His Damsel in Distress

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His Damsel in Distress Page 8

by Thianna D

  “Shut up.”

  An understanding smile was his response.

  Zinnia came back with mugs of coffee for all of them before she started her tale. She did not sit on Corbin’s lap, even though he reached for her. Instead, she paced. As her living room was not very large, she made a lot of laps.

  “My birth name is Allison Marcin, but I haven’t used that since I was five. I’ve been Alizine Layton since then, opera singer, diva, only semi-successful,” she said around two mouthfuls of coffee. “Life wasn’t easy, but at least I got to sing. I didn’t have much of a social life. Ken managed my time pretty closely. But a few years ago, I started finding time to get out, to meet people. To live,” she murmured as she continued to pace.

  “A few months before I applied, the letters started. This person who called himself Alphie wrote about things he never should have known unless…” She paled and drank the rest of her coffee. “Unless he’d been spying on me. When I would date someone, which was not a common occurrence, he would send letters with images of me and my date. Usually with the date’s head marked up somehow.”

  After she looked down into her cup, she almost ran back into the kitchen to get a refill. When she walked back into the living room, Corbin put his cup down on the coffee table and stood up, blocking her from pacing and pulling her into his arms. A strong shudder went through her. “Six weeks before I left everything hit. I went out with a guy and the next morning they found him…” A low cry left her throat. “Emasculated. With a large sign next to where he’d been tied to the ground saying it was my fault. That I had made Alphie do this.” Tears trickled down her face as she continued. “The press had a field day even as poor Devon went to the hospital. The two parts I was up for were cancelled and Ken suggested it was time to get away until it all settled down. By then I’d finally gotten my acceptance here. I didn’t tell him until the day I left that I had no intention of coming back. I can’t live like that,” she said in a broken voice. “He… he hurt that poor man just because he was on a date with me.”

  It took five seconds for her to yank herself out of Corbin’s arms, horror written all over her face. “You have to go.”


  “Yes, don’t you see? He’ll hurt you next. And I can’t… he can’t…” Her voice rose in pitch and her eyes widened, blood vessels bursting all around them. Corbin grabbed her just as she fainted.

  * * * * *

  Zinnia was exhausted. Coming out of darkness, she realized she was in bed. But she didn’t know how she got there. Hearing men’s voices, she listened to see what was going on.

  “We’ll put in the same security procedures that are in place for something like this. We’ve done it before.” She knew that voice. Brent Carmichael.

  “There are three policemen in Corbin’s Bend. We’ll beef up patrols in and around Miss Loraine’s home.” She struggled to remember a name with that voice. Officer Leano. The cop.

  “And Corbin’s,” Brent said.

  “Yes, around Corbin’s as well. When she wakes up, I’ll need the name of her agent.”

  “That’s in the records somewhere,” Brent said in a tired voice. “I remember seeing it when she applied. We’ll also need to contact the FBI here as they’re handling her case. Poor girl. Nobody should have to put up with this shit.”

  “No kidding.” Corbin’s voice made joy bloom in her chest until she remembered that he needed to leave, get out, before her stalker could hurt him. Just the thought of what he might do to the wonderful man terrified her. “I’m staying with her tonight. Tell Benjamin and Jonathon that I can’t make it. I’ll give them their gift later.”

  “Or you can bring her with you.”

  “I asked her, but I doubt she’ll feel like coming.”

  “Try and get her to come. Maybe something to help her forget for a few hours will help.”

  “Nothing is going to help unless they catch him,” she said in a quiet tone. They heard her anyway.

  “Zinnia,” Corbin said, his hand cupping her cheek. “How do you feel?”

  “Like shit.”

  The bed moved as he sat down and pulled her up onto his lap. “Brent is going to call your manager and see where things are on his side. Someone dropped the ball. Does anyone besides you know where you are living?”

