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Drilled Page 1

by Opal Carew

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  Chapter One

  Danni was sick and tired of people not taking her seriously. She jabbed the button of the elevator in the big office tower.

  If her coworkers knew she’d come to the client site on the weekend to look over the final installation and examine all the nuts and bolts, they would be annoyed as hell. She was here to clean up some of the sloppy work they’d done. No one had listened when she’d pointed out the problems at the time and now they were at the wire. They didn’t listen because she was a woman.

  The project would be unveiled on Monday and she, for one, wanted to be proud of the job they’d done.

  The doors whooshed open and she immediately felt the heat wafting into the elevator. It was the weekend, so the air-conditioning was turned off and it was ninety degrees out. She stepped into the executive offices of Topaz Industries.

  She liked a lot of things about this company, but especially their dedication to green technologies and doing the best for the environment. Not that she had a say in the clients her company contracted with, but it made her want to do the best job possible for them, even if it meant giving up her weekend and defying the limited beliefs of the team and their boss.

  She walked through the hot offices, carrying her knapsack over her shoulder. She wound through the corridors until she found the trouble spot she was most concerned about and dropped her bag to the floor. She was wearing denim cutoffs and a loose plaid shirt, the sleeves rolled up. She was already starting to sweat, though, so she unbuttoned the shirt, then tied it, baring her midriff. She grabbed the bottle of water from the outer pocket of her bag and took a deep sip, then reached inside for her tools.

  * * *

  Blake stared over Evan’s shoulder as he made their agreed-upon change to the slide. Evan was the more artistic of the two of them, making a presentation that would knock everyone’s socks off, while Blake had more of a flair for speaking in front of a group.

  The presentation was on Monday to all the staff at the official unveiling of their new corporate headquarters here in Philadelphia. He and Evan were pleased with how the space was working out and Blake was sure that together, they would ignite a high level of enthusiasm in the team.

  The construction crew had done a great job getting the office completed right on schedule. He and Evan had arrived on Wednesday to check progress personally and the place had been crawling with workmen.

  Blake had wanted to get a look at the place to get a feel for the office flow and Evan had wanted to see how the décor had come together. Blake had hired someone specifically to ensure the colors and furniture used were conducive to a calm yet invigorating work environment.

  When they’d shown up that day, however, they’d been greeted by the sounds of circular saws, hammering, and heavy boots plodding over unfinished hardwood floors. The small hope they’d had of getting any work done in the offices on Friday had dissipated immediately, so they’d waited to come in today when things would be quiet.

  The problem with being here on a Saturday was the lack of air-conditioning. Blake had shed his jacket and tie. He unbuttoned a few more buttons of his shirt. Evan already had his shirt undone to his waist. But they wouldn’t put the air-conditioning on for just the two of them. That would be an awful waste of energy.

  “We’re getting close,” Evan said as he hit the preview button to view the revised slide.

  “Yeah, I’m about ready to call it quits,” Blake said.

  “I know, buddy, but if we just push through, we won’t need to come in again tomorrow.”

  They could have had a staff member put the presentation together, but there were some things they felt strongly about doing themselves, and firing up the staff about this move was one of them.

  Blake glided a hand through his hair, pushing it off his face. Evan was right. Blake totally attributed their rapid rise to success to Evan’s unending drive to push through whatever it took to get the job done. That’s why he was an excellent business partner. And the way he insisted they kick back and let loose after a hard run made him an excellent friend.

  “Okay, let’s look at the next slide.” Blake stared at it, concentrating. He knew they needed some wording changes here to increase the effect.

  The high-pitched whine of a drill pierced his concentration.

  “Fuck, what the hell?” Evan grated. “I thought the workmen were all done.”

  “You and me both,” Blake said. “I’ll go take care of it.”

  He headed toward the door of the office.

  “I’ll come along,” Evan said as he stood up and followed him. “I need to stretch my legs.”

  They strode into the hall, following the nerve-grating sound. He didn’t know why someone was working on the weekend, and he didn’t care. He just wanted that infernal noise to stop.

  He turned a corner and . . .

  “What the fuck?” Blake stopped in his tracks and Evan practically ran into him.

  Instead of a burly workman, what he saw was a well-proportioned, sexy ass in tight-fitting denim cutoffs, revealing very long, very shapely legs. The fraying shorts barely covered the curve of her ass and he had trouble dragging his focus from its round, sexy shape. His gaze glided from the flare of her hips to her small waist. She seemed to be wearing a very short plaid shirt that left her midsection exposed. Her skin, so smooth and tanned, glistened with a sheen of moisture.

  “Excuse me,” Blake said loudly, but the drilling continued. “Excuse me, miss,” he said even louder.

  Suddenly, the noise stopped and she turned around. His breath caught at the sight of her. A perfect heart-shaped face with crimson lips and long, dark hair flowing in waves over her shoulders. But what really drew his attention was the fact that the shirt, which was tied at her waist, was completely open in front, revealing a red bra. One that barely contained her round, full breasts.

