Building the Home (The Dancing Wolf Book 2)

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Building the Home (The Dancing Wolf Book 2) Page 12

by Amy DeMeritt

  “Shit, baby. You’ve never cum so quickly before. You must really love making love to us.” I laugh and kiss her neck. “It’s pure heaven.”

  “For us too.” Sam fixes my pants and kisses my lips with a smile. “So, what do you want us to wear for this dance, Daddy?” I smile really big and her grin widens. “Only a white tee shirt and your panties, but it’s too cold out for that.”

  “We won’t be out there for too long. We’ll wear pants and jackets out there and back in, but I’ll strip down in the woods for you.”

  I smile and look up at Madison and Shannon. Both of them nod in agreement, and say they’re fine with my wardrobe request.

  When we come out to the dining room, Sara has her back to us leaning against the counter, but she quickly turns and snarls at us. We take a step back and I laugh.

  “Wow, that looks amazing. When did you learn how to face paint?” She has painted her face and neck to look like a wolf and it looks very professional. She even spiked her hair out and streaked some gray and white throughout it. “This last project I did required a lot of face painting. Here, I used this for a dance in high school.” She hands me a phantom of the opera mask and I smile. “This is awesome. Are you ready?”

  “Yeah. Dad’s already out in the woods setting up his camera and some wireless speakers.”

  He found a good spot in the woods and took care of removing all of the fallen tree branches and rocks. He gathered leaves from the surrounding area and covered the ground more. It looks good.

  I position my girls to be sitting on a small blanket close together to the left of the “stage” and we do a practice run of the dance.

  When it’s time to start recording, I get such a rush that I feel like my body is completely detached from the world and has fused as one with the beats in the music and the imagery I’m trying to achieve with our movements.

  For the first sequence, I dance in from the right and approach my girls with spins, and fluid bends, trying to portray a lover arriving and adoring her partners. After I pull one of them up from the blanket and start slow dancing with her, “wolf” Sara leaps in and tries to steal her from me. I “fight” Sara off and she retreats. But as I pull another one of my girls up to dance with me, Sara returns to battle me again. After she retreats a second time, I pull my final girl up and all of us dance together.

  Sara enters from behind me, yanking me backwards away from my girls, only to try to pounce on them once I’m out of the way. She leaps at them, but I grab her leg and pull her back. It’s a very acrobatic expressive dance of us grappling each other. When we stumble apart, we dance off against each other, trying to intimidate the other. She pretends to strike me several times in my face and ribs, sending me crashing to the ground in a controlled roll. I pretend to hold my face and carefully put the mask on before I face her again. Before putting the mask on, I tried hard to keep only the right side of my face visible in the camera shot. But now that I have the mask on, I can move more freely.

  She tries to go for my girls again, who are huddled together in mock fear. I slide between them on my knees and pretend to spear Sara in the chest with my arm. She stumbles back, but lunges again. We battle a little longer, then she goes down at my feet with me facing the camera. My girls surround me, with Madison and Shannon looping their arms in mine and leaning their heads on my shoulders, and Sam kneeling in front of me with her arm around my leg and her head against my exposed stomach. As the songs ending, Shannon reaches up, takes my mask off, and kisses my face. It wasn’t planned, but I love the improv. It fits perfectly.

  My dad calls cut, so we disentangle and Sara stands up. My girls quickly put their pants, jackets, and shoes back on and jump around to get the chill out of their bodies.

  “It’s hard to believe you came up with this in just an hour. It looked like you’ve been rehearsing it for days. You really only strengthened the argument that you should be dancing, kiddo.” I smile and pick up the discarded mask off the ground. “We’ll see what happens.”

  We go back to the house so we can watch the video, but as we’re sitting down in the living room, there’s a knock at the front door. My mom is closest to the door, so she gets to it first.

  “Hi, I’m here to see Sara.”

  “Come on in.”

