The Last Man Standing: The Surgeon and The Mechanic

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The Last Man Standing: The Surgeon and The Mechanic Page 11

by Clark, T. C.

  Ghost frowned when he looked at his watch. “This is going perfectly.”

  “Isn’t that a good thing?” Aidan asked. So far, everyone’s part of the mission had moved forward without any kinks. If the rest of the mission worked out well, he would be at home with his wife in a few days.

  “No, nothing is this clean. I’m worried,” Ghost admitted.

  “Should we try to contact the others?” Kara asked.

  “I don’t think so. We don’t have the time for that. My main concern is Rhea alone at the safe house. I think we need to head back, fast.” He didn’t explain anymore. He turned and took off in the direction of the car.

  Aidan felt a shiver of dread touch his spine. He had a bad feeling that Ghost’s instincts were spot on. He’d thought they were lucky, but he was right. There had literally been no issues since he’d entered Jorge’s place. Shit, was this a trap? And if so, what was going to happen to the others?


  Chapter 8

  * * *

  Yuuto, Haruaki, and Frank kept pace with Slav’s team. So far, everything was going as planned. Communications were cut, and now they could hear the bombs going off in the distance. Yuuto frowned as they made their way to the house that the Linguist was supposed to be in.

  The scene was too quiet. He put his hand up and the team stopped. “This is too perfect. I don’t trust it. Where are the people? We’ve only encountered three so far. I think we should take some time to regroup. There is no way the base should be so quiet in the middle of the day.”

  “I don’t give a fuck about what you trust. We came here for the Linguist, and we are not stopping now. Let’s move!” Slav’s men reacted to the command and they all moved forward.

  “What do you think we should do?” Frank asked as their group moved away. He looked around the base and shook his head.

  “Frank, go around and wait for us. Let us go in first. I can’t risk Slav taking the Linguist away before I can shoot him with Rhea’s bullet. Me and Haruaki can handle this, but I want you to act as a lookout.”

  Frank nodded and followed his command. Yuuto and Haruaki moved in after the others. Slav’s team kicked in the door, and one of his men threw in a smoke bomb. Within seconds, they heard gunfire. Yuuto and Haruaki entered after the shooting died down.

  As the smoke cleared, they saw Slav and his men dead on the floor. But the interesting part was the bed. On the California king was the Linguist and Jorge. They were wrapped in each other’s arms, but the most interesting part was that they were already dead.

  Before Yuuto could react, he was shot from behind. He hit the ground hard and turned to fire back but stopped when Haruaki shook his head. Something about his confident expression told him to hold back. “Shoot me, and Frank is dead.”

  Yuuto cursed and lowered his weapon. He knew better than to trust one of his own. “What the fuck is this?”

  His father’s men moved out of the shadows and surrounded him on all sides. They advanced in silent unison. “This is what a perfect plan looks like, brother.”

  “My men arrived yesterday and I thought, what an awesome opportunity. I needed to get everyone away from Rhea, and this was the best way to do that. Now I have the girl and the plans for this weapon that everyone wants. This is perfect for me,” he said with a smile.

  “If you fucking hurt her, Haruaki…” Yuuto warned through gritted teeth. The pain in his back was nothing compared to the fear coursing through his veins. He’d made Rhea stay behind because he’d thought it would be safer. He’d forgotten who Haruaki’s father was, and blood would always prevail.

  “You’ll what? You’re on the ground, unable to act because you are afraid of risking a stranger’s life. I’m ashamed to call you my big brother. Your weakness in all areas of your life is disgusting to see, and I’m done. You want Rhea, you know where to go. To be totally transparent, father will be expecting you soon. You know how he gets when people make him wait. I would hate to be a defenseless woman close by when that man loses his temper.”

  Yuuto forced his mind to calm down. The emotions that were threatening to overwhelm him would only make matters worse. He couldn’t kill Haruaki, not yet, and he had to trust in Rhea. She was a resourceful woman.

