A Four Letter Word

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A Four Letter Word Page 4

by Michelle Lee

  I knew his arms were totally lickable. So it isn’t just me. Images of Evan being all shy trying on the costume, his arms flexing as he pulls down on the loin cloth, come flooding back and I am momentarily wanting to reach out and lick his arms—lick the arms of my best friend. Get a grip Richards.

  I am brought back from my brief trip down totally hot, yet inappropriate, memory lane by a clearing of the throat, a scowl and stink eye, all the while Evan is turning several shades of pink and then red.

  Lickable arms or not, I’m still holding a grudge for having to be here dressed in next to nothing no matter how good I may look. I mouth, "You're welcome."

  The Dynamic Duo start to walk away, pulling a very reluctant Evan with them. The look on his face is pleading, begging for me to help him out—I so should, but don’t. Before they flutter off, Geoffrey turns to me. "Oh, and Zoey, we've entered you in the female's hottest costume contest. It's right after the men's."

  I almost do a spit take, and Evan loses it.

  "See ya in a few." Evan teases the red color leaving his face, his eyes twinkle with a take that.

  And the trio is off, and I am left standing, stunned.


  Again, so much for laying low, and so much for being my bodyguard. I will so get him back. He knows damn well I don't like being in the fucking spotlight. And being on that stage will definitely have me in the spotlight—all eyes on me. I could so kill him…and the bee…and the bright ass pink flower. And let me add Ashlee to the list. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her. Damn Halloween. Damn Evan breaking up with Amanda. Damn Ashlee for suggesting this costume place. Damn Evan for waiting to the last minute. Just damn! Well, it seems I'm stuck and have no choice. I don't think the Dynamic Duo is going to let me back out, seeing how Evan had no choice. And if I'm going to be in this contest, then I am definitely going to need some liquid courage, and this beer just ain't gonna cut it. I get Chippie's attention and order a shot of Jaeger…my instant courage in the form of a dark elixir. Chippie is gone in a flash and returns in a matter of second, sliding the ice cold-shot in front of me and smiles. I nod my thanks. My fingers wrap around the frosty glass, sending a slight shiver up my arm. I raise it up and lick my lips in anticipation, doing a silent, little prayer that just one shot will be all the help in the courage department I need. Any more than that, and I will be on the floor.

  "Are you sure you wanna drink that?" an unfamiliar voice asks, stopping me dead in my tracks.

  I turn, and I am staring into the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen. They twinkle and are so alive—they are the type of eyes a girl could easily get lost in. Those baby blues are dreamy. I have apparently gotten lost in those eyes, because Blue Eyes, that’s what I’m gonna call him, brings me back to the here and now. "Are you okay?"

  "Um, yeah, fine. Um, why shouldn't I take this shot?" I question, my brain still a little fuzzy as I give my wrist holding the shot a little twist.

  "Well, I know what that brown elixir does to me, and you're half, if not a third my size, so... Plus, it tastes like shit." Blue Eyes smirks.

  My heart skips a beat, and I can't help but smile at him. He makes me want to smile—a lot.

  "Liquid courage," I explain my voice small.

  "Liquid courage, for what?" he asks, concern lacing his tone.

  "Um, the costume contest. Apparently, I've been entered," I respond, bringing the shot glass closer to my mouth, remembering the reason I got it in the first place.

  His hand reaches out and stops me. Warmth spreads out from where his hand touches. It's soothing, calming. It makes me feel as though I don't need the shot—almost.

  "Since when does a beautiful cavewoman need liquid courage? From what I've heard, cavewomen can kick some serious ass," Blue Eyes teases.

  I contemplate his words. I roll them around in my head, trying to think of some snarky, flirty response to go along with his. He's flirting with me, definitely flirting, and I don't want it to stop. I like it—a lot—probably more than I should.

  Okay, deep breaths and be flirty. I can do flirty.

  "Well, it's true…I do have mad ass skills."

  Wait, what?

  My eyes widen as my brain catches up with my mouth. Shit, I didn't say I have mad ass kicking skills, like I intended. I said I have mad ass skills. Oh my God, I am so fucking embarrassed. I need another shot, now.

  Recover, Zoey, and cover up your stupid slip.

