th
e w Eccl 11:5

  of terrors in the w Eccl 12:5

  The w of the just is Is 26:7

  “This is the w Is 30:21

  LORD, who makes a w Is 43:16

  wicked forsake his w Is 55:7

  O LORD, I know the w Jer 10:23

  one heart and one w Jer 32:39

  Israel, is it not My w Ezek 18:25

  w which is not fair Ezek 33:17

  and pervert the w Amos 2:7

  the LORD has His w Nah 1:3

  he will prepare the w Mal 3:1

  and broad is the w Matt 7:13

  and difficult is the w Matt 7:14

  will prepare Your w Matt 11:10

  and teach the w Matt 22:16

  and the w you know John 14:4

  to him, “I am the w John 14:6

  proclaim to us the w Acts 16:17

  explained to him the w Acts 18:26

  you a more excellent w 1 Cor 12:31

  w which He consecrated Heb 10:20

  forsaken the right w 2 Pet 2:15

  to have known the w 2 Pet 2:21

  have gone in the w Jude 11


  for all His w are Deut 32:4

  they do not know its w Job 24:13

  is the first of the w Job 40:19

  Show me Your w Ps 25:4

  transgressors Your w Ps 51:13

  would walk in My w Ps 81:13

  w were directed Ps 119:5

  I thought about my w Ps 119:59

  righteous in all His w Ps 145:17

  For the w of man are Prov 5:21

  w please the LORD Prov 16:7

  He will teach us His w Is 2:3

  nor are your w Is 55:8

  “Stand in the w Jer 6:16

  “Amend your w Jer 7:3

  and examine our w Lam 3:40

  and owns all your w Dan 5:23

  w are everlasting Hab 3:6

  misery are in their w Rom 3:16

  judgments and His w Rom 11:33

  unstable in all his w James 1:8

  their destructive w 2 Pet 2:2

  and true are Your w Rev 15:3


  then I shall become w Judg 16:7

  And I am w today 2 Sam 3:39

  me, O LORD, for I am w Ps 6:2

  gives power to the w Is 40:29

  knee will be as w Ezek 7:17

  let the w say Joel 3:10

  not your hands be w Zeph 3:16

  but the flesh is w Matt 26:41

  And not being w Rom 4:19

  Receive one who is w Rom 14:1

  God has chosen the w 1 Cor 1:27

  We are w, but you are 1 Cor 4:10

  to the w I became as w 1 Cor 9:22

  this reason many are w 1 Cor 11:30

  For when I am w 2 Cor 12:10


  w my strength in the Ps 102:23

  the ground, you who w Is 14:12


  w the hands of the men Jer 38:4


  house of Saul grew w 2 Sam 3:1

  the wife, as to the w 1 Pet 3:7


  than men, and the w 1 Cor 1:25

  I was with you in w 1 Cor 2:3

  It is sown in w 1 Cor 15:43

  is also subject to w Heb 5:2

  w were made strong Heb 11:34


  also helps in our w Rom 8:26

  sympathize with our w Heb 4:15


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