Trophy Wife: A Hotwife Fantasy

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Trophy Wife: A Hotwife Fantasy Page 8

by Lexi Archer

  I thought of Blake on top of me. I thought of Blake's muscular body pumping inside me when it was my husband blowing his load inside me. I thought about being a complete and total wanton slut, letting another man take me in every way possible. Letting another man completely dominate me while my husband watched. It was so fucking hot, and the star player in all those fantasies was none other than our hot builder Blake.

  Of course that was all firmly in the realm of fantasy. What was standing before me right now was one hell of a fantasy that had the very real potential to become reality if I let it. Only I was terrified to let that happen. My husband was upstairs in this house, any moment he could walk down and see us like this, and it had been long enough since he'd brought up his fantasy that I was terrified how he might take it if he saw me standing this close to another man.

  "Blake," I said. "We can't. You know we can't."

  He laughed again. It was a dismissive laugh that made it seem as though he didn't care at all that I didn't want him so close to me. Of course not wanting him so close to me couldn't be farther from the truth. I desperately wanted to feel him close to me. I desperately needed to feel his body so near mine, but I also knew I shouldn't. That's not how good married girls acted.

  "Why not Abby?" he asked. "You were singing a different tune six months ago when we met to go over all the changes you wanted for the kitchen. I still remember the way you…"

  "Blake!" I hissed, real anger coming to my voice for the first time. Kevin was upstairs. He could be listening at the top of the stairs for all I knew. The last thing I wanted was for him to hear evidence of my indiscretion, damn it!

  I might be walking through a conflicting minefield of emotions. Hell, Kevin and I were both walking through a conflicting minefield of emotions, but somehow I figured that as long as Kevin didn't know we were in the middle of a minefield everything would be okay. I could continue trying to balance everything. I could continue pretending that day six months ago hadn't happened even though it was constantly on my mind.

  Only it was really fucking difficult to pretend something didn't happen when there was a reminder standing right in front of me leaning forward looking for round two! Particularly when my body was betraying me and desperately demanding that round two as well.

  "This is just like last time Abby," he said.

  I closed my eyes and took another deep breath. Another deep breath that brought his scent into my mind. That filled me with dizzying visions of him on top of me. Of me on top of him bouncing up and down. Of the smell of our sex coming together. The feel of his sweat dripping down on me as he pumped in and out of me. I hadn't gotten to experience any of that in that first little indiscretion, and it was a want, a yearning need that my body desperately had to feel.

  Despite how wrong it was.

  "Just like last time," he said.

  His hand moved up and ran along my shoulder. An involuntary shiver ran through my body that shot straight down to my pussy which was already soaked. I knew nothing was going to happen this time with my husband being upstairs and all, it was like a sort of safety net that had me leaning forward ever so slightly precisely because I knew that ultimately I couldn't give into the temptation that was threatening. I did figure Kevin was going to get his world rocked as soon as Blake was out of the house though. I was that turned on.

  "All you have to do is tell me to stop," he said.

  Blake's lips moved down and brushed against the top of my head. He was tall enough and I was short enough that he could do that easily enough. And once more a lightning bolt of pleasure shot through every nerve ending in my body. It seemed like every goose bump on my body was tingling with an indescribable pleasure at his touch. At his forbidden caress. His thumb started moving in gentle circles on my bare shoulder as he moved forward. As his body heat mixed with mine as he invaded my space in the most delicious way possible.

  "I still think about that day constantly," he mumbled into my hair. "I think about how you felt. About your body against mine. How you smelled. How you tasted…"

  As he finished with mentioning how I tasted he pulled my chin up and then his lips were descending on mine. I felt as though my entire vision was flooded with the sight of his face. With the feeling of his lips brushing against my own. Hard brushing against soft. And then I sighed and let out a noise that sounded suspiciously like a moan, though it couldn't possibly be a moan because I couldn't possibly be making that sort of noise for anyone but my husband, damn it! And yet there it was.

  He was pressing against me now. Ever so slightly. Just a light touch, right along with the light touch as he was caressing my shoulder. A slow caress that just covered a couple of inches of my body, and yet that small contact was enough to set my entire fucking body on fire. I was a raging bonfire, a raging forest fire that was out of control. My hormones and my body were on overdrive. My chest was heaving, and with each heaving breath it was pressing my tits against him. Against that rock hard wall that was his muscles.

  God damn. I'd thought about that moment in the unfinished kitchen six months ago so many times, but nothing beat the real experience. Nothing beat having his body pressing against mine. Having his lips against my own. Feeling his insistent moves as he pressed against me with the urgency of a man who didn't know if he was going to get another chance at this.

  And I realized that I was doing the same thing. I was pressing against him with the urgency of someone who didn't know if I was going to ever get to experience this forbidden paradise again. His arms wrapped around me and I moved my own arms up around his neck. A neck that was impossibly thick and muscled just like everything else on him. The man was like a statue of a Greek god in a museum come to life and leaning down to make out with me in my finished living room in a house he'd built for us. And meanwhile my husband was upstairs completely oblivious to what was going on.

