Masked Kiss

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Masked Kiss Page 6

by Christine Rains

  Hell yes, I’d be more than happy to do so. But I wanted to go somewhere to talk. If we went to her room, we’d end up in bed again…

  Maybe I could wait to have our talk until after I’d assisted her with the bra.

  I helped her to remove all her clothes except for the skirt. Fucking her with it on felt a little naughtier. We showered to clean up afterward and had sex again in the steamy bathroom. It shouldn’t have shocked me that we fell asleep so quickly once we’d dried off and laid down.

  Morning came as quickly as a game save.

  If only life were a game. I could save it right now, and if I fucked it up, I could restart and try something different.

  Nat was awake before me and sitting naked on a chair, checking something on her phone. Her dark locks were mussed and her eyelids heavy from little sleep. She was so beautiful. Even more so because she didn’t seem to notice that she was sitting with her legs sprawled out, giving me a juicy view of her pussy.

  My cock sprang to life as if I’d never had sex before. I kept the blanket on top of it as if such a move could contain my desire. Who was I kidding?

  No sex. Talk. I had to spill it now or I might never do so.

  “Good morning.” She smiled, glancing up from her phone.

  “Hey.” I stretched my arms, shifting again. “How’d you sleep?”

  “Really good. Sexual exhaustion does that to me.” Her grin sent more blood to my groin.

  I chuckled and fiddled with the blanket. “So, uh, you know that from experience?”

  Nat raised her brows and clicked her cell off, setting it on the table. “Well, what experience I have.” She left the chair and crawled onto the bed. “If you’re digging to find out my sexual history, don’t worry. I haven’t had sex since I broke up with my last boyfriend five…um, six months ago. Blah. And before him, I had three lovers.”

  That wasn’t what I had intended to get from her, but man, it was a huge relief. Not that I wanted to know she’d been with other guys. Now my chances were better that things might go my way.

  “Oh, okay. I haven’t had sex since I broke up with my last girlfriend either. We were together for almost three years.” Three very boring and eventually smothering years. “That was just over a year ago.”

  “Geez, and here I thought my six months was torture. Glad I could help end your dry spell.” Nat grinned and held up her fist.

  A fist bump. Like we were just buds. My stomach churned.

  It was rude to leave her hanging, so I bumped my fist to hers.

  “So,” she continued forward on her hands and knees. Her breasts dangled, swaying to hypnotize me with their beauty. “I have the room for a few more hours. Want to see if we can break a few more springs in the bed?”


  No. Eyes to her face. God, what a sensual mouth. Eyes to her eyes. Concentrate. Show some damn willpower, Josh.

  “I do. I really do.” I swallowed and gripped the blanket so I wouldn’t reach for her. “I need to tell you something first.”

  Nat stopped and sat back on her heels. “What? You remembered to wear a condom every time. Right? Or…is your ex a freaky stalker and she’s found out about us? Or you’re not of age? Oh god, please tell me you’re older than eighteen.”

  I snorted. I looked young, but not that young! “What? Yes. I’m twenty-four. And no, my ex isn’t a stalker.”

  “Thank fucking god.” Nat sighed. “I’m really horrible at guessing people’s ages.”

  “Okay.” Focus. Back on the right subject. “So, yeah, all right. I had an amazing time with you this weekend.”

  “I did too.” She smiled, a timid and sweet one. So lovely.

  “And I wish we had more time together to really get to know each other because…” I took a deep breath and prepared myself. I had to just spit it out or else I’d never get there. “Because I really like you. And it’s not about the sex. Which was also awesome. But it’s you. You’re not like any other girl I know. I think we could really have something, and I’d like to give it a try to see if we do.”

  Nat gnawed on her lower lip. She closed her eyes, hiding what was going on in her head.

  The seconds ticked by. My chest grew tighter with each one.


  Oh no. The way she’d said my name. It had held the tone of pity. It was over.

  “My life is shit right now.” Nat clutched her hands together, her knuckles white with her grip. “I don’t have a career or a place of my own. I’m neck-deep in debt. I don’t even have a car of my own. Yeah, I want to be a pro gamer, but is that really a life plan? I don’t know what I’d do after that. And I can’t be a booth babe forever.”

  I wanted to say something, to console her or sympathize, but I wasn’t sure what would help her. So I kept quiet and she started talking again.

  “I came to this con at the lowest I’ve ever been. Living in my parents’ basement while all my siblings have good jobs and families and my friends are moving away to find their own paths. It’s awful.” She wrapped her arms around herself. “That first night when we met, I was ready to give up and cry. I didn’t think I could do the whole booth babe thing. Then you were so sweet. Cute and offering to help me out. I couldn’t resist. I wanted to feel good, and in that moment, it translated to having you right then and there.”

