From Your Heart

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From Your Heart Page 11

by Shannyn Schroeder

  “Because this isn’t new. We already know each other. What are we supposed to talk about on our first date? What do you do for a living?”

  The sarcasm was new. “You’re right. Because of our past, we get to skip the mundane get-to-know-you shit. But I think there’s still a lot to learn about each other. We’re not the same people we were five years ago. You didn’t own your flower shop five years ago. I didn’t have a career path at all. While you know my whole family, I don’t remember you ever telling me about yours. I know who you are, but I don’t know silly things like your favorite color or your favorite dessert. What you do when you’re pissed off or sad or lonely.”

  He took her hand again. “I want to learn all those things.”

  She inhaled deeply and the swell of her breasts rising over the top of her strapless dress drew his attention. “Crap. You’ve gotten too good with words. I’m going to have to watch myself.”

  “Not just words, Kathy. I might talk a lot of bullshit to a lot of people, but everything I’ve said to you is real. I’m done with games. I’m thirty years old. I want the next phase of my life to start.”

  Her eyes widened again. “But no pressure, right?”

  “Look, I don’t know if we’re like Jimmy and Moira, but I want us to have that shot. That’s all I’m asking for.”

  “I’m willing to give you that chance, but it’s not like I can forget the past.”

  “Fair enough. If I do something that bothers you, or makes you want to step back, tell me. Don’t run away.”

  She took a sip of her drink. “No one else.”


  “And I’m not jumping into bed with you right away just because we know it’ll be hotter than hell.”

  An image of her lying naked on his bed flashed in his head. He nodded.

  “I want to make sure we’re good together before we have sex.”

  Although he’d been fantasizing about having her again, he continued to agree. He hadn’t been joking when he’d told her he’d do anything to get another chance. “Okay. I can kiss you, though, right? You’ll at least give me that?”

  “Kissing is okay.”

  “It’s more than okay.” He brushed her hair off her shoulder and allowed his fingers to caress the smooth skin there. “Can you give me a ballpark on how long we’re waiting?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “You have an idea in your head. You must’ve thought something before bringing it up.”

  She wiped at condensation on her glass. “If we were totally new to each other, I’d go out at least four or five times before sleeping with you.”

  She waited as if she was asking for some extraordinary thing. Five fucking dates? He could do that without even trying. “Okay.”

  She lifted her head again and looked at him with disbelief. “No argument? No trying to change my mind?”

  “Silly thing to argue about. I’ll jump through whatever hoops you need. I know I’m asking a lot. Five dates? I’ll handle it.” He scooted closer on the bench until their thighs touched. “Just tell me this. Does today count as the first date?”

  She laughed and her whole face brightened. “We’ll see.”

  He stood and held a hand out to her. “Then we better get back to the reception before I lose my head. Let’s go dance.”

  Kevin was totally content to wait to have Kathy in his bed. He knew it would happen, and tonight she was in his arms.

  Chapter Nine

  Kevin growled as he let himself into his apartment at nine o’clock. He’d just gotten home from work and Kathy was already in bed. So much for thinking getting to five dates would be easy. They’d talked every day since the wedding, but their schedules didn’t match. Frustration gnawed at him. He’d never had a problem like this. In fact, he’d never had to plan much when it came to his social life. Things just happened.

  He sat on his couch and turned on the TV. He thought about past girlfriends and dating and realized that he never had this problem because he never put in effort before. If his schedule didn’t work with his date’s, he found someone else to hang out with. He hadn’t worried about making time for someone or changing his life to make room for her.

  None of them had mattered the way Kathy did, and it wasn’t just because he wanted to sleep with her. The thought should’ve unsettled him, but didn’t. With every conversation they had, he liked Kathy more. She made him smile and brightened his day through simple things. He wouldn’t call it love, but he acknowledged the possibility.

