The Last Man Standing: The Surgeon and The Mechanic

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The Last Man Standing: The Surgeon and The Mechanic Page 9

by Clark, T. C.

  “That’s bullshit. What NICON does is on them. I’m sorry, but you’re not going with us.”

  “Yuuto, you can’t stop me.” Rhea was starting to get angry. This wasn’t some ego trip for her. She needed to do this. “Don’t forget what I can do.”

  “I know you, Rhea. You won’t hurt anyone you love. We will do the plan just like we said, but you will stay here and work with Kara and Ghost on taking out the communications. This is my decision, and it is done.” Yuuto walked away with purpose. Rhea thought about following him, but it was no use. He was as stubborn as she was.

  “I think he’s right,” Kara said. She moved out from behind one of the trees. She must have followed them outside.

  “You followed us,” Rhea stated as she took a seat on the weathered bench. “He thinks I don’t trust him to do this alone.”

  “He looked really angry and I wanted to make sure you guys were okay. Not to take sides, but I agree with him. You’ve put together everything, why not let him handle the most dangerous part? I think you feel guilty about letting those guys escape. But you shouldn’t let guilt trick you into making a bad decision.”

  “I’m good at what I do. If I’m there, I can have Yuuto and Frank’s back.”

  “Yes, but you could also have their backs from here. You don’t trust him enough. Hell, you don’t trust anyone but yourself to see this through. But look around at everyone who is here. Explain to them how to use your weapons and let them work the plan. I know you don’t think your pregnancy is something we should be considering, but it is. We love you, and we want you safe. It feels ten times scarier now that you’re pregnant. All I’m saying is that you have a team—use them. If you go with them, your presence alone will distract Yuuto and Frank. You don’t think they have some secret plan in place to drag you away in case shit gets bad?”

  “It feels wrong to stay behind. I know in my mind that this isn’t my fault. But if I had killed them like I was supposed to, so many people would still be alive. They took out over half of the Sanctuary in a couple of weeks, and a good number of those people were my friends. I have to do this.”

  Kara nodded her head but remained silent. She’d said her peace, and now she was letting Rhea think about her words.

  Absently, Rhea rubbed her belly. Kara wasn’t wrong. She’d never been a person who waited for a hero. She was always on the front line in a fight. How far could that get her? She had a team of people around her that wanted her safe. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, her pregnancy was something that needed to be considered. It was time for her to depend on something besides herself to get the job done.

  * * *

  “So we are going to leave Rhea here?”

  “Yep,” Yuuto said as he went over the layout of the compound once more. Their attack needed to be as organized as possible especially now that they were adding Slav’s men to the mix.

  “And she agreed to this?” Ghost looked confused and worried at the same time.

  “Nope.” Yuuto continued to focus on the task at hand. He had a fight coming later.

  “Well, you can see why I’d be concerned. I’ve done the kidnapping bit once before, and it did not go according to plan, and Rhea blows shit up when she gets pissed.”

  “I won’t be blowing anything up,” Rhea said from the doorway. Kara was standing behind her. If she’d come to support Rhea’s decision to go with them, it was too late. He was done asking. He’d already cleared it with everyone. She would be staying here even if he had to tie her up.

  “Then what’s with the weird smile on your face?” Ghost frowned. He didn’t quite trust Rhea’s innocent look.

  “It’s hard for me to follow someone else’s lead. But I agree with Yuuto. You guys can do this without me. The mission has taken a dangerous turn. I can’t risk going with you.”

  “You changed your mind?” Yuuto asked suspiciously.

  “I’m not happy about it, but it is what it is. I need to meet with all of you in the kitchen to go over the weapons I designed. They have to be handled carefully. It’s going to take a few hours to explain everything.”

  Yuuto followed her retreating figure with an expression that wasn’t lost on Ghost.

  “You guys are falling hard. First Sandy, now you. What’s the world coming to?”

