Unbroken Promises

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Unbroken Promises Page 4

by Dianne Stevens

  “Thank you, pumpkin, that’s very thoughtful of you,” Jesse said after finally finding his voice.

  Beth just merely nodded and turned to leave. She stopped when she was halfway to the door,

  “Jesse, wou-would your fr-friend like something to eat or a cu-cup of coffee?” Beth asked without looking back.

  Jesse, having just taken a sip of coffee, sucked it down the wrong way and started coughing,

  “No, no baby, I’ll just share what you brought me,” he finally choked out.

  Again, Beth nodded and, with her head held high and back straight, she walked out of the room. Before Beth even had the door shut, she heard the woman burst out laughing, although it sounded more like witch’s cackle to Beth. Then Beth heard the woman mocking her to Jesse, “J-J-Jesse would your fr-friend like a c-c-cup of cof-coffee?” Then she laughed repeatedly. Beth heard Jesse tell the woman to be quiet because she might hear her. Beth heard her alright and she would never forget her cruelty or her laugh.

  Beth took off running as fast as she could. She was so humiliated. She was crying so hard she was gasping for air when she finally stopped beside the deep sparkling pond. She didn’t know how long she had been there when Jordon found her.

  Her dad sat down beside her, put his arms around her shoulders, and pulled her close to him.

  “Beth, honey, do you want to tell me why you are crying?” Beth just shook her head no. So Jordon picked her up, as he did when she was little and carried her all the way back to the house. He climbed up on the back porch, walked over to the old cypress porch swing, and sat down with her still in his arms. Jordon held her cradled in that position swinging for what seemed liked hours. Beth loved him so much at that moment. He never questioned her again about why she was crying, but he did tell her if she ever wanted to talk about it he was there.

  For days after the awful incident, Beth tried to avoid Jesse. She didn’t know if she would ever be able to face him again. However, after a few days, she came out of hiding and started talking to him. He never mentioned it and neither did she.

  But that was then, and this was her 16th birthday and she wasn’t going to allow any more unpleasant thoughts to enter her mind.

  It didn’t seem but a few minute later that Jesse was shaking her awake. Beth couldn’t believe she actually fell asleep. “We’re here, little darlin’, you need to wake up. It’s time to bait your hook.”

  “Oh no, big boy, that’s what I got you for,” Beth said as she poked him in the ribs. This made him jump because he was very ticklish. “Besides it’s my birthday, Jess.”

  “Okay, being it’s your birthday I guess I’ll do it for you.”


  It was on a Friday night that Susan allowed Beth to stay at Becky’s house for a slumber party.

  Becky’s parents were gone for the weekend and they were not going to be home until Sunday.

  Beth had no intention of relaying that information to Susan and Jordon. Julie was the one to be in charge and that was a joke. Julie had gotten her boyfriend to buy them four cases of beer.

  They were all sitting around the pool deck. Beth sat on the edge with her feet swishing in the cool water. The smell of chlorine floated on the gentle breeze that brushed across the water.

  Becky’s new REO Speedwagon’s eight-track tape blared ‘Keep on Loving You’ in the background. Beth just watched everyone else drink at first, but the more they drank, the more they dared Beth to. Finally Beth gave in, walked back to their circle, and told them to hand her one. She had never been good at turning down a dare. As soon as Beth popped the top, the brew spewed all down her arm. She slung it off and took a big swig. “Oh,” Beth thought aloud, “this stuff is awful.”

  “Keep trying. You’ll acquire a taste for it,” Becky encouraged.

  By about the third beer Beth was thinking Becky was right. “Hey, this stuff’s pretty good!” They were having a good time cutting up and giggling. Julie had put on some music and they were trying to teach Beth the new line dances. Beth could hardly stand much less dance. After they tired of dancing, they all laid on the leather couches and shag carpet. Everyone but Beth drifted off to sleep. It wasn’t long after they had fallen asleep that Beth began to feel sick. It went from a little queasiness to feeling as though she was going to die.

  She didn’t care how much trouble she got into. She wanted someone to come get her, take her home, and take care of her. She stumbled her way to the brightly decorated brown, orange, and yellow kitchen and called home. She was surprised but glad when Jesse answered the house phone and not Jordon or Susan.