  "Um, I mean…I have mad ass kicking skills, not mad…ass skills…soooo…"

  I lift my eyes to meet his, and when I do, there is amusement dancing in them, and his lips turn up into a delicious smile. Blue Eyes' eyes roam up and down me, and then he tilts his head and totally checks out my ass. His smile widens, and his eyes find mine again. "Well, I'd say you have mad skills in both the ass and ass-kicking areas—although I can only guess about the ass-kicking. I haven't seen those skills in action, but the mad ass skills? I can vouch that you most certainly do have skills in that certain area."

  And he's back to flirting and has easily washed away some of my embarrassment, even though a new form of it has crept up, as I feel my cheeks heat up. He checked out my ass. Thank God I have been working out more lately—no thanks to Helga. Ever since I tried on this costume, I decided I needed to pump up my work-out routine, and Helga was more than happy to oblige. For whatever reason she got it in her head that I had come around to her way of thinking, and worked me over until I was clutching my sides and begging for her stop. Helga just shook her head and chuckled and continued the torture. Before I went to her I thought my body was nice looking but not that nice looking, and I wanted to look even better, considering how much of me would be showing tonight. Those extra workouts are apparently paying off, but what a price to pay. Blue Eyes is still smiling and shakes his head, almost as if I've missed some joke.

  "What?" I question my voice uncertain.

  Blue Eyes shakes his head one last time before answering, "Nothing. I'm Griffin, by the way."

  "Zoey." I offer my hand, and it easily slips into his. I feel a rush of adrenaline spike through my veins. And as fast as that spike came, it leaves once my hand is no longer in his.

  "So, Zoey, even though we've established you have mad ass and ass-kicking skills, why are you entered in the costume contest if it makes you need liquid courage?" Griffin gestures towards my now empty shot glass.

  "I don't think I have a choice, really." Honestly, I don't think Geoffrey is the type of guy to take no for an answer. Yep, he's definitely Ashlee's twin.

  "Who roped you into this? Your girlfriend? Boyfriend?" The last word comes out of his perfect lips barely above a whisper.

  "Although it is something my best friend, Ashlee, would do, she didn't. And I don't have a boyfriend, so it wasn't him. It was actually the host of this party, Geoffrey, who told me I was entered. It wasn't really a request—more of a demand, if that makes sense." The way Geoffrey told me I was in the contest definitely gave me the latter impression.

  "Say no more," Griffin chuckles, shaking his head.

  "You know Geoffrey?"

  I'm sure everyone here does, he's kinda hard to miss.

  "He's my neighbor. And you're right—it was a demand and not a request. Geoffrey can be very adamant about his demands, so you are definitely in the contest. But, no worries, you have your very own personal cheerleader, right here." Griffin's eyes twinkle, and the smile on his lips makes my heart flutter.

  "That's really sweet of you, thanks." I feel my cheeks heat up.

  Griffin's hand reaches towards me, and my breathing hitches. It's almost as if he's moving in slow motion. Eventually, his fingers tuck a stray hair behind my ear. "It would be my pleasure to cheer on the hottest cavewoman here."

  "Um, I think I'm the only cavewoman here," I reply.

  What a way to take a compliment, Zoey.

  "Well, then, you haven't seen Taylor, one of Geoffrey's friends. He is sporting the cavewoman look as well. And belie
ve me; I would rather look at you all night." He shivers.

  "Don't you mean caveman?" I question, not sure I heard him right.

  Griffin chuckles and shakes his head before answering. "No, he is definitely a cavewoman. Actually his sash says 'Queen of the Clan'."

  Queen of the Clan?

  Queen of the….oh, Oh, Oh!

  "Queen, gotcha." Yep, I was a wee bit slow on that one.

  Griffin and I laugh at my cluelessness and toast to me winning the contest; although I doubt toasting will help. There are some amazing costumes and some amazing bodies wearing them. The music lowers, and there is a tapping on a microphone. "Is this stupid thing on? Geoffrey, baby, I don't think this stupid thing is on." Patrick's flustered voice carries over the masses.

  "It's on, love. Our guests can hear you just fine." Geoffrey reassures a slightly flustered Patrick.

  "Yes, I am fine and then some. Okay, my lovelies, it's contest time." Patrick sing-songs and the guests cheer his announcement.

