Unbroken Promises

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Unbroken Promises Page 16

by Dianne Stevens

  One breezy day Susan was hanging the towels out to dry on an old clothesline Jordon’s mother had used years before. She wore a white spandex short dress. There was nothing left to the imagination. Her luscious curves were bare for all to see.

  Jordon stood in the shadow by the barn as his wife flirted with two of the hired men.

  “Baby, hasn’t your old man bought you a dryer yet?” the shorter one said.

  “Yes, but I enjoying hanging out the towels. I like the way they smell when they are dried outside,” Susan laughed.

  “Honey, you need some help? I don’t mind helping you out with anything you need,” Jordon heard the taller, more attractive one say with lust filling his voice.

  “Well, if you’d come a little earlier, you could have helped me, but this is my last towel,” Susan replied with a saucy smile.

  “I’ll just have to watch for you tomorrow then, won’t I?”

  “You do that,” Susan replied still smiling. Jordon thought she glanced his way when the men first walked up but he couldn’t be sure.

  The man tipped his hat, “Ma’am, until tomorrow.” Then they both walked away from her but unknowingly toward Jordon.

  “Damn, I sure didn’t know she had that gorgeous body hid under all those clothes she used to wear. Did you look at those huge tits? I got a hard on just watchin’,” the shorter one said and then he began rubbing his crotch.

  “I wouldn’t mind havin’ a piece of that. You think she’s puttin’ out?” the more handsome man said.

  “She sure is showin’ it off like she wants to,” the short one said.

  At that Jordon cleared his throat, both men twisted around and stared up at him. “Get your gear and get out. You’re fired,” Jordon said with withheld fury.

  Jordon waited for both men to leave before he made his move. He tried to calm himself down because, at the moment, he really wanted to kill both of those men. But he knew he was staring at the real blame—it was wearing a skimpy little dress. And he was about to take care of the problem one way or another. He was not going on like this another day.

  Jordon walked up behind Susan as she turned around. “Sue, you’ve been acting like a rebellious child and a whore, and I’m about to address both characters,” Jordon said sternly.

  With that, he bent, flipped her over his shoulder, and headed for the house.

  Susan squealed when he picked her up, but she didn’t say anything else. Jordon knew by her wide-eyed stare that she realized she had pushed him too far.

  When Jordon got close to the house, he hollered for Jesse to get the kids out. Cody was already gone so Jesse grabbed Beth’s hand and headed in the other direction.

  As Jordon stomped up the stairs, he popped Susan on the butt. “That is for acting like a child!” As soon as he walked into the room, he slammed the bedroom door shut with his boot, and threw Susan off his shoulders and onto the bed. With one hand, he held her face down on the bed. He vehemently said, “Now this is for your acting like a whore.” With that, he jerked her skirt up, yanked down her underwear, and pulled her butt to the edge of the bed. He unfastened his pants and shoved them down with one hand while still holding her in place with the other. He then knelt down behind her, spit in his hand and rubbed the spit on the head of his sex, and was ready to plunge in…but stopped himself. The hand that now held her down was also holding him back. The ragged breath he took shook his whole body.

  Jordon inhaled slowly through his nose until the oxygen expanded deep within his lungs. He was trying his best to gain some control over his two raging emotions—anger and lust. Jordon slid his hand from the small of Susan’s back to her flat stomach. He lifted her on all fours and uncoiled to his full height. “Sue?” That one word was loaded with a multitude of different emotions.

  After what seem like endless minutes of no other sound or movement filling the room but his shuddering breaths, he felt Susan push back and press her sweet ass against his groin. Not a split second later, he tilted his pelvis and plunged in deep and hard. He fought hard not to come instantly as the silken muscles of her tight heat gripped him in a milking sensation.

  After he was embedded to the hilt he leaned close to her ear and rasped, “Oh God, Sue, you’re drivin’ me crazy. I can’t stand any man to even glance at you with lust in their eyes.

