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Ascension Page 19

by A. S. Fenichel

  She remembered the sensation of drowning as if it had happened yesterday. It took a great deal of energy to suppress that residual fear. “What is it you want me to do?”

  “I want you to allow yourself to be captured.”

  The room went deadly.

  “Absolutely not,” her father said.

  “Are you mad?” Gabriel shouted.

  It was rather nice to have both the men in her life show concern. Her heart expanded in her chest. “What is the goal of this surrender?”

  “Bella, you cannot be seriously considering this.”

  She kept her attention on Cullum.

  Drake said, “We have only ten days before the new moon. We have to find the location of the main cell before then or literally all hell will break loose. If you can get inside, we might have a chance.”

  “And if they just slice her throat and have done with her,” Gabriel said.

  Her father’s skin paled considerably. He leaned forward and put his head in his hands.

  Belinda’s heart clenched at the sight of his distress. She stepped forward and placed her hand on his shoulder. He reached up and took her hand in his and squeezed. It was the first time she could remember receiving any affection from the surly earl.

  “I do not believe they will do that. As I said, they need her for their ritual, which is to take place at the new moon. The goal is to find the central cell and then get her out. Since you have been so insistent tonight, you can either be captured with her or follow with Miss Dellacourt and Reece. They have already been sent their orders.”

  Gabriel looked at the dark carpet and then up at her. He pulled his lips back in a straight line and his brow creased. He nodded.

  Belinda kept her eyes fixed on Gabriel’s before turning to Cullum. “We will do it.”

  “But,” Gabriel added. “We will be married here first.”

  The earl sat up. “You will create a scandal in London.”

  “I do not give a damn about being shunned from a few balls. Bella and I can deal with the whispers. I’m an earl and she will be a countess. People will move on to some other bit of gossip soon enough.” His voice hummed with danger, but when he looked at her, his eyes softened.

  She nodded and excitement thrummed through her body. After spending so much time determined not to marry, it surprised her. Becoming Gabriel’s wife sent a thrill through her and even her fingers tingled.

  “We do not have much time,” Cullum warned.

  Her father said, “The wedding can be arranged in the chapel here tomorrow.”

  Belinda leaned over and kissed her father’s cheek.

  The earl blushed.

  “Gabriel and I will leave for London the following day. Father, I think it would be best if mother stayed here with you. Her safety is compromised in London if I am not to be home for a few days.”

  “Agreed.” The earl rose from his chair.

  Drake Cullum got up and surveyed the room. His eyes held with each of them in turn.

  Belinda was again struck by the savagery behind his stare, and how he restrained it just below the surface.

  “I return to Edinburgh tonight. We will monitor your progress. Good luck.” He shook Belinda’s hand as well as both men’s.

  She liked the feeling of equality it gave her to firmly grip hands with a man. Strange, women did not have a similar tradition. There was an intimacy that came with looking a person in the eye and gripping their hand. Of course, not in the same way she was intimate with Gabriel, but binding nonetheless.

  As she made her way out of her father’s study.

  She enjoyed many liberties as a hunter that she had been denied for the first seventeen years of her life. Other than her father, no one in the Company treated her as if she might swoon at any moment. The only time she’d ever passed out was when she was whacked on the head in a battle. That night Reece had pulled her out of harm’s way.

  Her father had agreed to her wedding. Yet he had instigated a fight with her. Had he manipulated her into losing her temper? Had he done it to see who would win in a fight? Why hadn’t he just asked for a sparring session? She would have agreed and been much less irritated with him. She was beginning to think that irascibility was a way of life for the man. Perhaps he’d been manipulating people in this way for so long he’d forgotten how to be direct.

  Gabriel followed her up the steps and down the long hallway to their rooms. She was not at all surprised when he did not stop at her doorway, but continued until they were alone and the door closed.

  “Were you listening to the entire conversation with my father?”

  Gabriel smiled. “Of course.”

  “Thank you for not letting him know.” She collapsed into a chair near the fire, kicked off the impractical slippers she’d worn to dinner, and tucked her feet up in a very unladylike position.

  “You had it well in hand. Why do you think the two of you are so volatile together?”

  She sighed. “Too much alike, I expect.”

  Gabriel brought the other chair near, so that he was close enough to pull her feet out and rest them on his lap. His fingers immediately massaged and caressed, soothing and relaxing her. “I do not see the meanness in you that your father often displays.”

  “Thank you.” Her father could be terrible and cruel. Then she thought about how distressed he had looked at the idea of her imminent capture by demons.

  “May I change the subject?” Gabriel continued to rub all the tension out of her feet.

  She closed her eyes and let her head fall back against the soft cushion. “Yes, please.”

  “I’m very pleased with the idea that we will be married tomorrow.”

  The way he said it made her think that perhaps his thoughts didn’t quite match his words. She lifted her head, opened her eyes and pulled her feet out of his hands. “What is it, Gabriel? I thought this was what you wanted.”