  “You have two days, brother, and then we meet on Yuki’s mountain at sunrise near Dashin’s favorite tree. I would be there on time, or else you may find Rhea’s body hanging from it.” Haruaki gave him a mock bow and walked out.

  Yuuto took ten deep breaths and picked himself up from the ground. He noticed when he stood up that the pain was lessening. Why would that happen? No one started to feel better a few minutes after being shot.

  He reached behind him and rubbed the spot. His skin wasn’t broken, yet there was a lot of blood. What was Haruaki planning, and why hadn’t he actually shot him? He needed to get back to base.

  Before he left, he checked the bodies on the bed. He took a moment to shoot the Linguist with Rhea’s bullet and also remove one of his fingers. He needed to be sure this was actually him. He found Frank tied up outside.

  Grimly, he released him, and they left the quiet base. He ignored the fear choking his heart. Rhea needed him focused. He could only imagine how she was doing. She must be afraid of what was to come. If anything happened to her…anything at all, there would be no going back. He would wipe all traces of the Tanaka clan from the face of the earth.

  For the first time in his life, he prayed, not to any deity in particular. It was more like a universal ambiguous plea to anything listening. Spare Rhea, take him, for if he was left in her wake, the devil would officially have his soul, and the terror he would release into this world would be legendary.

  * * *

  Rhea was annoyed. She knew this was all part of Haruaki’s grand plan, but fuck, she did not like being tied up. It gave her an unfamiliar feeling of vulnerability. She’d realized what Haruaki was setting up right after she’d initiated the protocol Kara had asked her to handle.

  A second window had popped up on her computer from Haruaki. He had made it clear that his father’s men had found them and the plan would have to change immediately. She wasn’t sure if she could trust Haruaki, but she didn’t think running would help. So she’d put on a few pieces of weaponized jewelry she’d created and waited for his team to show up.

  She’d put up a good fight, but she’d eventually let them carry her away. One man in his group had enjoyed hurting her. She still had fresh bruise marks up and down her arm from how roughly he handled her.

  She was waiting for Haruaki to show up and praying that she hadn’t made a mistake when the door was thrown open. Haruaki walked over to the bed and examined her coldly. She only recognized emotion in his eyes when he saw the bruises.

  “Fujio!” he yelled. Within seconds, a man appeared in the doorway.

  “Who did this?” he asked in Japanese pointing to Rhea’s arm. Fujio stepped back and yelled someone else’s name. The man who’d taken such pleasure in hurting her walked in, and, before he could speak, Haruaki threw a knife. The man caught it with a smile but missed the second one Haruaki threw right after.

  His face registered shock and rage before he collapsed onto the ground. “Clean the mess up and run a tighter team, Fujio. I shouldn’t have to deal with menial shit.” Fujio bowed and pulled the man out of the room. A few seconds later, he returned and quietly cleaned up the blood. His movement was almost robotic. Once he left, Haruaki locked the door. He opened his bag and pulled out a tablet. He typed something in and music began to play.

  He grabbed a lamp and threw it against the wall. He undid his shirt and waited. A knock sounded on the door. He walked over to Rhea, grabbed her shirt, and ripped it. Rhea didn’t move.

  He walked over to the door, unlocked it, and cracked it open. “What?”

  “I was checking to make sure everything was good.”

  “You think a tied up woman is a threat to me?” Haruaki asked menacingly.

  “No, sir.”
/>   “I’m just getting to know my brother’s woman a little better. After all, he killed Dashin to have her. I don’t want to be disturbed, and if I find anyone lurking outside of my room, I will take it out on you, Fujio. I don’t want anyone reporting what happens here back to my father.”

  Fujio looked behind to Rhea lying across the bed with her shirt torn and nodded. “You will not be disturbed.”

  Haruaki waited until the hallway was clear before he locked the door once more and returned back to the bed. He reached for Rhea and untied her hands and feet.

  “They think you are raping me, don’t they,” Rhea whispered, rubbing her arms and ankles. She needed to get the circulation going again in case she really did need to fight.