  "And let us tell you all thank you so much for coming to our annual Halloween party. It means so much to Geoffrey and me that we can spread some spooky love to you all." Patrick winks, and the party erupts with hoots and hollers.

  "Ooooo, aren't we an excited bunch this year? Okay—on with the festivities. We have some very delicious men ready to sashay across our little stage here and show you what Halloween is all about—wearing as little as possible and absolutely getting away with it. These men are fierce, and I am having a hard"—Patrick's hand seductively travels down his torso, and then he cups his manhood—"definitely hard time deciding which mouth-watering specimen should win, so I am going to need you all to help me decide," he continues.

  "I need to get closer," I whisper into Griffin's ear.

  He laces his fingers in mine and begins to pull me through the crowd, dodging bodies left and right. An over-zealous Scream character bumps into me, and I end up falling into Griffin. His hands immediately grip my waist, keeping me upright. Our faces are inches from each other, and I feel a tingle deep inside me. My breathing accelerates, and it's as if we are the only two people in the room. I am lost in his cool blue eyes, and a part of me doesn't want to be found. My face inches closer to his, my lips are apparently on a mission of their own seeking out his. Before I can get too close and possibly embarrass myself… "Let the parade of hotness begin!" Patrick's announcement brings me back, the crowd erupts, and I shake my head.

  "Sorry," I say pulling away from Griffin.

  "No reason to apologize. Um, are we close enough, or do you want to get closer?" Griffin asks as his eyes flitter between me and the stage.

  The double meaning isn't lost on me. At least, I hope there's a double meaning. "No, this is close enough. I think I'll be able to see Evan just fine."

  "Evan?" Griffin asks, confused his voice sounding disappointed.

  "My best friend. He couldn't say no to Geoffrey, either." I hope he caught the emphasis on the best friend part. I already told him I didn't have a boyfriend. I hope he believes me.

  "Best friend. Got it. Which one is he?" Griffin's chin points toward the stage.

  I stand on my tippy toes and scan the line of men parading on stage. I notice the cowboy Ashlee dubbed as her soul mate and next to him is Evan. He looks so uncomfortable—a fish out of water. I should feel bad for him, but I don't. Payback is a bitch.

  "The scared Tarzan—that's him." I point to Evan as Patrick makes him spin around for the crowd to really get a good look.

  "This is Tarzalicious, my lovelies. Couldn't you just eat him with a spoon?" Patrick asks the party guests eyeing Evan up and down.

  Evan turns several shades of embarrassment. The crowd goes wild, and there is wolf-whistling and cheers.

  "I've got my spoon ready," someone yells from the sea of people.

  Evan turns back around. His eyes find mine, and the look he gives me tells me I am in for it when I take the stage. Just what have I gotten myself in for?

  Patrick introduces the last two victims—I mean contestants—and the crowd cheers, hoots and hollers.

  "Okay, my lovelies, we've tabulated your response to each contestant, and drum roll please…the winner is…oh my God, I am so ready to swing on his vine …Tarzalicious," Patrick announces, jumping up and down, his arms flapping as he does.

  The crowd erupts in more cheers and wolf-whistling; a few “I’m ready to swing away with him” can be heard—some from women, and some from men. The party guests definitely don’t discriminate.

  Evan walks across the stage and graciously accepts the prize. Just as he’s about to turn and leave, “Not so fast Sweetcheeks,” Patrick stops Evan dead in his tracks. Evan slowly turns around with a look of complete and utter fear. “There’s more for you Tarzalicious.” Patrick places a sash over his chest and a tiara on his head. Evan turns fifty shades of red. His eyes find me in the crowd, and I can’t help but laugh. This moment is priceless, I wish I had my camera. But, my amusement is short lived when Evan quirks an eyebrow at me and mouths, “You’re next.”

  "Okay, next up will be the ladies and we will crown our Queen of Halloween. Thank you, boys." Patrick curtsies, and the guys leave the stage.

  Evan pushes his way through the crowd and quite a few hands paw and grab at him. He doesn’t look too happy and I think I want to have a little more fun at his expense.

  "Congrats, Tarzalicious," I tease, fingering his sparkly sash.

  "Thanks. So, you ready to take the stage, because there is no way I am letting you back out of this after you threw me to the wolves." Evan raises his eyebrow, challenging me.

