Jackson: NAC & The Holly Group (Alpha Team Book 1)

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Jackson: NAC & The Holly Group (Alpha Team Book 1) Page 18

by Chelsea Handcock

  Cash wiped is eyes and said, “No, man, we never took it further. I wanted to wait until she was older. I wanted to make sure she knew what she was getting involved with; our world is not the norm. Shit, she didn’t even know about my bear. I knew that if we had sex, my bear would have bonded to her even closer, and I couldn’t take the chance of her rejecting what I am. There was just something in the back of my mind that told me it would be better if we waited because she needed more time to grow up. For me, I was caught hook line and sinker at ten, and we both know that is not normal, at least in human terms.

  Cash cradled his head in his hands and said, “I regret it, though. That might have made a difference. Jessie could have been found if the legends are true. My bear would have been able to track her better, but as it is I’ll never know for sure.”

  Shit. Cash needed this conversation to end, but he also needed to warn his best friend.

  “I can tell you that I felt the bond,” revealed Cash. “We did have a break when she died, and I wouldn’t wish that feeling on my worst enemy. I felt like someone had stabbed me through the heart. You remember all that drinking and getting into trouble I did right before we joined up? Shit, man, I was just trying not to feel anything after the bond severed and the initial pain was gone. I wanted to just be numb, still, do.”

  He wasn’t sugar coating his feeling, but there was no way someone would understand unless they had been through it.

  “Just promise me to keep Ryleigh safe,” Cash requested. “It has got to be eating you alive that you are going to put her in harm’s way with this mission. I can tell you that if Jessie was here and I was in your position, I would be doing everything in my power to keep her out of danger. Shit, man, I would even leave the team if it meant keeping her safe.”

  Jacks was seeing red at the thought of Ryleigh being in danger. He had no idea how to handle the feeling he was having, let alone knowing he was going to be escorting her right to the door where she might get hurt, or worse. But he also couldn’t deny the strong women that she was. He also felt like shit because he remembered what he and the guys put Cash through after Jessie kidnapping and he was feeling guilty.

  “Fuck. I wish I would have known all of this then,” said Jacks. “It couldn’t have helped with the guys pushing girls at you all the time. I did it myself for fuck sakes. I just thought that if we could get you over Jessie, it would help, you know. Now knowing all this, I just feel like shit for not seeing beyond my own nose. As far as Ryleigh and this mission, I would like nothing more to bring in someone else in instead of putting her in that house. She has suffered enough, but I have to let her be who she is, and that is one strong woman. She has saved countless people and has been through things that would break even one of our lesser men. The woman is amazing and if I stifle that part of her, how could I live with it? I would be taking a part of what makes her amazing and throwing it away.”

  Cash wanted out of the past. He knew that the guys were just trying to help back then. He also knew that none of them had a clue, but it seemed his best friend was about to get a crash course.

  “Don’t sweat it, man,” replied Cash. “I know the guys were only trying to help me back then, and it did help some. I am here, and I am relatively functioning. Got to keep you on your toes, you know. After all, I get to sit back and watch the best show on earth now; the Great Alpha Bear Jackson Thorp being taken down by a mere slip of a woman, and Seniors daughter to boot. You are a lucky man, or a very unlucky man. I can’t wait to see the fireworks,” Cash laughed.

  Jacks turned white, and Cash knew there was only one man on the planet that could make that happen. That’s why he just had to rub it in. His best friend, Alpha, and Team leader, was going to get his balls feed to him by a dragon. He didn’t think Senior would kill Jacks, but he would definitely make it hurt.

  Chapter 27

  “Thanks a lot, asshole,” Jacks said while clapping Cash on the shoulder. “So, any idea how I am going to break it to the Great Alpha Dragon that I am going to mate his daughter? Or how about how I am going to break it to Ryleigh? She knows so little about our world.”

  “No man” Cash said, laughing again more uncontrollably, “but I do just so happen to have a fire-resistant suit in my locker at home if you need it. Now let’s get to work, Alpha, we have some safes to crack in less than 50 minutes.”