  Picking up his phone, he texted Kathy, hoping that she hadn’t fallen asleep yet. He knew she had an early morning, like four a.m. early, so he didn’t want to wake her.

  Are you still awake?

  He laid his phone on his chest and leaned into the couch, resting his head on the back, and stared at the ceiling. Mayor Park still hadn’t offered him the liaison position, even though he listened to everything Kevin had said about the businesses that attended the cocktail party. Kevin had put more hours into cultivating this partnership than anyone else. Certainly, more than any other staff writer.

  His phone vibrated on his chest.

  Just reading before sleep. What’s up?

  Instead of texting, he turned off the TV and called her. He stood and stripped on his way to the bedroom. He was down to his boxers by the time she answered.

  “Hello,” she said quietly.


  “What’s up?”

  “I miss hearing your voice. Miss seeing you more.”

  She sighed. “Work gets in the way of life. Not much to do about that.”

  “Other people figure it out. We will too. I can’t believe I haven’t seen you since the wedding.” He lay down on his bed on top of the messy blanket because if he crawled under, he would fall asleep, and he wanted a shower first. “What does the rest of your week look like?”

  “Crazy. I have three weddings next weekend, so I have a ton of orders to put together.”

  “Mine’s probably not any better. I never know. I can usually count on regular hours, but working with Park on this new initiative is time-consuming. If he gives the position to someone else after all this, I’m gonna be pissed.”

  “He wouldn’t do that, would he?”

  “Who knows? It’s Chicago politics.”

  “Well, if he does that, he’ll lose my vote in the next election. And if you add in all of the O’Malleys and O’Learys, he might lose half of the city.” She chuckled at her own joke, and Kevin couldn’t help but join in.

  “What time do you get to the store in the morning?”

  “Usually around four-thirty. Deliveries start coming in at five.”

  A sudden thought struck him. Kathy worked alone most of the time. “You’re all alone accepting deliveries at five in the morning? That’s not safe.”

  “It’s fine. I’ve been doing it for years. My drivers know me and the neighborhood is already waking up by then. The bakery down the street opens at five, and there are regular joggers and walkers that go by.”

  He’d bet that in the middle of winter, when it was still dark out and the temperature struggled to get above zero, there was no one on the street. “How about breakfast tomorrow?”

  “Anna doesn’t come in until ten, so I can’t leave before then, and that’s a little late for breakfast. After being awake and working for six hours, I’m ready for lunch.”

  “Okay. It’s a date.”

  “Really? Don’t you have to be at work?”

  “Don’t worry about me. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “I’m looking forward to it.”

  “Me too.” When he disconnected, he set his alarm for four o’clock and did a quick search for diners near her shop. He wanted to see what her morning was like, hang out with her, and make sure it was as safe as she seemed to believe it was.

  He wasn’t nearly as overprotective as Jimmy was, but having their mom taken from them when she’d been coming home from working a night s
hift was something that stayed with them. Probably not Sean, Tommy, and Norah because they had been so young, but Jimmy and Kevin had understood what had happened.

  So he took a quick shower and crawled into bed with thoughts of Kathy’s lips on his mind.

  * * *

  Kathy stood in her cooler rearranging pots of flowers to maximize her space. She knew her mind wasn’t on flowers when she put a pot of carnations on the rose shelf. She hadn’t been able to sleep after talking with Kevin. She loved that he was considerate enough to ask if she was up before calling. He didn’t nag her about not being able to go out late because she had to be at the shop so early.

  He was a guy who got it. Which was weird because Kevin had always been about partying all night wherever with whomever.

  But his life didn’t seem any more exciting that hers with his work schedule.

  She was kind of sad because she was ready to move their relationship forward and while they connected most days, it wasn’t the same as being together. She was looking forward to seeing him for brunch.

  Walking out of the cooler, she heard someone banging on the front door. Customers never came in this early, and all of her regular delivery guys knew to come around back. She eased around the corner to see who was banging.

