His Damsel in Distress

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His Damsel in Distress Page 13

by Thianna D

  Chapter Eight

  Gazing at the backyard, Zinnia stretched softly in the hammock Corbin had set up for her, too comfortable to move. The last six weeks had gone by quickly. Well, the time she was in the hospital had dragged, but since then, every day moved smoothly into the next. She loved their new home. There had been a sense of peace when she found out she would never have to set foot in her former home again. Their friends had moved both of their items from their old homes to the new one for them since Corbin only left her side for the first week when the hospital basically forced him to leave. He’d stayed in a nearby hotel. After that, they lucked out as the hospital moved her to her own room and they allowed him to stay with her. So when they returned to their new place, it was the first time both of them had stepped through the door since their stuff was moved in.

  What was supposed to be an overnight stay stretched into three weeks when they found a clot in her brain and had to operate. Add in the police visits and daily meetings with the hospital shrink to help her get over her trauma and that time was something she would prefer to forget.

  Of course, Corbin hadn’t let her push it under the rug. Instead, he insisted she talk to a local shrink here in Corbin’s Bend the moment she got home. When she refused… Well, that was her first ever unique discipline from the man she loved. Smiling as the memory returned, she thought about her first day back.

  “I’ve set up an appointment with Traci Jackson, she’s a therapist who lives in Corbin’s Bend,” Corbin had said as he helped her into their new home. She wanted to run around and check everything out, but the trip from Denver to home had exhausted her.

  “I’m fine,” she murmured as she collapsed onto her sofa. Their furniture was a mish-mash of their two homes and she rather liked it.

  “I’m sure you feel fine, but talking to Traci will help make sure this doesn’t come back to you.”

  “I’m fine,” she had said a little too forcefully, glaring at him, which actually took a lot of strength.

  “Zinnia,” he replied firmly. “You are going to talk with Traci. I’m not allowing you to harm yourself just because you don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Who made you lord of the world?” she had grumbled.

  “You did,” he responded with amusement. “When you agreed to me being the head of our house. And I don’t want to hear another word about it. She’ll be here in fifteen minutes.”

  “Then I’m going to bed.” Even in her exhausted state, she rose from the couch with her chin held high, her intention to walk into their bedroom and collapse.

  His arms surrounded her from behind. “Stop,” he said, and something in his tone sent a shiver down her back.


  “All right.” For one brief moment, she thought she had won. “If you’re going to act like a brat, then you get treated like one.”

  Confused, she had looked over her shoulder at him. Just what was he planning?

  A giggle bubbled up her throat at the memory.

  Swiping her legs out from under her, he had sat her down in his comfortable armchair, far more comfortable than the one she had owned. “Don’t move,” he ordered before walking into the bedroom. As the order worked well with how comfortable the furniture was and the fact she was too tired to stretch let alone move, she went with it. Corbin walked back out with a long cylinder of something plastic and a pillow. “Get into a comfortable position that you won’t mind not moving from.”

  That sounded strange, but she shimmied to get her legs somewhat underneath her and leaned against the pillow he set against one arm. “Okay.”

  “Don’t move.” Pulling out a stretch of cling film from the cylinder, he ended up wrapping her into the chair. When he was done, the only thing she could really move was her head.

  “What the hell?” she had exclaimed when she couldn’t budge.

  Leaning in, he kissed the tip of her nose. “I can’t force you to talk, but I can stop you from leaving the room.” The twinkle that had lit up his eyes made her want to kiss him or hit him, she couldn’t quite figure out which.

  “Let me go.”

  “After Traci leaves, if you’ve been a good little girl.” With another kiss to her forehead, he turned away. He had kept her wrapped up in the dang film the whole afternoon. Besides the horror she felt when Traci arrived to see her wrapped into the chair, she had good memories of those few hours. Traci hadn’t even batted an eye at her predicament, but then again she was a therapist in a spanking community. Zinnia assumed she’d seen worse. And, she’d had to admit that talking things out with the woman had been a good idea. Even if she’d done it under duress. Which had brought about more discipline.