  “Just Ken,” she mumbled. “But he has about ten people working for him. I know them all, though, and can’t imagine one of them… one of them…” Her throat closed up and she could not continue. Someone had blabbed and revealed where she lived. Someone whom she thought she could trust. Trembling, she grasped onto the man holding her. Zinnia knew she should send him away. But with his arms held tightly around her, she just couldn’t do it right now. His strength was the only thing holding her together.

  “Zinnia,” Brent said and while she just wanted to stay where she was with her face plastered to Corbin’s neck, she couldn’t. The head of the community was going way beyond the call of duty to help protect her and so after taking a deep breath she opened her eyes and turned her head to face him. He stood near her bed, an expression of such kindness on his face that she felt the tears well up again. “We’re gonna find out what’s going on. Until we do, we need to put some pretty stringent rules into place. Given your stalker’s tendencies, there will be a twenty-four hour guard around you and Corbin.”

  “You can’t do that! Corbin’s Bend doesn’t have the resources.” A twenty-four guard was big money. She knew. She’d had one before she left Portland.

  “Actually we do. But this won’t be like an armed guard in a uniform,” he explained. “Four of the men on your cul-de-sac carry licenses for concealed weapons. All of them will be made aware of the situation and asked to keep an eye on you. We’ll put into place codes. At any time of the day, someone on a list will call you. Before it starts, you’ll be introduced to each of them. If you don’t answer, a nine-one-one call will immediately go out to the policeman on duty and myself. When you go somewhere, we’re going to ask you to call us when you get there. There will also be codes, words one would use in everyday situations but which are meant to be red flags.” His voice was calm, which was probably a good thing because the more the plan poured out of his mouth, the wider her eyes became. “If the stalker grabs you and someone calls, you use one of those code words. Once again, the emergency call is made. We can’t guarantee we can keep you out of the arms of the bastard, but we can guarantee he’s gonna have one hell of a time getting in or out now.” The fierceness in the last few words as well as the way his gray eyes burned made her gulp.

  “Wouldn’t it be easier for you if I left?” Zinnia didn’t want to leave. She liked it here and she really liked Corbin. But to put this small community in jeopardy seemed rude and selfish.

  “Easier?” he asked, shaking his head. “No. Then we’ll just worry about you wherever you are. Besides, if you leave, Corbin’s gonna drive me nuts. It’s best you stay where he can keep an eye on you.”

  Turning, she glanced into Corbin’s soft blue eyes. “He’s right. You leave and if I don’t know where you are, I’ll definitely drive Brent nuts.” He winked at her. “Though part of that might just be for fun.”

  Laughing softly, she leaned her head on his shoulder. “I’m sorry he found me.”

  “Not your fault,” Brent said. “Maybe this will help the FBI get a break in the case. They’ll insist on finding out who had access to your agent’s records and go after those people specifically.” He patted her leg. “Now, I’m off to make some phone calls. Officer Leano is informing your neighbors of the problems.” As he turned to go, he paused and looked over his shoulder. “Zinnia, where was your car the night before you used it?”

  “In my garage. Why?”

  His jaw tightened and he looked at Corbin. “I’ll bring them over later.”

  “Bring what over?” she asked as he walked out of her bedroom. Turning to Corbin, she was surprised by the fury on his face. “What? What happened?”

ing a deep breath, he looked her in the eye. “If the car was in the garage, that means he got inside. Brent’s going to bring over some items to block your doors and windows. When you’re here, they will need to be used. And when you’re gone, there’s other ways to leave hints at the one door you leave accessible.”

  “Shit,” she moaned. “I’ve entered some television cop show. I want off.”

  Chuckling softly, he pressed a kiss to her forehead. “They’ll catch the bastard.” He sounded more hopeful than sure.

  Lying there, Zinnia knew she was faced with two choices. Give in and fall apart which was always the preferable option but one she rarely took, or get up and take some control back. Straightening her shoulders, she pulled back. Something must have shown on her face because a grin slowly slid over his. “My girl’s bouncing back, I see,” he murmured.

  “Yup. Stupid stalker is not going to run my life.” Even if he was set on ruining every facet of it.