  Ryleigh was practically jumping in place and clapping her hands when she and Ethan entered the room with his hidden boxes of tech.

  “Show me, show me! Oh, I can’t wait. I never get to play with the fun stuff anymore,” Ryleigh said excitedly.

  It had been years since she got to play with lethal toys and she was jonesing for a fix.

  “Come on, Ethan, give it to me,” Ryleigh pleaded.

  “Okay, little one, prepare to be amazed,” Ethan replied.

  Just then Ethan opened up the box sitting on the table and what was inside was anything but amazing. To say she was disappointed was an understatement. It contained a simple gold chain with a fancy closure and a gorgeous abstract pendant. Also, there was an equally simple bracelet with some kind of beads on it and then some regular hoop earrings with the same beads as the bracelet. Ryleigh couldn't help but think, pretty, but boring.

  Ethan was laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes.

  “Oh, come on, Rye, all women like jewelry and this stuff is not all that bad,” he said. “What were you expecting, an AK that you could hide on your body or something? You’re a smart girl and you know that’s not possible.”

  Dejected, Ryleigh said, “Yeah, I guess you are right, but you could have at least included some diamonds. I mean, they are a girl’s best friend. And best of all, they cut through just about anything. At least then it would be considered functional jewelry. What you just showed me is just plain old jewelry.”

  Just then, quicker than her eyes could track Ethan, he had the necklace pulled apart and put into a garrote tied around her neck.

  He spoke slowly, “Now, darling, this is anything but simple. You see, this little beauty can bring down a man three times your size.”

  Stunned, all she could say was, “Show me more.”

  For the next hour, Ethan and Ryleigh went over how best to use the garrote necklace and those beautiful little beads weren’t beads at all; one was a video camera, one had the ability to dissolve into a sedative, one was an explosive, and the earrings twisted into a lock pick. The beautiful pendant was a bug detector. The man was an evil genius and if it wasn’t for Jacks, well and maybe Cash, she could make him into her new dream man. She just wouldn’t say it out loud, this time, no need to get Jacks’ panties in a twist. Gosh, I wonder if he wears underwear or does he go commando, Ryleigh thought to herself. Just then she realized that Ethan had been talking to her.

  “And I lost her,” Ethan declared. “Here I thought my toys were the answer to every girl’s dream, and you go off to la-la-land. Time to visit Dalton. If my secret store full of cool tech and weapons can’t keep your attention, maybe he can.”

  “Sorry, Ethan. I just got caught in thought,” Ryleigh admitted. “It happens sometimes, but so that you know, I love your toys and anytime you want to show me more I am more than willing to play.”

  “Careful, honey. Those are fighting words, and I value my nuts,” Ethan said. “Just make sure that you never, and I mean never, tell Jacks that you want to play with my toys; with him that is a different story, but not with me or anybody else, okay.”

  “But, Ethan, I like your toys. Why can’t I play with them with anybody but Jacks? That is not fair; he doesn’t seem like the kind of guy that would like to play with stuff you just showed me,” Ryleigh declared. “I like the guy. Why would I want to garrote him? Although the sedative could make things interesting, especially when he is being really arrogant and annoying. But even then, I kind I like the way he is.”

  “Oh honey. You are trouble with a capital T,” Ethan joked. “Just remember what I said. Now let’s find Dalton. T
ime to show us what you got, little sister.”

  Following Ethan, Ryleigh couldn’t help but wonder how these men set this temporary base up so fast with a complete kitchen, offices, and a fully equipped gym. It was pretty amazing. Dalton was already stretching out and getting ready for their session. He didn’t seem to be all that happy about having to assess her hand-to-hand skills.

  “Okay, Ryleigh, can you tell me about some of the techniques you already know?” Dalton asked. “It would also be helpful if you explained the techniques you have mastered and the ones that you still need some help building. That way I will know where to start and how far to go. Do you want to warm up?”

