Blood and Guts - Left for Dead: A Romantic Suspense

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Blood and Guts - Left for Dead: A Romantic Suspense Page 114

by Gabi Moore

  Erol's fingertips brought me back into reality. They were not the gentle touch of a considerate lover, but the urgent hold of someone lost in the throes of passion. He held ahold of my hips, digging his nails into my skin while I rode his cock. I made a point of slowing down at that point, really savoring each inch of him as I rocked my hips back and forth on his body.

  I found that if I arched my back just so, I could press my clit up against the bottom of his shaft, while the rest of him massaged the inside of my body. The two of us were connected in a way that I had needed desperately for the better part of a year. I wanted to give every single bit of my attention to the smallest details of our interaction, but a part of me wanted only to devour his body within mine.

  The hunger grew inside of me, and I began to slide him more sharply inside of me. I slammed backward on his cock, and forward once more; each time trying to push him deeper. My only focus was on getting more of him, so I had hardly noticed his hands gripping upward on my body.

  He pulled at my breasts, and brought himself upward so that his body was flush with mine. With timing that any warrior would have envied, he pulled to the side and twisted me off of his center of balance. The move was subtle, but just strong enough to push me backward and twist me onto my hands and knees.

  Wasting no time whatsoever, he grabbed a hold of my hips and pushed his cock back inside of me. The thrust was strong, and the force pushed my torso down onto the ground. My breasts scratched up against the ground of the cliffside, and my mouth opened wide - gasping for air. With my eyes dilated and my gaze on the horizon, I finally felt well-fucked.

  My ears were full of the sounds of wet bodies slapping up against one another. No matter where my mind went, I was wrenched back to the immediacy of the moment.

  This was my body that was being ravaged.

  The sound was of my own sopping wet body being pulled and pushed to the brink of orgasm.

  Erol reached up and grabbed a handful of hair by the roots. His body was close to mine, and the sheen of sweat that began forming on our bodies caused him to slip along my ass and lower back as slickly as his dick pushed into me. He yanked hard and pain brought me back into the present moment. My fingers wrapped around my clit, and I began rubbing myself furiously.


  As though my moan was a question to be answered, he let go of my hair and slapped my ass. His other hand remained rooted along the base of my spine.

  "GAh! Don't stop... I'm gonna cum," I begged him in spite of myself.

  Being well fucked had reduced me to a level of submission I didn't frequent very often. Every sound that came out from my lips was a plea for release. Another slap on my ass was followed by one final push. I felt the climax in my heart before anything else took place. Biting my lip, I strained my fingers against my clit, and then broke.

  "NOW!" the guide shouted.

  My senses were overwhelmed, but I did my best to focus on the magic necessary to open up the portal. Everything inside of me, and all of the power I was able to draw from him channeled inside of me. My eyes widened, and I lost control of myself.

  A rush of sperm filled the inside of my vagina. His body collapsed on mine, and I felt his body push harder into me, each contraction seeking still more penetration inside of my body. My own body responded in kind to his, and wild contractions and gushing arousal seized my sex. My mouth opened, and I turned around to see his face. Our eyes met, as well as our lips.

  The two of us were too sloppy and overwhelmed to make a proper kiss, but we did manage to convulse and fill in toward one another. I worked his cock until he had nothing more to give, and then pulled him into my arms so we could hold one another in the afterglow. After his cock slid out from inside of me, the sperm followed, as well as the alchemy of our union.

  A blue arc shot out from the ground between our bodies, and he was torn away from me by the momentary tear between dimensions.

  I struggled in my post-coital haze to make sense of my environment, while the guide's voice echoed in my mind alongside the crackling of the portal's energy.

  "So we have arrived at the beginning of the end..."

  Chapter 17

  I scrambled backward away from the portal. My body was close to the edge of the cliff, and through the portal, I could see a vague figure of Erol and the Wilder Fae.

  Erol was on the ground panting. The Guide grabbed Erol's wrist, and slashed a blade across his palm. The blood dripped out onto the portal itself, and I watched as dark crimson stains dropped through the iridescent surface of the portal like dye through a vertical scrying pool.


  A cry of pain brought Erol back into focus within his own consciousness. He had been lost, as I was following the sex. Both dogs came into the scene at full tilt, seeking to attack the Wilder Fae. She must have held some power over beasts, as a simple glance pushed them away with a look of fear in their eyes. Their tails were wrapped between their legs, and their ears were flattened. They skirted around the periphery of the scene, growling as their master bled into the portal.

  "You'll want to dismiss them, Human. There's no telling what would happen to them if they chose to follow where you're going."

  Both of us were an easy target for whatever manipulations the Wilder Fae was working to achieve. However, there was no further attack on either Erol, or myself. She wrung his hand out in the portal, squeezing the last bit of blood into its aqueous surface, and then offered Erol the scarf which had been wrapped around her face. The scarf served as a bandage, and she held his hand while applying pressure to the wound.