  She wore large, clear goggles and he could see that her eyes—blue as a summer’s sky—were wide.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know anyone would be in today.” She pulled off the goggles. “I’m really sorry to disturb you. I’ll go take a break and come back later.”

  “I thought everything was done,” Blake said.

  Evan exchanged a glance with Blake. It was clear she was nervous. As if she thought she might be in trouble.

  “It is. I just wanted to make sure”—her wide, blue eyes turned to them—“that everything’s perfect.”

  “Are you being paid overtime for coming in on the weekend?” Evan asked.

  “No, I came in on my own time.”

  “Why would you do that?” Blake asked.

  “As I said, I want everything to be perfect. Some of the work over the last few days had to be rushed and I thought it should have had a little more attention.” Those beautiful eyes focused on Blake. “Look, I don’t want to get in trouble with my boss. He doesn’t know I’m here.”

  Blake smiled. “Okay, we won’t tell him. On one condition.”

  Her eyes grew cautious. “And what’s that?”

“That you join us for a drink after you’re done.”

  * * *

  Danni’s heart pounded. Had this stunningly attractive man just asked her out? She was dressed in her denims and plaid shirt, the two of them in their expensive shirts and dress pants. She was sure the matching suit jackets and ties were back in their offices. Why the hell would these corporate suits want to have a drink with her?

  Both men were well-built and muscled. One had his shirt open to the waist, and she could see glimpses of his six-pack abs. The other’s chest was visible above his few open buttons and he also clearly worked out. They weren’t just desk jockeys.

  The one who’d asked her for a drink had thick, wavy hair that was long and glossy on top and trimmed short on the sides. And his voice was so velvety deep she thought she’d melt on the spot.

  He was essentially clean shaven, with just the hint of a shadow around his jaw, whereas the other had a beard, thick and close cropped. His hair was straight and a sandy brown, but with natural golden highlights.

  “I’m not really dressed to go out anywhere,” she pointed out, hoping they weren’t serious about reporting her if she didn’t join them for a drink. “I was going to go for a swim afterward. That’s why I’m wearing my bathing suit.”

  She’d seen them eyeing her bikini top. The shock on their faces made her realize they thought she was blatantly revealing her bra.

  “What a brilliant idea,” the sandy-haired man said. “There’s a pool in the building. Blake and I would love to cool off, too. Why don’t we all go for a swim together?”

  “I’m down for that,” the man called Blake said.

  “Is it a health club or something?” she asked.

  “No, it’s a private pool.”

  Wow, Topaz Industries was known for treating its employees well, but she didn’t realize they had a private pool. She wished she worked for them. She had intended to stop at a public pool near her town house. It was always crowded, which she hated, but she loved being in the water.

  “You wouldn’t be breaking any company rules taking me with you?” she asked.

  Blake grinned. “No worries there.”

  “I guess that would be okay. I still have about two hours’ work.” She frowned. “Except that you wanted me to stop drilling.”

  “Don’t worry about it. We’ll figure it out. Do you have a cell with you?”

  She nodded and grabbed her phone from her bag and handed it to him. He tapped in a number.

  “Text me when you’re done.” He smiled, his face beaming. “I’m Blake, by the way. And this is Evan.”

  She shook his hand firmly. Then Evan’s. “I’m Danni.”

  Evan grinned. “Well, you’re the prettiest Danni I’ve ever met.”

  As they turned and walked away, she couldn’t help admiring their tight butts.

  Their names were Blake and Evan. Something about those names nagged at her, but she couldn’t quite place why.

  Chapter Two

  Danni pulled off her goggles and sighed. She was sweaty and hot. It would be good to get somewhere air-conditioned. It would be even better to dive into a nice, cool pool. She smiled. Especially with the beyond-gorgeous Blake and Evan.

  She put away her tools and retrieved her phone from the outside pouch of her bag and texted Blake that she was done. Then she pulled out a brush and drew it through her thick mane of uncooperative hair. Perspiration rolled down her chest, gliding into the valley between her breasts. She grabbed a tissue from her bag and patted it over her skin. When she glanced up, she saw Evan and Blake standing in the doorway watching her, their tongues practically hanging out.

  She ignored the flush of heat washing over her at their frank male gazes and tossed the tissue in a nearby wastebasket.

  Blake’s suit jacket was neatly tucked over his arm whereas Evan had his tossed over his shoulder. She couldn’t help admiring the view of their chests peeking out from their partially unbuttoned shirts.

  “So where is this pool?” she asked, smiling.

  “Upstairs,” Evan said. “This way.”

  He gestured for her to precede them and she walked to the elevator. She was pretty sure they were watching the sway of her behind as she walked. It felt so strange having these handsome, well-dressed men following her like enthusiastic puppy dogs. She opened the glass door in the reception area and continued to the elevators. She pushed the UP button.

  When the doors opened, they followed her inside.

  As the elevator started upward, she glanced at the floor numbers lighting up as they moved.