  It took Rhea over three hours of explaining before she felt comfortable handing over the devices. By the time she was done, everyone had a healthy respect for the level of complexity she brought to her weapons.

  She was right about one thing. They were going to have to handle them carefully. After the talk, she disappeared from the room. He knew he needed to give her some time. She’d just conceded, and she wasn’t used to that.

  After a few hours of research, he got up to look in on her. He walked around the house and checked in on all of the members of the team. Kara was setting up a communications hub in the den, and Ghost was busy trying to get her to notice him.

  Frank and Aidan were playing Spades in the kitchen, and Frank was losing. The New Jersey accent he hid so well came out loud and clear as he started to get angry. Aidan seemed to take it all in stride. He was starting to realize that the doctor was getting used to situations like this.

  Haruaki was meditating. He didn’t bother him as he passed. Yuuto knew how hard it was to get into a meditative state. He needed to get some time on the mat as well. It wouldn’t hurt to relax his mind and refocus.

  Yuuto continued to search the house for Rhea, but she wasn’t inside. He didn’t allow the panic ripping through his chest to overwhelm him. Rhea was smart. She wouldn’t go after the Linguist alone just to prove a point.

  He walked outside, closed his eyes, and focused on the noises of the night. He heard splashing to his left. He followed the sound. He walked softly. The salty air stung his nose and eyes as he walked into the night.

  He found her at the edge of the beach. She was walking out of the waves. He wondered how long she’d been here. It was dangerous to swim alone in the ocean at night. Quickly, he dismissed the idea of bringing that up. She wouldn’t want to hear that right now.

  His body reacted to the sight of hers. He ignored the throbbing of his cock and kept his eyes on her. Rhea had probably come here because she wanted to be alone. He didn’t want to interrupt, so he squatted down and waited.

  She was watching the ocean. Her mind must be filled with turmoil. He knew his was. What was going to happen tomorrow when they met Slav at the airport? He took a calming breath and closed his eyes.

  He relaxed his body and started his breathing exercises. He needed a serene mind to see every flaw in their plan. Tomorrow he’d be working with Frank and Haruaki. He was most comfortable working alone. It was imperative that they worked well together. Before he could slip into a trance, he felt something light on his cheek.

  He opened his eyes and smiled. He was nose-to-nose with Rhea. She had a mysterious look on her face, but he didn’t see any anger in her eyes. “Sorry for waking you.”

  “No, there’s nothing better than opening my eyes and seeing your face.” He leaned forward and placed a kiss on her lips.

  It only took a moment for the kiss to change from exploring to all-consuming. His hands tangled in her hair as he anchored her to him.

  He felt her hand brace on his chest as he pulled her closer. She moaned when his other hand found her breast. He kept his mouth on hers as he mapped the curves of her body. When he was close to his breaking point, she leaned back.

  The same hunger he felt in the depths of his soul was reflected in her eyes. He was hard and ready and nothing could stop this now.

  “Yuuto…” She whispered his name as she pulled him to his feet. She led him back to the edge of the beach where her blanket was.

  “Yes, Rhea?” He reached up to guide her onto his lap. For a few minutes, they stared into each other’s eyes. They used to do this all the time after missions. It was as if both of them were surprised by their relationship.

did you cut your hair?” She ran her fingers through his hair and massaged his scalp. He leaned into her touch.

  “When I found out you were pregnant and I thought the baby was someone else’s, I went crazy. I was so angry. You are the first person I ever loved, and to think that you would betray me destroyed something inside my soul. I was trying to figure out what I was going to do next. My father found out about the same time and sent my brother Dashin to end you. Even in my anger, I knew I wouldn’t allow that. We fought, and I killed him. When I did that, I officially severed my ties with the Tanaka clan. I didn’t want to kill Dashin, but he gave me no other choice. It was either him or you.”

  “I know about what happened between you and your brother.”