  There was Kevin with a hand shading his eyes to see into the shop. What the heck?

  She walked to the door and unlocked it. “What the hell are you doing here at five o’clock? I told you I can’t leave until Anna gets here.”

  “True. But I also know that you don’t officially open until nine, so with the exception of whatever deliveries still come in, I have you all to myself.” He lifted the shopping bag in his hand. “I brought breakfast.”

  She inhaled and caught the scent of eggs and bacon and coffee. “Mmm . . . I don’t remember the last time I ate a proper breakfast. I think this might be your best idea yet.”

  Tugging him through the darkened shop, she led him to her office, where she moved invoices and files to a pile on the cabinet beside the desk. She took a moment to check him out in his suit, looking all businesslike and professional.

  Kevin set the bag down and closed in on her. “Before we eat, this can’t wait.” He wrapped his hand around her nape and pulled her close.

  He lowered his mouth to hers and she opened to welcome him in. His tongue slicked along hers and her blood raced. He took his time exploring her mouth as one hand coasted down the side of her body to her hip, anchoring her in place. Her nipples, which were already hard from being in the cooler, tightened and begged for attention.

  She moaned into his mouth. She didn’t know if it was because she hadn’t had a steady boyfriend for a while or if it was simply Kevin’s talented tongue, but she wanted more. More of him. More of this.

  His hand skated under her T-shirt and he palmed her breast. When he squeezed her nipple, her hips bucked in response, grinding against his leg, which was almost in the perfect position. He pulled away from her mouth and kissed his way across her jaw and then to her neck. Nipping and lightly sucking, he had her melting into a puddle of lust in seconds. Seconds that he drew out to minutes until her panties were damp, and she needed to be touched.

  “We need to stop,” she gasped as he shifted and moved to her other nipple.

  “Not yet,” he whispered against her neck.

  Was he trying to push this until she stripped? She was stronger than that.

  He worked his way back up to her mouth. He peppered her with kisses. “Let me touch you.”

  It didn’t matter that his hand was up her shirt or that his lips had traveled all over her neck, she knew he wanted a more intimate touch. Part of her was ready to beg for it. “Five dates.”

  She shifted to pull out of his embrace, but the hand on her hip pulled her tight to him. “No sex. I just want to touch you. I want to make you come. Right here, right now. Just stand there and enjoy it.”

  His words were as intoxicating as the look in his eyes. She should say no, but she didn’t respond.

  Kevin kissed her again, thrusting his tongue in and out of her mouth in an erotic dance. When the hand on her hip moved to the button of her jeans, he paused and looked in her eyes, waiting for confirmation. “I’ll stay fully clothed. Just you,” he murmured against her lips.

  When she didn’t protest, his fingers flicked the button open and the hiss of her zipper being lowered matched the one from her mouth as his fingers skimmed the soft skin of her stomach. Kevin returned to assaulting her mouth as his hand found its way past her waistband and into her panties.

  She was wet and when his fingers first made contact, he groaned. “So wet. For me.” Another kiss. “So fucking hot.”

  He stroked, caressing her and barely touching her clit. Clever man. He wasn’t going to make this fast or easy. She should’ve remembered that about him. He liked to keep her close until she was crazy with need. She should’ve backed out. She should’ve known better, but this felt too good.

  He felt too good.

  Every touch, every lick, every pinch. It was his way of reminding her that he would decide what happened next. That would be a problem to dissect later.

  Right now, all she cared about was getting off.

  She rocked her hips against his hand, using his palm to send rockets of pleasure through her body. He pushed one finger and then two into her, thrusting to the rhythm she created.

  Kevin stepped forward, pushing her back until her ass bumped the edge of the desk. She leaned against it, which allowed her to open her thighs more, giving Kevin more room to do his magic.

  He had her gasping and moaning quickly. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she let her forehead hit his shoulder. “Please,” she said. “More.”

  She was so close.