  I felt a flash of guilt at that, along with curiosity. I was a little surprised at that curiosity, but at the same time I couldn't help but wonder. What would Kevin think if he knew about this? Would he be okay with it? Would he be turned on?

  Or would he be so upset that he'd divorce me right on the spot? Well I suppose he couldn't divorce me right on the spot, but he could damn well threaten. Reluctantly I pulled away from the kiss.

  "I think you need to go, Blake," I said.

  I tried my best to keep my voice level, but it was fucking difficult. Turning down that offer made me as angry as it turned me on, and I didn't know which way I was going to fall if I let myself give in to that emotion. Either way it wouldn't be good. In one direction I'd jump him and throw my legs around him, start making out in the middle of the living room again and that would be a good way for my husband to find us. That would definitely give everything up.

  On the other hand, if I gave into the anger then that would lead to me screaming at him. That would also definitely draw Kevin's attention, and it would probably also draw everything out. Either way I was screwed.

  I smiled to myself. Well, one way I was more screwed than another. One way was more literal, the other more metaphorical. Either way, it was a can of worms I didn't want to open. Not right now.

  "Don't you think it would look a little odd if I left right now?" Blake said. "I'm supposed to be giving you the full tour, after all."

  I sighed and rolled my eyes. The man did have a point, even if it was an infuriatingly annoying point.

  "Fine, but you…"

  I never got a chance to finish the sentence. I never got a chance to either tell him off or pull him forward for another kiss. I was still conscious of how great his body felt pressing against my own. I was still lightheaded from the feel of his muscles pressing against my body. I still felt an impossible tingle running from the top of my scalp down to the tips of my toes, but I couldn't give in to that temptation.

  Not with footsteps on the stairway. A sound that I was sure was going to become very familiar over the next couple of decades. Assuming that none of this got out
and there actually was a next couple of decades with my husband. I quickly pulled away from Blake and started smoothing out my sundress. I willed my tits to go down. Willed my nipples to lose of some of that perkiness that give away how turned on I was.

  I looked up just in time to see Kevin rounding the corner with a huge smile on his face. A smile that was way larger than I would've figured for a man who was looking at his new house for the first time. Weird.

  "The upstairs looks amazing!" Kevin said.

  Blake was able to switch gears almost immediately. I was impressed at the way he was able to switch from the tempter to the obsequious builder who was trying to make the guy who was paying the bills happy. He reached out and took Kevin's hand, and I felt a stab of jealousy. I wanted that hand running up and down my back like it had just moments before. I wanted to feel it running over my bare skin, as crazy as that sounded. More than anything I wanted to know how my husband would feel about having another man's hands running up and down my bare skin, but I couldn't very well ask him about that here. Not with Blake right there. I didn't want to give him that satisfaction.

  "Everything looks good so far," Kevin said. "But I'd like some time to look over everything with the missuz all alone if you don't mind."

  Blake shrugged and smiled. "It's your house man. You do whatever you want!"

  Blake turned and looked at me one final time. His glance was completely out of view of my husband, and so there was no way Kevin could see the way Blake's eyes ran up and down my body. There was no way he could see the way I shivered under that gaze.

  And then Blake was gone. It was just me and Kevin standing in the living room of our new house. Looking around the place we were going to make into a home. That I desperately hoped we were going to make into a home.

  "So…" I said.

  I suddenly felt a little odd about interacting with my husband considering everything that had just happened with our builder. I suddenly felt very much as though I'd just been cheating on him, even though I'm pretty sure his cock would be rock hard if he had any inkling of what had just passed between me and Blake. And thinking of the builder filled me with a mixture of strange emotions. Guilt at what I'd just done to my husband, of arousal at what I'd just done with Blake, and anger at the proposition he'd made.

  "So, how about we go take a look at the kitchen!" Kevin asked.

  And before I could say anything he wrapped his arm around me and was pulling me towards the last place in the house that I wanted to be right now. The place where that first indiscretion that had gotten me into this confusing jumble of emotions had taken place. Talk about going back to the scene of the crime. If I didn't know any better I'd almost say Kevin knew something, but that was impossible.

  3: Revelations

  I wasn't sure what to think. I didn't know what to think. Everything I'd just heard on that intercom was driving me crazy. I had a raging hard on, and it was everything I could do to conceal it from Abby. I'd been worried it'd be the first thing she and Blake would notice when I came down the stairs considering the way it was tenting out in my pants. That was the last thing I wanted them noticing!

  There was just so much to process from what I'd just heard. Apparently my sense that there was something going on between my wife and the builder wasn't completely off. No, if what I overheard was correct then there was something that had happened six months ago when they were going over the plans for the kitchen all alone.

  Of course there'd also been something that happened today. By the sounds it seemed like they'd at least been kissing. I thought I could hear the sounds of their lips smacking together, of their tongues dueling, and it had frustrated me to no end that I hadn't gone for the video option on the intercom system. That all I had to go on was the sound of their making out. All I had to go on was my imagination.