  Yuuto nodded. “Kara told you.”

  “No, I was hiding in the hallway when you told her about it.”

  “I cut my hair as a symbol. I was free from my father, and at that moment, I chose you.”

  She leaned forward and took his lips. She kissed him the way he liked. Her tongue delved into his mouth, and she ground her hips into his.

  “I’m glad you did. I didn’t know how much I needed you to until now.”

  “I’m glad you finally know everything. That explains why you’ve been so different since that night. I thought it was because of my lovemaking skills,” he said with a wink.

  “Your skills didn’t hurt. But knowing you protected me even when you thought I had betrayed you showed me how you really feel. As long as you really love me, you have me.”

  “I do really love you, Rhea. That part was never in question.” She reached down and handed him a small plastic package. He ripped it open and found a positive pregnancy test.

  “You are giving me a second chance to relive that moment?” God, he loved this woman.

  “I want a good story to tell our kid. So you better get it right this time,” she said fiercely.

  “Try me.”

  “Yuuto Tanaka, we are pregnant.” Rhea had just the tiniest hint of vulnerability. She still didn’t trust him fully, but they would get there.

  “Thank you, my love. You have made me the happiest man alive. I swear to you that I will be here to honor, protect, and love this child with you,” he vowed solemnly.

  He kissed her on the lips. “I love you, Rhea.” Before she could say anything back, he pulled her down over him.

  She laughed as she collapsed against his chest. He stole the laugh from her lips. He tensed as her hands glided down his chest and into the front of his pants.

  She wrapped her hand around his cock. He groaned when she started to move.

  This is what life was all about. He wanted to be here with the woman he loved with moonlight shining down on them and the ocean as their only witness. She leaned back and untied her bathing suit top.

  He used that moment to take off his clothes as well. They kept their eyes on each other as they removed their clothing. The act alone helped to add to the fire building between them.

  She came to him in a rush. He kissed his way down her throat as his hand found the center of her. He used his thumb to massage her swollen clit while one finger slipped inside to test her readiness. She was so wet. She gasped when he increased the pressure. He needed her ready for him, he had a feeling he wouldn’t last long inside of her tight sheath.

  When she was close, she pulled back and stilled his hand. She wanted something else. He brought the same hand that was giving her pleasure to his mouth and licked the wetness. She shook her head and pushed him back onto the blanket.

  The hard sand and rocks underneath it dug into his back, but he barely noticed the pain as she kissed her way down his hard stomach. She left a trail of stinging kisses as she made her way down his body.

  She blew on the tip of his cock and he tensed, then she took him into her mouth. She sucked hard. His body cried for release as she consumed him. She was as relentless as he was as she worked him over. Every tug of her mouth sent fire down his spine.

  After years together, she knew every trick to push him over the edge. When his balls started to tighten, he pulled her off of him. His strong fingers dug into her soft arms. For a second, she looked confused. The strength of his grip was bruising, and he immediately adjusted it when she grimaced.

  “I need to be inside you,” Yuuto said as his hands massaged her arms to lessen the sting.

  Rhea gave him the smile. A wicked one she’d perfected to drive him crazy no matter where they were. Even if they were on a mission, surrounded by enemies, that smile had the power to bring him to his knees.

  He hauled her up against him and positioned her over his sex. The tip of his cock glistened in the moonlight, desperate for a taste of her. His eyes never left hers as he slowly impaled her with his length.

  The sounds of the beach added to the elemental nature of their union. Tonight was meant to bring them back together fully. This woman was finally his. She now knew all of his secrets, and she was choosing to stand by his side.

  He started thrusting immediately, unable to control the deep animal instinct to claim his prize. Each thrust was heavier than the last, building in strength until all she could do was hang on. His hands pulled her down as his rod pushed forward.

  When her sheath started to contract around him, he moved faster. He needed more. Her nails scored his back as he forced her to ride him harder.