  You’re mine, don’t you know that?” Jordon said possessively as he slowly pulled almost completely out then quickly thrust deep and hard again. He bent even closer to where he was able to rub his cheek against hers, his—rough with day old whiskers, hers—soft as a newborn baby’s.

  Jordon began to nibble on the side of her neck. Susan, unable to resist, returned his nuzzle.

  Jordon brought his hands around to cup and massaged her full breasts, rolling her nipples between his thumb and forefinger with just enough pressure to bring pleasure but not pain. He then lifted one hand and rubbed his finger over her soft lips. And she bit him!

  “You also belong solely to me, Jordon, and I won’t have you looking at another woman!” As Jordon pulled back to ram in again, Susan met him with an equal intensity. His eyes rolled closed from the intense pleasure.

  “Never again, sweetheart,” Jordon said huskily. “Sue, hold tight cause I got to take you over the edge, now!” Jordon knew he was close to coming so he brought his fingers around to Susan’s front and massaged in rapid back and forth motions until he felt her began to quiver, then he pumped furiously, his body commanding its own release. After he came, Jordon grabbed Susan and fell onto the bed taking her with him. “Oh, baby, don’t you know you are my life?” After a still moment, Susan softly said, “Jordon, the reason I wore those revealing clothes wasn’t so much because I wanted to but because I want you to think of me as sexy. I want to be the only one who turns you on. I thought the reason you wanted to look at someone else naked was because you were not attracted to me any more. Apparently, where you are concerned, to my shock as well as yours, I have an ugly, jealous, streak, that is no longer hidden.”

  “Oh, baby, how could you think such a thing? You are still the most beautiful and sensual woman alive. You are the only one who will ever turn me on.”

  Jordon shook his head to erase the memory and looked again at Jesse. Who was staring at him as if he had been patently waiting on him to get through reminiscing. “Well, I’ll give her a few days to calm down, but I will not put up with that shit for weeks. Hell, the last thing in the world I expected was to come home and have a strange woman come up, grope me,” Jordon said exasperated. “When we were walkin’ up I saw Beth looking over the pool fence watching, so I thought it was some kind of joke she was playing on us with a couple of her friends. Until the girl grabbed my crotch, trying to measure me up…and you sure didn’t help matters by calling them ‘little darlins’ and insinuating we’d take a rain check,” Jordon scolded.

  “That’s all I could think of at the moment to ease out of the situation without hurting their feelings,” Jesse said in justification. “Although it doesn’t happen everyday, that’s not the first time I’ve had a woman come on to me so aggressively. And usually I don’t turn them down.

  Twins? You have to admit that it sounded mighty intriguing…I’m not a eunuch, Jordon, and I’m not the one who’s been married for the last 16 years.”

  “No, but you’ve had someone waiting on you for 11 years,” Jordon snapped back. “I’ve never said anything about it or got involved because I wanted nature to take its course, but Beth’s 19 now, Jesse, and she hasn’t given up her hope of your loving and marrying her. So it’s time you let Beth know one way or the other if you’re going to want her in the way she dreams of,” Jordon said.

  “Don’t come here with that crap, acting like Beth is just sitting around crying and waiting for me because she hasn’t been. Because of yours and Susan’s insistence, she had Clay and was engaged just a short time ago to Bradley. Have you forgotten about them? What happened to you wanting her to date other guys? You didn’t like her choices, d
id you? Well, don’t try laying a guilt trip on me,” Jesse bit back.

  “Jesse, all I’m saying is, if you don’t have any intentions of getting involved with her, you need to let her go. Don’t just keep her hanging on with false hope if you already know you’re not ever going to want a permanent relationship with her.”

  “As for right now, I don’t know where we stand. So how can I tell Beth something I don’t even know myself? If I were you, I would want her to mature a little more before I tried to pressure either one of us into a permanent relationship.”