  He dropped to his knees in front of her. Pressing forward until she was forced to spread her legs, and he pressed himself between them. “Have I bullied you into a marriage you do not want?”

  She laughed more enthusiastically than she intended. “Of course you have.”

  “I’m serious, Bella.”

  “I’m sorry.” She slid her hands up his arms where they rested on her thighs. His position caused her skirts to lift halfway up her calves. The weapons she had strapped to her legs pressed against his muscular form. “I’m happy, Gabriel. Do you think I would threaten my father if I did not want this marriage?”

  He leaned forward and snuggled against her stomach. She ran her fingers through his hair pulling it from its neat queue.

  “I think putting that blade to your father’s throat was the single most satisfying moment of your life.”

  She tried to suppress her smile, but his words made her want to laugh with joy. It was wonderful to have bested her father. Of course, she would never have harmed him, but she liked that the earl knew that she could have killed him. In that, she had accomplished her goal.

  “Not the most satisfying.” Her voice lilted with flirtation.

  Tipping his head back, he grinned up at her. “Then you will show up at the chapel tomorrow? You will not leave me standing at the alter waiting for you?”

  “Gabriel, I love you. I still believe you would be better off with a more conventional bride, but I have failed to convince you of that.”

  “I could never be happy with anyone but you, Bella. You are my heart. Our children with fill the house and one can only imagine the hellions we shall produce.”

  At the mention of children her heart tripped. She hadn’t thought about it. Of course he expected children. As an earl, it was his duty to produce an heir. As the countess, the responsibility would transfer to her as well. “I should tell you something. I should have mentioned it before, but I supposed I never really thought you would marry me once you found out what I am.”

  He sat back o
n his heels but kept his hands on her knees. “What is it?”

  Immediately she missed the feel of his body pressed between her legs. He was warm and her match in every way. He might walk away in a few minutes and never be intimate with her again. This may be the last time Gabriel ever touched her. The warmth of his hands passed through her skirts. Her body responded to him. “It is a difficult thing to discuss.”

  “You can tell me anything, Bella.”

  Her mind reeled, searching for the words. She couldn’t think with his hands on her. As gently as possible she pushed him back and stood up. She crossed the room to put some distance between them. “I have not had a monthly cycle in a long time.”

  His clothing rustled as he crossed to her. He gripped her shoulders and he spun her around. “You are with child?”

  His eyes were wide and bright with excitement. “Gabriel, if that were the case, I would not have said yes to Cullum earlier. I would not risk our child.”

  His eyes narrowed and he looked away from her face. Dropping his hold on her, he looked her in the eyes again. “I do not understand.”

  She took a deep breath. Such things were not spoken of in polite company. She had never discussed the matter with anyone other than Lillian. “I stopped having my cycle over two years ago. The thinner I became and the more muscle I built, the less frequently the cycle would come. Then they stopped all together. I do not believe I can conceive a baby at this time.”

  She expected him to yell or leave the room or do something. He just waited for her to say more.

  “It is not a permanent condition. At least, I do not think it is.”

  Gabriel touched her cheek with the back of his knuckles. “How do you know?”

  Was it sorrow she detected in his voice?

  “I must ask that you never repeat what I am going to tell you.”

  His lips turned up in a small smile. “Of course.”

  “I spoke to Lillian about it. She told me that she took some time away and traveled for a while. When she put on a bit of weight, her cycles returned. I assume it would be the same for me.”

  “I see.”

  “If you want to go back to London now, I will explain to my father that we have decided to call off the wedding. You need not face him.” She turned away, walked to the window and stared out into darkness.

  He would leave her now, and she would have exactly what she said she wanted. Yet the idea of Gabriel no longer loving her, created a knot in her chest. How would she live without the knowledge that he was out in the world still loving her? She’d had that her entire life. It was comforting. It was part of who she was.

  The room was silent for so long she thought he had slipped out without a word.

  Then his voice vibrated through her. “Bella.”

  She faced him.

  “Do you believe, after all we have been through, I would not wish to make you my wife over such a thing?”

  She shrugged and the sting of unshed tears pressed at the backs of her eyes. “You are an earl. You need an heir.”

  “Come here.”

  She obeyed. It might have been the first time she had ever done so.

  He wrapped her in a bear hug as soon as she was within reach. “If you cannot have children then we shall find some that need a good home, and my cousin Rafe shall make a fine earl.”

  “Why would you do that? How can you risk your legacy?” Her heart pounded.

  His kiss was slow and deliberate. He claimed her bottom lip and caressed it with both of his. He threaded his fingers through her hair, tumbling it to her back in a rain of pins that littered the floor. “I love you, Bella. You do not seem to understand that fact. I shall spend my lifetime endeavoring to make you see that no one else will replace you in my heart or in my bed.”

  “Gabriel.” His name floated out on a breath.

  He kissed her deeply, his tongue devouring hers.