  Jesse heard Beth crying when he answered the phone. She scared him so badly his body clenched thinking she was hurt. However, the more words she spoke the easier it was for him to figure out the problem.

  “Beth, have you been drinking?” Jesse demanded, his forehead creasing into sharp slits.

  “Yeah Jess, but please don’t gripe at me now. I am so-o sick. Please, just come get me, and Jess, please don’t tell Daddy or Susan,” Beth cried.

  Jesse woke up Cody, “Cody, bud, I’m sorry to wake you so early, but do you know where Beth stayed last night, and where they live?”

  “Yeah, she stayed with Julie and Becky Simms; they live about five miles from here,” Cody answered groggily.

  “Is that the same Simms who owns the car lot off of Main Street? They live in a reddish brick house with a swimming pool on the left hand side?”

  “Yeah, that’s them. I believe the street they live on is named Simms,” Cody replied before he fell back to sleep.

  When Jesse pulled up in the driveway, Beth was sitting outside on the hard concrete front steps with her head on her knees. She didn’t even look up when Jesse stepped in front of her.

  She just raised her hand for him to help her to stand. Jesse pulled her up and held her around the waist as he walked her to the truck and helped her climb in.

  Jesse had backed out and barely started going down the road when Beth threw up all over the floorboard of his truck. Jesse let out an exasperated sigh, shook his head, and rolled down the windows.

  “Beth, please let me know if you feel like you’re going to do that again and I will pull over so you can BARF outside and not inside my truck,” Jesse said dryly.

  “Oh God, Jess, Please don’t be hateful, I’m dying,” Beth whined.

  “You are not dying. You are sick from drinking too much and you have a hangover. If it weren’t self-inflicted, I would have more mercy. But you ought to be glad you’re sick because I would probably spank you if you weren’t. I want to know who bought the alcohol!” Jesse said enraged.

  “I don’t know who bought it. It was already in the ice chest when I got there,” which wasn’t a complete lie because she’d never met Julie’s boyfriend. Beth went on to say, “You don’t have to worry, Jesse, because I’m never drinking again. I believe this is the worst I’ve felt in my whole life. I hate it. You aren’t going to tell on me, are you?”

  “Do I need to remind you that it wasn’t that long ago that I covered for you when you went to the beach? I still believe something is missing in that picture,” Jesse paused a second. “I won’t tell this time; but, so help me, Elizabeth, if you ever pull another stunt like this again, I won’t cover for you. Do I make my self clear?”


  Jesse stayed in the truck a few moments longer after he had turned off the engine. He couldn’t believe what Beth had done tonight. Where had their innocent little girl gone? It seemed like yesterday that he had taken her and Cody blackberry pickin’. His eyes softened as he remembered her grinning up at him with indigo teeth and lips, permanently stained clothes and dripping fingers. Then there was the time when, Beth was 10, she begged Susan to let her stay home with him and watch while he practiced roping. However, it wasn’t long before she became bored just sitting there on the five foot fence watching and decided to walk it like a tightrope. When he glanced up and saw what she was doing, he opened his mo
uth to holler for her to get down; but, before he could utter a word, she fell hard, right on her left shoulder. He had raced his horse to the fence and jump over. By the time he reached her she, was wreathing and rolling on the ground, screaming. He was so scared his hands were shaking. He ended up calling an ambulance and riding with her to hospital. Thank goodness nothing had been broken.

  Over the last several years with college taking up most of his time, he hadn’t been able to be at home very much, but it didn’t matter, because somehow, someway… it was always He…who seemed to be the one to have to deal with and help Beth through a major crises. Jesse pressed a thumb and middle finger to each eyelid then massaged each in rolling circles trying to ease a building headache. So many precious memories and some not quite so precious—like when she caught him in bed with one of his wild women. At the time, he was still in high school and living fulltime at the ranch in his little bungalow. Jesse was thankful that Beth never told on him because Jordon would have kicked his butt over that one. “So-o-o,” Jesse slowly blew out a breath , “I guess I really owe her to keep quiet about this,” but no more. He didn’t want her screwing up her life by doing crazy and stupid things—things that could hurt her or ruin her life.

