Fighting Heaven for Love [Pine Falls 2] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

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Fighting Heaven for Love [Pine Falls 2] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) Page 1

by Ashley Malkin

  Pine Falls 2

  Fighting Heaven for Love

  Caleb Mabry is Alpha of his mixed pride of shifters in Pine Falls. He is a mountain lion shifter who has always used brute strength to win his battles. When he and his brothers, Prescott and Lachlan, find their chosen mate, Meg O’Brien, they are angered by her refusal to even talk to them. Anger turns to fury when she rejects them.

  Meg can’t accept her mates while a stalker threatens death to anyone who touches her. She runs away to save them, only for her stalker to nearly kill her and her sister, Lexie. Her mates rescue Meg and Lexie and discover her stalker is a creature with heavenly origins and a soul of pure evil.

  To free Meg from the danger that follows her back to Pine Falls the pride ends up relying on a new and dangerous friend, who brings them protection and strength. Caleb must use his cunning, not his strength, to finally save his mate.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Shape-shifter

  Length: 41,522 words


  Pine Falls 2

  Ashley Malkin


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2015 by Ashley Malkin

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63259-476-1

  First E-book Publication: June 2015

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2015 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  As always I would like to thank my wonderful husband for his love and support, and my wonderful children.

  A special mention for my friend Maggie Walsh. She sees me through the bad times with her love, understanding and encouragement and shares in the joy of the good days. Separated by an ocean but still in my thoughts and my heart.

  Thanks again to all my readers for continuing to embrace love through adversity.


  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17


  About the Author


  Pine Falls 2


  Copyright © 2015

  Chapter 1

  Caleb waved good-bye to his enforcer and good friend, Sean, as he left on his honeymoon with his new bride, Kaitlyn, and her other mate, Aiden. Caleb shook his head for what seemed the fiftieth time that day as he considered the mating of three such unusual people.

  “Still can’t get your head around it?” said Lachlan.

  “Can you?”

  “No, brother. Fate sure does work in mysterious ways.” Caleb smiled as he thought about that. Fate had brought his pride a vampire to add to its menagerie, plus Kaitlyn, who was a panther-vampire hybrid. On top of those recent surprises had come yesterday’s shock. Fate had delivered them their mate.

  Meg O’Brien, Kaitlyn’s best friend had come to Pine Falls to be Kaitlyn’s bridesmaid. That status had changed the minute Caleb had caught her delicious honey and pine scent. She was now his. Not his alone. His two brothers, Lachlan and Prescott, were also Meg’s mates, and with her being so difficult, he was glad for the reinforcements.

  “I can’t tell you how happy I am for Sean,” Caleb said, “and it’s not only for the fact he found his mate. If he hadn’t found Kaitlyn we may never have found our sweet Meg.” He scanned the room again, looking for his elusive mate.

  Lachlan growled low in his throat at the mention of their mate. “This last twenty-four hours has been fucking torture.”

  “Landon said she wanted today to be only about Kaitlyn. We have to admire her devotion to her friend’s happiness.”

  “Like hell we do,” Prescott said. He appeared beside Caleb, determination etched on his face. “They’re gone now. I’m going to talk to our mate.”

  “I must admit I don’t really understand her reticence,” Lachlan said. He was looking over the heads of the remaining guests. Caleb knew he was also looking for the small blond bundle of frustration that was their mate.

  “I don’t either,” Caleb said. “But we’ve made it through today, so let’s go and ask her, shall we?”

  He stalked off in the direction of the ladies room with his brothers hot on his heels. She’d ducked in there all day whenever she’d seen any of them approaching her. They would have simply gone in after her, but the Outpost’s owner, Landon, had always appeared like magic to stop them. The wedding had been held in the bear’s tavern as it was the only plac
e in town big enough to hold the entire pride.

  Caleb was furious with the big bear shifter for constantly thwarting his attempts to talk to his mate, but he also respected the man for helping her. She had shared something with Landon that had sparked his protective instincts and made him willing to go up against his Alpha, and Caleb was desperate to know exactly what that was.

