Bad Game: A Geeky New Adult Romance (Leveling Up In Love Book 2)

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Bad Game: A Geeky New Adult Romance (Leveling Up In Love Book 2) Page 8

by Kat Alex Crystal

  “Not until five. Night classes today. Terrible schedule, I know.”

  “So… we have all day almost.”

  She grinned at him. “Yeah, we do. We could almost watch the rest of the Lord of the Rings.”

  “If you didn’t have the extended editions.”


  “I try. Did you really watch any of it last night? I know I wasn’t paying much attention.”

  She snorted. “I’ve seen it a zillion times, but yeah, I was not super interested in the movie.”

  “What could possibly have been so distracting?”

  She made a face at him, then rose to take the rest of her food and put it in the fridge. She didn’t want to be too full if there were… activities other than movies to come. When she returned to the table, he snagged her around the waist and pulled her close.

  “What’s this I hear about no pajamas?” He tugged playfully on the belt of the robe as he studied her eyes.

  She tugged the belt the rest of the way and let the robe fall open. Again, it felt daring, brazen, possibly insane. But what did she have to hide from him? She had nothing she wanted to hide. And she wanted more of everything they had together.

  He swallowed as his hand slipped inside her robe, fingers trailing along her waist, as soft and thrilling as a paintbrush whispering across her skin. His gaze raked down her body. “I think I’m ready to get back in bed.”


  Nick dropped Penny off at class and arrived for the wine walk with fifteen minutes to spare. Carl had the place lit up, polished, and raring to go, and now it was just up to Nick to make sure none of the half-drunk members of the local community destroyed anything.

  He sank into the leather chair at the attendant’s desk and dropped his car keys on the leather blotter, eying them for a moment. Bob had claimed they’d turned up under the couch after all, even though Nick could have sworn he’d looked under there. But Bob had cheerfully handed them over the minute he and Penny had arrived… well into the afternoon.

  The rabbit’s foot mocked him. He shook his head. Maybe not so unlucky after all.

  He dropped his keys in his coat pocket, very deliberately this time, and zipped the pocket closed over them before shrugging out of his coat and scanning the current state of the gallery. Three patrons wandered, small plastic tumblers of wine in hand. None looked particularly out of place or clumsy, and all looked sincerely interested, so he leaned back in his chair, relaxing a little.

  The collection in Carl’s gallery was more on the “eclectic” side, or so Nick liked to think of it. It wasn’t the sort of place where a sparse expanse of bamboo flooring was surrounded by picture after picture spaced across perfect white. No, the place was a warm cave filled with treasures, the walls pleasantly bathed in navy, gray, and other shades of blue, complementing the nature photography and the glass sculpture. Other art, both two- and three-dimensional, created a sort of confused maze through the place. Nick wasn’t sure if this was intentional so that the patrons would get lost and look at more pieces on the way through, or if Carl simply didn’t know how to organize so many pieces any better.

  Either way, the forest of artwork camouflaged the attendant’s desk, off to the side and rather invisible to new visitors, which conveniently allowed him to watch them without being super obvious about it. It also kept many people from making small talk and left him to his own devices—beyond making sure no one knocked anything over or stole anything. Rarely, someone asked him a price. Even more rarely, someone actually bought something.

  This left him sitting in peace, wondering just how those keys had disappeared since he never lost his keys, until the door chimed. Another lone patron was on her way in.


  He ran his hand through his hair, rubbed his forehead, and braced himself for whatever bullshit was to come as she wended her way through the labyrinth of artwork toward him.

  “Nick! Fancy seeing you here.” She smiled wickedly as she took a sip of wine. Her short, crimson fingernails tapped the plastic glass of merlot and swirled it idly. A plaid flannel shirt matched the cherry of her lips and the black of her usual leather boots. That was Ash—passionate, bold, with an edge of darkness always.

  He rolled his eyes. “I’m working, Ash. Don’t distract me.”

  She glanced around. “You’re right. That little old lady definitely looks like a bull in a china shop. Better keep an eye on her. So you’re dating someone?”

