Cameron 6

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by Jade Jones

  Stone shrugged his broad shoulders casually. “Well… then maybe I pay your beautiful wife and son a visit.” He turned towards the house and smiled directly at Cameron for good measure. “And I guarantee, I will be far less hospitable than you,” he warned.

  Jude swallowed the dry lump that had formed in his throat. It took everything in him not to squeeze the life out of Stone. Had it not been for the giant standing next to him he would have gladly done so.

  Stone’s threat sent chills down Jude’s spine. He didn’t take kindly to blackmail — especially when it was coming from a cat he once called a friend. Jude knew then that it was true what they said about the comeuppance. ‘Money can’t buy friends, but you can get a better class of enemy’. Jude’s longtime rival, Champion was long out of the picture, and now he had a whole other problem to deal with. Who would’ve known the problem would’ve been someone from his past?

  Fuck the lawyers and legal team who helped this motherfucker walk free, Jude thought.

  “It’s your choice,” Stone said before opening the limo’s backdoor. “I trust you’ll make the right one. I’ll be in touch.”

  In silence, Jude watched as he and his massive counterpart climbed in the vehicle. Together, they left as quickly as he’d dropped the ultimatum. Jude knew that Stone was a man of his word. He had connections statewide; there was no running from his wrath. Jude had no other choice but to make a decision and fast. The last thing he wanted was to jeopardize the safety of his loved ones.


  After Cameron saw Stone pull off, she quickly put away the weapon and greeted Jude at the door with questions. “Who was that? What did he want?” she berated, the minute he walked in.

  “He’s nobody,” Jude answered frustrated.

  Cameron sucked her teeth and propped her hands on her wide hips. “Do you think I’m dumb?” she asked. “Ray Charles could see the tension between ya’ll two. I know that something’s up. Talk to me.”

  Jude walked around Cameron and headed to the kitchen for a much needed drink. “I told you it’s nothin’, Cam. Stop digging.”

  Cameron followed close behind him as she continued her rant. “You know, you used to tell me everything, Jude. Now you’re just a damn walking vessel for secrets.”

  “Look, I’ma handle whatever it is, a'ight!” Jude snapped. “Get off my fucking back already!”

  Cameron stopped in her tracks, obviously offended by Jude’s edginess. “We’re not even a fucking team anymore,” she said, shaking her head.

  Jude poured himself a double of Jack before tossing it back straight no chaser. After wheezing dramatically, he poured himself a second. There was an uncomfortable period of silence between the two. Jude’s conscience was heavy after the ultimatum Stone had hit him with.

  “Justin’s feeling a little better,” Cameron finally spoke up. “I think I’m going to take him and spend a little time away from—”

  “You ain’t takin’ my mothafuckin’ son nowhere. And you ain’t finna go nowhere either, so kill all dat bullshit. I got enough on my mind, man. I ain’t tryin’ to hear dat sad ass song right now.”

  “You know what? Fuck you, Jude,” Cameron spat before walking out of the kitchen.

  Jude was just about to pour himself a third round when he heard drawers opening and slamming upstairs. It sounded like Cameron was packing her shit.

  “I know this bitch ain’t deliberately goin’ against me,” he muttered. Abandoning the shot, Jude quickly made his way upstairs where he found Cam shoving clothes in a Louis Vuitton suitcase.

  “Yo, what the fuck is you doin’?”

  “You thought I was playing?” Cameron asked. “Jude, I’m done. I just can’t take this… whatever you and me are… I can’t do this shit no more. I just don’t have it in me.”

  “What the fuck is you talkin’ ‘bout? You sound crazy,” he said. “So when shit get rocky, you cave under pressure?”

  “Jude, when things get rocky that should only be temporary. This change with you has become permanent. I’ve held you down so long on this rocky road that my fucking tires are flat! I’m burnt out, Jude. I’m exhausted. I need a break. And I need time away from you, the drama, and the secrets.”

  Jude quickly walked over to Cameron. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “So you givin’ up on me? Is that what you saying?”

  “You gave up on us a long time ago,” Cameron told him.