  Even his desperation, and his cat’s fury, had not made him force the issue. He could have commanded Landon to tell them, or to simply move aside so they could get to Meg, but Caleb knew that would be both an abuse of his authority as Alpha and a betrayal to his new mate. She had chosen to trust Landon and Caleb would not start their mating by stripping her of her free will.

  Landon had assured them that she would talk to them after Kaitlyn had left and that she had good reasons for asking for a day’s grace, other than not wanting to rain on Kaitlyn’s wedding day. He couldn’t imagine what she thought they’d do to her. They only wanted to talk to their mate, they weren’t going to hit her over the head and drag her to their bed. His cock stirred at the image of dragging the delectable Meg to his bed.

  “Jesus, Caleb. What did you just think about?” Lachlan said. He groaned and adjusted his own cock as they approached the ladies’ room door. “You’re mating musk just poured off you. Now I want to touch her more than I want to breathe.”

  “You know what I was thinking. The exact same thing we’ve all been thinking for the last twenty-seven hours.” He wanted his small blue-eyed leopard. She was a beautiful woman, small for a shifter, standing around five feet one. She had curves that made his mouth water and long blonde hair that nearly reached her gorgeous ass.

  Prescott reached the door first and instead of knocking he just threw the door open and walked straight in. “We waited. Now we talk,” Prescott muttered. Caleb almost laughed. Prescott may simply hit her over the head and drag her to their bed.

  His laugh froze in his throat when Prescott’s roar shook the entire tavern. Striding into the ladies room, he saw that Prescott had shifted and now stood amongst the tatters of his suit as a huge, furious mountain lion. The empty room with its open window told him the reason for Prescott’s outburst of rage.

  Meg was gone.

  * * * *

  Meg drove at speeds she knew she was not a proficient enough driver to handle, but she was forced to. She needed to get far enough away that they wouldn’t catch her. Her cat raged inside her. Its snarls and cries of pain were distracting, and she feared she may actually shift if she couldn’t rein her cat in.

  “Soon. I will be back with them soon. I just have to get Lexie and then I’ll be back.” She chanted the words over and over, but it was not calming either her beast or herself.

  Perhaps I should have done as Landon suggested. The big bear had been an angel. He’d helped her duck the Mabry brothers for the entire wedding. She felt hideous for betraying him but had seen no other option. Nick would kill her mates if they so much as touched her, let alone if they came back with her. She knew he would. She had to believe his murderous threats. He’d stopped her every attempt at breaking free of him. Her cat quieted a little as she focused on the fact that she was doing this to save her mate’s lives.

  Her mates. Damn Nicholas Thomson to hell. She should be over the moon at finding her mates, but instead she was even more terrified than she’d already been for the last month. She hadn’t thought that was even possible. Instead of just being responsible for her sister Lexie’s life, she was now responsible for the lives of three good men as well. No, three great and gorgeous men. The mating musk poured off her again. “No. Not yet. Soon.” She tried again to calm her cat.

  She’d felt so alone and helpless in this battle, but had been glad Kaitlyn hadn’t been in San Diego with her. Nick would’ve just used Kaitlyn’s life as a means to control her, just like he’d been using Lexie. How had things gotten so bad this fast? Kaitlyn’s only been gone a few weeks and my life has become a living nightmare.

  She’d used these two days away to formulate her escape plan. She’d had a hard time not spilling all her problems to her best and only friend, but she refused to spoil Kaitlyn’s happy day by burdening her with her own problems. Kaitlyn would have wanted to help, then her mates would have gotten involved and even more people would now be in danger.

  She knew she had to do this alone. When she found her mates, she’d formulated a new escape plan. She’d already decided to run away from Nick, but now she had a destination. She needed to get Lexie from where she’d hidden her and then get back to Pine Falls. The fact that Nick hadn’t appeared there this weekend had led Meg to believe that it was going to be a safe place for her to take Lexie.

  Once she’d freed herself from Nick’s clutches, she would be able to beg her mate’s forgiveness and hope they could grant it. She hadn’t wanted to hurt them, but she knew she probably had. Their expressions had gone from confused to angry to furious as she’d continued to avoid them.

