True Love Leaves no Doubts: An Inspirational Historical Romance Book

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True Love Leaves no Doubts: An Inspirational Historical Romance Book Page 21

by Grace Clemens

  She turned to look at the room around her, so excited it was hard to breathe.

  She skipped through her room, grabbing her robe from the chair. She threw it around her shoulders and hurried down the stairs. Her long, wavy blond hair was loose around her shoulders. It felt nice to have it out of the braid she usually kept it in. She tried to think back and remember if there’d ever been a time he’d seen her with her hair down.

  Once they were married he would see her that way all the time.

  Once they were married…

  Flo’s heart jumped in her chest. Tingles covered her.

  She was truly going to be happy. She was getting exactly what she wanted. She was truly blessed.

  Mrs. Fitzpatrick was right. All Johnny had to do was think about it. He just had to realize. Maybe he was like Mr. Fitzpatrick and didn’t really handle emotions well.

  Flo giggled as she descended the stairs, her hand running over the rail next to her. She realized once her feet hit the cold tile of the foyer floor that she’d forgotten to put her slippers on.

  She didn’t care. She wasn’t going back up for them. Johnny had seen her feet before when they went swimming and the like.

  She raced to the front door and yanked it open, stepping out onto the porch just as Johnny was coming up the steps.

  They met in the middle. She wasn’t sure how to approach him but he made it easy, smiling wide, stretching out his arms and gathering her in them.

  “My sweet Flo,” he murmured, sending chills through her body. “I can’t believe we have been communicating so badly lately. We never had trouble expressing our thoughts before. Why the heck couldn’t we now?”

  Flo giggled, wrapping her arms around him, pressing her cheek against his chest. She could hear his heart racing.

  “I don’t know, Johnny. I guess we never really thought about things like this before.”

  She didn’t really want to but she pulled away from him enough to look in his eyes.

  “Flo,” he said quietly, his voice deep. “I love you. I think I’ve always loved you and didn’t realize it.”

  Flo snorted. From the way he’d followed Marian around, she couldn’t believe that he’d always loved her. At least not the way he apparently did now.

  “She was just distracting me from you,” he said, seeming to read her thoughts. Or maybe he just saw the look on her face; probably the same one she got every time she thought about Marian.

  She giggled. “That was one big distraction.”

  “I know.” His expression changed to one of sadness. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have made you do all that. You shouldn’t have done it.”

  “Are you joshing me?” Flo laughed. “If I hadn’t, we might not be here now. And then you wouldn’t know you loved me. And I love you, too. You know I do. And I think for me… well… yes, I’ve always loved you. I just couldn’t tell you.”

  “You’re such a strong force, Flo. I never thought you felt that way about me. I thought if you did, you would surely have told me. You would have just… straight out told me.” He grinned wide. “I like that about you. Don’t hide any feelings or thoughts from me again, okay?”

  Flo nodded. “I won’t. I promise you. I won’t.”

  “Thank you. Now I have to do something.”

  Flo tilted her head to the side, gazing up at him. She didn’t want him to leave. Whatever he had to do, it could wait until the morning.

  “Can’t it wait?” she asked, feeling a little hurt.

  Johnny looked around them. There was no one around. He took both her hands and held them to his chest. He looked deep in her eyes. She was overwhelmed with her love for him.

  “It’s already been too long,” he breathed.

  Suddenly, Flo knew what he was going to do. She sucked in her breath when he took one hand away from hers and reached into his pocket. She began to tremble. She pressed her lips together as tears came to her eyes and tingles covered her body.

  He knelt on one knee, leaving his eyes on hers.

  “My dear Florence Radcliffe. My best friend. My fake fiancé.”

  She giggled, putting her right hand over her mouth and let him hold the other.

  “Will you please marry me and make me truly the happiest man in all the world?”

  She couldn’t help the huge smile that covered her face. She pulled in a contented sigh.

  “Of course I will, you silly man. I love you!”

  He slipped the ring back on her finger. Flo was stunned to see that it slid on easily and didn’t seem the least bit tight or uncomfortable. Maybe it fit her after all.

  He stood up and gathered her in his arms. She’d never felt so warm and comfortable.

  She’d never felt so in love and happy.


  Just two weeks later, Flo looked through the same window she’d seen Johnny through when he’d surprised her with a real proposal. The lawn out back was decorated with many flowers and chairs. An iron arch was erected at the front of the rows of chairs. The arch had flowers of many colors laced through the lattice.