  My smile immediately disappears, and I feel all the color drain from my face. He isn’t going to let me get out of this. Why oh why didn’t I just keep my big mouth shut. Oh, I know why because teasing Evan is just soooo much fun since I rarely get a chance to see him out of sorts.

  I feel a warm hand wrap around mine. "Don't worry, Zoey; remember you've got your very own cheerleader right here."

  Evan suddenly notices Griffin standing beside me and gives him this look like he wants to tear him apart. Great, my body guard now decides to show up. I so don’t need his over protective ass ruining what might be the start of something. Griffin gives my hand a reassuring squeeze and I suddenly can’t remember why I am so nervous to begin with.

  I feel someone grab my other hand and give it a shake, and not just a little shake, the kind of shake that gets your attention. I look down at my hand and notice Evan holding it. He’s got my attention. His other hand comes up and releases my bottom lip from between my teeth, he hates when I do that. I can’t help it though. It’s a knee-jerk reaction to getting nervous—it’s something I’ve always done and it’s something Evan’s always hated. His smile is warm, his eyes sincere telling me he’s got me if I fall. Evan’s always got me. "Hey, listen—it's no big deal, really."

  I nod even though I’m not so sure I believe in his confidence in me. Evan’s always been my number one cheerleader. He’s always had my back and has had confidence in me when I didn’t. I can remember when it was announced that I was the school valedictorian; I thought I was going to throw up all over my desk in homeroom. But Evan was right behind me, whispering in my ear that first he was so completely proud of me and second that I could do it and finally that he would hold my hand, figuratively of course, all the way through it.

  "You can do this. It will be fun, and when it's over, you'll wonder why you made such a big deal about it. Zoey, you are the strongest, bravest person I know. You always come out the other side. Don't worry, I'm here I won't let you fall." He gives me my favorite smile, the one he knows I love and gives my hand another little squeeze, driving home his point. And at that moment I completely believe him and trust him—he won’t let me fall. And just like that, Evan’s confidence in me feels like it flows from his fingers into mine.

  "Okay. I can, I can do this." I straighten my shoulders and give him a squeeze back. I turn to Griffin. "I'll be right back."
br />   He winks at me, making me feel like I’m a girl back in high school with a new crush. I know I’m smiling like an idiot and I feel my cheeks heat up. I just know I’m blushing like a fool. I let go of Evan’s hand and start to make my way through the crowd. I take one last look over my shoulder; Griffin is smiling and gives me a little wave pushing me to go on. My eyes flicker to Evan and at first his lips are pursed together, his eyes hard, a slide ways glance toward Griffin before his eyes find mine. When they meet mine they soften and a smile tugs at the corner of his mouth. Now I have two cheerleaders encouraging me and my heart swells at the prospect.

  Chapter 5

  I push my nerves aside, taking Evan's words of encouragement to heart, and brain for that matter. He always has a way of putting me at ease. How he does it time and time again, I will never know. I'm just grateful he can and does. I look toward the side of the stage and Geoffrey is waving me over, Patrick bouncing at his side. These two really crack my ass up. Faster than I thought possible, I make my way over to them.

  "Well, Hot Jane, I'm surprised you came to us on your own accord. Ashlee had us thinking we were going to have to hunt you down and bring you up on stage, kicking and screaming." Geoffrey's eyebrows shoot up, and Patrick nods like a bobble head beside him.

  "Kicking and screaming, indeed. Although, usually, I'm not opposed to a little kicking and screaming… and scratching and biting and licking and…" Patrick's eyes get all glossy, and he has a faraway look in eyes as his lips curl into a devilish "I've been up to something and I want to do it again" grin.

  "Sorry to disappoint," I respond, looking everywhere and anywhere other than their faces.

  "Honey, you could never disappoint, I'm sure; although, I really wouldn't know much about that. I'll just take your word for it," Geoffrey teases.

  My cheeks grow hot. Patrick takes my hand in his giving me a little pat with the other. "Zoey, honey, just remember this is all about having fun. I know we can be a little much, just like Ashlee, but if you really want to back out, just say the word, and you'll be off the vine or hook. You know what I mean." His expression is full of sincerity; a lopsided grin pulls the corner of his mouth, and it warms my heart. I contemplate his words. He's easily giving me an out.


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