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Target Page 11

by Connie Suttle

  "Basketball mostly," Trajan said. "Got a scholarship. Had to turn it down. Can you see me out of town at a scheduled game during the full moon?" Trajan shook his head. "So, now I take all my frustrations out on my trainees."

  "You went to a human school." Ashe didn't make it a question.

  "Ashe, most werewolf children do. A lot of those kids don't know what they are until they go through the change the first time. I gotta tell you, the werewolf kids in those experimental communities turn a lot faster than those in the human schools. Dad says it's because they know what they are from the beginning. The rest aren't told because the secret is too hard to keep. Some don't turn until they're eighteen or nineteen. I think it's instinct—the wolf knows it's not safe."

  "Wow, Trajan. How old were you?" Ashe hoped he wasn't prying.

  "Seventeen," Trajan replied. "Trace didn't turn until he was eighteen and about to graduate. It was hard, spending that last year in high school, suddenly realizing I was something else and couldn't ever play pro like I wanted."

  "Trajan, I'm sorry about that," Ashe said. And he was. He felt a bit of kinship with Winkler's Second at that moment. Ashe was worried that he'd never be able to attend college, or do much of anything that called attention to himself. He was hunted and he could never forget that.

  "Kid, I think you know how I feel," Trajan said and ran ahead.

  Ashe took off his shoes when they reached the stretch of sand in front of the beach house and walked into the water. "This is a long way from Cloud Chief, isn't it?" Marco said, wading in beside him.

  "Yeah. Do you ever talk to Randy Smith?" Ashe asked, gazing out over the horizon. The water stretched before him as far as he could see.

  "Every now and then, by email. I think Cori talks to him more often than I do," Marco sighed. "He's working for a newspaper in Chicago, now."

  "He could write really well," Ashe agreed. He'd seen the essay Randy had written at age thirteen.

  "Still can. Graduated with honors from the University of Illinois. His dad, Terry, was from that area. Dawn sent him up there because Terry's brother lives in the area. Dawn went back to the Santa Fe Pack, last I heard. She stays in contact with Randy. Anyway that's what Randy tells Cori."

  "I hope he's all right," Ashe said. "I was hoping I'd hear from him once in a while, but never got anything."

  "Ashe, I think that's not his fault," Marco whispered. Ashe thought about that for a moment.

  "Compulsion," Ashe sighed.


  "I think that word is worse than cursing to me," Ashe said. "It worries me that someday, nobody will remember who I am except the vampires. And that frightens me." It worried Ashe, too, that it might drive a wedge between him and his father.

  "I hope that doesn't happen," Marco said. "It's bad enough that Dad asked for Sali's memory to be altered."

  "Marco, I can't talk to Sali about any of this stuff anymore," Ashe allowed the defeat to come out in his voice. "I've been isolated from my best friend. I don't know how they could think I'd feel anything other than angry about that."

  "Ashe, if there comes a day when I don't remember any of this stuff, I just want you to know that it wasn't my idea, and that before that happened, I thought you were probably the most amazing shifter I'd ever met."

  "Thanks, Marco." Ashe felt a flush creeping into his cheeks, but he ignored it, turning his face into the breeze coming off the water.

  * * *

  "Ashe!" Adele gave him a hard hug when she walked into Winkler's beach house later. Ashe had taken a long shower before dressing in clean jeans and a T-shirt. He walked around barefoot, thinking he probably needed sandals—that's what Winkler was wearing around the house.

  Sali, Marcus and Denise were hugging Marco before Cori got to do the same. Sali, looking tan from working in the peach groves, grinned at Ashe. Wynn had come with Dori and Lavonna, and she was staying close to Sali's side. Ashe observed Dori, thinking at first that she watched Wynn. That wasn't the case. He realized after a while that Dori's eyes followed Sali everywhere, with bare longing on her face. Silently he railed against the injustices life dealt.

  The cook had prepared barbecued ribs and chicken for the crowd, with potato salad, baked beans, rolls and apple pie for dessert. The food was good; Ashe sat at a table with Sali, Wynn, Dori, Marco and Cori, eating and talking. Cori had her cheek against Marco's arm after a while and Marco smiled down at her. Ashe sighed.