  “Oh.” I was at a loss for words. But I understood now. Totally. The crack in her cool façade was no longer a mystery.

  “I didn’t think I’d see you again, the con is so huge, but I was glad I did. And not just for the sex. Which was really awesome.” She flashed me a tight little smile before covering her face with her hands. “My life is just screwed right now. You don’t need that shit. You deserve better than that.”

  Wow. That was not what I’d been expecting. I’d figured I’d be begging to see her again, or she’d kick me out naked into the hotel hall. Not this emotional confession.

  A confession that basically said she didn’t think she was good enough for me. A hot gamer chick who moonlighted as a booth babe, not good enough for me? She could have the most fucked-up life and she’d still be too good for me.

  I couldn’t help laughing. I reached out to take hold of her forearms and gently pulled her to me. She didn’t resist as I settled her on my lap. “Nat, it’s okay. You’re trying to figure out your life. Everyone who recently graduated is trying to do that.” I gave her a squeeze. “But you’re braver than the others. You’re going for your dream of being a pro gamer. You’ve got more balls than most guys I know.”

  Yup, I totally knew how to compliment the ladies. Tell them they’ve got balls. Absolutely flattering. I wanted to stuff a pillow in my mouth, but I kept talking.

  “I don’t care that you live with your folks or that you don’t have a car or that you don’t know what you want to do ten years from now. I don’t want to be in my job forever. And ten years from now? I hope to be working full-time for a game company, but I don’t know that for certain.” I’d have loved to say that was exactly what I’d be doing, but I was a realist, and I’d have bet she’d appreciate me being honest. “What I do know is that right now I like you. Really like you. Long-distance relationships aren’t the best thing, but hey, I’ve got a car. Michigan isn’t that far away.”

  Nat peeked through her fingers at me. A gleam of something in her dreamy brown eyes. I needed a hook. Something that was more than me driving to Michigan every other weekend.

  Think, think, think! Come on and reel in the hot booth babe.

  Ding! Booth babe. There was the answer.

  “And you’re going to keep working cons, which is cool. Whether you’re doing the booth work or going to tournaments. I go to a lot of cons. I could be your driver, your alarm clock in the mornings to get you to the booth in time, and your reason not to have to go dancing with catgirls.”

  Her throat twitched convulsively as a laugh bubbled free. Nat embraced me, holding tight. “Thank you.”

  I hugged her back. “So that

  “It means you’re too good for me, so I’d be an idiot to say no.” She cupped my face and kissed me. “Let’s give it a try.”

  I wanted to shout out my victory. Instead I muted my “Yahoo!” with a deep kiss. This gorgeous creature was now my girl. I was going to make damn sure that we’d give this more than a try. We were going to be the couple happily gaming ever after.

  Nat maneuvered herself so that one leg rested on either side of me. The heat of her core sizzled against my abdomen. “I think maybe we should seal this deal by using up the rest of the condoms.”

  “There’s, like, six of them left in the box. What are we going to do? Blow them up like balloons?” I grasped her bottom, kneading it with my hands. My erection ached to be buried within her. Six times might be enough to soothe it.

  She laughed, crazy and nerdy. “You’re much more fun than the catgirls.”

  I rolled her over onto her back and wiggled between her legs. My hard cock poked against her thigh. “More fun than…Final Fantasy?”

  “Hey, don’t push your luck, hot stuff.” Nat kissed me and groaned as she rubbed up against me. “Get that condom on now. I need you.”

  Chuckling, I reached with my left arm and grabbed a crisp wrapper. Such a little sound had never been so exciting. I knew the day would be over much too quickly and we’d have to go our separate ways, but I was going to thoroughly enjoy every minute with my beautiful geek girl.

  About Christine Rains

  Christine Rains is a writer, blogger, and geek mom. She has four degrees which help nothing with motherhood but make her a great Jeopardy player. When she's not reading or writing, she's going on adventures with her son, watching cheesy monster movies or playing games with friends. Christine is a proud member of the Untethered Realms and S.C.I.F.I. She has several short stories and novellas published in other genres. The hilarious and nerdy Dice and Debauchery series is her first one with Ellora's Cave.

  Christine welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email addresses on her author bio page at

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  Also Christine Rains

  Dice and Debauchery 1: Loose Corset

  Dice and Debauchery 2: Layers of Lace

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing

  Masked Kiss

  ISBN 9781419994333


  Masked Kiss Copyright © 2015Christine Rains

  Edited by Rebecca Hill

  Cover design by Allyse Leodra

  Cover photography by Shutterstock

  Electronic book publication June 2015

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