  Every day, after they woke up and made love as she hadn’t gotten the okay for more strenuous activity, she had to tell him how she was feeling and why she felt that way. If she snarked or snapped at him, since they were in bed and she was getting better, his hard hand would land on her pussy. That was an attention getter.

  Or the worst form of discipline that he had now enacted three times. Bringing her to the brink of orgasm and then denying her the ability to go over. Last week, Zinnia wondered if a woman could get some form of blue balls as the continual ache in her tender clit drove her crazy. Of course, worse than that was the fact he’d been in Mississippi for several days now and she missed him like crazy. Being without him was worse than not being allowed to come.

  “Hey, Zinnia.” The call had her turn her head to where Jonathon walked around the corner of her home. After Ken was taken into custody and she was out of surgery, the topic of her name had come up. While she could have gone back to her stage name or to her original name of Allison, she had come to truly like the name Zinnia. It fit who she was now. Currently they were in the process of getting her name legally changed.

  The people who had owned this particular home before her and Corbin had decided to move when their parents wanted them closer. It had worked out perfectly for the two of them for tons of reasons, including the fact they were now next-door neighbors with Benjamin and Jonathon. She really liked living amongst people who had been here from the beginning of the community.

  “Jonathon, how’s life?”

  “Pretty good,” he said pulling up a lounge chair and sitting down. “Like your new place?”

  “Love it. The tall ceilings are a major selling point. My voice reverberates.”

  He grinned. “Yeah, Ben and I heard you practicing last night. You have a beautiful voice.”

  “Thanks. I’m hoping by July to be able to go audition down in Denver.” After a pause, she grimaced. “Am I too loud?”

  “Not at all. You don’t do it all day long and you don’t do it late at night.”

  “Here we are!” Venia called as she walked around the corner, several more members of the TiH reading group behind her.

  “What are you guys doing here?”

  “Well, since you can’t come to us, we came to you,” Bethany said, plopping down on the grass. “We’ve missed you and since Corbin isn’t hovering over you like a mother hen, we thought we’d visit.”

  Snickering at her description, Zinnia shook her head. “I’m glad you came. Mostly I’m back to snuff. Well, obviously since Corbin felt good enough to leave me alone. But I must say, now that it’s spring, laying out here is almost my favorite thing to do.”

  “As opposed to your favorite person,” Brittany said with a laugh, walking around the corner, a large plate in her hands. “I brought cookies!”

  For over an hour, they chatted and gossiped, which Zinnia noted that Jonathon stayed away from. When it came to chinwag, the man would not join in. She was rather jealous that he could do that. Maybe he could teach her.

  As they all stood up to leave, Char looked over at her. “When’s Corbin coming home?”

  “Today. He’s so excited.”

  “Him?” Jonathon snorted. “Benjamin is driving me nuts. He can’t wait for the place to open so he can go taste-test and judge it.
Actually, him and Brandon – both are barbeque snobs.”

  Giggling, Zinnia nodded. “Well, there will be three different kinds of barbeque and he’s already hired his two pit masters, one of them has worked in his uncle’s restaurant since it opened and the other is from Texas so hopefully we’re covered.”

  “When does it open?” Venia asked.

  “Not sure. I know there are some inspections and his people have to make some practice runs and so forth. Corbin was mentioning inviting all of our friends to a party the night before it opens.”

  “Oh, we’re in,” Char said with a nod and everyone else echoed their approval as well.

  “Need anything before we go?” Jonathon asked after the others had left.

  “Help me get up? I can move around, but I still get dizzy from time to time when I stand. This way I won’t fall over if it happens.” He helped her stand up and held her still as vertigo hit and she weaved.

  “Ugh,” she groaned. “The doctors say that this is normal and will dissipate in time. It’s getting there, but I wish it would totally stop now. It’s a horrible feeling.”

  Once she was clear-headed, he left and she went inside. Perfect timing, too, as the doorbell rang. She walked through their bedroom and living room, opening the door to a deliveryman.