  Frustrated by her bullheadedness, Jude hauled off and smacked her suitcase off the bed. All of the clothes she’d neatly stacked up fell to the plush cream carpet.

  “Real mature.”

  “Mature?!” he repeated sarcastically. “You my wife. You swore to hold me down through thick and thin.”

  “That was before you fucking laid down and made a baby with a bitch you barely knew—”

  “You stay tossin’ dat shit up like you ain’t fucked ole’ boy O’ Zone! And what about Jag? Don’t think I forgot just ‘cuz you have. I ain’t fuckin’ perfect. And I hate to bust ya bubble, but you a far cry from it too, baby girl.”

  “You done?” Cameron asked, uninterested in whatever else he had to say. She knelt down to collect the suitcase, but Jude childishly kicked it from her reach.

  “Fine then. Fuck it! I’ll buy new things,” Cameron said, turning to leave.

  Jude followed Cameron to Justin’s bedroom. He practically lost it the minute her hand touched the doorknob. Mushing her in the temple, he said, “I just told yo’ hardheaded ass, you ain’t takin’ my son nowhere! What part of dat shit didn’t you understand?”

  “We’re not staying here, Jude! Now get the hell out of my way!”

  “Where da fuck else you gon’ go? Huh?” he yelled. “Bitch, I’m all you fuckin’ got! You ain’t ‘bout to walk away from that! What would you be without me? Answer dat. Shit, if it wasn’t for me yo’ ass would be still in these strip clubs fuckin’ off for chump change! I modified ya whole life! Upgraded ya ass! I did that! You should be givin’ a nigga appreciation instead of attitude all the fuckin’ time. I’m the one that saved yo’ ungrateful ass,” he bragged.

  Tears pooled in Cameron’s eyes, but she would be damned if she let them fall. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of seeing how much he’d hurt her. “You did not just say that to me, Jude.”

  His chest rose and fell slowly as he fought to contain his anger. He was a little tipsy and loose-tongued, but they say ‘a drunk mind speaks a sober heart’.

  “I cannot believe you just said that.” Before Jude could respond, Cameron pushed her way past him inside Justin’s bedroom. The toddler was resting in his bed when she scooped him up in her arms and prepared to leave.

  Jude stood in the doorway with a villainous expression on his face. Cam had never actually tried to leave him. He barely knew how to take it. He couldn’t accept her walking away from him, and everything they’d built. “You not goin’ nowhere,” he said behind her.

  Ignoring his meaningless words, Cam grabbed a duffel bag and tossed a few of Justin’s necessities inside. After zipping up the bag, she placed the strap over her shoulder and headed downstairs.

  Cameron barely made it to the front door when Jude grabbed her arm and violently spun her around. He was so forceful that he caused Cam to accidentally drop their son. He landed with a hard thud before wailing hysterically.

  “I just told yo’ fuckin’ ass you ain’t goin’ nowhere!” Jude was a loose cannon.

  “Get the hell off me! You just made me drop Justin! What is your problem? Are you fucking crazy? You need to stop shoving that shit up your nose ‘cuz you fucking losing it!” She rushed to tend to Justin, but he quickly stopped her.

  “You told me you would follow me anywhere, Cam. You don’t remember sayin’ that shit?! I believed in you. Now you reneging?”

  “Jude, I’m tired!” Cameron screamed. “I’m so fucking tired of everything! You told me you’d always be the same, but you not! I’m done. Now let me go.” She tried to push him off, but
he slammed her against the wall roughly. “What is wrong with you? Get off me! You’re hurting me.”

  Cam attempted to run around him, but he grabbed her from behind and viciously swung her around. Jude was determined to make her stay, even if he had to do so forcefully. He was so upset by her hasty decision to leave him that he wasn’t even thinking straight.

  “Get off me!” Cameron screamed. She kicked off the wall, causing them to fall backwards on the hardwood floors. A ceramic vase fell off the accent table before shattering upon impact. Together, they tussled and wrestled in an attempt to overpower the other. It didn’t take long for Jude to get the upper hand — but Cameron quickly regained it after biting his wrist.

