I Knocked Him Out (Love at First Crime Book 2)

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I Knocked Him Out (Love at First Crime Book 2) Page 12

by Jessica Frances

  “I usually have chips or popcorn. I’m just out of those. You want ice cream or whatever, I’ll take you to the store tomorrow when we buy shit for dinner. I’ll get you whatever you want.”

  I open my mouth to complain that I can’t eat dessert on my own. That would be weird. Then another thought enters my mind.

  I won’t ever have to worry about my dessert being stolen. Declan won’t finish the tub of ice cream and forget to tell me. I can leave a piece of cake in the fridge for later and know he won’t eat it without thinking.

  My treats will be safe in this house.

  Considering a huge reason I broke up with one of my exes was over him stealing my food, as well as money from my purse, I think this is another tick in the pro column.

  So far, he’s got a tick for no dessert, being assertive, giving me an awesome orgasm without even touching me with his hands or cock, and being an amazing kisser.

  Not bad.

  A con is definitely his bad taste in movies, though.

  Five minutes into this movie, I know it isn’t for me. However, Declan’s chest rumbles against me as he laughs, which feels nice.

  While I find it concerning that his taste in movies is crap, I do like that he leans down to kiss me soon into the movie, and that innocent peck turns into a full-blown make out session as if we are horny teenagers.

  Part of me also likes that this is sort of sweet. No under the clothes action, just hot kisses that make my blood heat and my hips naturally rub up all over Declan.

  Okay, maybe not all sweet, but close enough.

  I have him in quite the state, too. But no matter how much I know it sucks for him, he doesn’t push for more, and suddenly this movie becomes much more bearable with Declan under me, my body slumped on top of him, with him holding me tightly.

  Out of breath, dazed, with swollen lips, I listen as Declan drifts off while I try to concentrate on a movie that just seems to get more ridiculous as it goes.

  Soon, I find myself surrendering to sleep, as well, just as my thoughts decide to put his movie tastes in the pro column. Who cares how bad a movie is when we can just make out through the whole thing?

  If only things could have stayed this easy and simple for us.

  But my stalker was only just getting started.

  Chapter 8

  Waking up on top of Declan has its upside, as well as downside. The upside is how nice it feels to be close to him, how warm and inviting his body is, and how tempting his morning wood is to play with. The downside is that we fell asleep on a couch, so when I moved seductively over Declan, he shifted to his side in shock and I fell off the couch.

  Bit of a mood killer.

  And then we saw the time and that shook off any sort of ideas either of us had about rekindling the moment.

  Since we didn’t intend on falling asleep out in the living room, neither of us had our phones handy or an alarm set. Therefore, when I see I have just half an hour until I’m supposed to be manning the desk at work, I totally freak out.

  From then on, it’s a mad rush to find something suitable to wear since we won’t have time to swing past my house anymore, and we skip breakfast altogether.

  Declan is accommodating. He doesn’t have exact hours at work, unless he has a meeting, which he doesn’t today. But once he drops me off, he leaves again to pick up some breakfast and a coffee.

  As I scoff down the two gooey donuts and gulp my latte, I wonder if it is too soon to be falling in love. Then again, I’m pretty sure with how hungry I am right now, I would fall in love with anyone who brought me donuts and coffee at this point.

  Instead of leaving me to head into his office, Declan leans his sweet ass on my desk and watches me demolish my food while he slowly eats his own sugared donut.

  How does he eat those things and not get anything on him? I would be a powdered mess by now.

  And that is when I finally take in Declan’s appearance. Since we were so rushed and possibly because Zander is away, he has kept it more casual than normal. Dark blue jeans with a black, thick belt, and a crisp white T-shirt hugs his chest. He has sneakers on, which I suppose, in the chance you need to chase someone, is probably smart. He is also wearing the chunky, divers watch Zander gave him on his twenty-first birthday. It’s scratched, chipped, and a little dated now, but I know it’s one of Declan’s favorite items.

