Jackson: NAC & The Holly Group (Alpha Team Book 1)

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Jackson: NAC & The Holly Group (Alpha Team Book 1) Page 21

by Chelsea Handcock

  “Time for lesson three, wifey,” Jacks announced. “I always sleep in the buff. If we were married, you would be too, but I made the exception for you because this is a mission. I don’t want those pervs in security at the Franklin house to see you naked; that is reserved for only your husband.”

  Now she just looked flummoxed and then she spoke, “Jacks, I mean can you even have sex the normal way with that thing? I mean, it’s abnormally huge,” she said, motioning towards his package. “It’s just so big; you could totally do some permanent damage with that. I heard there was this porn star that did that, but they said he was only about 12 inches. You are way bigger than that, how could a woman even…”

  “I assure you, baby, that, yes, I am quite cable of having sex the normal way,” Jacks reassured her, “and I will fit just fine when the time comes. But now we need to get on with our lessons. Lesson four is: I always sleep on the side of the room the door is on, so scoot over.”

  “Jacks, wait, aren’t you going to put at least underwear on?” Ryleigh asked, concerned. “I mean, we aren’t married for real and we are not on the mission yet. Maybe I don’t want the pervs in security to be ogling your package either.”

  “Nope, I’m a guy and I really don’t care who sees my junk; it is, after all, pretty impressive as you pointed out. Now scoot,” he said, climbing into bed with her. “Time for lesson five, it’s one of the best ones: cuddling.”

  Jacks maneuvered around until he had Ryleigh’s head resting in the cradle of his arm. He then spooned around her with his gigantic dick wedged in-between her butt cheeks, with his hand was cupping her breast. Damn, the man’s appendage might scare the crap out of her, but just having him hold her so close and intimately was doing things to her body that she had never experienced before.

  He then kissed her neck and whispered, “There is nothing on earth that can compare to the feeling of your skin next to mine, baby. I could die a happy man right now.”

  And, yep, Ryleigh was totally lost. Turning her head, all she could say was his name. She wasn’t sure if it was a whimper, a plea for mercy, or for something more that even she didn’t know. She needed him. Then he lowered those gorgeous full lips and kissed her deep and hard. The man had her with one kiss; he could do anything he wanted at the moment and Ryleigh would have let him. As the kiss heated up, Ryleigh was almost willing to die because of the lack of oxygen. Then in a move she couldn’t have predicted, he started kissing down the column of her neck, all the while his hand, which had slipped into the top of her nightie, was doing glorious things to her breast. Ryleigh couldn’t have contained the moan that came from deep within her soul if she tried. When he started talking, she knew any battle she could have put up he had already won.

  “God, Baby, I have been dying to taste you since you walked into that conference. Are you going to let me taste you, Baby?” he said. “I would start with your perfect little nipples, taking first one then the other in my mouth. I would suck gently at first and then harder. Would you like that, Baby, me sucking on your nipples? I think you might, seeing how tight and hard they are right now, just from my fingers. You want my mouth on them, don’t you, Baby?”

  He was saying all this while his fingers were lightly grazing her breasts, zeroing in on her nipple. Then he started to pinch it gently at first, but then harder.

  “After I had my fill of them, which would take a while, I would lick and kiss my way down your stomach,” Jacks continued.

  He used his fingers to demonstrate, circling her belly button with his finger; mimicking what he would do with his mouth. Ryleigh had never wished a garment gone more in her life than in that moment. When he continued his downward journey with his finger, tracing her mound and then her hip only to continuing down her leg to the hem of the nightie, Ryleigh was ready to jump out of her skin because if felt so good.

  Jacks continued his dirty little thoughts with, “Will you let me taste you, Baby?”

  Ryleigh didn’t know what to say or what to do; her body and mind were mush. Before her brain could even register the thought, she had said, “Yes”. It was barely a whisper, but she had said it and meant it. Jacks moved back and helped Ryleigh onto her back, taking her mouth in for another deep kiss. He owned her mouth just like he owned her body. The man could kiss. Always directing, he played with her tongue, teeth, and then the roof of her mouth; dueling with her tongue, showing her who was in charge. There was not a question he was, and he played her like a fiddle. She felt his hand lifting her nightie out of the way. At first, he just rubbed her thigh and the crease between her leg and hip, slowly drawing her legs apart at the same time. He ended the kiss and started to cover her body.

