Blood and Guts - Left for Dead: A Romantic Suspense

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Blood and Guts - Left for Dead: A Romantic Suspense Page 97

by Gabi Moore

  This was the closest she would receive to an admission of what he did for a living. Mr. Eglise was a procurement agent for the off-world aliens, she knew by now. All she had to do was collect the evidence and her career would be secure. Perhaps she could get the information she needed before she had to stay here very long.

  “Does this job still interest you?” he said.

  He had his answer when he quoted her a weekly salary. Medea, now Monique, nearly fell out of her chair. It was ten times her pay as a government agent. Was he serious?

  “I see you are surprised by the amount,” he said to her. “You will find I can be a very generous man when you get to know me. Is this a yes?”

  “I’d be crazy not to take it,” she told him, her feet swinging in the air, as they did not touch the floor. Monique was on the short side, barely five feet tall and she did have some extra cushion on her bones. None of her boyfriends ever complained. “Of course I want the job.”

  “Good. I was sure you were the woman I wanted when you walked into the room. Your resume was impressive and you’ll have to tell me about your days as a hostess at Delilah’s Den. I plan to visit there in the future. Now take your clothes off and give them to me.”

  Monique was a little taken back by his command. “Excuse me?”

  “I didn’t stutter, little one. Strip your clothes off and give them to me. I thought you wanted the job?”

  Monique hopped off the chair and slid out of the tight dress the agency would demand back after the mission was over. She tried to look coy at her new boss, but prayed on the inside that he wouldn’t demand service right away. Damn, she thought while pulling her silk panties off. There goes the recording devices. She folded up everything and handed them to him.

  He took the clothes from Monique, stepped from behind the desk, went to the door and summoned a servant. One of the young men she’d met earlier appeared at the door. Monique tried hard not to look in his direction, although she didn’t try to cover herself.

  “James,” he said to him. “Have these rags disposed of. Better yet, burn them. The new hostess won’t need them again.” The servant nodded and carried them away, closing the door behind him.

  Her new boss walked over to Monique, placed one hand under her chin and lifted her head up a bit to better look her over. She felt like a contestant in a pet show.

  “Nice hair, breasts and healthy skin. Full lips. Lovely fusion of ash grey and light blue in your eyes. You are quite a prize.” He looked down. “The pubic area will need to be shaved daily, I want you smooth at all times, same as your legs. No problem, I will have an aesthetician visit you every week, she’ll be by today at three in the afternoon and she will help you look presentable. The piercer will be here at five.”

  “The what?”

  “You do have a hearing problem don’t you?” he snapped at her, tracing one finger down her back. “The piercer. I want rings in these large nipples and maybe another one in your lower lip. It will look quite fetching on you. I thought about one in the left nostril too, but it would make you look common. Don’t worry, the pain will fade quickly and they heal up if you ever wish to leave my service.”

  He went back to the desk and took out a black thong and tossed it at her. ”You will wear this at all times. Now put it on.” Monique sighed and slipped the black thong between her legs. It felt smooth, had to be some kind of synthetic. “That is all you are allowed to wear so long as you are standing up. And not always then.”

  He walked back to the door and called the manservant again. “James, this is Monique. She will be staying with us for a while. You are not allowed to make use of her, is that understood?” The man nodded. “This applies to all other members of the staff and make sure they know. Monique is reserved for me and my guests; do not forget it. I find out any one of you has so much as touched her inappropriately and you will be dismissed immediately. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good, now show Monique to her room. She will stay at the purple suite on the second floor. She is to have whatever she needs. Monique?”

  “Yes, sir?” she asked. This mission was very strange; it had better net her a promotion and a citation too.

  “I want you to make yourself presentable in the next hour. I will have use of you before the piercer arrives, as you’ll be too sore to perform much for the next two days. Is that understood?”


  “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He walked up to Monique and lightly pinched her left nipple. She bit her lip rather than give him the satisfaction of hearing her yelp. “Silver,” he said. “Silver rings will look very nice. You’ll find everything you need in the bathroom of the suite, so I expect you to be presentable when I come up. In addition, we’ll need something else for you to call me by. The servants call me “Sir”, but I need something more appropriate for you to use. Now off with you!”

  “I hope you really wanted this job,” James said to her quietly as they walked down the hall. They passed a few of the other servants who did a double take when they saw her nude form. “Because you have no idea what you’re in for here.”

  James walked with her up the stairs to a hallway. It was carpeted with fabric deep enough to sink into. She noticed the change in texture the moment her feet touched the stairs. They went down the hall to a room with a solid oak door secured with a sturdy lock. James took out a large key from a ring on his belt and unlocked it. He stepped inside and turned on the lights.

  The room was large for a bedroom suite. There was a California King-size bed on one side with fur covers and an exquisite mahogany headboard. She walked over to the bed and noticed small cuffs attached to each corner. She lifted one up while giving James a questioning look. He merely smiled. She sat down on the bed and glanced around the room. The floor was tiled, which felt a little cold as she stepped into the room, but not so much for this time of the year. She saw a desk and several closets. In the far end was bathroom with a walk-in shower and tub large enough to serve as a whirlpool. She got up, walked to one door near the bathroom, and opened it to look inside it. It was a small sauna. Monique decided to wait and find out what the rest of the room held after he left. The far wall was dominated by a large set of sliding glass doors, which had a balcony on the other side.