  I'd briefly considered going down and having a look. Trying to peer down at them from the stairwell, but there was too much risk of being caught. I didn't want to risk my wife seeing me and giving up the whole thing. Of course I'd be seeing her cheating on me, and so it seemed like she was the one who had more to worry about even if she happened to see me, but at the same time I was worried that if she saw me it would somehow break the spell.

  And that was a spell I desperately didn't want to break. Sure I hadn't brought up that fantasy for the better part of a year, but that was mostly because I was afraid. I was afraid she thought I was some sort of freak even if she went along with it. Even if she was willing to indulge me by making up stories about her having sex with other men. I'd been worried that if I pressed it too much, that if I tried to have too much of a good thing, it would be the end of our marriage.

  Only now it seemed that she was indulging that fantasy in one hell of a major way, and it was everything I could do not to come in my pants as I looked at her. As I watched her sundress for any sign of being rumpled or messed up where he'd been touching her.

  Only there was no obvious evidence. No wrinkles that looked out of the ordinary. Her hair didn't even look all that mussed. Whatever they'd done, it had been fast, and they'd left no evidence. Damn how I wished they'd left evidence.

  Was it weird that I was sitting here staring at my wife for evidence she'd been unfaithful with another man because I was turned on by the idea rather than pissed off? Maybe, but I'd long ago made peace with this fantasy. With how fucked up it was.

  We stepped into the kitchen and I had to admit it looked pretty damn impressive. The granite countertops, something she'd insisted on despite how ridiculously clichéd that sounded, really did look nice. They really did tie the whole place together. Only now I found myself wondering exactly what had gone into negotiating those granite countertops. I found myself wondering exactly what had happened in this kitchen, and I felt my cock positively tingling as I thought about that.

  I leaned against the island in the center of the kitchen and smiled at Abby. I looked her up and down, and I was looking at her with the eyes of another man. I was staring at her with the eyes of a man who was seeing a married woman. A woman who was completely off limits. A woman who was more of a challenge than any other woman I'd ever desired because of that pesky ring on her finger. And my cock was throbbing as I looked at her with those eyes.

  I saw Abby's eyes run up and down my body, and then they stopped where my cock was tenting out. Oh yes, she could definitely tell I was open for business. That I was ready for some fun. That something definitely had me turned on. Her eyes went wide and then she looked back up at me. I wondered if she suspected anything. I'm sure right about now her cheating heart was, well, you know the drill.

  "Yeah, it is pretty nice," she said.

  "I have to admit the countertops look nice too," I said. "You went over that with Blake about six months ago, didn't you?"

  She flinched away as I mentioned that night six months ago. Yeah, she definitely had to be wondering what I knew at this point. I'm sure she was trying to figure out exactly how I'd overheard everything. Not that I planned on giving that up just yet.

  "Yeah, it was a night you had to work late I think," she said.

  I remembered that night very well. There'd been a minor crisis at the office. A user doing what users do best and creating a situation that didn't need to be created in the first place. Only through sheer stupidity they'd managed to bring down the entire network, and so that meant a late-night of working for me.

  I'd been pissed off, all the more that whole night I kept thinking about the idea of my wife with Blake all alone in the house going over plans. I wasn't sure if that was how people usually did that sort of thing, but she'd insisted it was all on the up and up at the time. She'd insisted there was nothing out of the ordinary about that night.

  Sure I'd fantasized about it, sure I'd had a couple of jerk off sessions thinking about my beautiful wife being taken by the muscular Blake in the kitchen, but I'd never imagined that those fantasies were anything approaching the truth. I'd never imagined that something like that
would actually happen. Only it seemed that reality was far closer to fantasy than I would have initially thought!

  And there was also that last bit that I wondered about. He'd talked about an offer he'd made, and she'd gotten pretty pissed off when he mentioned that offer. It made me wonder exactly what was going on there.

  Of course in the fantasy world I was rapidly constructing around this encounter I'd overheard I knew exactly what I was thinking. He'd made some sort of offer to knock some money off of the ultimate price if she had a little fun with him. Of course it sounded like they'd already had a little fun, I just didn't know exactly how much. And I desperately wanted to get that out of my wife. I desperately wanted to find out exactly what had happened, not because I was mad, but because it was going to provide one hell of a potent fantasy fuel for me!

  "So these were pretty expensive, huh?"

  Abby jumped again. Once more she looked at me as though she was seriously wondering how much I knew. As though she suspected that I suspected something. I rapped a knuckle against the countertop and grinned.

  "I guess they were," she said. "But you said it was okay…"

  I shrugged. "Of course it's okay. It's just too bad he wasn't willing to give us a discount or anything…"

  I let that hang in the air for a moment. I looked at Abby, fixed my stare on hers. Met her gaze for gaze. She stared right back at me, and then her reaction came. What I'd been waiting for this entire time. Her face started to screw up and then I saw definite tears in her eyes.


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