  “Well, I didn’t think you wanted a serious relationship with anyone yet until you started dating Donna. I never saw you date anyone of her class before and I knew you had no intention on playing with her.”

  “Jordon, I’m not involved in a serious relationship with Donna. Yes, she is a good girl, unlike what I usually date, but we are only friends, and that’s all we’ll ever be. So you need to go back to the original thinking of letting nature take its course. And, from what I remember of the last time your pillow got thrown down the steps, big brother, you need to worry about yourself,” Jesse said a little irritated, feeling Jordon was accusing him of intentionally hurting Beth by giving her false hope. Hell, all he ever wanted was for her to be able to grow up and enjoy being a teenager.

  Jesse knew Jordon wasn’t really thinking clearly that he wanted her to mature more also. He was just directing his frustration of tonight toward him without even realizing it.

  “Yeah, Jesse your right, I’m talking crazy. I know you love Beth, too, and would never do anything that would intentionally hurt her.” Jordon sighed. “Now help me figure out what I’m going to do about Susan,” He implored.


  Beth knew things were going badly at home so, with school starting, she decided to rent an apartment. Jordon had always discouraged her from working so she could focus solely on her schoolwork. He always kept a generous supply of money in her bank account so she could afford an apartment if she wanted one.

  She asked Cody, who was close to graduating, if he would move in with her to keep her company. Cody turned out to be extremely smart and very handsome—with his dark red hair and profound copper eyes. Although his slow country drawl sometimes gave the impression he wasn’t as smart as he was, he had graduated from high school top of his class and was on the Dean’s List now.

  Cody told Beth he would, but he didn’t know how long because he loved the ranch too much.

  He said he too wanted to give Jordon and Susan privacy knowing that, eventually, they would work this out. Their marriage was too strong not to overcome this small hurdle.

  Susan was so mad at Jordon she could choke him. How dare he just stand there and let that woman feel him. Susan knew he had plenty of other women before her; but, when he said “I do” that meant no other woman was supposed to touch him until death do them part, although she felt as if she could kill him right now and get the “death do us part over” with. If he wanted other women touching on him, then fine, but she wasn’t going to stay around like a whipped puppy and take it. No, she had too much pride for that. In the back of her mind was the verse, “Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall,” but she immediately pushed those thoughts away.

  Susan called to talk to her old friend, Patty. She had kept in contact with her over the years after Patty moved away, but she hadn’t seen her in almost five years. Jordon never liked Patty.

  He said she was too wild.

  Patty moved back to town after her last divorce. She and her two children now lived with her parents. The children belonged to her first husband. She had married and divorced three times.

  Patty was thrilled to talk to Susan. They laughed and caught up with each other’s happenings. Then they made a date to go out to eat lunch.

  Susan dressed in one of the outfits she had cut down before. She thought she looked pretty good. She had gained a little weight since the last time she wore it but not much. They met at a restaurant with a bar. Susan turned down the offer for a drink, but Patty drank a couple of mixed drinks as they ate their lunch. They had so much fun laughing about old times.

  Then Patty had Susan holding her sides with laughter as she told her about the different things she had done that led to her three divorces. Patty always had people laughing when she got into her storytelling mode. She could make a funeral comical if she wanted to.

  Susan and Patty began spending a lot of time together over the next few weeks. They did something everyday. Susan did her best to avoid Jordon. She didn’t want to speak to him, so she didn’t. She made it her purpose not to be home at the same time he was, which was sometimes impossible, but she would stay in her room reading or sewing when they were in the house together. It surprised her a little that he didn’t just come barging in and demanding to talk to her.

  Sometimes she would go stay at Beth and Cody’s all day and cook supper for them to have when they got home from school. If either of them tried to talk to her about Jordon, she told them she didn’t want to talk about him right now. Susan did notice that Jesse stayed over there a lot. She hoped things would work out for the best for those two.