  "That should keep it going until around midnight."

  The guide looked at the two of us, and smiled. "Thanks for the show." She winked at Erol, and then knelt down to kiss him on the lips.

  "Sorry about your hand. These things get hungry you understand. No real way to go about it except regular feedings. Not quite sure how you're planning on reaping the benefits of the portal while staying alive yourself. Particularly if you want to keep your soul intact."

  I narrowed my eyes at the Fae.

  "What are you saying?"

  "Perhaps I didn't make myself clear in the beginning. At any rate, the rift will require sacrifice in order to remain open. However, the consequences of that level of sacrifice are dire for the person who is making them. You are involved in a very perverse enterprise, Aria, but I suspect that you knew that from the beginning."

  "I knew nothing!"

  "Don't lie to me. You knew that our world was dying, and you knew that the quickest way to make a change was by tearing a hole between the dimensions."

  There was no malice in her tone, though she was admonishing me.

  "The consequences of that situation are now being made clear to you -- if not now, then soon enough."

  She stretched out her languid body, and arced her back toward the sky. She looked so beautiful, and reserved. She had composure, grace, and a softness in her eyes. She had definitely climaxed while watching us, but that had been nothing more than a bit of personal pleasure. A circumstantial bit of voyeurism, nothing more.

  I was still dealing with the disorientation of being fucked. Sex itself didn't wear me out like this, but I had never been involved on the channeling end of sex magic before. In the past, in my work with Xan, I had been on the donating end of some of his... experiments. But I have never been the conduit.

  "Now you know what is asked of you if you want to achieve your goal..."

  She started to step forward, evidently intent on walking through the portal herself.


  "I have nothing else to say to you. Your decisions are yours to live out from this point forward. It will be a wonder if you make it out alive."

  With no further words, the wilder fae took another step toward me. I reached out to stop her, but when my hand went through the portal, I reached into a different part of the planes than where she was already headed. I snatched my hand back quickly, not knowing where she
was headed, or if the dimension of my nightmares would be at hand.

  "Erol... I need you to back away from the portal."

  I got to my feet, and fought to retain my awareness. The last bets of post-orgasmic haze were cleared from my mind, and I realized how precarious my position actually was.

  I was only inches away from a trip into the rocky waters below. Somewhere, ten feet away, Erol's pants were on the ground. My skirt was filthy, and hiked up over my hips. I adjusted my skirt so it covered my sticky, sex-stained body, and walked over to where Erol sat on the ground.

  The dogs had come back to their master now that the Wilder Fae had left the scene. Neither of the two was terribly happy to see me approach, but I didn't blame them.

  "It's ok girls..."

  Erol's voice was soothing and sincere as he addressed his family. It was obvious that the two dogs were concerned about him, but there was a tone of finality and resignation in his voice that seemed to spur them on even further. They refused to be consoled, in spite of his best efforts. Rosemary relentlessly licked the side of his face, while Amethyst nudged the palm of his injured hand with a concerned look in her eye.

  I watched in silence, and adjusted my posture. One thing was certain about all of this. Our work had just begun.

  Walking over myself, I grabbed him by his free hand, and gave him a hand to his feet. Whatever aggression had been directed toward him earlier, was not there any more. There was no more room for that level of derision. Only a softened, affection remained. I caught myself, in the way that I was treating him -- the hardness all gone from my stance.

  "Thanks for loving me that way."

  As I said them, the words rang hollow compared to the magnitude of the experience, but I consoled myself by at least knowing that they were accurate. I had been fucked solid before, but there was something refreshing about my human form that made me feel like I was experiencing it for the first time. It could have been a mixture of things -- my emotional state, a new flame -- who knows.

  "I wanted to share that with you, because I'm not certain what is going to happen from this point forward. You ought to know that what we shared was powerful for me, even if we were working to achieve..."

  "You don't have to do this thing..." he said. "Not that I don't believe you, or that I think this was all instrumental."

  "Well, I try to speak my mind when I feel moved to do so."

  I couldn't apologize for being honest; that was one of the things that was not in my nature.

  "All I mean to say is that, I'm not sure this has to be the end. Let's go through, and see what's on the other side. Maybe we can figure out a few more pieces of the puzzle together, and nobody has to kill themselves on behalf of an experiment that we're not sure is even going to work."

  A cloud grew over my disposition.

  The sacrifice.

  I bit my lip and closed my eyes. If Thane were here, I knew what he would do. He wouldn't have thought twice about it. Blood needed to be shed. Sacrifices needed to be made in order to serve the greater good. The only other solution would be to let the portal close once more, and accept whatever minor ripples came out from the experience.

  We have become the conquerors, I realized, within the safety of my own mind.

  "Don't worry about it. I think you and I can figure something out together. Let's see if this opening made any kind of impact on your world. You are from the Astral Plane, right?

  "Not exactly. I'm from the Fae Realm, though we can't be certain that is where the portal is going to take us."

  "The Fae Realm is less dense than the Material Plane?"