  “Ah, shit!” Jude yelped in pain. He quickly drew his hand back to slap her but caught himself in mid-strike. Cameron cringed and blocked her face when she thought he might actually hit her. It wasn’t until that moment that he realized he did in fact change. “Cam, I… I—”

  “Get the fuck off me,” she cried, pushing him away.

  Cameron ran to her crying son and grabbed him before rushing to leave the house. She wanted to get as far away from him as possible. Jude quickly followed after her. He was surprised, however, when he saw two squad cars stationed outside his wrought iron gates. Apparently, the neighbors had called the police after hearing all the ruckus.

  Just fucking great.

  The last thing Jude needed was twelve sniffing around. Cameron knew how he felt about law enforcement, but she still let the motherfuckers in. Jude had enough evidence in his home to put him away for life — but apparently, that slipped Cam’s mind. As soon as they parked and climbed out, they started firing off questions.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Did he hit you?”

  “Has the child been put in harm’s way?”

  “All I need is to be escorted off the premises,” Cameron told them.

  “Cam, are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me right now?” Jude asked in disbelief. He made a move to approach her, but was thwarted by the police officers.

  “Sir, I’m gonna have to ask you to back up,” a female cop instructed.

  “Cam! Talk to me!” he tried to push past her, but was apprehended by a second officer. “CAMERON!”

  “I’m sorry, Jude. But this shit has been a long time coming.”

  “Where are you taking my fucking son?! I need to know! ANSWER ME!”

  “Sir, I’m gonna need you to calm down. I don’t wanna have to ask you again.”

  “That’s my fuckin’ kid, yo!” Jude yelled.

  Cameron ignored his pleas as she climbed inside her Audi Q7. It was the first possession Jude had ever purchased for her. She could still remember how excited she was when she came down from her dorm room and saw him parked inside of it. Back then things were so simple. Cameron wished it could go back to the way they used to be. Yet after everything they’d gone through, she knew nothing could ever be the same. It was simply wishful thinking.

  Cameron had no other choice but to walk away. From him. From the money. From the business. From it all. Jude had lost himself to the fast life, and she was afraid of the same thing happening to her. Cameron had a son to think about now.

  Tears blurred her vision as she started the ignition to her truck. From her peripheral, she could see Jude being restrained by law enforcement. If he didn’t chill, he was bound to be arrested for disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace. His fate wasn’t Cameron’s problem though. After today, nothing Jude did would be her problem. A wise person once told her ‘respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.’ Cam couldn’t have agreed more.


  “I’m so sick and tired of this deadbeat mothafucka ignoring my calls.” Essence released a sigh before hanging up her phone, and tossing it in her lap. She could barely think straight as she steered the brand new BMW Jude had purchased her.

  Once upon a time, he used to treat her like she was worth something. Surprise visits, expensive gifts, extravagant dates, and answering her phone calls. Now Essence couldn’t even get the time of day. Jude was avoiding her like she had Malaria or Ebola, or some shit. She was the mother of his child. It wasn’t fair for Jude to neglect her just to keep his bitch of a wife happy.

  Essence knew better than to fall for a married man, but she still somehow allowed it to happen. It was damn near impossible to resist his charismatic charm. Back then he was so consistent with his efforts. He’d pop up at her job with roses just to put a smile on her face. Jude’s swag was incomparable. He had her at hello, and he knew it.

  If Essence would’ve known then what she knew now, she would’ve never let herself get too close to Jude. Their relationship should’ve ended at the strip club. She should’ve never fraternized with him outside of it. She had no business developing feelings. Jude had quickly become her weakness. He was like poisonous berries, tempting but toxic.

  I should’ve never let that nigga in, Essence told herself repeatedly. She didn’t ask to be swept off her feet. She didn’t ask to be knocked up. She didn’t ask for any of this shit. From the start, she’d been leery of building a relationship with him, but Jude just wouldn’t take no for an answer. He kept coming back in spite of the vows he’d taken, and it wasn’t long before Essence fell head over heels. She was blinded by her devotion to him, so much so that she couldn’t see the bigger picture.