  "Winkler, I think I could smell this barbecue from fifty miles away," a new voice announced as steps sounded on the wooden deck. Ashe turned to see who it might be. The man was around Winkler's height, with black hair, gray-blue eyes and a wry smile. He clapped Winkler on the back. Hard.

  "Anthony Hancock," Ashe whispered, leaning back in his chair, completely stunned.

  "He doesn't use that name anymore," Marco said softly. "It's Tony Rockland, now."

  "I did a history report on him—how he was killed by terrorists," Ashe said, staring at the former Director of the Joint NSA/Homeland Security Office.

  "A vampire happened to be there when his hotel was bombed," Trajan knelt beside Ashe's chair. "I wouldn't mention any of that stuff unless he says it's okay. He works for the Vampire Council, now, but Tony and Winkler knew each other before all that."

  "He's a vampire." Ashe's voice held bitterness.


  Aedan Evans and Nathan Anderson arrived less than half an hour later. Both nodded respectfully to Tony Hancock. Ashe couldn't think of him with a different name—Ashe had hero-worshipped the man who'd reportedly died while tracking terrorists. Now he was just another vampire who could place compulsion. He was dressed well in designer clothing, too. It wasn't a suit but the shoes were Italian, Ashe knew that much. His father had a few pairs of shoes inside his closet that were quite expensive. These looked to cost more than that and the slacks Tony wore were likely tailored and hadn’t ever seen the inside of a department store. It appeared that working for the Council paid very well.

  "I think I'll go for a walk on the beach," Ashe said, rising from his seat.

  "Want to go, too, Cori?" Marco smiled at Cori, who still leaned against him.

  "Yeah. Let's go."

  Sali, Wynn and Dori ended up going, too. Ashe was halfway down the steps leading to the beach walkway when a strange voice filtered into his head. Don't get lost, Ashe. I don't want to be forced to look for you.

  * * *

  "My Queen." Ruby bowed before Friesianna. "Our paid source gives a location in Texas, but it has been watched closely. The child is not there. Perhaps they are hiding him."

  Friesianna cursed. "This is untenable," she hissed. "That boy is ours. We will force them to hand him over."

  "Perhaps more difficult than you might imagine," Ruby, one of the Queen's four Jewel Sentinels, replied carefully. He had no desire to anger the Queen. "The community is guarded and shielded. Three witches placed a braided shield—difficult for one of ours to unravel."

  "Then send two. Or three. I don't care how many. Get inside and get something for me that I can use as leverage."

  "Of course, my Queen." Ruby bowed low and backed away.

  * * *

  "Child, I realize you owe this debt. It is because you owe it that you will not be punished as severely for keeping the information from me. I have the boy under surveillance, now. I hope you realize what an asset he will be."

  "Father, I beg you not to conscript. He will do as you ask, as long as you ask, I think." Radomir lifted his eyes to Wlodek, Head of the Vampire Council.

  "You know the law. There is already much rumbling in the Council about this."

  "I know." Radomir silently cursed the two who'd witnessed Ashe's ability in Amarillo, Texas. They were obligated to report in detail to the Council. Now, Wlodek knew of his attempts to conceal Ashe. While he wouldn't be punished as severely, perhaps, he'd lost his sire's trust. Blood debt was blood debt, however; Radomir would be dead if not for Ashe Evans. He also knew Ashe's father would
never consent to conscription. There was a way around this, but Wlodek and the Council might not see it. Now, Anthony Rockland had been sent to watch Ashe. "You intend to tie up one of ours over this?" Radomir asked instead.

  "The boy is being threatened by those fool Elemaiya. They think to snatch him away. They'll throw him as fodder before their enemies, when we could make much better use of his talents. Calm yourself, child. This will come out best for us, you'll see."

  Chapter 9

  Ashe wasn't about to say anything to the others. There was only one conclusion he could draw, though—Tony Hancock could mindspeak. That meant he had Elemaiyan blood in some measure. He was vampire, though, and Ashe didn't want to draw more of Tony's attention than he could help. He also felt a bit of guilt for taking off down the beach without greeting his father, but he had. Now he walked over wet sand while the gulf waters rose and fell around his ankles.

  "You're a million miles away," Cori was suddenly beside him, Marco right behind her. Ashe had walked ahead of the others, hands stuffed in his pockets, mind working furiously.