  They didn’t know she was doing it for them, but they would. She’d tell them everything, if she escaped alive. If she didn’t, well at least she hadn’t killed them, too. If they’d come with her to get Lexie, Nick would have killed them as soon as he saw them. If she’d mated them and then Nick had killed her, then they would have followed her into death. She couldn’t do that to them. This had been the only way. This had been their only hope of staying alive.

  Chapter 2

  Prescott felt rage and betrayal course through his veins in equal measures. She was gone. She’d lied. She hadn’t stayed to talk to them. She hadn’t stayed to get to know them. She’d fled.

  “What the hell did we do to make her leave us?” Lachlan said. It was a rhetorical question. He knew from his brother’s scents that they were equally furious and hurt by their mate’s actions.

  “Landon!” Caleb roared out the bear’s name. Caleb’s eyes were bright with his cat’s rage. Prescott snarled at the bear as he appeared in the restroom seconds after his Alpha’s command.

  Prescott leaped for the bear’s throat. Landon batted him away like he was a fly, not a two-hundred-pound cougar. Prescott hit the wall of the restroom and smashed straight through to the men’s room next door.

  “Enough, Prescott,” Caleb commanded. Prescott snarled at Landon as he padded back through the hole in the wall. Caleb directed his amber gaze at Prescott and commanded him to stop. Prescott could no longer attack Landon. He was unable to disobey a command from his Alpha.

  “Shift,” Caleb said.

  Prescott swiftly shifted back and stood panting in rage. His cat’s anger and pain continued to burn through him. He wanted to run after her, but the hurt was so great that he also wanted to simply let her go. His heart was a burning lump of pain in his chest. “Why? Why did she do this?”

  He hadn’t even realized he’d croaked the words out until Landon turned his gaze on him. The bear had unshed tears in his eyes. “She said she needed one day. She needed time to talk to Lexie. She didn’t want to ruin Kaitlyn’s wedding.”

  Caleb held up his hand to stop Landon talking. “Tell us exactly what she said, and who the fuck is Lexie?”

  “Lexie is her little sister,” Landon said. He looked at each of them. “She became her guardian only a month ago when her brother’s mate became pregnant. She’s only five years old.”

  “She thought we’d reject her because she’s caring for her sister?” Lachlan said. Prescott was glad to see that Lachlan was as furious as he was at that particular accusation. It was an insult that she’d even think them so shallow.

  “Not that,” Landon said. “I’m not explaining this right.”

  “Then fucking try harder,” Prescott said. “Because right now she’s not sounding like someone I even want as a mate.”

  Landon looked horrified. “No, she’s wonderful. She’s sweet and caring.”

  “We wouldn’t know if that’s true or not because you kept us away from her,” Caleb said. He ground the words out between his gritte
d teeth.

  “It all made perfect sense when she explained it,” Landon said sadly. “Perhaps I should have made her explain it to you herself. She said she would as soon as the wedding was over. I don’t understand why she left.”

  “Please Landon,” Lachlan said, “just tell us exactly what she said. Then maybe we’ll want to go after her, because right now, I’m inclined to let her go.”

  “I’m not letting her go,” Caleb said. “She will reject me to my face if that is her wish, but she will not simply run from me.”

  “She wouldn’t,” Landon said. “I’m sure she has a reason. I scented great pain and fear from her. She was drowning in it. She couldn’t hide that fact from me. I thought she was scared of her brother taking Lexie away from her. But that wouldn’t make her leave like this. I wonder if it was for something else.”

  Prescott’s cat was desperate to shake the big bear. “Landon. Tell us what she said before I kill you.”

  “If you don’t tell us soon, I’ll let him,” Caleb said.

  “Her mother died in a car accident three years ago with her father dying later that day as he followed his mate into death. Her older brother was already mated and took in their little sister, Lexie.”

  Prescott felt sadness for his mate losing both her parents like that, but his rage and pain was nearly consuming him. “What has this got to do with her leaving?” Caleb ignored him and gestured for Landon to continue.

  “Her brother’s mate is having a difficult pregnancy and they finally let her have Lexie. She’s wanted her all this time, but her brother refused to allow it until now. He kept them apart saying Lexie got upset when Meg came around. They live in Alaska, and Meg has just gotten Lexie settled into a school in San Diego.


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