Status Update (Second Chances)

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Status Update (Second Chances) Page 7

by Carr, Mari

  With that, she fell asleep.

  Chapter Four

  Laura Sanders

  Anybody up for the Time Warp again?!

  Laura was just about to turn the light off and head to bed for the night when she heard a knock at the door. She glanced at the clock. It was nearly eleven.

  “Who on earth?” She walked to the door, but hesitated before opening it.

  Bryan was out of town again. His job kept him on the road a couple of weeks each month as he traveled from worksite to worksite. He once described his role in the engineering company as the starting pistol. He helped work crews and their foreman lay out a game plan before they started a new job. It was up to him to determine what got done when and by whom. Once the construction was started and things appeared to be running smoothly, he would return home to work on plans for the next project coming down the pike. Because he worked for a large company, he was in charge of covering four states and that large territory kept him hopping.

  “Who’s there?” It was times like this when she hated living alone. It had taken her three months of living in the townhouse on her own before she stopped jerking awake in the middle of the night, terrified by every creak and groan. For her own peace of mind, she’d bought a baseball bat that she kept tucked under her bed.

  “It’s me.” Bryan’s deep voice didn’t stop her heart from racing, but at least it was excitement, rather than fear, now driving the quick beat.

  She answered the door, surprised to find Bryan standing on the threshold with a bag in his hands. She had missed him. Since their first date in March, they’d gone out three more times, each date ending with him in her bed. Sex with Bryan was never boring, never the same. She suspected she’d already had more orgasms in the past month with Bryan than in the entire twenty-three years of her marriage.

  Laura started to hug him, delighted to see him, but pulled up short. She laughed. “What are you wearing?”

  “I’m Brad.”

  She slowly shook her head. “And I’m not following.”

  “I believe the correct thing to say after hearing Brad is asshole.”

  “Wow. Have you been drinking?”

  Bryan laughed and walked into her townhouse. Laura closed the door, hard-pressed to hide her smile. Five minutes ago, she’d been exhausted and dragging herself to bed. Now it was as if she’d been given a shot of adrenaline.

  Fortunately, Bryan hadn’t forced her to face what it was between them yet. For now he seemed content to go with the flow. They were friends who had a lot of fun and amazing sex. It was all Laura felt capable of giving. She was still leery of entering a real relationship, terrified of losing herself again.

  “I was hoping I could convince you to help me check an item off my list of regrets.” Bryan had gotten a kick out of Laura’s resolution to try things she’d always wanted to do, and was determined to go along for the ride with her.

  “And what would that be?”

  “The Rocky Horror Picture Show. The local movie theater is doing a one-night showing.”


  He nodded. “Starts at midnight.”

  Laura grinned, thrilled by his suggestion. “I’ve never seen it, but I’ve always wanted to.”

  “Me too. I didn’t mention it before because I wasn’t sure I’d make it back in time. Busted my ass—and the ass of every guy on the crew—at that last worksite, determined we weren’t going to miss it. I called Trina this afternoon from the road when I realized I was cutting it close. The Conservatory does a lot of theatrical productions and she interns in the costume department. As luck would have it, they’ve performed Rocky Horror before and she was able to borrow a couple of outfits for us.”

  Laura narrowed her eyes. “My costume better be as conservative as yours.”

  Bryan’s nerdy appearance in his blue sweater vest, old-fashioned khaki jacket and black-rimmed glasses was a far cry from the provocative outfits she’d seen other characters wear. “Trina actually wanted to put me in Tim Curry’s sexy lingerie, but I told her I preferred to ease into things since it was my first time. Then she suggested we play the Brad and Janet roles. We had two choices. The first was to go in our underwear—which I knew would be problematic for you.”

  Laura laughed. Bryan took great pleasure in her panty-less state.

  “Or we could go with the wholesome look.” Bryan spread his arms out, showing off his seventies-style clothing. “I have a hideous light pink dress, white cardigan sweater, barrette and really awful purse in the bag for you.”