  "I wish I was a million miles away," Ashe mumbled, kicking at the water. His jeans were wet to the knees from the surf splashing around his feet.

  "Ashe, you don't mean that," Cori looped her arm in his.

  "Yes I do, Cori." How could he explain that the Council had likely sent someone to keep an eye on him? That troubled Ashe. Why would they be interested in him, unless they wanted something?

  "I've got your arm, you're not going anywhere without me," Cori smiled up at Ashe, her blue eyes playful.

  "Then Marco has to come along, too, I guess," Ashe said.

  "Yeah. Marco has to come, too. Come on, Ashe. You're here with us now. This is a wonderful moment. Share it with us instead of getting lost in your head."

  "Yeah, dude. There's more to life than hacking computers," Sali poked Ashe as he and Wynn walked by. Sali had an arm draped loosely over Wynn's shoulder. Dori, looking lost, trailed right behind them.

  "I think your mom would like it if you went home with her and your dad tonight," Cori said, pulling Ashe along with her. She now walked with her arms linked with Marco and Ashe. "Wynn's parents are having a party for Marcie's boys tomorrow afternoon. They put an aboveground pool in the yard, so it'll be a swimming party."

  "So, they're getting right into the whole beach thing," Ashe said, staring out over the gulf waters. The moon was in its dark phase. A few lights from the shore shone weakly on the water.

  "Dad's thinking about buying a boat," Cori grinned. "He let it slip that he used to live in a fishing village in Wales."

  "And might have made his living off the sea," Ashe sighed. "And Dad won't tell me a thing about himself." Ashe kicked at the water.

  "I've always thought he was older than Nathan," Marco offered. "Just by the way he did things. Cori's dad has always seemed more relaxed. And that's a good thing, since Cori's such a handful." Cori removed her arm from Ashe's and smacked Marco lightly on the shoulder. Marco laughed and hugged her.

  "Is there anything you want to bring home with you?" Ashe's mother asked later when Ashe and the others came back from their walk on the beach.

  "No, Mom, I think I've got everything I need for one day," Ashe said. Trace had just come in—he'd driven from Oklahoma to Corpus Christi and looked tired. Ashe gave him a smile before walking out of the beach house with his parents.

  "Good to see you, Dad," Ashe said. Aedan gave Ashe a rare grin and patted Ashe on the back as they walked toward the SUV parked out front.

  * * *

  "Wow, the patio furniture is amazing," Ashe liked what he saw when his mother proudly led him to their patio when they arrived.

  "Got it yesterday," Adele said. "Your father and Nathan helped put up the O'Neill's pool. It's ready to go for the party tomorrow. What can you tell me about those boys, Ashe?" she changed tack quickly, asking about Jackson and Dustin Pruitt.

  "I think there's a problem with their dad, and I think that's affected Jackson," Ashe answered truthfully. "He's a little strange at times. Tried to ask me about being a shapeshifter in public, once. Marco got onto him and there wasn't anybody close enough to hear."

  "That's not good. Denise tells me he hasn't turned yet."

  "Trajan said something about that earlier—he told me that the wolves who go to public schools sometimes don't change until they're eighteen or so. Jack's not eighteen yet. Trajan says that the wolf knows it's not safe, or something like that."

  "Marcus and Jason are probably going to work with him," Aedan sighed, sitting on the glider with Adele. "And Marcus says Jason may ask to join the Star Cove Pack so the boy can try to fit in with the Pack. There's a college in Corpus, if he wants to attend after he graduates from high school."

  "I've been thinking about that," Ashe said.

  "Son, you've got two years yet," Aedan began.

  "No, Dad. Not for me. For Mom. There's a school here that has a marine biology program. Mom said the other day that if she hadn't gone into business, she might have chosen that or veterinary medicine. Mom, I think you should go back to school. If you want to." Ashe gave his mother the most serious look he could. Adele blinked at him in surprise.

  "Honey, I just never—gosh, that might be fun."

  "Yeah, I think you'd be great at it," Ashe said. "Either of those things, actually."

  "Is that something you might want, Adele?" Aedan stared at his wife.

  "Well, the sale of the store could pay for my tuition, and I might be able to test out of a lot of things."

  "Adele, I will pay for this if you want it," Aedan hugged Ashe's mother.