  “Yes,” he said absently. He pulled out his phone and scrolled through his contacts. He reached down and grabbed a water bottle for her.

  “Is that a usual thing?” Rhea asked as she sat up. It better not be. She was willing to accept many things about Yuuto’s past, but rape was not one of them.

  “Not for me or Yuuto, but they are probably thinking I’m just turning into my father. He is…the worst type of man. I see you got my message.”

  “I did. I put a lot of faith in you. I hope it wasn’t misplaced.”

  “It wasn’t. When the rest of the clan found us in Cuba, I had to act like I was with them or we’d lose the only chance we have to go after our father. I’m sure Yuuto has told you already he doesn’t come out into the open without men surrounding him like a human shield. He protects himself above anything else. When he came up with the plan to bring you back to Japan and kill you in the same spot that Yuuto killed Dashin, I knew it would be our one shot. My father won’t suspect a thing because the initial plan was his own. I also knew Yuuto would never allow you to be used as bait for my father. So I made my own plan.”

  “How are you going to take him out?”

  “He doesn’t allow anyone to have weapons when they are near him. So he will place sentries with snipers to guard the area where we are while we wait for Yuuto to show.”

  “In that case, how do you plan on killing him?” Rhea asked. His plan was very risky. It left a very narrow window of opportunity for them to act.

  “I left a message for Yuuto and the team at home. I’m hoping they will take out the sentries because I plan on killing my father by hand. It will not be easy. The men he uses as his human shield are his best warriors, but I will succeed. If they haven’t taken out the sentries by then, I will be killed, and it will be Yuuto’s turn to handle our father.”

  “Your plan has a very suicidal feel to it. I think I have a better one. Sit back and relax, little Haruaki. I just need a few things: a phone, something to eat, and the height of your father.”

  Haruaki looked confused for a moment, but then his face cleared. He’d once told his brother that he’d chosen his woman well. He was starting to get a feeling that he was about to see the Mechanic in action.

  * * *

  Ghost and Frank made their way through the spots Yuuto highlighted on the map, killing anything that moved. Yuuto’s father was a man that kept a lot of men around. So far, they’d taken out ten men, and there were supposed to be more.

  Ghost was worried when the next few spots were empty. It was starting to feel like Cuba all over again. They checked all of the areas and waited in the clearing where Yuuto asked them to be.

  He wondered why no one else was there. But they didn’t have time to wait around and find out. They were supposed to provide cover for Rhea to get away, and that had to be their top priority. They went to the spot and waited. Ghost could only hope that luck would be on their side today.

  * * *

  “So, you are the woman that my son betrayed his family for? I have to say, I’m not impressed,” Hiro Tanaka said in Japanese.

  “I was thinking the same thing about you. You are supposed to be this legend but look at you now, frail and old, talking to me from behind your team of men. What has become of you, Hiro?” Rhea spoke fluent Japanese as well. She could tell her words hit home because his eyes flared with anger.

  “I’m so happy that Haruaki was able to collect you. I can’t wait for my son to see what I do to you before I end your life. And, speaking of my bastard son, here he is now.” Hiro looked over her shoulder at the mountains behind her. Yuuto was being escorted down by a team of men.

  “What you will do to me? Now that is laughable. What could you possibly do in your state? Let’s be honest, it will be one of your men. You’re not strong enough or brave enough to do shit anymore,” she said with a sneer.

  Her words finally had the desired effect, and he pushed one of his men out of the way to strike her. He was smart, though. Haruaki had told her that even if she could goad him out of his circle of protection that he would only give her a small window to act. There was only one clean shot to take. Rhea was on her knees, so the placement had to be right. She raised her hand and closed her eyes. This was going to hurt. If she’d created bullet right then it would land right in the…

  The bullet pierced her skin and plowed straight into the center of Hiro’s chest. Rhea fell to the ground and rolled out of the way as Haruaki reacted to the sound. He placed his body between her and the others. He attacked his father’s men, but they were good.