  Just then, she heard a buzzing sound and James lifted up a small cell phone, said a few words and returned it to his pocket. “Your purse will be brought up to you in a few minutes, Miss,” he told her. “That was the porter on the ground. They went through it and confiscated your cell phone. I’m sorry, but those are not allowed on the grounds. The only phones allowed here are the ones Mr. Eglise gives us to use and they run through the main house server. I’m sure you understand.”

  “Of course,” Monique said to him. “I understand he does have his rules. At least he allows me to keep my purse.”

  “It was confiscated too. You will be given your valuables, but the purse will go into a storage locker with the phone. Didn’t he explain? You won’t have any position here where you will need to carry things. Also, the aesthetician is already here and she’ll be up in a minute. That chair in the corner…” he pointed to it, “has a vinyl cover. I would have her do you up in it. Easy to clean.”

  Monique looked the room over one more time. “No TV? No Internet? I don’t see either one.”

  “It’s not part of your position,” he explained. “Mr. Eglise doesn’t like the Internet and only has one access to it in the house. It’s in his outer office. Same for the TV, we have one for guests, but the women he’s kept here before didn’t have the use of one.”

  “He’s had other women in my position?”

  “Several. They don’t stay around too long. I hope you will enjoy your stay. Most of the women who’ve worked for him are already matched to someone else. You might see one or two if you decide to stay around. They come by with their husbands from time to time.”

  James left after sh
owing her how to lock and unlock the door and closets on the inside. He also showed her where the panic button was located and fire alarm too. She found it amusing the manor had a fire alarm drill every month.

  The aesthetician was a small lady from Columbia who spoke no English. Monique thought it would be impossible for her to do her job, but tried some of her college Spanish on the woman. When she didn’t respond, Monique gave up and assumed the woman was from some backwater town that only spoke a local language. She managed to communicate by hand signals and had her lay back in the chair while she went to work on Monique. In no time, Monique was shaved smooth everywhere but her head. The lady managed to remove every bit of rough skin on her body and fix her a drink besides. She knew how to relax her, but when Monique went to get some money to tip her, the woman shook her head, folded up her case and left. This had to be another one of Mr. Eglise’s rules: no tipping the outside help.

  She found the closets to contain robes made of silk, wool and terrycloth. This didn’t surprise her as she’d been told the only thing she would need on a regular basis was a thong. If nothing else, it solved the what-to-wear problem. Monique didn’t know how to make contact with her supervisor or any other field agent if she had no access to her former clothes or possessions. The agency went to a lot of trouble to hide recording and tracking devices in her clothes, but she no longer wore any. Would they decide to raid the mansion if they didn’t hear anything from her? She wasn’t given that option when they briefed her on the mission. She held up her right hand and looked at her nails. The lady from Columbia had done an excellent job on them. She managed to put the right amount of clear coating on them to bring out the color of the undercoat. And she had experience doing the colors of a woman with darker skin, thank god. She felt a little raw between the legs, but that was to be expected.

  Monique checked out the bathroom and found a vanity table equipped with everything she would want. Somehow, they’d managed to outfit it just for her. While she was in the office with Mr. Eglise, someone must have scoped her out and arranged the make-up kit. She had to admire that level of professionalism. At the same time, she dreaded the piercer. Nonetheless, this seemed to be something she would have to do if she wanted the position. Monique looked at her nipples in the mirror and wondered how big the silver rings would be.

  There was a knock on the door and she went over to it, opened it slowly, not sure who would be there and how her appearance would be received. She’d managed to put on a silk robe after finding one in the closet. She felt a little covered for a change. Once, a long time ago, she’d let a boyfriend talk her into going to a nude beach on the Jersey shore. The experience was not good and she demanded he take her home when she saw the old men with binoculars sitting outside of the beach range.

  It was her employer, Mr. Eglise. With him was another man. They pushed the door open and came inside, locking it behind them. Monique was a little taken back, but he’d told her he would have need of her later. She was on his time and this was part of the job and assignment. Had he broken her cover yet? She didn’t think so, or he wouldn’t be unbuttoning his shirt. Monique, not knowing what else to do went up to him and tried to help him remove the shirt. He put one hand up and stopped her. The other man, who hadn’t been introduced to her, said nothing.

  “You were not supposed to put that robe on,” Eglise continued. “I want you always the way I sent you out of my office. Now go put the robe back in the closet where you found it. Then come back to me. And this is my associate, Mr. Nossa,” he told her. “You will be servicing both of us today.”

  Monique quickly untied the sash and returned it to the closet next to the bathroom. She noticed a small cabinet in the closet and opened a few of the drawers. Sex toys. Nothing too surprising there. Good ones with high quality silicone from Japan. She wondered if anyone had used them before. When she saw the pile of unopened condom packages, Monique realized they had seen plenty of use.

