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Ascension Page 10

by A. S. Fenichel

  One finger slid between her folds.

  A jolt of ecstasy engulfed her. She gasped and her hips arched into his touch. It would never be enough in the bath. She pushed his hand away and stood up.

  His eyes burned with passion. He rose from the floor, took the towel from a nearby chair and opened it up to her. As she stepped out, he enfolded her in both the soft cloth and his strong embrace.

  Complete comfort and safety settled around her. Her entire body sighed with relief she hadn’t realized she needed.

  “I bolted the door.” His breath tickled her earlobe.


  “Will Claire come back to help you into your night clothes?”

  “No. I sent her away for the night.”

  He gently turned her around to face him. “Did you know I would come to you?”

  “I had hoped.” The warmth flush filled her cheeks. She didn’t know why she should be embarrassed. He’d seen her naked. They’d been intimate the night he came to her room. Why should she feel awkward now?

  He kissed her neck and down to her shoulder. Every kiss sent a shock down between her legs and something extra curled deliciously in her lower belly. The towel dropped to the floor between them, and Gabriel lifted her. He carried her to the bed. Once he’d positioned her on the soft linen, he lay beside her and continued to kiss her shoulder, collar bone and throat.

  Everywhere his lips touched he left a trail of heat. Dark, blue bruises marked her flesh from tonight’s fight and the yellow marks of healing bruises from nights past. He didn’t seem to care or maybe he was going to kiss each and every mark on her body. If so, she would die of ecstasy before the night was over.

  Delight did not begin to describe the effects of his lips on her skin, but she wanted to participate, not just be an object. She rolled to face him and ran her hand along his chest. The light mat of hair tickled her fingertips.

  “You know, Bella. Something occurs to me.”

  She looked into his eyes. “What?”

  “When I came here that night, the night we made our bargain, you could have made me leave. With your fighting skills, at the very least, you could have made it uncomfortable for me to stay. But you did not.” He hadn’t asked a question but waited for a response.

  “I would have had to hurt you.”

  His eyes narrowed and he touched his nose. “That did not seem to bother you last night in the parlor.”

  She shrugged. “That was different. You made me angry. Besides, I did not really hurt you, did I?”

  “No. Are you telling me that you held back in the parlor?”

  “What do you think?” She ran her hand down along his rib cage to his hip.

  “I think you could kill me if you chose. After seeing you fight, I think you let me win in the parlor.”

  “No. I chose not to harm you. I’m not as big or as physically strong as a man. I’m not capable of subduing a larger person or demon. I have to use other means to win a battle. I can kill or injure them to the point where they stop. I’m faster and often I can wear an opponent out and take advantage of his exhaustion. I could have knocked you unconscious last night, but that seemed a bit ruthless under the circumstances.”

  His eyes drifted away from her and his hand, which had been caressing the side of her breast stopped. When he looked back at her, he scowled. “Then you knew, under your own restrictions, you could not win the fight, yet you engaged me.”

  “Yes,” she admitted.


  “I was angry and also, I wanted to see what you would do.”

  “So it was a test.”

  Why was this important? She leaned forward and kissed his chin. “You were determined to know what was happening in my life.” She moved lower on the bed and kissed his Adam’s apple. “I knew you would not give up. I had to see if it would be a death sentence to take you with me. If you had not been a good fighter, I would have found a way to keep you safe, even if that meant never seeing you again.” She kissed his chest. His warm, clean skin smelled of soap and some spice that was uniquely Gabriel.

  “You tested me to see if you needed to save my life?”

  She leaned away. “Why is this important right now?”

  He smiled and it was the kind of smile that always melted her heart. His eyes alighted with joy and his teeth shone straight and white. “I think you are in love with me, Bella.”

  She blushed, but didn’t try to deny it. How could she? He always knew when she was lying anyway. “Are you going to make love to me, Gabriel? Or are you going to talk all night?”

  She didn’t think it could be possible for his smile to get even brighter, but there it was, as he rolled over on top of her. His shaft was big and hard between their bodies.

  She lifted her hips to rub her core against him. She loved the heaviness of his body pressed on top of hers, every inch of him touching all of her. She thought she would feel trapped, but she trusted Gabriel. She didn’t know when that had happened, but sometime in the last few hours, she had grown to trust him. Not because he was a good soldier, but because he had allowed her to do what she did best, kill demons. What other man outside of the Company would have such an open mind?

  He moaned something that might have been her name. Then his mouth captured hers and every other thought fled from her mind. She opened her mouth, giving him access and was rewarded with his tongue caressing hers. The sensation stirred parts of her body she rarely thought about and she longed for more.

  His lips gnashed with hers and she met his every move, allowing him to take the lead since it was all new to her. A stray thought filtered in. “Gabriel?” His name came out muffled by his kisses.

  He pulled back. “Yes?”

  “This is going to hurt, isn’t it?” Fear spiked in her belly. She took a deep breath forcing her nerves to steady. All those nights she’d returned from battle with bruises, cuts and broken bones, should have hardened her to the fear of pain. She’d come close to death on more than one occasion. Still, she trembled.