  “Yeah.” He sighed—and trained his eyes on the older woman, if only for somewhere else to look.


  “None of your business, Ash.”

  “What, I can’t be happy for you? Congratulate you?”

  “Is that what you’re doing? I think you can do that without knowing who.”

  “Are you ashamed of her or something?”

  He leveled a withering glare at her. “You’re such a conniving bitch sometimes. Have I told you that?”

  She gave him a look of mock shock, one hand splayed across her chest. “Nick. The things you say to the woman who taught you everything you know. Did you show her some of our tricks?” She winked as she took another sip.

  He shook his head. He was never going to taint Penny, even if he himself hadn’t escaped it. The devilish amusement in Ash’s eyes hardened his resolve to keep it all locked away.

  “Really? Why hold back?”

  Because she’s sweet and innocent and nothing like you, he wanted to shout. But that would give Ash too much power. He was learning. He had to tell her as little as possible.

  But the hesitation and his automatic glare told her enough. “Holy shit. You’re dating a vanilla chick, aren’t you?”

  “Get out of here, Ash. You’re disturbing the customers.” And him.

  She shook her head. “It’ll never last, man. You’re gonna get bored of her.”

  Not likely. “You don’t even know her. How can you try to convince me I’m going to get bored? I just told you we were dating. Why would you assume we’ve even had sex?” He struggled to lower his voice, but the harsh whisper only drew the little old lady’s raised eyebrows. He gave her his best smile and a wave, and she turned her wide eyes back to a large color print of sunset over the Rockies.

  Ash snickered. “I assume because I know you, Nick. If there’s even a remote chance, you go for it.”

  He strove to ignore her, even as the knot in his stomach tightened further. Wasn’t that exactly what he’d done last night? He was not admitting she might be right, but she did know him. Better than Penny did. Was she right? Would he really get bored? He shuddered at the thought, then glanced at her.

  She was smirking. Damn it, she knew that had gotten under his skin. “Okay, I’m gonna have to guess until you tell me who it is.”

  “This is not twenty questions. I don’t have to tell you anything.”

  She tapped her finger to pursed lips, the gesture somehow mocking. “That dark-room chick. Wendy.”

  “Fuck off, Ash.”

  “That study partner you had, what was her name, Emily?”

  He checked over each patron to make sure she hadn’t kept him from noticing something was amiss. Did she really have this checklist of women he had ever associated with? He hadn’t kept track of the other dudes she’d fucked around with. He didn’t know who they were, nor did he want to.

  “Oh, I know. That model you liked. Gabrielle?”

  He glared at her. “Gabrielle is engaged. And we only worked together for one portraits class.”



  “That barista we always talked to. Apparently not. Wait, I’ve got it. Amber Parsons. She was hot.”

  “What? Wendy’s friend?”

  “Yeah. She’s a photog chick, too, isn’t she?”

  “Amber is gay, Ash.”

  “Oh.” Ashley scowled, folding her arms across her chest. “Well, fuck. Maybe you actually went out and tried to meet someone, like a norma
l person. Next thing I know, you’ll be telling me it’s fucking Penny Collins or someone ridiculous like that.”

  He froze.

  “Wait—oh my God. It is Penny? Are you serious?”

  He narrowed his eyes at her but didn’t deny it. Too late now, apparently. He braced himself. He had no idea how Ash would handle him actually being with someone else—in spite of the fact they’d never been exclusive—but she probably wouldn’t handle it well. She was the one who’d taken advantage of their unique arrangement. He never had. He was pretty sure neither of them had been doing the “open” thing the way you were supposed to.

  “You’re dating my old roommate? Wow. Very unoriginal, Nick, jeez.”

  He ducked his head, hoping to hide his wide eyes. Penny was Ashley’s old roommate? What the hell? They knew each other? And Penny hadn’t mentioned it?

  “If you’re just looking for a blonder version of me, I assure you, she’s not it.”