  A nice watch is usually something you would get from your family, but his grandma didn’t have a lot of money, and she was never able to spoil Declan.

  “What are you thinking about?” Declan breaks into my reverie, and I shake away the sad thoughts.

  “Your watch,” I say rather than bring up either of our home lives. “You always wear that thing. Does it even work anymore?”

  “It has a fifty-year warranty. I intend to make sure it lasts for as long as it says.” He smiles, shifting his wrist to glance down at his watch.

  “Then you might want to not take it on your little adventures. It’s looking a little worse for wear.”

  “Then how will I tell time?” He shifts his hand back down to my desk so he is able to lean a little closer to me.

  “Um, like a normal person—look at your phone.”

  “I’m pretty sure a normal person wears a watch. It’s just a society unable to glance away from their phones that has made that obsolete.”

  “Wow, when did you turn fifty?” I joke. With Declan stuck in the DVD era, I do have to wonder.

  “Shut up,” he says good-naturedly.

  I watch him finish the last of his donut, sliding his fingers into his mouth to get rid of the powder residue. I can’t help wondering how those fingers might work inside me. How they would feel. He has big hands, which would usually give hope to a big penis, but I don’t need hope when I felt it not only against me, but also touched it back in California.

  With this no sex rule Declan has implemented, I wish more than ever we succumbed to sex that night. Sure, it felt amazing, but it certainly wasn’t enough.

  How the hell are we supposed to hold off with zero sex?

  “Sash, you’re staring pretty intently right now. What’s on your mind?”

  I consider saying something bullshit, like wondering if this nice weather will hold, or how Ava and Zander are faring in the Bahamas with baby Jensen. But, since relationships are all about honesty, I decide to be honest. And it isn’t at all because I want to know what his reaction will be. Nope. No way.

  “Just wondering how those fingers of yours will feel inside me and if you’ll lick them clean like that afterward.”

  His mouth drops open, and even I blush a little from my incredibly bold and forward comment. Okay, I could have worded it a little less dirty.

  “Shit, Sasha! I have to be able to work today, you know!” He stands up then, adjusting his pants and taking a step back from me. “We agreed no sex, and I think—”

  “I’m not sure I agreed. And seriously? Do you want this to fail? I like you, but I don’t like anyone when I’m sexually frustrated and horny. How is this going to work if we have to keep doing the solo thing?”

  “Sasha …” Declan groans.

  “I know you think I’m being ridiculous, but I’m not. The longest I’ve been without sex is two years, so I get that two weeks should feel like nothing. But you gave me a taste back in California and now I’m horny! You’re close, you’re hard, and we’re resisting. That is going to drive me insane.”

  “Two years? Are you for real?” His mouth is agape, and I think he just went a little pale.

  “Hello? Trying to get you to agree to sex over here?” I wave my hand at him, and he grabs ahold of my wrist, yanking me so I am on my feet in front of him. Then he drops my wrist to wrap both arms around my back and hold me against him.

  “Sash,” he warns, his body rumbling against me from his voice, making my nipples harden.

  How the hell can Declan make me so turned on, when I couldn’t even stand the sight of him just a week ago?

Yes, dear?” I tease.

  Since his throat is so close, so exposed, I lift up on my tiptoes and suck gently along it, moving along his jaw before he dips down and crushes his lips to mine. It’s electric, it’s hot.

  He lifts one of my knees up so I can grind myself against him. I pull at his T-shirt, cursing the fact that we are both too clothed for any fun.

  That’s when Cynthia shouts out a quick expletive at finding us in this compromising position.

  I bemoan her shitty timing.

  However, Declan doesn’t seem to care as he shifts his head down until his breath lightly tickles my ear. “I see your point, so we’ll discuss solutions at lunch.” With one last squeeze around me, he releases me. “I have some free time, so I’m going to sort out your car. Call me if anything comes up.” He nods once at Cynthia, and then proceeds to leave me hot and bothered while he looks calm and in control.