  “That’s my girl.”

  His words sent a warm flush through her entire body. He pinched her nipple and pressed against her clit all while thrusting. Her whole being clenched and spiraled out of control. Stars, fireworks, a whole freaking light show exploded behind her closed eyes. Kathy had her face buried in the crook of his neck, warm and safe.

  As she came down from that incredible high, Kevin held her. His fingers were still inside her, feeling every pulse of her body, but his other hand was on her back, holding her to his body. When she finally stilled, he pulled out, brushing her clit one last time, sending little sparks of aftershock through her. She trembled.

  Being the gentleman, he refastened her pants and tugged her shirt in place. He brushed a hand over her hair, and his thumb stroked her cheek. He waited until she opened her eyes and looked at him. “I really hope you’re okay with that. It was the hottest fucking thing I’ve done in a while.”

  She chuckled. She might fall for a lot of things about him, but those words didn’t come close. “I highly doubt that. But I’m okay.”

  “Wasn’t my plan when I came here today. You believe that, right?”

  “You mean breakfast wasn’t just a ploy?”

  “No ploys.” He pressed against her lips quickly and then asked, “Do you have a washroom I could use?”

  “Yeah, right around the corner.”

  He stepped away but didn’t turn his back to her until he reached the door. She probably should’ve felt some remorse for the funny way he was walking, but she didn’t. He’d initiated that entire scene. And while she thoroughly enjoyed it, she wasn’t ready to commit to doing more. Not until she was sure about Kevin.

  * * *

  Kevin stepped into the bathroom, flicked on the light, and leaned against the door. He’d never had to show such self-control and he hoped to God he never had to again. He shifted his hard cock in his pants. The thought of jerking off right here in the bathroom occurred to him but he couldn’t. He was seriously fucked in the head.

  All he’d wanted was a nice breakfast date with Kathy. But when he saw her come to the door in the dim light, her nipples already poking through her shirt, his interest stirred. Putting his mouth on hers sealed it. He’d n
eeded to touch her and once he did, he wanted to see her fall apart. He wanted to be the one to do it. Even if he got nothing for his efforts. Yet.

  He wanted Kathy to know he wasn’t the same self-centered prick she’d known five years ago. Running his hand through his hair brought her scent back to him. He went to the small sink and turned the faucet handle. While he washed, he looked at himself in the mirror.

  Frustration filled his face, and he needed to get rid of that. He didn’t want Kathy to think he’d lied. He just hadn’t counted on watching her come being such a turn-on. Drying his hands on the paper towel, he finger-combed his hair one more time to fix it for work.

  Back in her office, Kathy had the food spread out on the desk. She looked up at him from where she was inhaling food.

  “Sorry. I was going to wait, but it smelled so good.” She swallowed. “Do you have time to stay?”

  The fact that she wanted him to stay meant a lot. Maybe not as much as an orgasm of his own, but still a big deal. “I have plenty of time until I have to be in the office. The sun was barely up when I got here.”

  “Don’t exaggerate. It’s July. It was bright and cheery by the time you got here. Now in the dead of winter, five a.m. might as well be midnight.”

  He dragged a chair from one side of the desk so he could sit next to her, and then he picked up his own Styrofoam container. “I guess I was lucky that a delivery guy didn’t come strolling in on us, huh?”

  She choked on her food. He patted her back. Wiping her mouth, she said, “Why would you care? I’m the one who has to see them every week. And, yeah, that would be mortifying.”

  “But worth it?”

  She smiled so brightly it shot straight into his chest. “So worth it,” she admitted.

  They ate in silence for a few minutes. When he was done poking at lukewarm eggs, he set the container back on the desk. “This counts as a date, right? I brought you food, we shared a meal.”

  “I came all over your hand,” she added without missing a beat.

  Her comment had him choking on his coffee. He hadn’t expected that. Kathy had been wild in bed, but really quiet and inhibited out of it.


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