  A very pretty light skinned black girl with long black hair pulled into a ponytail walks in and looks around the room with a small smile. She’s dressed in a pair of tight skinny jeans tucked into cute black and gray combat style boots with a form fitting military style army green top. She’s built really nice – she’s fit, but curvy.

  Sara walks in drying her face and hair on a towel after washing off her wolf makeup, making the mystery girl’s smile widen.

  “Hey, Keira, have you been here long?”

  “I just got here. So, what are we doing? Your text wasn’t very clear.”

  Sara quickly introduces all of us to Keira and then has her come sit on the couch to explain what we’re doing. Keira gives me a curious look, like she’s trying to size me up, then smiles and stands up.

  “Ok, let’s go.”

  My parents finished the basement like a big dance studio for Sara years ago, so the entire basement is open and finished with mirrors on the walls and springy hardwood floors. Sara plugs her phone into the stereo and the many surround sound speakers start playing a medium tempo song.

  Sara starts first and I can see that she’s actually more relaxed with Keira than she was with Sam. Sara must have felt awkward dancing with Sam because she’s my girl. Sara spins Keira into my hands and I start controlling her.

  She’s really good. I can tell that she’s been dancing for a long time. Her body is fluid and she understands and senses my directions without hesitation or confusion. I twist her back to Sara and she dances with her again. When the next song starts, it’s a very fast dance song. Sara keeps Keira for the first minute of the song, but then spins her back to me.

  I can feel that Keira wants more intensity. I can feel a slight tremor in her hips as she struggles to follow my lead and not move deeper and harder in beat to the music. I feel my cocky confidence that I get when I puppet dance growing. I encourage her into more intense movements and positions and she rocks her body against mine perfectly in beat to the music and in sync with my commands. If I plant her ass against the front of me, she digs in hard and deep, twisting her thick round ass against me. I have her face me and roll against me and then bend backwards. As she bends back, one of her hands is resting on my exposed abs, and one is gripping the wrist of my hand that’s pressed to the center of her chest, pushing her backwards.

  She bends all the way back and I grip her hip in a way that I have little hope of her understanding, but she does. She bends her hands back behind herself, doing a backwards handstand. I firmly grip the backs of her thighs and pull her legs up to wrap around my waist, while slightly bending my legs to support her. She then follows my fingers instructions to raise her torso back up and she wraps her arms around my neck smiling.

  It’s a very fast fluid series of moves to get her to this position and the fact that she actually understood what I wanted her to do in that last sequence really makes my confidence swell.

  “Damn, you are really good. I knew exactly what you wanted me to do. Sara, I’m sorry, but Kayla wins this challenge. I could tell what you wanted most of the time, but there were a few times I wasn’t sure I was doing what I was supposed to till I felt you move.” Sara smiles really big. “Don’t be sorry. That’s exactly what I was trying to prove to Kayla. You, uh, should probably let her down now.” I look at Sara confused, but then look at Keira and realize she’s still wrapped around my waist, while I’m holding her ass. “Oh, right, sorry.”

  “Ok, I have to ask. What happened to your face?”

  I smile and rub the back of my neck nervously. I give Keira a very quick explanation of what happened, and her eyes get big and her jaw drops.

  “Wow, I’m so sorry. That sounds terrifying an
d painful. I’m actually a nurse at that hospital, but I had off yesterday. Who did you have check you in?”

  “A girl named Tina. She was nice and helped save my clothes from having to be cut off.” Keira smiles and nods approvingly. “That’s good. Tina is a nice girl. You probably would have had to lose your clothes if you didn’t get her when you came in. So, how do you handle dancing with all of your girls? Do you have to swap out partners while the others wait?”

  I smile really big and wave my hand at her to back up and my babies smile and come over to me as Keira and Sara get out of the way.

  “Give me a slow song, Sara.”