  Two more shots sounded at the top of the hill, and the men holding Yuuto back collapsed to the ground. Another man appeared and ran straight into the midst of the fight. When the man pulled out a machete Rhea knew it was the Forecaster. Once Yuuto joined them, the odds evened out. It took the Forecaster, Haruaki, and Yuuto to take out his father’s personal guards. They were well-trained and willing to die for honor.

  “We need to leave now,” Yuuto said. She could tell from his face that he was worried that the gunshots would draw out the rest of the Tanaka clan, and he was right to be worried.

  “No, we don’t run. Our clan needs a leader, Yuuto. If you won’t take the mantle, then one of our uncles will, and they will want vengeance. This will never be over.”

  “What do you think I can do?” Yuuto asked.

  “He thinks you can unite them. That’s why he chose to stand by your side. I think he’s right. If you can’t run from the snakes, then you must control them. Your father cost a lot of people their lives. You will do things differently.”

  Yuuto grabbed her hand and examined her wound. It was a clean shot. Only one person could make this kind of shot from so far away. Somewhere in the mountains, the Hunter was watching them.

  Yuuto shook his head. “I will not lose you again.”

  “You won’t. I will stand with you as well. Between us, we can teach the Tanaka clan a new way, and anyone who disagrees will have to deal with us. You were with your father the longest, and you know how the world works. Once you show your strength, they will follow. I had a long talk with Haruaki on the plane. I think your people are ready for this.”

  “I love you. This life is different from what you know. I don’t want to bring you into it,” Yuuto said. He leaned down and placed his head against hers.

  “I love you, too. I also trust you, Yuuto. You are the only one that can do it, and if that’s true, then I will be here, too. I never had my own army before. I’m sure I’ll adapt to it well.”

  Yuuto relaxed when he recognized the sincerity in her eyes. Rhea meant what she said. She would stand with him, fight with him, and die with him. That was the kind of love she felt for him, and she knew he felt the same. He’d proven it time and time again.

  “Why not you, Haruaki?” His younger brother could easily take the place of their father.

  “I was never meant to be a leader. I never wanted that, but I will faithfully serve you, brother.”

  “You’re sure?” Yuuto asked Rhea once more. He could hear the vehicles in the distance.

  “You are my very own ninja assassin, how can I not be sure?”

  “That’s still racist.”

  “But you love me anyway.”

  Yuuto sighed, and at that moment, he accepted his fate as head of the Tanaka clan. The only way to succeed in protecting his budding family was to eliminate the threat entirely. Today was a new day for all of the Tanakas, and it was time for them to know the power of their new leader.

  “Forecaster, will you take Rhea back to the Hunter and keep her safe for me? It appears my day is not over.” Haruaki came to stand by his side. He’d never expected this from his younger brother. Haruaki’s actions gave him hope for the future.

  “Of course.” The Forecaster held out a hand, and Rhea took it. She would give Yuuto the peace he needed. He would only be okay if he knew she was safe. She loved Yuuto and that meant every part of him. Forever she’d been the lone wolf not anymore. After years alone she’d finally found her mate. Taking over the Tanaka clan would be like a normal Tuesday for them.

  “I will be waiting for you when it’s over,” Rhea called out as she walked away with the Forecaster.

  “That is the only thing I need to hear to ensure my victory,” Yuuto yelled back. His dark eyes were filled with love. It wouldn’t be easy. The clan would have issues with them being together, but they’d proven to each other that they could survive anything together, and together they would stay, until the end of time.

  Quick Note:

  I hope you liked this book I loved writing Rhea and Yuuto’s story. If you enjoyed it please, please, please leave a review it helps me out so much and each one is truly appreciated. I hope you guys are enjoying the Sanctuary Series. The next one is a dark and dirty story about the Hunter and the Forecaster. It will be released by July 11, 2019. If you want to keep up with my new releases please subscribe to my website at


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