  “Good girl. Now, we have a couple choices for today. We’ll need to stay here until Brent returns and gets all the security parts in force. But this afternoon, if you’d like, we can still go to that party I was telling you about. Or we can stay here, make some dinner, and choose something to watch on your laptop.”

  A party. Could she do it? Go, smile, laugh, make jokes… Yes, she could. And it would be better than waiting for her pursuer to arrive. “How about the party?” she suggested. “Right now I’m feeling freaked out but I think getting out and not having to think about it for a little while would be the best thing ever.”

  “Perfect. Why don’t you take a shower while I wait for Brent—” He broke off when she shook her head violently.

  “Please. I know it’s sad, but please. I need you in touching range today.” She’d never needed anyone the way she needed Corbin right now. Zinnia felt if he left her side she would break down.

  “It’s not sad,” he murmured, pulling her close again. “It’s not a bad thing to need and depend on someone, Zinnia. I’m pleased to be here for you. Let’s go into the living room and wait for Brent. What do you say?”

  * * * * *

  To say the rest of the day dragged by would be wrong. It rushed, which was strange. There was so much going on. Brent spent over two hours outfitting her windows and doors with devices which would set off an alarm on her phone and his if deactivated incorrectly. Then he went over the codes she would need for the phone calls. He was right. They were simple. “I’m fine?” she asked when she saw that line.

  “Yes. If one of us calls, laugh and say ‘I’m fine. I just got home’ or something similar trying to give us your location. As long as the words ‘I’m fine’ are used, they will be considered code and the police will be on their way. Okay?”

  For some reason, even with all the safety measures which just solidified what was happening, she felt more secure. Corbin never left her side once. He even called his friend Calbert who brought over a bag with fresh clothing.

  “Here you go,” Calbert said as he walked in the door, a dour look on his face that made her slink behind Corbin. The moment he saw her do so, Calbert paused and it looked like he tried to force his expression into something more pleasant. It didn’t work. “I’m not a wolf,” he said in a relatively kind voice.

  “No, he’s just Calbert,” Brent said from his spot in front of her French doors, finishing the last security lock. Standing up, he smiled at her. “His bark’s far worse than his bite. Or so Jenna says.”

  “Ha ha,” Calbert said in a pseudo growl. “Jenna’s been cooking all day for Benjamin and Jonathon’s party. She sent me over some stuff for you two.” He held up a large paper bag. “Believe me. This is the good stuff. Just one of the reasons I married a woman from Jamaica. The woman knows how to cook.”

  “Great,” Corbin said. “Just put it on the counter. We’re probably going to come to the party for a little while.”

  “Good,” Calbert said, putting the bag down. “Jenna’s looking forward to getting to know your girl. And so am I.” He actually smiled and Zinnia was startled by it. He was rather cute when he smiled. And not nearly as scary. His eyes slid over to her and softened. “Don’t you worry, Zinnia. Every single one of us is looking out for you now. Jenna says that will probably drive you nuts, but we’ll get you through this. Only…” His eyes twinkled. “If we find the perp before the FBI does, can we torture him? There’s some very unique BDSM equipment in this community, or so I hear.”

  “We don’t call ‘em perps,” Brent said with a chuckle.

  “You don’t. They do on TV all the time,” Calbert retorted, winking at her.

  Zinnia got the feeling that dour personality that rolled off the man just might be put on. She definitely looked forward to getting to know him.

  By the time Brent and Calbert left, there wasn’t any time to go around and check out her new safety devices which were amazingly tiny. Even though Brent showed her how they worked, it was still hard to imagine they would stop someone intent on getting to her. She and Corbin showered quickly and he didn’t even make a sound at the fact the only shampoo and soaps she had were perfumed. He kind of smelled like her when they stepped out.

  “Don’t dress too warmly,” he said as she looked through her closet. “I’m sure their house will be warm.”