  "I'll check the college out next week," Adele said, smiling. "It really does sound like fun."

  "And then I can ask if you have any homework," Ashe grinned.

  "Revenge, honey?" Adele laughed.


  * * *

  "Somebody told me there was home cooking," Winkler laughed when he, Trajan, Trace and Marco walked into the O'Neill's home the following afternoon.

  "There is; it's potluck," Sharon O'Neill said, taking the bags of soft drinks and ice that Trajan and his brother handed over.

  "Hey, Trace," Ashe, who'd come through the kitchen with Sali to get paper plates and plastic cups, greeted the werewolf who'd come to Cloud Chief twice to help out.

  "You get taller every time I see you," Trace chuckled. "Tell me where to put this." He held up two bags of ice.

  "There's a big cooler on the patio," Ashe said. "Follow me." Ashe led the way through the O'Neill's family room and through the patio doors where the pool party was in full swing. A volleyball net was strung across the pool and there were at least ten teenagers slapping a ball across the net.

  "You'll pay for your day off tomorrow," Trajan grinned at Ashe. "I've got Ace ready to work with Jack and Dusty. We'll have a weight room and a few other things installed in the school building. It's time Principal Billings started paying more attention to physical education."

  "I wouldn't say that to his face," Ashe grinned. "But you can." Trajan laughed. Ashe helped Trace get the bags of ice emptied into a cooler, then stuffed sodas into the ice.

  "You gettin' in?" Trace nodded to the pool.

  "Are you kidding? Ashe has knobby knees. He won't even wear shorts, most of the time," Sali grinned.

  "Is that why you show up to lift weights in jeans? We have to fix that," Trajan said. "Your knees can't be knobbier than Trace's. He'll wear shorts tomorrow. I'll get some for you tonight on the way home, and we'll get weight-lifting gloves, too. You're gonna need 'em."

  "Fine. If you buy shorts, at least get cargo shorts," Ashe pointed a finger at Trajan.

  "I'll buy two pairs, if you'll wear exercise shorts to work out in."

  "Deal," Ashe grinned. "As long as you don't make fun of my knees."

  "Who's making fun of your knees?" Cori walked in with Marco. Ashe lifted an eyebrow; it looked to him as if Cori and Marco had been doing a little kissing.

  "Everybody," Ashe said. "You see how I'm worn down and oppressed, don't you?"

  "And it's stunted your growth," Marco laughed. Ashe was a good three inches taller than Marco, and likely to get taller.

  "It's gonna be a great summer," Trace slapped Ashe on the back and grabbed a plate before heading to the buffet.

  * * *

  Ashe went through the books on his bookshelves later while Sali, Wynn and Dori lounged on his bed. He pulled a couple of paperbacks off the shelf that he hadn't taken to Dallas with him and stuffed those inside his backpack. As an afterthought, he also pulled the dictionary down that held the note from the one calling himself his grandfather. He zipped up the backpack after that and hefted it over his shoulder. Winkler, Trace and Trajan were taking him to Winkler's beach house, with a brief stop at a department store in Aransas Pass, first. Trajan was determined to buy the promised shorts and gloves.

  * * *

  "You ever played this before?" Trace held up a popular video game when they got back to Winkler's beach house.

  "Used to play with Sali and Larry Campbell," Ashe said. "But they got tired of losing."

  "I think the gauntlet just got thrown," Trajan said. "Come on, Marco and I will take you two on. We'll see who loses now."

  "You're on, bro," Trace flipped on the giant flat screen hanging on Winkler's media room wall.

  "What's going on?" Vampire Tony Hancock walked in and sat on a nearby sofa.

  "I'd ask if you wanted a soda or something, but I know better," Trajan said.

  "I'd just have to cough it up later. Discreetly, of course," Tony replied. "I've played this game," he added. "When my surrogate sire wasn't looking. He thinks it's a frivolous waste of time.

  Ashe blinked at the former Director of the Joint NSA and Homeland Security Department, wondering what a surrogate sire was and why Tony had one. Figuring that he wasn't likely to get that question answered, he turned back to the video game. Tony Hancock had been vampire for twenty-two years. Ashe knew exactly what his date of death was in the official records. He'd died at age thirty-seven, so he'd be fifty-nine now and didn't look a day past twenty-six.


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