  I have my girls stand in a close circle around me and wait for the music. As the music starts, I pull Shannon’s arms up around my neck and our bodies press close together. She looks nervous, but I smile and kiss her lips and she relaxes some. While we start to slow dance, I take Sam’s and Madison’s hands and twirl them into position with Sam behind Shannon, pressed against her, and Madison behind me. For at least a minute, we dance this way, before I smoothly transition us to a ball of twisting bodies and alternating stepping feet as I move between them and twist them together. Shannon is still learning, so I have to give her the most body to body contact so she understands my instructions, but all of them do really well and it feels like a good dance.

  “That was beautiful. You seriously just redefined the couple dance. I can’t believe you were able to do that.” Keira looks at Sara and asks, “She’s in the squad, right? We need her.”

  “She was first on my list and she accepted.”

  “How do you know each other?” Sara runs her hand through her hair and looks down for a moment before looking up with a goofy grin. Keira laughs a little and blushes, before answering, “We uh, met through a mutual friend.”

  “Why are you both being weird? Are you together?” Sara grins again and Keira looks at her and smiles. “We’re talking, but pretty much.” I laugh and shove Sara’s shoulder. “You go and shake it out of me what I’m doing and you don’t even tell me you’re talking to someone? And if you already have your own hot nurse, why were you trying to take mine?”

  Keira looks at Sara with her hands on her hips and gives her a stern look.

  “Excuse me?” Sara laughs and holds up her hands. “Whoa, I was just messing with my baby sister. I wasn’t really trying to take her woman.” Keira smiles, removes her hands from her hips, and runs her hand through Sara’s hair. “Good, because you’re not allowed to look at another girl till I decide if I’m locking you down or not.” Sara laughs and wraps her arms around Keira’s waist. “Please, you know you want me. That’s why you’re here.”

  Keira laughs and glances at Sara’s lips. Keira starts to move in to kiss her, but then looks around and pulls back. Sara unplugs her phone and takes Keira’s hand.

  “Ok, well, since we’re done with this dance off, we’re going out. See you all later.”

  Sara starts to pull Keira away and Keira grins really big, but looks back before they take a step upstairs and waves.

  “It was nice meeting all of you.”

  Chapter Eleven

  We should be getting ready for the day because we have three houses to go between for Thanksgiving, but we’re still lying in bed, procrastinating on getting showers and getting dressed. Sam’s parents are still fighting, but are insistent on having a “family” Thanksgiving. Madison’s family really wanted Madison to come alone so they could spend some time with just her, but she refused to go without us. Her parents have been nagging her to stay at their house for the rest of her vacation, but again, Madison refuses. When they try to argue, she reminds them of what they did and the promises they made. Today should be very interesting, but mostly stressful.

  We’re in one of our favorite snuggling positions, with Madison and Shannon laying on my chest, and Sam laying on my stomach with her body between my legs. Madison lifts her head and looks at me in a sad way.

  “I’m telling them today.” Shannon and Sam lift their heads and we all look at her a little confused. “I’m telling them that we’re all moving in together and that I won’t be coming home for the full summer.”

  “Are you sure you want to tell them on Thanksgiving? They’re already pretty pissed off that you haven’t stayed there at all this week and you’re bringing us today.”

  “Yes. They’ve already made comments about a family summer vacation and I know they think that if I come home in the summer, what we have will disappear. We’ve never gone on vacation for more than a week at a time, but my mom texted me yesterday about planning a two to three-week vacation. It’s like she thinks if she gets me away from all of you long enough that she can make us forget about each other.”

  “It would be really hard not seeing you for that long, but if you want to go on your family vacation, it won’t change us. We’ll still be waiting for you like we have to with Sam right now.” Madison shakes her head. “I don’t want to go. I know I wont enjoy myself. I’d miss all of you so much and my parents would drive me crazy by trying to change me.”

  “Do you not trust us to leave us alone with Kayla?” Madison looks at Sam confused. “What do you mean? Why wouldn’t I trust you?”