  Choosing to wear an ankle-length floral skirt, a dark blue camisole with an opaque floral blouse over it, she dipped her toes into her boots just about the time he turned around. A low whistle caught her attention and she looked up startled, grinning when she saw his appraising look. “Fuck, woman. I swear you get more edible moment by moment.”

  “Well, I could say the same about you,” she murmured. Corbin had on a pair of older blue jeans that hugged in all the right areas and a blue-checked button down shirt. “If I attack you at the party, think anyone would notice?” She grinned and he winked back.

  “This is Corbin’s Bend. They’ll probably just walk around us and ignore it.”

  Laughing, and realizing she was starting to feel better, she hopped up. “Well, Cary, shall we go?”

  He raised an eyebrow as he slipped his feet into his boots. “Cary again?”

  “Why yes. You’re definitely my Cary Grant.”

  “Does that mean I get to spank you at the end of the night, because you know I have been very remiss on that count up until now?”

  Looking at him, she nodded. “Oh, I think so. If I don’t feel your hand across my ass tonight, this just might not work.”

  With a nod of his head, he walked toward the door. His hand slamming down hard across her ass as he walked by made her squeal as heat lit up over her right butt cheek. Grinning at her over his shoulder, he said. “Well, we can’t have that now, can we? Are you ready?”

  As the heat turned into a tingle, her eyes alighted on the welcome paddle which was sitting behind a mirror on her dresser. It had been a long time since anyone had truly tanned her hide and she had never had the kind of one she dreamt of. Maybe Corbin and the paddle would do it.

  Chapter Six

  Ordinarily, considering how many people would be attending the party, Corbin would have parked near the community center and walked. Street parking wasn’t exactly plentiful. But bearing in mind the existence of a sick stalker, he found a spot on the street only a couple houses away from Benjamin’s house. “Ready?” he asked, his hand on the door handle.

  She looked over and nodded. “Let’s party.”

  Loving the smile on her face and in her voice, he got out and walked around the car, opening her door and taking her hand as she climbed out. They didn’t dawdle what with the threat they were now under and the fact it was freezing cold. Corbin had dropped into what he considered New York mode, a way of being that he hadn’t grown up with but had quickly come accustomed to while living there. Alert to every sound around him and every crunch of their feet on the gravel and ice-covered sidewalk, a certain kind of tension filled him. At first it confused him until he realized that had been his normal
posture back in the city. Here in Colorado he had truly begun to let himself relax.

  Corbin hoped the FBI caught the bastard so he could go back to that feeling.

  As they walked up to the drive, he heard footsteps and turned, instantly stepping between Zinnia and whoever was coming. Two people rushed across the street, one with some sort of baking dish in her hands, the other with a large gift bag. They both smiled as they drew close. “Here for the party?” the man asked, holding out his hand. “Matt Renton. This is my wife Julie.”

  “Corbin Nelson. This is Zinnia Loraine.” As he turned to face the door, it opened.

  “Hey! There you guys are.” Jonathon’s pleased voice made him smile and after letting Julie and Zinnia in ahead of them, he ushered Matt in before crossing the threshold, closing the door behind him. This house was the same configuration as his own. And filled to the brim with people. Julie headed straight into the kitchen and put her dish down, talking and laughing with a couple of women who were setting out food.

  “Glad you could make it,” Benjamin said, walking up with what Corbin assumed was his normal grin. His eyes turned to Zinnia and softened. “Don’t you worry, Zinnia. Nobody, not even an idiot, would try to attack a home of an ex-Marine with another ex-Marine present, two former cops, and several members of the discipline board in attendance.”

  “And if they do, they won’t be able to sit down when they leave,” Jonathon teased. Zinnia laughed softly.

  “Now that would be an interesting punishment.”

  “Well, we’d need something to keep him busy while we wait for the FBI,” Jonathon said, tucking her hand in his arm and leading her into the living room. “Let me introduce you to some of our best friends.”

  Benjamin watched them walk away before leaning in. “You staying with her until this thing irons itself out?”


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