  Their guests, just their friends from town, were mingling with each other. She could hear them talking and laughing but made out no words or conversations from where she was.

  “Flo. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I don’t even think my dress was quite this beautiful when I married Fitzy.”

  Flo turned to give Mrs. Fitzpatrick a warm smile. “I’m sure you were, Mrs. Fitz. You are such a beautiful woman anyway. Being dressed in a lovely gown must have made you look like an angel.”

  Mrs. Fitzpatrick laughed softly. “What a sweet thing to say. I always knew you were a sweetheart. Now let’s finish up decorating your hair. I have a piece I want you to wear. It can be your something borrowed, if you will.”

  She went to the dresser and gestured to the chair with one hand so Flo would sit, which she did.

  She stared at herself in the mirror, taking in her employer’s work. The dress flowed out around her; probably the fanciest thing about the whole ceremony.

  All the flowers had been donated by the people in Hot Springs. Her dress had been made and designed by her employer. The chairs were from the church, just transported for the day. She and Johnny hadn’t really paid for anything. Even the food was from the restaurant and had been supplied for free.

  “I just knew you were going to get married to that young man. I know you had your reservations. And I know you didn’t start this all out thinking this would really happen. But I could tell, especially as I saw the two of you frolicking through town for the past six years. You were meant to be together.”

  As she spoke, the lady picked up a necklace box of red velvet. She flipped it open to reveal a green gemmed hair dressing.

  She pulled the gold chain out. The green gems were spaced a few inches apart. She draped the dressing over Flo’s blond hair and used two pins to keep it secure.

  “You are going to knock him off his feet, dearie.” She grasped Flo’s shoulders and squeezed them, smiling at the young woman in the mirror. Flo looked at her friend’s reflection as she reached up and patted one of Mrs. Fitzpatrick’s hands.

  “You’ve been such a friend to me. Such a good friend. Thank you for everything. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, honey. It’s truly been my pleasure. And I’m so glad those spirits never bothered you. Why, it was almost as though they liked you!”

  Flo raised her eyebrows. “How could you tell?”

  “They’re always so quiet when you’re there. When you’re working. I hear a lot at night but you aren’t awake or walking around. I think they favor you.”

  “I hope that’s right.”

  A knock at the door got their attention.

  “Come in,” Flo called.

  The door opened and Mr. Fitzpatrick was standing there, looking proper in his three piece suit. She returned to him the smile on his face.

  “Are ya ready, dear?” he asked, his tone lighthearted and

  “I am.”

  She stood up.

  “Spin around, dear. Let’s see what you look like all dolled up.”

  She did as she was told, turning in a circle and returning her eyes to his.

  “What do you think?” she asked, excitement making her tremble.

  “I think you are absolutely gorgeous, Flo. Johnny is a lucky man.”

  Mr. Fitzpatrick came in the room and took her by the shoulders. He kissed her on both cheeks and gave her a satisfied grin. “Such a lucky man.”

  “Thank you so much.”

  “And you.” He turned to his wife and did the same, except he kissed her lips lightly, a gesture his wife accepted with a contented sigh. “You have been wonderful to her. Look at this dress. Why, if we had a daughter, I know you would have done the same for her.”

  A thought came to Flo’s mind. She chewed on her top lip. She didn’t hear their short conversation but he was about to leave when she stopped him.

  “Wait, Mr. Fitzpatrick. Can I ask you a favor? I know you both have done so much for me already but…”

  She paused. The Fitzpatricks shared a glance before he said, “Of course, dear. If it’s something I can do for you, I will.”

  Flo pulled in a deep breath and held it for a moment, trying to stay calm. “I was wondering if you would be willing to walk with me down the aisle? Deliver me to Johnny, so to speak.”

  Mr. Fitzpatrick lifted his eyebrows. He looked at his wife and then back to her. His face seemed to soften and Flo couldn’t recall ever having seen an expression like that on him before.

  “I would be delighted to, Flo. Thank you for asking me.” She could hear the emotion in his voice.

  “I don’t have my father to do it,” she said, looking directly at him. “And you have been the closest thing to a father and mother I’ve had all this time. I would really appreciate it if you would.”

  “I will do it. Yes, I will do it.”

  Flo didn’t think the day could get any better.

  “It’s time,” he said. “I was sent to retrieve you. Shall we go?”