  Her body drummed with need and she gripped his shoulders unyielding to his hard, muscular chest.

  His shaft pressed between them and a soft moan escaped her.

  Breathless, he broke the kiss and took a step away.

  She was about to protest, but he put his hand up.

  “It is the eve of our wedding. We have thus far been rather unconventional in our courting. Perhaps it would be best if I returned to my own rooms, and we continued this tomorrow, after vows have been spoken.”

  “Are you joking?” She was breathless with need.

  He laughed heading toward the door. “I wish that I were.”

  Belinda sighed and watched him go. “I will see you in the chapel, Gabriel.”

  He turned back toward her. “I had better see you, Bella. I will be very disappointed if you leave me waiting.”

  “I will be there,” she promised.

  “If you are not, I will hunt you to the end of the earth. I will find you wherever you go, my love.” His voice was intense and the promise hung in the air.

  Belinda found the intensity of his conviction erotic in the extreme. “It shall not be necessary, Gabriel.”

  Chapter 14

  Even though she had said that she wouldn’t leave him at the altar, Gabriel’s heart was in his throat while he waited. What would he do if she ran? Just as he had threatened, he would chase her down. He knew the answer before the question even came into his mind. Belinda was his, and he wouldn’t do without her.

  In any case, his fears were unwarranted. At fifteen minutes past ten in the morning, Belinda and her mother entered the chapel. She wore a light blue gown with more lace than usual. Her hair was intricately entwined with matching ribbons and pearls.

  Gabriel’s heart settled back into his chest but it pounded so hard he was sure the vicar could hear the racket. Normally the father of the bride would walk her down the aisle.

  The earl rushed back and after a short conversation with his daughter and wife, he made his way back to the front of the chapel with the countess on his arm.

  The rest of the attendees included Belinda’s maid, Claire, Tubbs, a few other servants, Brice Lambert and Lizzie. Thor acted as best man. The carriage driver stood near the altar shuffling uncomfortably.

  Gabriel regretted that he had not had time to send for his mother and sister. He had written them a note and promised to allow a dinner party in their honor once they returned to London. His sister would understand, but his mother would never let him forget the slight. The fact that no banns had been read, nor the Archbishop of Canterbury contacted for a special license, would be another matter of contention for the dowager countess to harp on for years to come.

  Even if there had been time, he couldn’t have brought his family to Brendaligh. They were blissfully ignorant of demons and demon hunters and better off for that obliviousness.

  Belinda started toward him and all other thoughts flew from his mind. She was stunning. Her cheeks flushed and the swell of her bosom covered only by a piece of lace drew attention to the confection rather than creating modesty.

  Breaking further from tradition, Gabriel took several steps toward her. His eyes darted toward her father and then back to her face. His breath caught at the sight of her. He spoke for her alone. “You did not wish an escort?”

  The hint of a smile tugged at her lips. “I come to you on my own, my lord. I’m meeting you as I intend to go on. We shall take this journey together from this point.”

  He followed her gaze down to their feet. The stone floor was strewn with violet blossoms. If his memory served, the meaning was watchfulness, faithfulness and the promise to always be together.

  He wanted to kiss her, but knew it would have to wait. Offering his hand, she laid hers on top and they journeyed the rest of the way together to the altar.

  The vicar was a very tall Scotsman with a stomach that hung over his breeches and jowls that flowed into the flesh of his neck. He smiled easily at them both and began to speak words he had obviously said hundreds of ti

  “Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this congregation, to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony; which is an honorable estate—”

  Gabriel only half listened to the vicar. His mind was on keeping his wife safe. He did spare a thought to the wedding night when the following breached his hearing.

  “—nor taken in hand, unadvisedly, lightly, or wantonly, to satisfy men’s carnal lusts and appetites, like brute beasts that have no understanding; but reverently, discreetly, advisedly, soberly—”

  Again his mind wandered to how they would manage to get inside the demon’s lair while keeping the monsters from harming Belinda. The problem seemed insurmountable.

  “Therefore if any man can show any just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter forever hold his peace.”

  Silence descended on the chapel for several beats before the ceremony continued. Belinda said she would love honor and obey, and neither could help chuckling over the impossibility of her obeying anyone.

  He also said he would abide by the vows and repeated them after the vicar.

  With amazing ease, they were declared husband and wife.

  No time was wasted before they were seated inside the castle and an amazingly large wedding breakfast placed before them.

  “How did you do all of this with one day’s notice, my lord,” Gabriel asked his new father-in-law.

  The earl smiled around a mouth full of sausage. “I have some influence around here, Tullering. Besides, the cook did most everything. Grumbled something terrible about it, but she put out a fine spread.”

  They ate and talked with the few guests. During the third course, Gabriel leaned toward his new bride. “Thank you for the flowers, Bella.”

  Her smile was so bright and lovely his heart sped up with renewed joy. She was his and nothing could change that now.

  “I’m glad you liked them and even more pleased that you understood.”


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