  I nodded, that much was accurate, and didn't require a lecture on metaphysics.

  He shrugged in response.

  "Shouldn't it be easier to detect changes in your world, easier than say the impact this portal will have on the material plane?"

  I paced away from the portal, and opened up my lungs. When my head was clear, I thought about what he was asking, and nodded an affirmative.

  "The primary reason for opening the rift is to absorb some of the vitality of the material plane into our damaged ecosystem. Theoretically, I should be able to go through, visit the Capitol, and get a reading by the time the portal closes."

  "Then that's what we'll do."

  "Excuse me?"

  "You didn't think I was just going to stay here? For Christ's sake, we fucked, and I gave my blood and sperm to open up the damned thing. I'm not staying here."

  "What about your dogs?"

  Both of the dogs looked at their master with concern in their eyes.

  "They can stay by the truck and keep Binksy company."

  Rosemary barked straight in his ear, and pounced him with her paws. Amethyst on the other hand didn't seem to think it was such a bad idea.

  "The rat?"

  "Sure. Binksy the Rat. They will find their way back."

  Amethyst seemed to agree with the sentiment, but Rosemary was more than a bit worried. I myself was not entirely sold. All Erol did was scratch Rosemary's chin encouragingly, and shrug.

  "You're going to have to kill me if you want to stop me, which might end up helping both of us out anyways. But, if you're not interested in doing that."

  "I don't think I would have enjoyed myself as much if I knew that I would have to kill you afterward."

  He thought this was funny, but I was being serious.

  "Buzzkill huh?"


  I let out a long sigh, and realized that something fundamental had changed between the two of us. He wasn't going to take no for an answer. What's more is I got the sense that he was totally committed.

  "All right, let's go. No sense in waiting around to lose time. If we're going to get to the Fae Realm and get a solid reading then we're going to have to move."

  He nodded, and gave each of his dogs a hug. Then he leaned in toward them and whispered something into their ear. The dogs both cocked their head to the side, and without any mistake indicated that they understood their master's request, and would follow directions.

  "Unbelievable. You and the Wilder Fae. I don't have that kind of touch with animals."

  "You just have to believe that they understand you and be sincere about it; they can sense those sorts of things."

  I watched as the two dogs bounded down the trail, away from the two of us. Amethyst stopped for a moment before heading down, but a short bark from Rosemary, and they were both on their way. Erol, on the other hand was showing no trace of sentimentality. He was balancing on one foot, working on pulling his pants up over his bare ass when I turned my attention in his direction once more.

  "So, how does this work?"

  My attention had been focused on his body, and it took me a moment to respond appropriately.

  "Um, similar to the spell. Most magic works under a few common principles."


  I nodded.

  "Yep. Intention, and recall. For instance, it would be nearly impossible for you to get over to the Capitol having never been there. You'd probably end up in the Wild somewhere, or worse."

  A frown came across my face as I recalled the possibilities in the latter category.

  "Worse," he shuddered. "Don't tell me about them, I don't want it in my mind. I'll just focus on going the same place you are going, and leave the navigation up to you. We can go to the Capitol, take the readings, and make a decision before we come back here at midnight."


  He ignored my question as though it were not even relevant.

  "How's the time difference?"

  I blinked, still caught on the depth taking place behind the scenes in Erol's mind.

  "Time is a pretty flippant thing when dealing between dimensions. One to the other, I've never made much of a study. All of the work I've done has only been time sensitive within the context of one plane."

  "Okay, we'll have to assume the worse then. Are you ready?"

  I looked him over from head to t
oe, and then I looked at myself.

  We were stained with cum, sweat and blood. Our clothes were dirty, and our bodies were scratched and scarred. All we had was a knife and a desperate hope to pin our actions on. There was no special equipment, and no real, verifiable information.

  "I'd say we are about as ready as we're going to get."

  "All right then."

  He approached my side, and we turned to together to face the portal. The light reflected eerily against the inky black ocean beyond. All of the beautiful colors that had once painted the sky were now absent. The only source of light was the chaotic uncertainty that waited before us.

  I closed my eyes, and pictured a clear vision of the Capital in my mind. I envisioned the two of us in our current location. I thought about every inch of Erol's body, and rendered the two of us together in my mind.

  As he held my hand, I could feel the sweat coming off from the palm of his hand. He had come off as self-assured, but there was something comforting about the fact that he was just as terrified as I was. We both knew that there was no way to go but forward.

  Seizing our bravery, and holding onto one another by the hand, we made the jump.

  Chapter 18

  The colors swirled all around me, and I felt a tightening of Erol's fingers around my hand.

  We floated through the chaos of the portal, and every single bit of my attention was focused on securing our arrival at the capital. I felt waves of panic rise up inside of me, and reality threatened to never quite pull itself together again, as it should. None of my fears became realized at that point. There was nothing to worry about after all.

  The two of us arrived on our hands and knees in front of the great stone steps of the Capitol building.


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