  “Open for me, Baby,” he directed.

  Ryleigh couldn’t do anything but comply. Opening her legs the rest of the way, so Jacks could fit himself in the “v” of her body.

  He ground his thick erection against her and groaned, “Oh, Baby, you feel so good against me.”

  Ryleigh couldn’t agree more, but since no words would come to her, the gasps and moans she was making would have to suffice.

  “Lift up, Baby,” he ordered. “This needs to go.”

  With a quick move, he had her nightie over and off her head, throwing it somewhere in the room.

  “Damn, Baby. You just keep getting better and better,” Jacks professed.

  He zeroed in on her breasts, cupping her breast and bringing it up to meet his lips. He licked lightly around her areola, bringing her nipples to turgid peaks in between his teeth; biting gently pulling her breast away from her body. At first, Ryleigh gasped, but then moaned once again.

  “Oh, Jacks, please,” Ryleigh begged.

  She had no idea what she was asking for, but knew he needed to do something. He released her breast only to start sucking on her other nipple. Ryleigh was sure that she had died and gone to heaven. She had never felt anything this good and she didn’t want it to end, but she also knew that something bigger was coming. A few minutes later when Jacks began to make his way down her body, all Ryleigh could think, was, damn, the guy didn’t even need to make it to his goal because she was already ready to explode. She might be a virgin but she was not a stranger to self-pleasure, and she was about to explode. When his finger brushed her engorged clit Ryleigh’s hips buckled because of the contact. No way could she have controlled her body’s reaction.

  “You liked that, didn’t you, Baby,” Jacks stated. “You want my mouth there just as much as I do, don’t you, Baby? It’s going to be so good Rye. I can’t wait to have all your honey running down my throat.”

  Jacks never let up. With the light touches of his finger on her clit, once again all Ryleigh could do was moan her response, “Please Jacks.” And then he was there rolling her engorged clit with the very tip of his tongue, teasing, tormenting, and drawing her closer and closer to rapture. He placed his finger at her entrance and slowly started to push the tip of his finger inside Ryleigh froze. She needed to tell him that she was a virgin, but God, she was so close.

  Jacks noticed her tense up and said, "It’s okay, baby, just my finger.”

  Then he sucked hard, and she exploded into a million pieces. Her self-induced orgasms had never felt this good. Maybe there was something to all the erotic romance novels that she had been reading. Mind numbing ecstasy actually did exist, Ryleigh mused to her delight. When she came back down to earth Jacks was cradling her in his arms, staring into her eyes like she was the most amazing thing he had ever seen.

  All Ryleigh could say was, “Well, Jacks, if that was lesson six then you can count me in for the long haul.”

  Jacks laughed but then said, “Come on, Baby, time to get some sleep.”

  “Jacks, did I do something wrong?” Ryleigh asked, concerned. “I mean, what about you? Are you sure you want to go to sleep?”

  “Baby, watching you come apart like that was the most erotic thing I have ever seen, but taking this further is going to have to wait until after the mission,” Jack
s explained. “There are things we need to talk about before that can happen. But Ryleigh, it will happen, so you’d better prepare yourself.”

  Jacks didn’t want her to know that he had exploded right along with her, because, yeah, it wasn’t exactly the manly thing to do. Holding her tight, all Jacks thought was that he was never letting this woman go. He was also kind of afraid because he could feel that his bear was already bonding with her and Ryleigh deserved all the facts before that happened. Shit, who was he kidding, he had already bonded with her. If she chose to go home after the mission like she said earlier, he didn’t know what he was going to do.

  Ryleigh hoped Jacks was telling the truth. This man was worth losing her long held v-card. What they had just done was more amazing than she ever thought possible. She felt connected to him on a soul-deep level, and at the moment it didn’t scare her.

  Somehow, Ryleigh managed to fall asleep and when she woke she found Jacks gone. Dang it, maybe she shouldn’t have said anything about being in it for the long-haul; men didn’t like clingy women.