  Sam sits up, so we follow. She pulls her knees up to her chest and wraps her arms around herself, something Sam only does when she’s about to reveal an insecurity or something that upsets her.

  “Do you still feel like Kayla is yours first and we’re just add-ons? Like a few months ago, when I showed up unannounced. Would you be upset if we were intimate with Kayla without you?” Madison reaches out and takes Sam’s hand. “I think I would feel a bit of jealousy over all of you, but I wouldn’t be mad. Things are different now than they were before. Do I make you feel like you’re just an add-on?”

  “No, I guess not. Sometimes, it’s hard to feel like I’m a full part of this because I haven’t really had much time in person with all of you yet. We’ve only had a little over a week together broken up with a month between days. And in a few days, we’ll be apart for almost a month again.”

  “I know and it’s hard for us too when we go so long without seeing you. Sam, I promise, I really do love you and I don’t want you with us just to make Kayla happy or to have fun. I mean, I know that’s why it started, but I love you. It probably wouldn’t make sense to anyone else that I’d be ok with this because of your history with Kayla, but I want you with us.”

  “Before, Kayla wasn’t allowed to be with anyone without you there. Would you be upset if we were with her without you or each other? I mean, if I came home and wanted to be with Kayla or Shannon or even you, is that allowed?” Madison smiles and leans forward, kissing Sam on the lips. “We’re a family, baby. As long as we’re only with each other and none of us are with other girls, I’m ok with it. I’m sure there are going to be times that some of us are in the mood and the others aren’t, or someone’s sick or on their period and just doesn’t want to do something.”

  Madison looks at Shannon and asks, “Do I make you feel like an add-on or that you can’t be with us?” Shannon shrugs a shoulder. “Not so much like an add-on, because I can tell you both love me. But I have been nervous about trying to do certain things if one of you wasn’t there. A couple times, I just really wanted to kiss you or Kayla, but I was worried if I did, it would escalate and I didn’t want to get in trouble with you.” Madison frowns. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I made you both feel that way.” She wraps her arms around her knees like Sam and her eyes mist up. “I don’t want either of you to feel less important or like you’re second rate or something.”

  “If Kayla decided to leave all of us, like maybe she meets some amazing girl in this dance squad or something, would you still want to be with me and Shannon?”

  “What the hell, Sam? Why are you making me the ass? You know I’d never leave all of you.” Sam smiles and leans forward to kiss my lips. “I know, baby. It’s just a hypothetical.”

  “Well, I don’t like it.
I don’t like us posing fake scenarios about us hurting each other. We are a family, period. We all love each other and we all want to be with each other, period. We don’t need to be self-destructive by posing these questions that will cause insecurities in our family. We don’t need to plant the rust in our links that hold us together when the whole fucking world is going to be trying to do that. We have to remain confident in what we are to each other. I can take as many punches as people want to throw at me to protect all of you, but I can’t take you thinking you’re not important.”

  Sam stares at me for a moment with doubt making her eyes look sad and her jaw tenses a moment.

  “One more question for you, Kayla.” I take a deep breath and feel my frustration growing. “If Madison told you she was tired of the family life and wanted it to just be the two of you again, could you walk away from us, if it meant you’d lose Madison if you didn’t?”

  “Maddi wouldn’t ask me to do that.”

  “It’s just a hypothetical. Just pretend for a second that she would.” My heart aches and my stomach feels sick. Why is she doing this? What is she trying to prove? Either way I answer, I could hurt someone. “What do you want from me, Sam? I tell all of you that I would take a beating to protect you. I’d jump in front of a fucking bullet for you. I’d even allow myself to be tortured and have my flesh peeled from my bones, if it meant you’d be safe. I would do absolutely anything for you. What more do you want from me?”

  “I know what she wants, what she wants to hear.”

  Madison is looking at her knees in a sad way. She slowly puts her legs down and gets on her knees next to me. She takes my face in her hands and looks in my eyes with so much sadness that it makes me pull her down onto my lap and wrap my arms around her.


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