  “Package for Zinnia Loraine?”

  “That’s me.” After signing for the box, she looked at the label and a huge grin crossed her face. Yesterday at her appointment with Dr. Devon, she’d been given the go-ahead for more active physical fun and she planned to take advantage tonight. Well, his exact words were, “If you’re feeling fine, you can go for something a little more active. If you start feeling nauseated or dizzy. Stop.” Rushing into the bedroom, she opened the box, staring at the contents.

  Ever since Corbin had gone nuts over her innocent act and mentioned a school girl costume, she’d thought about it. The problem was how to find a costume for her size sixteen body. After tons of searching, she finally found a website that sold costumes for the plus-sized crowd. Pulling out the pieces, a squeal left her lips. Zinnia knew Corbin would love her in these, even if they left nothing to the imagination.

  After a long bath where she shaved as she hadn’t had the chance to wax since that day at Charmagne’s house, she pulled her hair into a long, high pony tail. Since Zinnia doubted she’d need panties as she hoped he fucked the hell out of her after turning her ass a nice rosy red, along with the outfit she’d ordered another surprise. White, crotchless lace panties that really covered nothing, she had to admit. They were just to add to the school girl thing. Plus, they doubled as a garter belt.

  After pulling on white hose that came mid-thigh, she shimmied into the red and blue checked skirt. It didn’t even cover her crotch. “This isn’t a mini-skirt, it’s a micro-skirt,” she said with a giggle as she grabbed the white top. It left almost nothing covered. More like a see-through bra, it stretched across her back and over her shoulders, snapping together in the front. Grabbing her penny loafers, she slid them on her feet and then turned to the mirror.

  At first, all she saw was the fat. Huge hips, a stomach that stuck out from the top of the skirt, and boobs that looked as though they would pop out of the top at any second. But then she remembered all of the wonderful words he had used. “Beautiful… abundant… perfect…” As she softly bit her lower lip, a smile spread across her face. She knew Corbin saw her that way and as she looked at herself through his eyes, Zinnia could see it too. “I’m beautiful,” she said, feeling good about herself. Almost instantly, she snickered. “And rather naughty.”

  She knew exactly where she wanted him to spank her. Over his desk, just like her fantasies had been playing for weeks. Heading up the stairs, she had barely reached the top when she heard the garage door. He was home! A squeak left her throat as she hustled behind the small wall that separated the two sections of their loft, the only thing that would keep her hidden from his eyes when he walked in. She wanted it to be a surprise, plus she wanted to see the lust in his eyes when he took in her outfit.

  The garage door sound came again as the door to their kitchen opened. “Hey, honey,” he called.

  “Cary, I’m up here!” she called, giggling at his snort.

  “I’m going to forget my name. Are you practicing?” he asked as he headed in her direction, his feet making a nice staccato beat on the stairs.

  “For something,” she said, using a little girl voice. His footsteps tripped at the same time as she stepped next to his desk and turned around, folding her hands in front of her with a soft pout on her face. “I’m sorry, Mr. Nelson. I really meant to do my homework, but things got in the way. Please don’t flunk me?” Fluttering her eyelashes a little, she watched as he took in her new outfit.

  Soft blue eyes dilated and darkened as he froze. As he was wearing slacks, his obvious tent that was getting bigger made her smile. “Zinnia,” he said in a husky voice.

  “I promise,” she said, keeping up the girlish voice. “Doctor Marcus said I was fine to join the cheerleading squad. Please don’t flunk me, Mr. Nelson. I’ll do anything.”

  His eyes flashed to hers and she knew she would get her wish. “Well, now, Miss Loraine, all things considered, this is the fourth time you forgot to do your homework. When every other student gets theirs done on time, why should I let you off?”

  Her tongue slid along her bottom lip as she watched his crotch. Oh, how she wanted it in her ass again. “Because,” she said in a breathy voice, “I really need this grade. Please,” she begged, sliding down to her knees in front of him. “I’ll do anything.” Looking up at him through her lashes, she reached up and grasped his cock.