  The days passed quickly into weeks and it was now a month since the day the twins showed up. Susan had gone shopping with Patty at the mall the day before and Patty talked her into going out with her that night to a toy party a friend was throwing. Susan only hesitated a second before agreeing to go.

  Jordon watched Susan everyday, like before, getting braver and more daring in what she wore and did. She turned into a whole other person when she got like this. He hardly knew her.

  He allowed it to go on longer than he said he would because he was trying to give her some time to calm down and get over being angry. He was hoping she would stop acting the way she was and come to him so they could talk. It had already been a month and things still hadn’t changed between them, and he was almost to his limit.

  He kept track of what Susan was doing and with whom. Sometimes, when he couldn’t do it himself, he had Jesse and his friend, Beaux, watching her for him. He was pretty sure Susan wasn’t aware they were watching her. It wasn’t that he thought she would be unfaithful to him, but he was afraid she might get herself into trouble and not be able to get out of it. Susan, even though she was a grown woman, was still very naïve as to what went on in the real world. Her mother and father had kept her sheltered and then he married her and took up where they left off.

  He was surprised when he found out Susan was hanging out with Patty. He sure didn’t trust Patty. She was nothing but trouble. She always had a wild streak and loved to live life on the edge. That’s probably the reason she already had three failed marriages before the age of 34.

  He knew Patty and Susan had been friends ever since high school and that Susan had kept up with her through the years, but he did his best to put a stop to that close friendship a long time ago. He had to admit that, knowing his wife was hanging out with Patty did make him nervous.

  He didn’t even know the woman had moved back into town until he had seen Susan meet her for lunch one day.

  Susan hadn’t spoken to him since the day the twins came over and, in all that time, she hadn’t washed his clothes or cooked for him. He would come home hot, tired, and sweaty from working all day and have to wash clothes and cook before he could eat. Then he had to go grocery shopping because they were out of everything. She hadn’t even done that. He guessed she ate out everyday because he never saw her eat at home.

  When she came downstairs that night, she was dressed to kill. She was wearing a short black dress with black high heel sandals. He could smell his favorite perfume exuding from her. Her hair was done up in a twist and he could tell she had on make-up, something she’d never worn.

  Jordon wanted to rip the little dress off of her right then and there, along with the smug smile she was wearing.

  “Where are you going dressed like that, Susan?” Jordon said wit
h a calm fury, his eyes going up and down her body in assessment. The first words he’d spoken to her.

  “I am going to a party, Jordon—not that it’s any of your business,” Susan snapped.

  “I understand….Susan, I’m warning you right now, you’re biting off more than you can handle. I have been a good and faithful husband to you, but you’re going to push me too far, and you are going to see a side of me you will wish…would have stayed dormant, as it has since I married you. Do you understand what I’m telling you?” Jordon said in a calm deadly voice.

  He stepped away from the wall he was leaning against and swaggered up so close to her that she could feel the heat radiating off him. “Let me make it a little more clear. You’re showing me a side of yourself I’ve only seen once, and I didn’t like her then and I don’t like her now. I think she’s cheap and sluttish. But, like you, there is also a side to me, Susan, which you’ve never seen. It is a man that I laid to rest the day we started dating and he’s stayed asleep; but, I’m warning you once again, you don’t want to wake him up. He’s been happy sleeping; leave it that way because he was happy awake also.” Jordon said this all matter-of-factly. “Please… stop acting like a pouting child and stay home and start acting like my wife again.”

  “I am not acting like a child, and I don’t believe that allowing another woman to feel you is considered being faithful. For your information, I am going to a party with my old friend, Patty, from high school. Now I have to go or I’ll be late,” Susan stated, not the least bit concerned over the riddles Jordon was babbling. She wasn’t finished getting even. He hurt her and she was going to hurt him back. She turned and started walking away from Jordon.

  “All right, Susan, I’ve had enough…but you mark my words… you will be the one begging the next time we speak, and it will be me who will turn and leave you standing while I walk away to be with another woman,” Jordon said indifferently.


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