  Chapter 33

  After getting up, taking a quick shower, and getting dressed, Ryleigh had about twenty different conversations going on in her head all at the same time. Did she do or say something wrong? Would he regret what they had done? Should she have tried harder to please him? She had never given a blowjob before, but knew enough to perform one. So, lost in her thoughts, she hadn’t noticed Wyatt, who was standing behind her.

  “Crap, Wyatt!” she screamed, “you scared the hell out of me.”

  The sounds of boots pounding on the floor, the door crashing open, and Jacks storming through the door followed by the rest of the guys in Alpha happened within seconds of her scream. Shoot, thank the lord she had already gotten dressed. Jacks had Wyatt by his throat up against the wall with his feet dangling in the air. It took Ryleigh a minute to realize what the heck was going on. Wyatt’s face was beet red, and he was gasping for air, clawing at Jacks' hands.

  “What the fuck were you doing in this room, Wyatt?” Jacks demanded.

  Ryleigh put her hand on Jacks shoulder, “Jacks, he can’t answer you, please let him go. He just caught me off guard I was thinking about something, not paying attention like I should have been. He startled me. That was all that happened. Please, Jacks, just let him go.”

  Jacks finally released Wyatt, who slumped to the floor.

  “What the fuck, man,” Wyatt gasped. “I was walking past your room and noticed the light was on. I wanted to let Ryleigh know that Cash had breakfast ready. I knocked and called out to her. When she didn’t answer, I opened the door to make sure she was alright. I didn’t mean to scare her.”

  “Fuck, we don’t have time for this,” Jacks announced, “but when this mission is over, Wyatt, you and I are going to have words. You need to learn some boundaries, man. I can see opening the door. I can even see walking into the room, but you had abso-fucking-lutly no reason to go into the bathroom with her. And that, man, you are going to explain. Now, everybody get the fuck out.”

  The audience left the room.

  “Baby, are you sure you're okay?” Jacks inquired. “You screamed so loud that I swear it took five years off my life. I am so sorry about him. Wyatt is like a little kid; he lives in his virtual world twenty-four seven. He didn’t mean any harm, I swear.”

  “He just caught me off guard, Jacks” Ryleigh assured him. “And yeah, I know better. I am never off guard Jacks. I don’t know what you are doing to me, but I am not sure I like it. I feel safe with you Jacks; I don’t feel safe with anyone. I let my guard down, and that can cost me. I don’t think Wyatt meant any harm; we were both at fault.”

  “Shit, Baby, you shouldn't have to be on guard all the time. I promise I will protect you, just like this time,” Jacks promised her. “Baby, just let me hold you for a minute. I have never been so scared in my life. I thought something bad had happened to you.”

  Hugging Ryleigh as tightly as he could without hurting her, he just kept on saying “Nothing can happen you, Ryleigh. I don’t know if I could live without you.”

  Ryleigh knew, right then, love at first sight definitely existed. She loved this man with all of her heart. To hell with what anyone else thought. She felt this was right for her, and it seemed it was right for Jacks; that was all that mattered.

  “Okay, Baby, let’s go and get you feed,” he suggested. “We need to be on the road in thirty. Shit, I can’t wait for this mission to be done.”

  “You and me both Jacks,” Ryleigh declared. “Let’s get this done so we can concentrate on one of the other hundreds of things we need to do next. Like finding Cassie Larson and all the other part Shifters that Dr. Franklin created, take down the Pandora group, and figure out if Davis Defense is in bed with them. Then when we are about 150 years old, we can finally have that talk that you keep on saying we need to have after the mission is over.”

  “Shit baby, that conversation will happen a long time before we are 150 years old,” Jacks guaranteed. “I get what you are saying; all we can do is take it one day at a time, one moment to the next. We just need to make sure we think of ourselves a little in the in-between times. Those are for us, Ryleigh.”

  “From your lip to God’s ears, Jacks,” Ryleigh replied.

  Then Jacks graced Ryleigh with one of his mind-blowing kisses, and all she could think was, this mission couldn’t get over fast enough.

  After breakfast, Eli came to get Ryleigh to place the tracker, but thankfully Wyatt stopped him.