  “No, I don’t need a warm up,” Ryleigh affirmed. “I am ready to go whenever you are. As for my training, just channel my Dad and what he would teach his daughter. I am pretty good, but I am always willing to learn new things.”

  “You know, it is not good to train without warming up. You could cause yourself more harm than good,” Dalton countered. “You will be leaving tomorrow and you need to be in top physical condition. I plan on going pretty hard so I can gauge your skill level. If you can’t walk tomorrow how are you going to complete your mission? We don’t want to risk an injury.”

  “Okay, Dalton, if you want,” Ryleigh replied. “If someone is going to attack me, I honestly doubt they are going to give me the time to warm up beforehand. But you are the teacher, and I am your willing student. So, whatever you say goes.”

  Ryleigh then proceeded to do a warm up in front of Ethan and Dalton. She was tired, and she knew she was half-assing the warm up, but she had been going for over 72 hours without any sleep and her body and mind were dragging. She didn’t want to make a bad impression and knew it was critical to the mission that she follow Jacks orders. He and his men had a right to know her skill level. She just wished she had more energy. But then she caught wind of the men’s conversation, and it pissed her off.

  “Fuck, man. She doesn’t even know how to warm up properly,” Dalton said. “She is probably a desk jockey wanting a little excitement, no way is that women an active operative.”

  “I don’t know, man, give her a chance,” Ethan refuted. “Ryleigh may surprise you. She is acting totally different now. I think she might have just hit her wall. Maybe we should wait and do the assessment in the morning. I garroted her and she had her hand up before I could make contact; it was instinctual,” Ethan said.

  “Whatever. Time to put the princess through her paces,” Dalton said unenthusiastically. “Maybe she will have realized that she is playing with the big dogs now, and she should stay behind a desk. If this mate crap is real and she is Jacks’, then at least she would be safe where he could protect her, behind that desk of hers.”

  Dalton walked over to Ryleigh on the training floor, leaving Ethan to spectate.

  “Okay, Ryleigh, I am going to take you through some of the easier hold positions. Show me what you got,” Dalton insisted.

  For the next half hour, Ryleigh let Dalton take her through the paces. She wanted to assess her opponent as much as he wanted to assess her, but the man just put off a bad vibe. Well, not precisely a bad vibe, but ‘little woman you need to stay out of big boy games’ vibe. She couldn’t help but think, if he didn’t like women, why the hell was he working with NAC? The bastard was condescending and rude most of the time, pretty rough as well. He wasn’t taking her size or strength into consideration, and he was working her like she was one of the guys. No way could she stand up to their speed and strength. Christ, the man had to outweigh her by a hundred pounds and was at least a foot taller.

  “No, Ryleigh, you just aren’t getting this and they are simple moves,” Dalton asserted. “Maybe you should just stay behind your safe little desk and opt out of this. We have several operatives that could take your place that have at least gotten through basic self-defense. As it stands you are not only putting yourself in danger, but Jacks as well. Now again, break my fucking hold.”

  Ryleigh was beyond pissed. Dalton wasn’t assessing her; he was trying to break her down. When she noticed that Ethan had left the room she decided to cut loose. If Dalton was going to play dirty, she could too. It was time to teach the teacher; time to teach him a lesson, game on.

  Chapter 28

  Cash and Jacks had just completed their best run at the safes yet when Ethan busted through the door, “Guys you have to come to the gym. I fucked, man. I truthfully think Dalton might hurt her. She can’t even break his basic holds, and he is getting more pissed by the second. You have to stop them.”

  All three took off at a run to the gym. What they saw when they got there left them dumbfounded with their mouths hanging open. Ryleigh was kicking Dalton’s ass.

  All the air left Dalton's lungs when he hit the floor. Ryleigh had just taken him down with a well-placed kick to his knee. Then, as if she had done it a hundred times, she climbed on top of him with a quick, biting hit to his sternum. She did something odd and with a quick strike of her finger, she hit a nerve that left him all but paralyzed. After that, she placed her tiny hands around his neck in the perfect placement with just the right amount of pressure to cut off his airflow.