  She turned back to her employer who was in the process of placing his clothes in another closet. It was late in the afternoon, but the he had not closed the curtains to the sliding glass doors. Monique looked out and saw the green trees in the distance which covered the mountains. Even if someone had a telescope, it would be very difficult to see into this room. She noted none of the servants on the ground below them. The other man was also putting his clothes away.

  “They were told to avoid this part of the house,” she heard him say behind her. Monique turned to see Mr. Eglise in the bed under the furs and silk sheets. On the other side of the bed was Nossa, who still had said nothing. How had they managed to get under there with such quiet and swiftness? It had to be another attribute of his species. “Remove the thong and come join us. The piercer will be here and we want to enjoy you before she arrives.”

  Monique wondered how it would be to make love with someone who was not human. His shades were off and she could see the cat-like eyes the people from the stars possessed. The rest of his face seemed human enough, as did his hairy torso above the sheet. There was a slight redness to Nossa’s complexion, which she speculated might be from their higher body temperature. As Monique slipped the thong off, she placed them on a nightstand on the opposite side of the bed and turned back the sheet to get in with them. The things she did for a promotion in the agency….

  She felt pulled to Eglise’s chest and held tightly. His body was very warm and there was no mistaking the heat. She felt a hand on her neck pull her face to his and their lips touched. So far, just like other men. Then she felt his tounge slide into her mouth. This was most defiantly not like any other man. It was rough, and pointed. She opened her mouth and let him probe inside, not knowing what else to do. And because she had to know, Monique slipped one hand down and felt between his legs. Then she felt Nossa behind her, stroking her back and massaging her shoulders. The sensations of two men playing with her were unbelievable.

  Eglise was wide, a little wider than most men were, but not enormous. She ran her fingers over its shaft and found it to be smooth; with rough parts in the places most women would welcome the additional friction. Evolution was good to these people and she felt the head on the shaft to be much larger than she had touched before. It excited her, and she knew the wetness was flowing from between her legs. Almost embarrassed to admit it to herself, she wanted this man inside her. She could feel Nossa’s cock on her back, he was wide too, but it seemed so much hotter than her own body.

  “Are you on the pill?” Eglise asked her. “I should know by now, but my doctor is out today. I’m taking a big chance without his approval, but somehow I feel you are safe.”

  “Yes, I am,” she told him. It was true and standard practice for the agency to put their field agents on some kind of contraceptive before they sent them out. It avoided embarrassing incidents later and might help them in their assignments. They even had one for the male agents, a good idea given their tendency to misuse government funds.

  “Good,” he told her. “We like women from your planet. They tend to be more forgiving. Ours are so few they can make unrealistic demands on the males.” He traced one finger around her nipple and watched her close her eyes in pleasure. She felt his hand descend and open her up. “I see you are very ready. Tell your lovers how this feels.”

  “Oh, Daddies, that is so good,” she said while her legs spread wide to let his fingers probe into her. She wasn’t lying either. The fingers inside her were narrow and probed deep into her insides. She bit her lip when he found the right spot and pinched. Another hand probed along with the first.

  “What did you call us?” Eglise said as one of his hands stimulated her and another grasped her back. “Isn’t that the term for a father? I’m sorry; English is not an easy language to understand.”

  “Yes,” she shook her head up and down. Holy shit, how does someone from off-planet know so much? Monique felt his hand move softly between her legs and find more spots she didn’t know were there.

  “I like it. Ca
ll us that again.”



  “Daddies, you are doing things to me…” was all she could manage.

  “I want you to use that term all the time. The servants can call us ‘Sir’s’, but I want to hear it from you from now on. Can you do this?”

  “Yes, Daddies.”

  Monique felt the hand retract from the space between her legs. Eglise was on top of her now and the eyes were feline at this range. She adjusted her position on the bed and let him inside her. He was very hot down there, as she had learned, and she felt her thighs open to receive him. He filled her up. The heat became more intense as he put his weight on top of her. He began to work it inside Monique and she realized the rough patches matched the parts of her that needed stimulation. Then he turned her over to one side and let Nossa enter her too. She was overwhelmed with the sensation of two cocks inside her.

  Monique had gone without a man for over a year, ever since she bounced the last asshole who thought he could stop by, watch football, and expect her to make him a sandwich. What was it with her and abusive men who wanted to take advantage of her station in life? Thank God, she had never ended up pregnant with some loser’s kid. This happened too many of her friends in college and, she suspected, her mother too. At least she saw her father from time to time and he was a part of her life as she came of age, just not a regular one.

  “Am we too hot for you?” Nossa finally whispered in her ear. “We can regulate our body temperature down there. I find most women from this planet like it hot. Does it feel good to you? I can make it as hot as you can stand.”

  She loved the sensation. It was as if she had a burning torch between her legs. The heat warmed her up and made her entire body full of sensations. She felt his breath on her neck and nearly passed out when he thrusted deep inside.


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