  “Shit, I might need a cigarette after witnessing that!” Cynthia teases, stepping closer to my desk while eyeing Declan’s retreating back.

  I am staring because the man has a great ass, but Cynthia unfortunately isn’t distracted by such things.

  “So, what’s going on? A week ago, you can’t even look in his direction without commenting about how much of an asshole he is, and now you’re eating each other’s faces in the lobby?”

  “Um … Well, it’s complicated,” I mumble, still feeling his touch over my lips and wishing I could follow him into his office and discuss a solution to my wet panty situation a lot sooner than lunch.

  “Then you, my friend, will be spilling all at lunch today.”

  “I, um …” Why does this feel hard to admit out loud? “I have plans already for lunch.”

  “A lunch date with Declan?” she confirms as a huge grin breaks out.


  “Oh, I wish Ava was here to see this!” Cynthia squeals on a hop. “Fine, but you are calling me as soon as you get back from lunch.”

  “Whatever,” I murmur then frown when she doesn’t leave. “Is there something else?”

  “Yeah.” Her glee reverts to seriousness as work mode sets in. “I wanted to make sure the messages saved from when we were away. There was some sort of power surge, and it looks like we were out for an hour.”

  “Oh.” I glance down at my phone to see thirteen messages waiting for me. “I have some here.”

  “Okay, that’s good. Let me know if your computer has any glitches.” She gives me a friendly smile as she leaves.

  I pick up the phone, as well as a pen and paper to make notes on who left messages. All of them are standard until the last one.

  “I’m coming for you, bitch!”

  As quickly as the voice came, the dial tone sounds, and I’m left sitting in shock, holding the phone to my ear.

  Was that Bowen? Or some other creepy weirdo?

  Adrenaline pumps through me while an eerie feeling creeps over me.

  I dial Declan’s cell phone and tell him what happened. He’s immediately on high alert, demanding I call Jerry and let him know. After a few minutes, Jerry tells me there were no incoming calls that match the time the message said it was left. When he tries to check the message, he finds it’s gone and there are only twelve messages saved.

  I inform Declan straight away, and while I know he believes me, there is a sinister feel to how easy that person was able to cover up that phone call and the message itself.

  Is it Bowen? Or someone else?

  It takes me forever to get back to feeling normal and calm. The only thing that keeps me from slipping into scary thoughts is the knowledge that my lunch date and our “discussion” is going to take place.


  Five minutes before my lunch hour begins, my cell phone sounds.

  I have a moment of indecision about looking at it, in case it is that creepy person and he has my cell number now, but then I reach out and look at the screen.

  Another long moment of indecision creeps over me before I answer my mother’s call. She will just keep ringing otherwise.

  I’m not sure which call I’d rather ignore more: the weirdo or my mother.

  “Sasha, so glad I was able to reach you.” Mom’s voice is sickly sweet, and I wince at whatever she’s about to ask of me.

  “I’m busy, Mom. What do you want?”

  “Sasha, I’m your mother! How can you speak to me like that?” She gasps indignantly.

  It’s easy when we have only had a handful of conversations with each other in the past few years.

  I stay quiet since I don’t really care if this conversation continues or not, and since Mom doesn’t know what having patience even means, she cracks almost immediately.

  “Look, Sasha, I know we had words at the wedding. It saddens me that we’re not as close as we used to be.”

  We were never close! I want to yell. However, I remain quiet, ready to listen to whatever bullshit she’s spinning this time.

  “I want to assure you that your father isn’t stopping the money, so you don’t have to worry about that.” She pauses, and I assume it’s meant for me to sigh in relief and gush over how grateful I am over that. But, since I couldn’t care either way, I remain silent.

  “Sasha, are you still there?”

  I grunt, knowing how much that annoys her. Surprisingly, I don’t get a lecture about how unladylike that is.

  “Listen, how serious are you about that … that … person Declan?” She says his name like it’s a distasteful act.