  “Hey Doc, sorry, but Ryleigh’s ass, or rather foot, is mine,” Wyatt quipped. “You ready, Rye? The prototype is programmed and ready to insert.”

  Eli looked pissed but just walked away with one more little jab, “Okay, but I sure as hell wouldn’t be putting an untried prototype in my mate. But have at it, you can also remove it when the mission is over, right?”

  That caught Jacks attention, “Uh, Wyatt, are you implanting Ryleigh with untried tech, man? I emphatically don’t like the sound of that and if Eli had a better, more effective, and proven method, maybe we should go with that.”

  Pissed that Jacks would question her judgment, it was Ryleigh’s turn to fume.

  “Jacks this isn’t untried or unproven tech, Wyatt and Tory have been working on this for a while,” she snapped. “He gave me all the specs and this is the method I am most comfortable having inserted in my body. No way is your medic, regardless of how close you are or how much you trust him, is going to put an IUD in me, no way.”

  Jacks instantly had images of Eli between Ryleigh’s sweet legs, gazing at her pink bits. He did not like the image. Those parts were for him and him alone; no man was allowed to see her that way ever again.

  “What the fuck do you mean IUD?” Jacks demanded.

  His bear hit him so hard that he had to bend at the waist to relieve the pressure.

  Cash ran up to him, “Come on, man. Hold him back; no one’s going to be touching your mate’s girly bits. Breathe, man. There is no place for you to change and run here. Eli was just trying to do his job. Remember he did that for Rhonda on that mission a few years back? You remember, the one where you guys had to go into that swingers retreat to find that fucking rapist.”

  Okay, now Ryleigh was seeing green and was more furious than ever.

  “So, Jacks, how many times have you gone undercover with a “wife”?” she snapped. “Once, twice, ten times? How about a ballpark figure; in the teens or maybe twenties?”

  Jackson’s bear snapped right back into place when it sensed how pissed Ryleigh was.

  Once he regained his footing, he said, “Now, Baby, it wasn’t like that with Rhonda or anyone else for that matter. We were just there to complete the mission. We had to make it look good but...”

  “But what?” Ryleigh screeched, “You just had to make it look good for the mission? Did you teach them your wifely lessons as well, Jacks?”

  Fumbling, Jacks said, “No, Baby. Honestly, those were just for y
ou. I swear.”

  And just like that, Ryleigh stormed from the room.

  While glaring over her should she said, “Come on, Jacks, we need to get on the road. After all, the “mission” can’t start until we get there. And just so you know, any lesson above three just flew right out the window. Just think; we will be like an actual married couple. Complete with abso-fucking-lutly no sex life.”

  “Oh, come on, Ryleigh, Jacks pleaded. We have all done things for missions. I’m sure you have even done something that you’re not proud of in the past.”

  “Yeah, Jacks. I have, and it happened for the first-time last night.”

  Jacks turned to Cash.

  “Thanks a lot, asshole. Next time you try to help me why don’t you keep your mother fucking mouth shut,” Jacks warned.

  Jacks left the room, going after Ryleigh.

  “Ryleigh, come on. Just wait for a minute,” he begged. “We still need to get our bags and load the car.”

  Jacks followed behind in Ryleigh’s wake, picking up their bags along the way. Shit, this was going to be one hell of a fun ride.

  Dalton walked up to Cash and said, “So dude, did you do that on purpose or are you that dense?”

  “Not dense at all, my friend,” Cash replied. “Jacks was going to shift and go after Eli. No question about it, his eyes were bright, and his hands had already shifted. You didn’t see that because his back was turned to you and Ryleigh. I had a choice piss her off or hurt her, and I sure as fuck wasn’t going to hurt her. Jackson’s bear will always protect her, even from himself.”

  “Wow, that was pretty genius of you then, good job buddy,” Dalton said slapping Cash on the back.

  “Yeah, well, I am not sure Jacks is going to feel that way. Man, Ryleigh was pissed,” Cash laughed.

  “Yeah, I’m thinking the team is due for some RR when this mission is over. A little distance might help you, Wyatt, and Eli, when he gets back,” Dalton tried to contain his laughter but was failing miserably.


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