  “I am well aware of that.” He glared at her now. “Keep out of it, Ashley. Or I swear to God—”

  She smirked again. “Or you’ll what?” She leaned forward over the desk, showcasing her cleavage. He rolled the chair backward and tensed, considering bolting outright. “Or you’ll tell her all the things you did to me? Or even better, what I did to you?” She grinned wickedly and raised an eyebrow. “Or maybe I should do that!”

  Inwardly, he winced. How could he scare her away from talking to Penny? He groped and came up with nothing. He had no leverage, because what did Ash care about? Very little. Natural one, critical fail.

  “I can’t believe it. You’re dating fucking rainbows-puppies-and-sunshine Penny. Why don’t you just defile a Care Bear while you’re at it?”

  “Shut the fuck up, Ashley,” he whispered, even surprising himself at the coldness in his voice. “Don’t you dare talk to her about this. Leave us alone.”

  “Or what?” She smirked again.

  “Or I’ll never speak to you again,” he said slowly. A weak threat, but it was all he had.

  She pouted. “Heaven forbid.” But something about the gesture was off. Put-on, maybe. Even if she didn’t want to show it, his threat had gotten to her. At least a little.

  “I’m serious, Ash. Stay away from her. And me. The past is in the past.”

  She shook her head, more serious now. “Whatever. When you’re ready for a real woman, Nick Markov, I’ll be here to pick up the pieces.” And then she turned on her booted heel and walked out.

  Chapter 7

  Ohmygawd. You’re dating Nick Markov? You lucky slut.

  Well. That sure livened up the history of auditing fraud. Penny crammed the phone back into her pocket, chiding herself for looking during class. But she’d hoped it’d been something nice. From Nick. She certainly hadn’t expected her ex-roomie. How the hell could Ashley have found out? If she hadn’t found out from Penny…

  It must have been from Nick.

  Shit. What had Ash told him? She should’ve admitted she knew Ashley when she had the chance. She pulled the phone back out and stared at the words.

  At that same moment, Ashley texted again. So did he pop your cherry yet or what?

  Penny’s stomach dropped, and her cheeks flushed hot. Yeah, that wasn’t getting an answer. And she needed to stop looking at her phone.

  God, Nick was going to think Penny was a stalker. And break up with her psycho ass pronto.

  Ash had probably told him every embarrassing story she could think of. Not that there was very much to tell, but Ashley had never understood Penny’s love for all things cute, adorable, and cuddly. Penny had never done things like get drunk and vomit all over Ashley’s bed or something—unlike her more adventurous roommate. But they had very different definitions of “embarrassing.” What had she ever been thinking to agree to move in with Ashley? She sighed, and the blond girl beside her glanced at her in annoyance. Penny blushed further.

  How had she and Ash ever been friends? People could change a hell of a lot in four years.

  She threw the phone in her bag and tried to focus on class.

  The lecture droned on for another hour before people started packing up their things, and Penny finally retrieved the phone from her bag with dread. A handful of texts waited.

  Ashley: Are you gonna spill about freaky with Markov’s chains or am I going to have to come over there?

  Ashley: Harrr-harrr-harrr puns are amazing, I’m so brilliant, wouldn’t you agree

  Ashley: We should have a drink. Celebrate. Call me.

  Penny rolled her eyes. That sounded like a trap and a half. And drinking was Ashley’s thing. Penny still had no idea how to respond, other than to blush furiously. There were other, better texts, though.

  Nick: Sushi Friday?

  Penny grinned down at her phone in spite of herself. Whatever Ashley had said, she liked his reaction. But that wasn’t all.

  Nick: I forgot to say I’m done at 10

  Nick: Want to do something later? Is that too late? You probably have class in the morning, you shouldn’t skip this time. But I’d love to see you

  Nick: Am I supposed to be playing it cooler than this? ;)

  She checked the time. Eight o’clock, a bit earlier than usual for class to end. Plenty of time for baking. She unlocked the phone and typed quickly. Class just finished. Meet at my place? Or yours? Or did you want to go out?

  Nick: I’ll go wherever you want me.

  She grinned like an idiot, then stifled it when she realized her professor was eying her. Probably because she was the last one still sitting down. My apartment. I’ll have brownies.

  Nick: I have high expectations for these brownies.