  Jude had stolen a large chunk of her heart and fled with it. She would never love or trust another man the same thanks to him. He had no idea of the pain he was causing.

  Now Essence was carrying his child, too stubborn to abort it and too traditional to raise it alone. Her baby deserved to have a father in its life just as much as Cam’s son. But instead of taking responsibility, Jude chose to run from it. He avoided Essence at all costs, and she was finally sick of it.

  Grabbing her cellphone, Essence decided to try a different alternative. “That motherfucker might not answer for me, but I know who will.”


  Cameron was doing seventy on the highway when her cellphone rang. For a second she thought it was Jude calling from a different phone since she’d blocked his number. A frown immediately creased her face after recognizing Essence’s number.

  What the fuck does this bitch want? Her timing couldn’t be any worse, Cameron thought.

  Her gaze shifted to the rearview mirror. Thankfully, Justin was fast asleep in his car seat completely oblivious to the chaos she’d just escaped. The further away from Atlanta Cameron drove, the better she was beginning to feel. But as fate would have it, Atlanta wasn’t done with her just yet.

  Cameron thought about letting the call go to voicemail, but decided not to. “Why are you calling me?” she answered in a snappy tone. “I’m sure you know every way there is to get in touch with my husband. What the hell could you possibly want calling me?”

  Surprisingly, Essence remained calm. She had a mouthful she wanted to say, but at the end of the day, Cameron wasn’t her problem. Her quarrel was with Jude. “Your husband is the reason I’m calling you.”

  “Girl, well, my husband ain’t my fucking problem no more. You wanted his ass, you got him.” With nothing left to say, Cameron heartlessly disconnected the call. Afterwards, she dialed customer service and had them change her number. She wanted nothing to do with Essence, Jude, or Georgia in general. The only thing there was heartache, misfortune, and bad memories.


  Jude was in the kitchen nursing his 5th shot of Jack when he heard the distinct sound of his front door open. The house had been usually quiet ever since Cam’s dramatic departure, so the sound was unmistakable.

  Jude wanted to believe Cameron finally calmed down and came back home. But he knew being hopeful and being naïve were two very different things. He didn’t hesitate to grab a pistol from the secret compartment in his kitchen drawer. Jude kept a burner stashed in every nook and cranny in his house. Nowadays he couldn’t trust an
yone. Not even the motherfuckers on his payroll. There was forever someone waiting for him to slip up, but it would never happen.

  Jude’s heart dropped to his stomach after listening to the door close slowly. He didn’t even realize he’d left it open after the cops dispersed. There’d been so much on his mind at the time to even notice.

  Stone had given Jude time to deliberate on his ultimatum. Had his time run out already? Jude’s grip on the chrome tool tightened as he slowly crept out of the kitchen. He could hear the sound of movement from where he was.

  Jude made sure to creep quietly through the house, so that the intruder wouldn’t see him coming. He was so drunk and paranoid off cocaine that he almost shot Essence in the back of her head.

  She jumped in fear when she turned around and saw the gun pointed at her dome. He’d been so close to squeezing the trigger; she didn’t know how lucky she was. Essence’s hand instinctively went to her swollen belly as she backed away. He had already proven what he was capable of, so she didn’t dare underestimate Jude.

  Gradually, he lowered the weapon. His nerves had been so on edge lately. He felt like everyone was out to get him. After breathing a sigh of relief, Jude broke out laughing hysterically. He had finally snapped.

  The crazy thing was, Jude would’ve been happier to see Stone. Essence always did have a bad habit of popping up uninvited and unwanted.

  “I’m glad this all is so fucking funny to you,” she hissed. “I’ve been calling your ass and trying to chase you down since the first ultrasound. What gives Jude?”

  “My moms always told me never chase love, affection or attention. If it ain’t given freely, it ain’t worth having.”

  Essence grimaced. “It’s a little too late for that considering the circumstances.” She touched her rotund belly for added effect.

  Jude snorted in disgust. Tucking his gun in the waistline of his jeans, he rudely walked past her. “Wouldn’t be no circumstances had you handled what the fuck you was supposed to.”


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