  Seriously, what a bitch.

  “Deadly serious,” I tell her, finding myself not entirely lying about that.

  “Look, Bowen is a lovely man. He’s rich, successful, and he runs in the same circles I do. We could see each other all the time if you would come to your senses and give the man your number.”

  Typical, the only things my mom cares about are money and success, which makes for easy bragging. No mention on whether he’s kind, sweet, or loving. Whether he has a great sense of humor or is passionate about the things he loves. I suppose those aren’t the “important” things in a potential relationship.

  “Maybe you should give him your number?”

  “Sasha! You know that’s not funny. I don’t know why you’re being so stubborn over this other …” She drifts off, and I know it’s taking a lot for her not to cuss Declan out. Besides, a lady apparently doesn’t cuss. “… person. You need to grow up and realize that you’re not getting any younger! Your future needs to be taken care of financially, and I doubt very much that your friend of the moment can manage that.”

  “You know nothing about Declan, yet you’re willing to cast judgement over him? What if I love him? What if he means the world to me? What if he makes me happy? Do any of those things matter to you?”

  Mom splutters before righting herself, because obviously, a true lady also never splutters!

  “This is just a fling and likely one you’re having because you know we disapprove. You’re nearing thirty now, Sasha; you can’t play this game forever. I will pass on the message to Bowen that you are interested. I hope to God you come to your senses.” She hangs up before I can mutter a single argument.

  God, I hate her so much. It might be time to change my number and make sure she doesn’t have the new one.

  “You okay?” Declan asks as he approaches.

  I take a deep breath as I switch the work phone back over to voicemail. I lock my computer and grab my purse before stepping around and smiling when he holds out his hand to me.

  “I am now,” I say, deciding to ignore the phone call from my mom. I don’t want her to bring down the mood.

  Hand in hand, we walk out of the office and straight into Joey and Cynthia, who seem to be discussing something serious.

  “She is! I swear to you,” Cynthia argues, her hands on her hips and her cheeks slightly red as she begins to become flustered.

  “No freaking way. She was flirting with me just last week!” Joey counters. His own stance is stubb
orn. I know neither of them is likely to back down anytime soon.

  “Yeah, that would get her better tips! It doesn’t mean she would be into you,” Cynthia quickly disagrees.

  Oh, they are discussing a woman. I should be surprised, but I’m really not.

  “Declan, help me out, man. That hot waitress from last week at Ravello, she was totally into me, right?”

  “Actually, I’m pretty sure she was into me.” Declan smirks before I dig my nails into his hand. Then he smiles apologetically down at me.

  “No way! You couldn’t stop grumbling the whole time she was around. Fine, I bet you fifty dollars and a free lunch that she would pick me if it came to anyone at our table,” Joey boldly states.

  “You’re on. Although, I amend mine to whether she would choose me or Sasha. That woman is definitely gay.”

  Joey shakes his head, signaling for us to follow, as Cynthia piles into his car, still in a huff.

  “Did our lunch date just get hijacked?” I dejectedly ask, already fearing I know the answer.

  Joey sticks his head out the window. “Come on, you two, or are you afraid she won’t even glance at either of you?”

  “I think he just took a knife to our egos,” Declan mumbles.

  “Oh, he is on,” I declare.

  Of course Joey knows how to push my buttons. I did just recently defend Declan’s ability to please me to Bowen after minimal digs from him, and zero actual knowledge under my belt.

  “I don’t care who this woman is, no one can resist the Sasha charm,” I announce, pulling on Declan’s hand and dragging him toward the car.

  “What exactly is this restaurant?” I ask once we are in and buckled.

  “It’s Italian. They serve amazing pasta,” Cynthia informs me, likely hitting the pasta angle because I haven’t met a pasta I didn’t love.

  With Declan plastered next to me, he takes my hand again, and I lean into him as we listen to Cynthia and Joey bicker in the front. There is something nice about this moment, something easy and normal.


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