  He held out his elbow to her and she took it. They went through the door and down the stairs, with Mrs. Fitzpatrick behind them. Once they were on the porch, Mrs. Fitzpatrick came up to his other side and took her husband’s other arm when he offered it to her.

  “It’s a good thing I wore my good suit today, isn’t it, dearest?” he asked his wife.

  She laughed, nodding. “Oh, yes, definitely!”

  Flo felt like she was walking on a cloud as she went around the house to where the ceremony was being held.

  Johnny looked as handsome as ever in his new clothes and boots. He wasn’t in a suit but he might as well have been. His crisp blue shirt and black trousers looked perfect on him. He was wearing a bolo tie with a turquoise gem at the top and small, white marble balls at the end.

  She went up to him and held out her hand for him to take. She held a small bouquet of white flowers in the other that Mrs. Fitzpatrick had given her.

  “Are you ready to be my wife?” Johnny asked under his breath. He stood right in front of her, just inches from her. When she looked up into his eyes, she knew she would be looking into them for the rest of her life.

  “I’m ready to be your wife,” she said, confidently. “I love you, Johnny.”

  “I love you too, Flo. More than you can imagine.”


  Can't get enough of Flo and Johnny? Then make sure to check out the Extended Epilogue to find out…

  What kind of new role will Flo embrace with great joy?

  How will the couple’s relationship be with the Fitzpatricks?

  Will Flo get all the answers that she needs from her parents in order to come in terms with them?

  Click the link or enter it into your browser

  (After reading the Extended Epilogue, turn the page to read the first chapters from “Daring to Start Again”, my Amazon Best-Selling novel!)

  Daring to Start Again


  Desperate to escape from her criminal father and the life awaiting her, Sarah Donner decides to answer a mail-order bride ad. Despite her misgivings about marrying a stranger, Sarah braves her way halfway across the country to begin a new life. A new challenge appears shortly after her arrival, since Bobby, her husband-to-be, has a little daughter whom she has to win over. At the same time, she can’t ignore the fear of her father discovering her. Will her only chance of happiness be destroyed by the very man who brought her to life?

  Bobby Huggins is striving to both run his ranch and raise his only child ever since his wife passed away. Deeply worried about his daughter, Samantha, who has been behaving unusually since the sorrowful event, he is looking for a new wife who will soften her grief. Even though he had never truly fallen in love before, Bobby’s heart skips a beat for Sarah, while Samantha finds the rock she so much needs. When Sarah’s past threatens to tear everything apart, will Bobby forgive her for leaving out a secret that could hurt his loved ones?

  Bobby and Sarah have been brought together by fate but they will have to stay strong in order to face the frightening challenges coming next. Treacherous people will appear out of nowhere, putting their relationship in danger. Will Sarah manage to make amends to Bobby, after proving herself, or is it too late? Will Bobby give love a second chance by trusting Sarah again?

  Chapter 1

  Sarah smiled and took the letter from the clerk, her heart fluttering in her chest. It was another letter from Bobby, and she was more than excited to open it. From the feel of the envelope, something a little stiffer than paper was enclosed.

  Her breath became short and quick.

  Sarah and Bobby had been corresponding for three months. She’d answered his ad specifically because he was not nearby, and she had seen so many books with pictures and drawings of Oklahoma. She’d been wanting to go there for a long time. Just seeing the address the ad was sent from had drawn her attention right away.

  Of course, that was not to mention that she was desperate to get away from the life she was currently living.

  Sarah hurried back toward her father’s house, eagerly unfolding the envelope and sliding out the letter. She wanted to read it before she got back. If Bart and Danny saw her, they would likely take it and her secret would be exposed.

  She spread it open and read the words Bobby had written.

  It wasn’t like she was smitten completely. She’d never seen Bobby—he had no photograph to send her, nor did she have one to send him. But he was adamant that he wanted her to come and had sent the train ticket with his letter, just as she’d suspected he would.

  Her smile was genuine, and a little bit afraid. She was unhappy. She had done something she probably shouldn’t have done out of desperation and misery.

  She’d told Bobby she was an orphan with no brothers or sisters.

  It was a justified lie, in her mind. She’d had enough of their abuse and the way her father took advantage of her. Her father and brothers could be brutal. They didn’t care about anyone else, that was a fact. They cared about money and getting as many women in their beds as possible, sometimes joking about how many partners they’d had.


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