  He rolled off her, and she missed the pressure of his body on hers.

  His fingers skimmed from her neck down her chest and cupped one breast before worrying the peak between his thumb and forefinger. “It may this one time, Bella. Though with the amount of exertion you display in battle, I would not be surprised if there was no pain.”

  She arched into his hand and gasped as the swell of pleasure spread downward. “I…I understand.”

  “I will endeavor to make it worth the moment of discomfort.” His digits continued their path downward teasing her mons and sliding into her wet folds.

  Her hips lifted off the bed and a smile tugged at her lips. “I very much enjoyed it when you touched me there. But, Gabriel.” She gasped as he rubbed the sensitive bud. “I want to touch you too.”

  His hand stopped moving. “Where?”

  She opened her eyes. “Everywhere.”

  He rolled onto his back. “I am at your mercy, Bella.”

  Intrigued, she jumped up onto her knees. She pushed the robe aside admiring his broad chest and shoulders. As if of their own accord, her fingers touched his muscled stomach. He was hard and rippled with strength. She felt her way up along his firm chest.

  His breath came faster and a ripple of power surged through her.

  She grazed his pebbled nipples producing a gasped from him. She leaned down and kissed him, imitating his kisses and hoping to bring him the same pleasure.

  “Ahh, Bella.” His erection jumped.

  Her fears abated leaving only delight and desire. Having the power to control his pleasure was heady. She kissed the rippled skin of his ribs and lower to his stomach. His body twitched under her ministrations.

  “You are killing me,” he said.

  Though it sounded more ecstasy than death, to her.

  His cock stood out from his body. She traced a path around the head with her fingers, and he sucked in sharp

  “I cannot tell if you enjoy this or not, Gabriel.” She circled the head again. It was deliciously wicked and her body brimmed with excitement.

  “Oh, I love it, Bella. I’m just surprised by your boldness.”

  “I kill demons, why should I be shy about this?”

  “You make an excellent point.” His voice was strained and tight. His hand covered hers and tightened so that she fisted his shaft. Then he moved her fist up and down. His head arched back, and a loud groan issued from his gaping mouth.

  “If I continue, will you experience the same rapture that I did when you suckled me?”

  Another grunt and his hand held her still. “I would prefer to have that particular joy occur while I’m buried deep inside you, Bella.”

  It was her turn to gasp as he sat up and pulled her down beside him. His lips conquered hers, plundering her mouth. His hand slid between her legs spreading her juices over the sensitive nub before swirling around it.

  She cried out, but the sound was muffled by his zealous kisses.

  Gabriel moved lower, took her nipple into his mouth and sucked to the point of pain. His harsh treatment of her sensitive peak sparked exquisite delight. He moved lower, covered her pearl with his mouth and sucked.

  She gasped for enough air to ask for more, but no words would push past the swell of pleasure.

  He teased with his tongue and then sucked hard nearly bringing on the crescendo she so desired. Caught in the swirling storm, she trembled with forces out of control.

  Gabriel stopped.

  She opened her eyes to find him gazing at her, his mouth and chin glistening with her juices.

  He licked along her slit teasing her. “I want you to come again for me, my love.”

  “I can’t”

  “You can.” He covered her again, sucking and rubbing with his tongue while pressing his fingers inside her. He nipped her bud and rapture cascaded over and through her. She pulsed around his fingers. It was too much, she yearned for more. She turn into the pillow to keep from waking the house.

  He climbed on top of her and held her while the waves of ecstasy passed. “Bella, look at me.” He rested on his elbows above her. His shaft probed her entrance and he held there waiting for permission.

  “It is all right, Gabriel.” She touched the side of his face and her hand trembled. Longing for more and fearing the unknown, she gave in to her faith in Gabriel.

  He eased forward and her opening stretched. The stretching sensation was slightly uncomfortable, but she adjusted, and he pulled back. He moved forward again, covered her mouth with his and thrust. He held her while she adjusted to his size.

  He slid back. “Bella, gentle your grip please.”

  Her short nails were buried in his skin. She relaxed her hand and the blood on her fingers caused panic to bloom in her chest. “I’m sorry, Gabriel. I did not mean—”

  “Shh. It’s all right.” He slid forward again.

  No pain. Pleasure spread out from her core.

  Gabriel pulled her bottom lip between his and continued to glide forward and back.

  She raced toward the bliss he promised, trembled with need, and excruciating delight.

  He drove harder and faster, but the kiss remained gentle and loving. The vibration of his moan against her mouth increased her pleasure and another orgasm stirred deep inside her. They crashed together as waves in a storm.

  He stiffened, reached between them and rubbed her bud. He was rough, and she exploded under his fingers. He continued to pump into her once, twice, and then he cried out. His rod jerked within her, filling her.

  He rolled to one side, and she protested. She relished his weight on top of her. He only laughed and hugged her to his side.

  “Thank you, Bella. That was a glorious gift you gave me.”

  The delight she had experienced made his words seem silly. “I think the gifts were of equal value.” She yawned.