  He, Jordon, Susan, and Cody, especially Cody, had always tried to do their best to protect her and keep her safe. Most of the time, Beth was very blasé, then, all of a sudden, this willful and dangerous streak would come from out of nowhere. The rank stench in the truck drew Jesse from his memories of the adorable little girl. As he got out of the truck to get the disinfectants, he focused again on this teenage wildchild. He had a terrible feeling this new little wild streak was far from over.

  After Beth clambered out of Jesse’s truck she went straight to her bedroom, thankfully not seeing anyone. She’d just gotten out of the shower when she heard Jesse tell Susan that she’d called him to come get her because she had stayed up all night and wanted to come home and sleep in her own bed. Beth was relieved that he kept his word about not telling on her. Beth still felt bad but she was a lot better. She went to bed that morning, slept all day and didn’t wake up until the next morning around 10 a.m.

  When Beth finally got out of bed, she unsteadily made her way to the kitchen. When she looked at the cold breakfast that was still on the stove, the sight and smell of it made her stomach roll in such a way she thought she would gag. She was so thirsty. And her mouth felt like cotton; but, when she poured herself a big glass of ice water and drank it, it made her feel even worse. She became dizzy and had to hold onto the counter for a few minutes. When she finally felt her equilibrium come back to normal, she decided she needed to get a cup of coffee.

  She had seen Jesse drink the stuff many times after he came home from partying. She thought maybe coffee was the trick that would make her feel better. But, when she turned around to get the coffee pot off the bar, she looked up and froze. Because there looking back at her, sitting at the kitchen table was a grinning Jesse.

  “Well, hello, little darlin’. How are you feeling this morning? You sure don’t look too perky. Why, your eyes even appear to be a little bloodshot and your face is pale as a ghost. You seem a little shaky, too. Hmm…I wonder what could be the cause of such an appearance. You don’t think you may have caught a virus or something, do you?” Beth shot him a killer look. “Go to Hades, Jesse Bately.”

  “Ah ah aah, such language from such an innocent shocks my sensitive ears,” Jesse taunted.

  Jesse was now looking over Beth’s shoulders and Beth had an uneasy feeling about what or who he was looking at. Then to her horror, she heard the screen door screech open then bang shut. “Good morning, Jordon, Susan, and Cody. I was wondering where y’all went off to. The mid-morning breakfast was delicious as always, Susan. Thank you very much for cooking it,” Jesse said cheerfully.

  Beth was really shaky now. If it wasn’t for Jesse’s verbal observation, she wouldn’t feel so insecure about how she looked, but now she was terrified that one of them would notice and come to the right conclusion of her hung-over condition. When she looked back at Jesse, the dog had the gall to wink at her.

  “I was just telling Beth that she shouldn’t stay up all night at those slumber parties because it just makes a person feel awful for days when you don’t get any sleep for that length of time. I remember when Beaux and I would camp out and stay up all night. I would feel like I had a hangover the next day from having so little sleep,” Jesse said in general then turned back to look at Beth. “Is that how you feel, Beth?” Jesse said with laughter in his eyes and the same cocky grin on his face.

  “I wouldn’t know, Jess; but, you are right about not feeling the greatest,” Beth said with a paste-on smile. She then turned to the ones who just walked in from outside. “Good morning.

  What have y’all been doing?”

  Susan walked over and kissed her on the cheek. “Good morning, baby. I thought you were going to sleep another day away. And Jesse’s right, you don’t look so good. You aren’t coming down with something, are you?” Susan said worriedly.

  Jordon walked up then and hugged her with one arm while, at the same time, feeling her head for fever with the other. “She doesn’t have any fever. It’s most likely what Jesse said. She will probably feel sluggish for a couple of days.” Then Jordon said, “Beth, if you stay overnight with anyone else, you are not to stay up all night long. Is that understood?” Jordon said more firmly.

  Beth looked up and nodded. “Yes sir, I won’t.” Then she let out a sigh of relief and went on to pour the cup of coffee and sit down at the barstool. She thought at this instant the less she said and did was best. She was hoping the topic would change from her to something else.