  I’m not intimidated. Do you like peanut butter? She couldn’t suppress her grin as she threw her things into her bag and hurried out.

  Another text from Ashley arrived just as she opened the door for Nick. God, get a life, girl. She glared at the phone as Nick shucked off his coat and boots. Ashley was getting desperate now. C’mon! I want details details details! Don’t make me try to get them from Anka. As if Anka would spill the beans. She knew better than that.

  “What is it?” he said, noticing her glare.

  Fuck. How to handle this… She took a deep breath, thinking of how he’d shown her his phone so casually. She swallowed hard and held hers out. “It appears you may have run into a mutual acquaintance of ours?”

  He read for a moment, then glared darkly at the phone. She’d never seen his face quite that dark. Her pulse quickened. God. This was it. He’d conclude she was a weird stalker any second now. Probably because she kind of was a weird stalker. She’d felt so calm at the end of class, so sure it didn’t matter, but that was before she’d seen that expression on his face.

  Was it weird to hope for a goodbye screw, even if she knew it was over? Was that slutty? It was probably slutty.

  Who the hell cared! If she only got two days with Nick Markov, she’d take whatever screwing she could get.

  “So… you know Ashley?” he said slowly, handing her the phone back.

  Penny ducked her head, blushing as she skittered away toward the kitchen. He followed her. “Yeah.”

  He stopped and raised his eyebrows at the brownie dish on the stove, steam rising cheerily from the shiny, chocolaty goodness. “Wow, that was fast. Maybe we should talk about this over brownies?” he said, one corner of his mouth lifting.

  “Okay!” At least that meant he wasn’t bolting just yet. Or angry. She levered one out of the pan and onto a plate. “Here you go. Dark chocolate peanut butter with ganache.”

  He stared at it for a second. Crap, was there something wrong with it? Maybe he was allergic—no, she’d asked, but— Just before she blurted out her fears, he looked up, and the smile he gave her melted her in place, a complicated expression she couldn’t quite read. But definitely a good one.

  “You want some milk?” Oh hell, that was so kindergarten of her. “Or coffee or tea?”

  “I’ll take a coffee i
f you don’t mind. Please.”

  “Sure!” she said, chipper as a chipmunk. She forced herself to take a deep breath. Even under the shadow of the conversation they needed to have, it was still delightful to have Sir Dreamy in her kitchen, being all polite and small smiles and tall confidence. She urged him and his brownie to a seat at the table, then scampered back into the kitchen and started up a dark roast.

  “She stopped by the gallery,” he called through the pass-through, over the sound of the machine brewing. The heavenly scent filled the air.

  “Oh.” She was glad he couldn’t see the sigh of relief she heaved. How had he known she’d want to hear that? “That must have been fun.”

  He laughed—actually laughed. The tension in her shoulders eased. “She interrogated me. For what it’s worth, I never gave you up.”

  She returned with the coffee, frowning. “I’m not sure I follow.”

  “She asked who I was dating. I told her to fuck off. But she actually guessed.”

  “She… guessed?” Penny blinked and then tried to hide her surprise with a huge bite of her own brownie. That seemed impossible. She was sure Ash had never suspected that Penny had a thing for Nick. Or that Nick wasn’t just a faceless man in Ash’s parade of men.

  “Well, she guessed a whole list of people, and she was muttering that it definitely couldn’t be you, and I accidentally gave it away. I didn’t realize she knew you, so she caught me by surprise.”

  “You… didn’t want her to know?”

  He reached forward and caught her elbow. “It’s not like that, Pen. It’s just none of her business. I want her to leave you alone. And me alone. Us alone.”

  Us. Her heart fluttered, and she couldn’t help but smile. “Guess that didn’t work.”

  “Yeah, she probably texted you the minute she walked away. I don’t want her causing trouble or trying to screw this up.”

  Her eyes widened at his phrasing—that was intense commitment for having first spoken just two days ago—but he didn’t seem to notice.

  He shook his head and took a bite, savoring it as his eyes closed. “Jesus Christ, Penny, these are heaven.”


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