  This building had offices on the lower sixteen floors and above that were apartments. They were passing floor twenty.

  “Does one of you live in the building?” she asked.

  “We both do,” Evan said.

  The hair on the back of her neck prickled. She knew the apartments in this place were wildly expensive. Beyond the pay grade of a mid-level manager. These men had to be several grades above that.

  The elevator finally stopped.

  At the penthouse.

  The doors opened and she stepped into an entryway with two doors at right angles, both with frosted glass, letting light into the foyer. Blake opened one of the doors and led her into a bright, spacious apartment. There were floor-to-ceiling windows all around, a kitchen open to the large living room, a gym, and double French doors leading to what she assumed from the large bed visible was the master bedroom.

  And there was hardly any furniture. It didn’t look lived in at all.

  “We’ve just moved in,” Blake explained.

  “Why are we here? I thought we were going to the pool?” she asked.

  “Because this is where the pool is. I told you it was private.”

  “You’re kidding. You have a freakin’ swimming pool?”

  Blake chuckled. “That’s right.”

  Wow. Her stepfather was rich, but his apartment, though lavish, was nowhere near as big as this place. And he certainly didn’t have a private swimming pool.

  “You share this place?” she asked, gazing around in awe.

  “There are two apartments on this floor,” Evan answered, “and I own the other one, but we’re just in the process of getting moved in, so we’re both staying in this one for now. The other place has no furniture yet.”

  “I’ve got the basics in here,” Blake said. “Couch, table and chairs, and a bed in both of the bedrooms. It’s enough until we can get a decorator in.”

  “Wait. You’re Blake Hawkins and Evan Swift.”

  Evan smiled. “That’s right. And you are Danni . . . ?”

  “Jenson.” Even though her mother had tried to talk her into taking on her stepfather’s last name when they’d gotten married four years ago, Danni had refused. She was her father’s daughter and she refused to give up his name. “You two own Topaz Industries.”

  “You’ve heard of us?” Blake asked.

  “My stepfather’s told me about you. He would love to meet you. He and my mother are involved in this big fund-raiser gala on Friday and all he can talk about is the possibility of meeting you two at it.”

  Blake’s smile faded. “So is it possible your stepfather knows we have a board meeting in San Diego that day so he asked you to come into the office today in that skimpy little outfit and accidentally run into us? Did he think maybe sending in his sexy, half-naked stepdaughter might influence us into changing our schedule to come to his party?”

  Her eyes widened and her heart started pounding. Then anger surged through her.

  “You think I’m some whore who came here to seduce you into coming to that asshole’s party? I don’t even like him and I’d be more inclined to drive you away just to spite him.”

  She turned and stormed toward the door, but Evan grabbed her arm.

  “Wait, Danni. Please.”

  She stopped, her nostrils flaring.

  “Danni, you have every right to be angry, but let’s talk about this for a minute,” Evan said.

  She glanced over her shoulder. At the warmth in his eyes, she slowly turned around, still frowning.

  Evan turned to his friend, who still eyed her suspiciously.

  “Blake, think about it. If she was going to sweet-talk us into coming to the party, she wouldn’t talk so openly about it.”

  “That’s not true. She might have felt that such a straightforward and candid approach might work best.” Blake’s gaze turned to her. “But your burst of anger is swaying me.”

  Her hands curled into fists. “I’d be happy to sway you,” she snapped through gritted teeth. “Right to the floor.”

  To her shock, Blake chuckled. “You’re feisty.” His eyes gleamed. “I like that.”

  She stared at him, confused.

  In her experience, rich, powerful men didn’t back down. Ever.

  Of course, her only example was her jerk of a stepfather. He attempted to control every situation and never gave an inch.

  “Come on. Let’s go take that swim. We could all use some cooling off.” Evan took her hand and led her to the patio doors.

  His fingers around hers sent sparks flashing through her body. His hand was so strong. So big.

  They stepped into the warm sunshine, Blake behind them. The blue water in the pool glittered and she felt that irresistible urge to jump in. She untied her shirt and dropped it onto the wooden deck beneath her feet, then unzipped her shorts. Suddenly, she became aware of the two men staring at her. Watching her every move.

  God, she felt like she was stripping in front of them. Which was silly. She wasn’t wearing any less than she did at the lake, where she walked around in her bathing suit for all the world to see. Still, something about the way they were looking at her made her feel self-conscious.

  “Uh . . . aren’t you two going to go change?” she asked.

  They hesitated and for a moment, she feared they would strip down to their boxers. That would just be too strange and . . . awkward.

  “Yeah,” Evan said. “We’ll be right back.”

  She waited until they were back inside before she pushed down her shorts and cast them aside. Then she used the elastic around her wrist to pull her riotous hair into a ponytail, strolled to the pool, and walked down the steps. The water was perfect. Not too cold. She sat on one of the white steps, glorying in the feel of the water surrounding her to her waist. As she relaxed in the sunshine, she felt her cares drift away.


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