  Laura reached for it. “Sounds perfect.” She headed for the stairs. “Give me a few minutes to change and we can go.”

  Bryan started to follow her upstairs, but she turned and put her hand on his chest. “You come with me and we’re going to miss the movie.”

  Bryan didn’t appear to mind taking that risk. “Well…”

  She shook her head. “Hell no. We’re going to that movie. Five minutes. That’s all I need.”

  “Fine.” Bryan headed back toward the living room.

  Laura was true to her word and soon they were pulling up in front of the movie theater. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head as she took in the other attendees, all decked out in some of the most revealing lingerie Laura had ever seen. She would have blushed wearing some of the costumes in the bedroom with just Bryan to see. She couldn’t imagine strutting around in public in so little.

  A few people waiting in line laughed when she and Bryan joined them.

  One man waved at Bryan, saying, “Hey, Brad,” as the other people around him shouted, “Asshole!”

  Laura laughed, thrilled by Bryan’s invitation. “This is going to be insane.”

  Bryan nodded. “I can’t wait. I missed you the past couple weeks.”

  She tried to ignore the schoolgirl giddiness his confession provoked. She’d had a heart to heart recently with Josie. She’d always felt like she and Josie were kindred spirits. The only two wine girls who’d ever been married—and divorced—Josie tended to view relationships and love with the same bruised heart and jaded vision Laura did.

  Or had.

  Josie was falling for a new guy, Jake, the owner of Blue Moon. She’d called Laura earlier in the week for advice. Laura knew what answer Josie had wanted. After all, in the past, Laura had been infamous for her guard your heart speeches. This time, though, she hadn’t been able to offer it. Instead she’d told Josie to take a chance at happiness.

  Laura realized that was easier said than done. She looked at Bryan and tried to sort out her own feelings. It was easy to put their relationship in clearly marked boxes—friends, lovers. Unfortunately, when trying to label the emotions, it got harder. She’d lay claim to lust and caring.

  However, she was struggling with the deeper feelings. She’d realized lately that a lot of her depression during the previous year wasn’t based on sadness over the divorce. She was lonely. Terribly, painfully alone. She’d left her parents’ house and immediately moved in with Mason. Within a year, they’d created a family. For forty-two years, Laura had never spent a single night of her life alone.

  She’d fought to adjust to that state for a year. Now Bryan was filling some of the empty spaces. Problem was she wasn’t sure what she meant to him. They’d fallen back into the friendship, but he hadn’t alluded to wanting more than that and sex.

  He’d been a bachelor for the past five years, and she knew he hadn’t been celibate during that time. Fact was he’d call her for a date, she’d say yes, then they’d end up having sex.

  Shit. Does that make me a booty call?

  “Earth to Laura. Line’s moving.”

  She blinked, focusing on Bryan, who was several feet away and reaching out for her hand. “Where did you just go?”

  She brushed off her thoughts and his question. She didn’t have any answers. For now she was going to go with the flow. Maybe she’d get lucky and somehow, somewhere down the line, everything would just magically fall into place.

  She did a mental eye-roll.

  Yeah. That’ll happen.

  “Janet!” someone yelled when it was apparent she was holding up the line.

  She moved forward, laughing as the chorus of moviegoers behind her followed up with a very loud, “Slut!”

  Before long, Laura forgot about every worry and concern as she dodged flying bread and playing cards, got sprayed by water guns and covered her head with newspapers. Bryan had definitely done his homework, carrying in a backpack filled with all the props they needed to participate.

  Laura laughed until her stomach hurt. Toward the end of the movie, she turned to Bryan and leaned closer. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “What for?”

  “Tonight. The dates. The sex. I don’t know. I guess for everything.”

  Bryan’s gaze darkened with lust and Laura suddenly wondered about the wisdom of coming to such a sexually charged movie after two weeks of abstinence. Maybe she should have dragged him to her bedroom for a quickie before the movie after all.

  He reached for her, pulling her toward him for a kiss. She expected it to be a quick, hard peck, so she was surprised when his lips lingered and his tongue stroked hers. She understood now why he’d elected for seats in the back row. She jerked slightly when his hand caressed her breast.