  He was down for the count, and she said as sweet as could be. “Now, Dalton, this has been fun, but I’m too tired to continue with this assessment. Funny, I really don’t know how you could assess my skill level while you were trying to embarrass and humiliate me. But hey we all have or methods, right.”

  She tightened her grip. “You, sir, are a grade-A asshole. I don’t know if your problem is with all women, or me, but you genuinely need to get over yourself. As for your earlier question, I have a master’s level black belt in Krav Maga as well as several others in different forms of martial arts. I have been training since I was eleven, and trust me when I say Dad was anything but easy on me. I also have a weird obsession with the brain and neuroscience. I know right where to strike to either immobilize a man or kill him. I can also press this small area on your foot that will make you cum,” she said, winking at him, “That you have to earn.”

  “I am, however, trying to decide if you realistically need your arms and legs at this moment. Right about now you are feeling that sleeping tingly sensation, like when your foot falls to sleep. But if I press just a little bit harder right about here, those tingles with turned into extreme pain. Or I could press right here,” moving her hands just slightly, “-and your nerve endings will start firing as normal. What do you think I should do? Maybe you could just apologize for being a grade-A asshole and we can start over. Not once since I walked into this room have you tried to assess my abilities. You made an uninformed decision that I couldn’t protect Jacks or myself and tried to prove your point brutally. I am sure I will have the bruises in the morning to prove it.”

  Dalton was sweating, and Ryleigh was right; his arms and legs were not functioning. All he could do was grunt out, “Fuck, sorry Rye. I just had to make sure that you weren’t going to put Jacks in more danger.”

  With one last quick hit to Dalton’ pressure point, the tingling went away. Ryleigh helped Dalton to his feet, and just then they both noticed the dumbfounded group at the door. Ryleigh was embarrassed that she had waited for Ethan to leave before she taught Dalton his lesson and now everyone had seen. She didn’t mean to humiliate the guy, but he was being an ass and turnabout is fair play, at least that was what she thought at the moment. Now she just felt stupid. She had done the same thing to Dalton as he had done to her. Taking his actions as demeaning and humiliating instead of offering him even the slightest information regarding her training; it was a dick move and she felt bad.

  Dalton, one of the first things we all learn is don’t judge a book by its cover. You made an assumption that was completely unfounded, but I did the same thing, and I am sorry. I should have been more forthcoming and taking this assessment more seriously. I sincerely want to apologize for my actions. Just so you know I can and will take care of myself and Jacks if need be, I don’t
take any of this lightly regardless of how I acted. I hope there aren’t any hard feelings.

  “Nope. Ryleigh, I think I just joined your expanding family,” Dalton professed. “You had every right to put me in my place; I was being an ass. I guess I need to rethink some of my assumptions. It will be an honor to work with you and when this is over, I look forward to you showing me a few new moves. We all have some pressure point training, but yours were quick and efficient.”

  “Same here, Dalton. I have read your file and I know that you are a master at Kalarippayattu,” Ryleigh retorted. “I haven’t gotten into that type of fighting, but I would like to learn some of the principles. It is a fascinating form and beautifully lethal.”

  “Anytime, little sister. Now let’s get out of here. You have an appointment with Eli next” he said.

  The other men were still standing in the doorway when they left, still looking dumbfounded with their mouths open. It was as if they couldn’t believe what they had just seen. Jacks was the only one that didn’t have that look on his face; he just seemed proud with his hands crossed over his sexy chest. That sexy little smirk was once again in place. The man was a woman’s wet dream, and Ryleigh had to remind herself, once again, that she was here with a bunch of Shifters that could probably smell her reaction to the man. But at this point, she really didn’t care. Jackson Thorp just did it for her and the longer she was around him, the more she accepted the fact.


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