  “Sleep now.” He chuckled and kissed her forehead.

  “I am tired. Do not leave me, Gabriel. Claire will not come in. She always lets me sleep late after a battle night. We will not be disturbed until I call for her. Promise you will stay.” She couldn’t bear the idea that she would wake up alone after all they had shared. Not only the sexual encounter, but the night of battle, bonded them in a new way. She wanted to feel him next to her as she slept and talk to him when she woke. Her heart pounded faster at the idea of remaining in such an intimate position throughout the night.

  “I will stay, if that is your wish, Bella.”

  “It is my wish.” Sleep took her and she wasn’t sure if the words had made it out before she drifted off.

  Chapter 8

  Gabriel hadn’t slept. How could he? Belinda was completely naked and tucked in next to his body. Not to mention all he had seen and done the evening before. His mind refused to shut down. He caressed the curve of her hip under the covers while her even breath told him that she did not suffer from insomnia.

  He had fought demons in an abandon building inside the city of London. Even as he thought it, he knew the madness of the memory. Belinda, his sweet fiancée was a demon hunter. And, not only that, she was a magnificent warrior. He had never seen anyone as graceful and deadly with blades. Then she had made love with him. He sighed and pulled her tighter, her back to his chest. She had been fearless and beautiful. The entire world had gone insane, and he was in the center of it.

  Light began to filter through the curtains. Belinda stirred in his arms. Her eyes opened and she turned her head and looked at him. Her mass of hair covered her face. He pushed it aside, and she smiled up at him.

  His heart beat so rapidly, it might collapse from the strain of seeing her smile at him at that early hour.

  “Did you sleep?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “Not much.”

  “I am sorry. I could not stay awake with you. You must have many questions.”

  He sat up against the headboard, and she immediately moved to lean against him. “It is all right. You were tired.”

  “Do you want to ask them now?”

  “Are you going to marry me?” It was the only question he could think of. The rest of his worries were too unfathomable to put into words just then.

  Her eyes widened, a blush flooded her cheeks and her lips bowed. “That is not the question I was expecting.”

  “Will you answer?”

  “I do not know. Are you going to demand your wife stop her demon hunting ways?”

  A short, sharp laugh escaped while his emotions churned in a whirlwind. “I do not know. It seems it would be difficult to deny you anything, Bella. Yet the idea of you risking your life, gives me a knot in my belly that I do not know if I can live with.”

  “Then I cannot make any decisions at this time. Frankly, I’m surprised you still wish to marry me.” Her voice was a little sad but not angry or defensive.

  “I love you, Bella. Demon hunter or simple girl, nothing will ever change that fact.”

  Another lovely blush warmed her cheeks. “Would you like to talk about the hunting?”

  He took a deep breath. “No. I need more time. I saw a book in your library yesterday. Perhaps I might borrow it.”

  She nodded. “I understand. Take whatever you wish. I have read them all.”

  They held each other silently. He loved the feel of her snuggled in against his side, her breath matching his as if they were one.

  “Gabriel, I wonder if you would tell me about France?”

  His stomach tightened. He’d never spoken of his war experience, but the idea of speaking about the horrors of his experience on the continent less troubling than what he had seen near the docks of London.

  She misunderstood his silence. “If you do not want to talk about it, I can understand.”

  He kissed her hair and breathed in her warm flowery scent. “I will tell you.”

  Where to start? His brain scr
eamed out for him to say nothing. He was already formulating a flowery lie that would keep her quiet and forestall any other inquiries. Then his mouth opened and he started to tell her about France. Not the pretty country that lovers back from a grand tour prattle on about. France in the way he knew it really was. “Battles in reality were much different than what I’d imagined before I left England. Messy business. Men whom I had trained with lay dead in mud that ran red with their blood, but I had to move forward and fight. There is no time for grief in war. After a few months, some men would lose their minds. That was almost worse than seeing them killed. Those men went home in shame, but I could not blame them for their madness. War breeds it and feeds it.

  “I was able to keep my head, though how, I cannot say. Two years into my service, we were hiding behind a burned out, abandoned barn when we were surprised from behind and captured.”

  “Who was with you?” she asked.

  He didn’t know when she had taken his hand, but he liked the feel of her tapered fingers entwined with his. He studied her fair skin against his tanned hands. Her hands were very feminine looking even though the palm and fingers were calloused from gripping a sword.

  “Two young men who did not survive the first night. They were tortured and killed while I watched and could do nothing.”

  “Why were you not treated the same?” Her voice was higher than normal and the words were said just above a whisper.

  He strained to keep his tone even. He couldn’t think of those boys and how they died or he would never get through the telling without embarrassing himself in a flood of tears. “I was an officer. My captors believed that I could give them strategic information that would help their efforts. Those two boys were killed to try to convince me to tell them what I knew.”

  “You did not have the information.” She said and looked up into his eyes.

  He kissed her sweet, little nose. “I had all the information they could want and more. If I had told them what I knew, the war could have ended an entirely different way and those two boys would have died for nothing.”


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