  The low growl she had come to love rumbled in his chest. “I see, Miss Loraine. Well, only really good girls get to suck my cock.”

  She blinked, surprised. “What do naughty girls get?”

  “Fifty lashes with my belt.”

  Liquid gushed from her core and she couldn’t stop the low moan that left her throat.

  “And if she can take that, then,” he said, leaning down and raising an eyebrow as if challenging her to run away, “I’ll fuck her ass until she can’t sit down. Bend over the desk, Miss Loraine.”

  She couldn’t get to her feet fast enough. Bending over his desk, which was unnaturally tidy, she looked over her shoulder at him. His eyes were fastened on her ass and his hand rubbed over his trouser-covered shaft. Whimpering at the image, she licked her lips. Blue eyes fastened with hers as he unbuckled his belt.

  His belt. He’d never hit her with his belt before and she was incredibly excited about it. Her leather slapper was one of her favorite implements. Well, besides his hand, the paddle, and the pancake turner which had turned out to be a wonderful tool when they were in the kitchen. “Hold your skirt up,” he commanded. Reaching back she flipped up the back of her skirt, showing off her barely-there lace panties.

  “Fuck,” he groaned.

  “That’s what I’m hoping for,” she said in a cheeky tone, squealing as leather hissed across her ass.

  “What was that, Miss Loraine?”

  “Umm, one?”

  He chuckled. “Not quite.” A clatter to her left made her look. He’d tossed his belt buckle several feet away. “Now, let’s see just how sorry you are, little girl.” The wonderful sound of leather slicing through the air was followed with a thwap and a sizzle across her skin as heat spread out from the blow. “Count.”

  “One!” she sang happily. Each time the leather came in contact with her skin, the heat doubled. Corbin didn’t cover all of her ass and thighs like he’d done in the past. No. This time, he focused on the fleshiest part of her rump and hit her sit spot every fifth blow. Each fall made her hiss even as liquid dripped from her core. Fire burnt up her rear, but she didn’t want it to end.

  “Forty-seven!” she cried out as his belt once more made contact with the junction between ass and thighs.

  “Three more. Same spot.”

as the next blow fell, Zinnia realized she was really close to an orgasm. Oh, wouldn‘t it be delightful if she could come just from this? “Forty-eight!”

  “Spread your legs.” She inched them apart until each foot rested against the legs of his desk.

  “Fucking beautiful,” he murmured, the leather lighting up that all-too-sensitive spot once again. “And because I love you…” From the sound, she knew the leather was flying in a different direction, but she never would have guessed it would slam into her clit.

  Screaming with no sound, she came, her muscles clamping down over and over as she rode out her orgasm. Before Zinnia could even begin to come down from her high, strong hands grabbed her hips and his cock pressed into her ass. “Yes!” she cried as he thrust all the way in. It was wild, primal, as only two people who loved each other in this way could understand. It had been too long since they‘d been able to rut like this and they both let loose. He thrust in roughly, pushing her into the desk with each lunge while she pushed her ass back meeting him each time. Every smack of skin-on-skin ricocheted off the walls as did their cries.

  Her muscles kept clamping down on him and as he hollered out and came, shoving her into the desk as he collapsed on top of her, she lay her head down on the desk, the biggest smile possible on her face.

  Harsh breaths filled the air and it took a couple minutes before he pulled back and out of her. The sound of a condom hitting the garbage pail came almost at the same moment as two strong hands grasped her arms and pulled her back against his strong chest. “Are you okay?” he asked, his voice husky.

  “Better than okay. I’ve missed this.”

  “Me too.” His lips pressed against her neck. “Fuck, this outfit has to be the best thing I’ve ever seen. Please tell me you’ll wear it again.”

  “Whenever I forget my homework.” She giggled, making him laugh.

  “Brat,” he said in a loving tone, patting her rump. “Come. Let’s shower. I want to show you something.”


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