Lioness of Kell

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Lioness of Kell Page 43

by Paul E. Horsman

  ‘There they go,’ he said. ‘To a home that’s no longer mine.’

  ‘Nor mine.’ Jurgis drew his arm around Maud’s waist. ‘Though I don’t know what will be; Vanhaar or Old Kell.’

  ‘Or both,’ Maud said.

  Jurgis nodded. ‘Where’s Yarwan?’

  Basil grinned. ‘Playing admiral. He’s gathered his captains—that new guy for the Witch of Pukkut and the four captains of brigs who joined us for gold and glory. They’re going to talk duties and such. Mapping the coast of the whole continent would be a good plan.’

  ‘Angsthafn,’ Jurgis said. ‘The pirate base where Felrich wanted to sell Maud and me. It would be nice if we could do something about that place.’

  ‘I’d like to join them, if you’re sending out ships,’ Saul said. ‘I would love bringing down a pirate nest.’

  Basil nodded. ‘I’ll keep it in mind.’ Then he smiled. ‘Father’s face, when Mistress Dori said she was going with him. Priceless.’

  ‘As long as she won’t think I’ll call her mother,’ Jurgis said.

  ‘She won’t; she’s far too wise for that.’ Basil thought for a moment. ‘And canny. With those councilors who elected to stay and teach, she would’ve lost her place as eldest. At father’s side, her position is secure.’

  Jurgis shrugged. ‘I wish them luck.’

  Basil sighed and turned to leave. ‘We’re on our own. Finally. There is a lot of work awaiting us, but we can do it. Together we can.’ He was very much aware of all his friends, then. Jurgis and Maud; Saul, Wargall, proud in his new tiger uniform, and Wemawee. Darquine–her father would tell her she was much needed here, lame arm or not. And Yarwan, his Yarwan, with the two shiny epaulets of a full captain as a symbol of his own victory. They’d make it.

  He put his arms around his brothers, and together they walked back to the castle.


  Acham, advisor to the headwoman of Maiwar and Yarwan’s uncle

  Aera, Divine, the Sky Goddess of the Unwaari

  Argyr of Winsproke, the Prince-warlock of Winsproke

  Atark, a taverner and slave recruiter of Brisa

  Ayancham, headwoman of Maiwar and Yarwan’s grandmother (say: A-jan-kam)

  Basil, the Spellwarden, son and heir of the Prince-warlock

  Brywani of Veurdel, a Garthan ship’s officer

  Dalhaun, lieutenant at Castle Tome, Seatome (say: Dal-own)

  Dalja of the M’Dvargh, leading leopard archer (say: Me-Dvark)

  Darquine of Piright Island, the daughter of Overcaptain Wallanck, a mistress merchant

  Dori, a witch of Seatome

  Eghol, First Windsinger of Unwaar (say: Eggol)

  Elhir of Lonwan Island, the Magonaut’s chief mate

  Erwal, a skymage in service to the Strapan

  Felrich of Dibloon, original captain of the Daisee (say: Fel-rik)

  Glastym, Iouvast, Kelleur, Panredouce (D), the four Singers of the Masks (say: Glas-tim)

  Gorm, Divine, a God of the Kell, a Sibling of Battle

  Gutriz, the gnome Keeper of the Tower of Wind (say: Koo-tris)

  Hamui, bos’n of the Daisee (say: Ha-moo-i)

  Hala of the M’Brannoe, a Kell veteran-tigress (say: Me-Branno)

  Hilda of the M’Brannoe, The Brannoe, and the Queen of the Kell

  Hinguy, a merchant of Towne (say: Hin–goo-i)

  Hiton of Maiwar Village, wandin of the Daisee (say Hee-ton)

  Isaac, a merchant of Seatome

  Isaudor of Brisa (D), Jurgis’ stepfather (say: Ee-sou-dor), a merchant of Brisa

  Izzabod, gnome assistant of Dori

  Jorlok of Chagarn Island, the Magonaut’s second mate

  Jurgis of Brisa, adopted son of Isaudor, a young thief

  Kallianura, a Goddess of the Jentakan

  Kaltir, an old friend of Yarwan’s at Maiwar

  Kelwarg of the M’Arrangh, the Black Warlock (say: Me-Ar-rang)

  Lahyong, an old trader of Towne

  Lannard of Towne-Fastness, the Magonaut’s midshipman

  Lumentis, Divine, God of Knowledge of the Vanhaari

  Maud of the M’Brannoe, a Kell lioness-cadet

  Naching, captain of the Willowdrake out of Towne, Yarwan’s uncle (say: Nah-Tsing)

  Noah, a hedge mage, from Seatome

  Otha, Divine, a Goddess of the Kell, a Sibling of Battle

  Ratla, Divine, a Goddess of the Tradeports; Mother of Thieves

  Rebeca, Isaac’s daughter, of Seatome

  Sari the Lorn Witch, a Vanhaari female magician

  Saul of Barren’ights, a sky mage (say: Barren-heights)

  Suijan, a merchant of Towne

  Taashel, Commander of Castle Tome at Seatome (say: Tah-shel)

  Volaut of Bleaksproke, a jealous Warlock

  Vystyn, son of the sky singer Glastym (say: Vistin)

  Wallanck, Overcaptain, ruler of the Chorwaynie Archipelago

  Wanguy, Hinguy’s son (say: Wan-goo-i)

  Wantir (D), Kaltir’s older brother

  Wargall of the M’Arrangh, a Kell boy (say: Wark-all)

  Wemawee of the M’Arrangh, an initiate wisewoman (say: Weh-maa-wee)

  Yarwan of Towne-Harbor, a merchant officer

  Zalim of Dilli Village, wandin of the Witch of Pukkut




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