  The crowd around them continued to scream and sing along with the movie, but Laura wasn’t interested in playing anymore. Bryan was offering her a much more tantalizing game. She ran her hand along his upper thigh, relishing his sharp exhalation.

  Laura giggled like a naughty teen on her first date as she and Bryan pushed the sexual tension higher. He cupped her breast, squeezing it firmly as she slipped her hand under the jacket he’d placed over his lap.

  His cock was thick and hard, straining against his polyester pants. His jaw tightened when she reached for the button and slipped it free.

  “How far will you go?” he whispered into her ear. They’d given up their kisses, focusing their attention on the gauntlet he’d just thrown down.

  Bryan sucked in a quiet breath when she slowly slid the zipper down. Once his pants were open, she removed her hand, resting it on his thigh, daring him to take a turn.

  He grinned, a sexy smile that told her he was more than up to the task. He slid one hand under her dress, tugging on her knee until her legs were open. She was in the corner seat, so Bryan had an easier task at keeping his actions unseen.

  Laura glanced at the couple sharing the back row with them. The man sitting next to Bryan seemed unaware of the sex play unfolding right next to him. He was laughing loudly, enjoying the movie.

  Then Laura closed her eyes, no longer caring who saw what as Bryan’s fingers slid along her slit, pausing to apply delicious pressure to her clit. He moved his finger firmly on the sensitive nub for a few seconds before removing it, his hand lying unmoving on her thigh.

  She lifted her closed eyelids, taking in his smug grin. Two could play that game. Laura shifted, laying her head on Bryan’s shoulder, giving the appearance of an innocent cuddle. As she moved, she went in for the kill, lowering the waistband of Bryan’s boxers, and then gripping his cock firmly.

  A deep groan sounded in Bryan’s throat when she started drawing her hand up and down his erection. She ran the tip of her finger over the head, dragging it around to play with the pre-come that had escaped.

  She started to pull her hand away, but Bryan captured her wrist, holding it in place. Then, he moved the hand still resting on her leg back to her clit.

  “Don’t stop,” he murmured in her ear.

  Laura nodded and resumed stroking his cock as Bryan played with her clit. Laura struggled to remain still. Every fiber of her being longed to rise and straddle Bryan’s hips, to ride him hard and fast.

  When the moment became too painful, too charged, Laura whimpered. The sound recalled her to their surroundings and she froze, looking around to make sure no one had discovered what they were doing.

  Bryan’s hand disappeared and she suffered intense disappointment when he quietly refastened his pants.

  Then, he bent over, tossing their things into his backpack. Once he was finished, he stood. “Come on,” he said, grasping her hand almost aggressively as she picked up her purse and sweater.

  Was he angry with her?

  They walked to the lobby, finding it empty. It appeared everyone, even the employees, was enjoying the late-night movie.

  “Bryan,” she started.

  “Shhh.” He directed her toward the family restroom, dragged her inside and locked the door behind them.

  “What are you—?”

  “Be quiet, Laura.”

  She’d grown accustomed to his deep, commanding bedroom voice. He only needed to give her an order in that stern, powerful voice, and her body went soft. She was putty in his hands.

  He pressed her toward the sink, lifting her onto the cool marble surface. “God dammit, hotshot.” His lips landed on hers hungrily, his rough possession wiping away all concerns he was angry.

  She’d made him lose control again. She would have smiled if Bryan weren’t taking her lips with a single-minded determination to fuse the two of them together forever.

  His hands tugged her dress higher as he kissed her and she heard his zipper slide open once more. Then he was there. He drove into her in one hard, deep thrust that had her throwing her head back, a loud cry escaping before she could think better of it.

  Bryan moved like a man possessed, pounding inside her until Laura saw stars. It was the hottest sex of her life. She wrapped her legs around his waist, using her feet to urge him to rougher thrusts.