  One of his hands left her hips and reached down between them. He rubbed her swollen clit roughly until she couldn’t hold back anymore. Rhea let out a scream as her core started to convulse around him.

  Her body milked him with such force that he went over the edge with her. He came in streams of hot cum deep into the center of her. He growled as he ground his hips deep. He continued to move until she’d received every drop of his essence.

  He collapsed onto his back and pulled her over his chest. He was still embedded deep within her. He had no desire to pull out. That was just round one. He had no intention of dying tomorrow. He had too much waiting for him in the later years of his life.

  But he wasn’t a fool. In the weeks to come, there would be danger. His strength alone may not be enough to save him. If he left this Earth, he wanted fresh memories of her to take with him.

  “Yuuto, I need you to be careful tomorrow.”

  “I will. I have too much on the line now.” Yuuto ran one hand gently over her stomach.

  “I remember what we are, it’s just when something this good shows up in my life, I always end up losing it. It doesn’t matter what I do. It’s like I’m cursed. So I’m telling you, do not die, and watch your back. I know Haruaki is your brother, but you have to remember who sent him.”

  “Rhea, I’m not going anywhere. I know what Haruaki is. I won’t fail, and I will watch him, and I will watch him closely. Trust me, I will brutally eliminate any threat to my family,” he vowed. The intensity of his eyes must have confirmed his truth, and Rhea relaxed against him.

  Tomorrow would bring death, but it wasn’t going to be his. He had too much to fight for now. He’d walked away from his past to find something better. What he’d found far outweighed anything else he could have imagined.

  He’d earned the nickname “the Surgeon” because of his skill with knives. He would use all of that skill to protect the family he’d created. Any obstacle would be taken down because there were no real monsters in the world—only men, and men could bleed.

  * * *


  Chapter 7

  * * *

  Yuuto and Haruaki waited on the tarmac for the Slav and his team. It was hard to leave Rhea behind with Kara and Ghost, but he knew this move was necessary. Frank was somewhere in the bushes with a sniper rifle acting as back-up, and Aidan was safe back at the car in case they needed him.

  When they’d left the house this morning, Rhea, Kara, and Ghost were deep in discussion about the different ways they could take out the communications tower. Yuuto wanted to leave Aidan with her.

  The reason he’d
retrieved the doctor was to ensure that Rhea had him on hand in case an emergency happened. But she wasn’t having it. She’d already talked to the doctor, and he agreed to ride along with Yuuto for their meeting with Slav. He could be there if someone got hurt on the scene. Yuuto had no choice but to accept it. He couldn’t say no after she’d agreed to stay behind at the safe house.

  After they were ready to go, he’d pulled Rhea aside to say goodbye. She’d given him a devastating kiss that had him contemplating if he had enough time for a quickie. Rhea laughed when he told her so.

  She’d patted him on the ass and said she would take care of him when he got back. The memory was strong enough to make him hard. He adjusted himself in his slacks. He cleared his mind of Rhea and his desire to get back to her. He needed to keep his attention on Slav and his team.

  “What do you think is going to happen when that plane lands?” Haruaki asked with a bored expression. They were both wearing camouflage bulletproof vests underneath. Haruaki was sitting on the tarmac. He looked relaxed and calm. His brother was a lot like him. They were used to this kind of work. It was amazing that Yuuto was more worried about his woman at home than he was about the terrorist that was about to land.

  “I don’t know. The last time I saw Slav, they were carting him off to a prison in Norway. Rhea and Kara both think his hatred for the Linguist will outweigh his feelings for the Sanctuary, but I don’t know.”

  Haruaki nodded. “So how do you want to play this?”

  “As soon as they land, I want you to move a few feet back, just in case we need to spread out. If anything looks off, Frank is going to start shooting. Rhea gave me these. You can have one of them. Use it as a last resort. We only have three.” Yuuto pulled out three classic-looking grenades. He handed one to Haruaki.


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