  Jordon gave her another curious look. It was as if something was vaguely pulling his attention but he couldn’t quite put a finger on it. Then he shook his head slightly and told Jesse they all had just come from looking at the new colt. To Beth’s relief the discussion turned to horses.


  Beth meant what she had told Jesse about not drinking again; but, by the next time that something was planned, she forgot how badly she had felt. She and the same group of friends made plans to go out. It was Halloween and Julie said everyone was going to be out tonight. It was a-must that they did something.

  Susan wanted Beth to stay home and hand out candy with her as they did every year. Beth had always enjoyed giving candy to the cute little kids, but she begged to be able to go. Susan sadly relented and even agreed to allow Beth to stay out until midnight. Beth felt a little guilty, but she left with the girls anyway.

  At one point, they passed Jesse while he had stopped to get gas. Beth made Julie turn around so she could show them who he was. She wanted to show him off—from a distance that is. Beth knew Jesse would not recognize the car. Plus, the windows were tinted and it was dark so she felt safe. They had already started drinking and she absolutely did not want Jesse to know that.

  They pulled up close enough for every one to get a good look at him.

  He was dressed in a pair of 501 Levi’s with a snug fitting T-shirt. The muscles in his arms flexed in steely sleek cuts as he gripped the gas handle. His skin was tan from working outside so much. The girls could not see how pretty his eyes were from the distance, but they all thought he was gorgeous. When he turned to put up the handle, they got a view of his backside. They all

  “oohed” over his nicely shaped butt.

  Becky went on and on about how good-looking she thought he was. “Beth, introduce us. I want to see what he looks like up close. But from a distance, I have to say you were right. He does look exactly like that fine brother of his.”

  “Ain’t no-o-o way! If he got close enough to me to smell alcohol on my breath, he would most likely jerk me out of this car and spank me, only before he took me home and threw me in front of Jordon who would, beyond a doubt, do the same.

  “Beth, surely you’re joking! I have never been spanked in my entire life,” Becky s
aid aghast and wide-eyed.

  “Well, part of it was joking. I doubt Jesse would ever lay a hand on me, but Jordon has several times over the years and, if he caught me drinking, he would most likely do it again.”

  “But you’re 16 years old!”

  Beth laughed. “Yeah, I know. But Jordon is a man who should be living in the 1880’s instead of the 1980’s. I don’t think he knows about the alternative method of correction. His method was always, ‘Elizabeth, go cut me a switch!’ Beth said in her best imitation of Jordon, at which all the girls started laughing.

  “Bu-but, that’s abuse!” Becky said with laughter still in her voice. “Did he ever leave a bruise on you?”

  “Oh, lord, no. But those little limber switches sure stung my butt and the back on my legs.

  Most times I had enough warning to pad up, so it didn’t hurt. I guess the worst part was having to go out in the yard and pick out my own switch.”

  After the vivid scene Beth described to them, they all agreed to just look at Jesse from a distance, but Becky made Beth promise to introduce her to him sometime later. Beth said she would as long as they weren’t doing what they were doing now.

  After leaving Jesse, they stopped at a local parking lot. Beth sat on the tailgate of a guy’s truck she went to school with. It was a perfect Halloween night. The moon was full and a light fog had settled in giving the night an eerie spooky look. Beth thought it was ideal for the little goblins out trick-or-treating.

  Julie was right about everyone being out. Beth didn’t remember seeing so many students at one time before unless it was at a school function. Beth was learning how to flirt from the guys who were flirting with her. She had to admit she enjoyed the attention. One guy in particular, Billy, sat on the tailgate with her and talked to her while they drank a few beers. The cars and trucks that were around them had their radios on the same country station, making the whole parking lot boom with a surround effect. Beth heard squealing tires and she caught a whiff of burnt rubber. She looked to the back of the parking lot and saw a yellow Mustang doing doughnuts. The black smoke drifted up to where it mixed with the fog. Billy was very funny and Beth could not stop laughing at his antics and Beth found him to be harmless and a lot of fun. He acted a lot like her cousin, Cody.


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