  Then she bent forward and bit his neck. Bryan jerked at the pain, but, like her, he seemed immune to anything except the need to claim, to subdue, to own. His fingers tightened on her ass as he used his hands to pull her toward his relentless drives.

  Laura lifted his shirt and sweater, seeking skin. Once she found the heat of his flesh, she raked her nails along his chest as he hissed. Bryan continued to fuck her, harder.

  Lights flashed behind her closed eyes as her orgasm attacked. She shuddered roughly when Bryan cried out, “God, yes,” and came as well, filling her with heat and come.

  And then, as quickly as it started, it ended, leaving the two of them panting for breath. Sweat trickled along Bryan’s cheek. Laura reached up to wipe it away.

  He smiled at her sweet gesture, then bent to kiss her. This time, his touch was gentle, loving.

  He cupped her face in his hands as he pressed his forehead to hers. “You drive me crazy. Make me lose control.”

  She laughed softly. “That’s a good thing, right?”

  “I haven’t decided yet.”

  A buzzing sound distracted her before she could press the issue. She was dying to ask Bryan what they were to each other, but her courage deserted her.

  “What is that?” she asked when the sound persisted.

  Bryan stepped away, withdrawing from her body. Laura pressed her legs together, savoring the wetness of his come on her upper thighs. She wondered when he would realize he’d forgotten the condom. It didn’t matter. He’d had a vasectomy. Pregnancy wasn’t an issue, though they’d used protection each time before. Was this part of what he meant about losing control?

  “I think it’s your phone.” Bryan reached for the purse she’d dropped next to his backpack by the door and handed it to her.

  Laura frowned. “It’s two a.m. Who would call me so late?”

  She retrieved her phone, then frowned when she spotted several missed calls and texts from Katie. “Shit.” She’d put her phone on vibrate when the movie began, but she hadn’t heard the buzzing over the noise in the theater.

  She opened the first text message, her blood running cold when she read Katie’s message.

  With Dad in ambulance. Think he’s having a heart attack. Can you come to hospital?

  Laura checked the time of the call. Twelve ten. God. Nearly two hours ago. Each text became a bit
more frightened and desperate, as Katie waited alone for some word about Mason’s condition.

  Laura jumped off the sink and started for the door. “I have to go to the hospital.”

  Bryan nodded, recognizing her panic. He refastened his pants, then grabbed a handful of paper towels. “Here. You might want to clean up on the way.”

  It was a thoughtful gesture. Obviously he realized what they’d forgotten. “Thanks.”

  As they hurriedly drove through the city streets, Laura read Katie’s texts to Bryan, rubbing her eyes as she fought back tears.

  “She needed me,” she whispered. “She needed me and I wasn’t there.” They were the same words she’d said five times before.

  Bryan reached across the console, grasping her hand. “It’s going to be okay.” He pulled up to the door of the ER and Laura started to get out.

  He hesitated.

  “You’ll park and come in?” she asked.

  “If you want me to.”

  She nodded. Something told her she’d need his support and a friendly face to get through the next few minutes.

  Laura closed the car door and rushed into the hospital. She spotted Katie immediately. “Katie,” she called.

  Her daughter looked up from the forms she was filling out. For a brief moment, Laura thought she saw relief on Katie’s face, but it was soon replaced with scorn. Anger.

  “How’s your dad?”

  Katie didn’t bother to answer. “Where were you? I called at least a dozen times.”

  “My phone was off.”

  “Why? You never sleep with it turned off.”

  Laura gestured to her outfit. “I was at the movies. Rocky Horror Picture Show.”

  Katie studied Laura’s dress, then her gaze drifted to something behind her. Given Katie’s cold expression, Laura began to second-guess the wisdom of asking Bryan to come inside. “With him?”

  Laura turned to look over her shoulder. Bryan was smart. It hadn’t taken him long to read the hostile environment. He waved, then claimed a chair near the door, giving her and Katie some space. “Yes. I went with Bryan.”

  Katie sighed heavily, her face rife with disapproval. Laura was getting far too used to the sound of her daughter’s disappointment. “Well, you can go back to your date. I’m fine without you.”


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