Saved By The Glass Slipper

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Saved By The Glass Slipper Page 12

by Markee Anderson

  “R-i-g-h-t,” Tony said, nodding. All three of the other men started to laugh.

  “Whatcha doing tonight after the family get-together?” Mark asked, nudging me with his elbow.

  I glanced at him from the side. “Sleeping, since someone made me drink champagne that gave me a huge headache.”

  Mark’s voice changed suddenly to a very professional tone, staring at his employee in the front of the car. “Tony. Aspirin. Now.”

  “Great.” I lowered my head. I was about to get married to someone I hardly knew and be deflowered that same night. I certainly hoped he had protection. All I needed was to get pregnant, too.

  Mark handed me a bottle of water and opened an aspirin container. He shook out two tablets and handed them to me. “Now be a nice Amy and play along. I promise you’ll never forget this.”

  “Oh, I’m sure I won’t.” I took the aspirin and sucked down the water. I couldn’t imagine anyone ever agreeing to this arrangement, just to protect themselves from dying.

  I studied Mark’s face. I knew, deep down, that I really was in love with him, as silly as that sounded. He was everything I was looking for, even without all of his cash. I didn’t care about that part at all.

  After we arrived at City Hall, Tony and Andrew took us inside. Mark handed me his wedding ring, which was gold and very expensive. How he got the rings was beyond me.

  We filled out the necessary forms and Mark paid the fee for the marriage license. He even had both of our birth certificates, but I didn’t know how he’d done that.

  Tony and Andrew were our attendants, and I’m sure they’d beat each other up if I chose one of them to be my maid of honor. They stood behind us and the Justice of the Peace performed a simple ceremony. We both said our ‘I do’s,’ exchanged rings, and at the end, Mark gave me a nice kiss. I didn’t want it to be over, so I turned it into more. He certainly had it coming.

  “I think you’re married now,” the Justice of the Peace said, watching me attack Mark with force. “You can leave for that honeymoon now.”

  The Justice of the Peace was an old man, maybe ninety, and had his extremely hairy eyebrows raised, because I wouldn’t let Mark go. My arms were around his neck and I was kissing down his chest.

  “Right,” Mark said. “Amy, let’s get going.” He unwrapped my arms and legs from around him and gave me a dirty look.

  “Sure, Mark, honey,” I said in a very high bimbo-like voice.

  He raised his eyebrows at me and smiled. “Tease.”

  We thanked all of the employees who helped us, then Mark and I got into the car.

  “Well, Mrs. Dallas, where shall we go?” Mark asked. He moved closer and nibbled on my ear.

  I crossed my arms. “To see my family.”

  “After that little show you gave that old man?” he asked. “I thought he was going to have a heart attack just watching you perform.”

  I moved away from him and glanced his way. “That was just to get you back. I think I’m going to like this little revenge thing I have going.”


  “Oh yeah. This is going to be much more fun than anything I’ve ever done in my whole life.”

  He pulled me to his lap. “Well, ma’am, I’ll have you know that I always win. Just remember that.”

  “We’ll see. Now, what’s our cover story for ditching my brothers?”

  “We were getting rings since we didn’t have time this morning for the first wedding.”

  “Right. And where did we get the rings again?”

  “A jeweler on Sixth,” Tony said. “His name is Oscar. He was really nice to open just for us, too.”

  “Us? You two went to get rings…together?” I asked, pointing at Andrew and Tony.

  “Yep. I even picked out the engagement ring…” Tony stopped short and stared at Andrew, sitting beside him. “You don’t think…”

  “Naaahhh,” Andrew said. “That guy never would’ve thought…”

  I laughed aloud at the two of them. Mark joined in and started to tickle me.

  We got to the hotel less than an hour after we left John’s home and walked into the huge lobby. “How did you get rooms in here?” I asked Mark, looking around.

  “I had William set it all up.” He was the third thug I didn’t know. “We have seven rooms, but not on the same floor. Tony and Andrew are in rooms on either side of us, and Randy and John have rooms on a lower floor. The FBI guys and William are going to watch over them on their floor.”

  “How convenient,” I whispered.

  “You bet, lady.” We walked up to the front desk and Mark checked us in. “The rest of our party is here, right?”

  “Yes, Mr. Dallas. They’ve already gone into the water park and are enjoying themselves. We’re keeping an eye on all of them, just as you requested.”

  He grinned. “Thank you so much. We’ll be in our room for a little bit, then we’ll be joining them. Dinner’s at six, right?”

  “Yes, sir,” she said, nodding with a grin. I didn’t trust her, and I had a feeling I’d feel that way with any woman around Mark. “In the private dining room,” she said with a wink. “Just as requested.”

  Mark handed the woman a twenty. “Keep up the great work.”

  “Yes sir.”

  We went up to our room, followed by the bellhop. Mark tipped him well, and we were finally alone. I pushed him to the bed, straddled his legs and sat on his lap. Since women wanted him, I had to make sure he knew that he was now mine.

  “So your first wish came true, and I married you,” I said.

  “Yes, and I couldn’t be happier for that.” He sat up, kissed me gently but I pushed him back on the bed, leaning my hands on his shoulders and making my long hair tease his face.

  I smiled as deviously as I could. “You know you have to be punished for turning me bad and lying to my brothers. That’s why I have to get revenge.”

  He started to laugh. “I didn’t know that, but…sure.”

  I attacked his lips with mine and started to unbutton his polo shirt. “Oh, Mark, you’re so hot.” I made sure he’d get flustered just so I could get him back.

  He flipped me back onto the bed and lay over me. “I thought you wanted to see your brothers?”

  “Oh, but you turn me on so much.” I pulled his lips to mine, then yanked his shirt up, massaging his chest. “I think I’m going to like married life.”

  “You’re teasing me, right?”

  “No, sir,” I said in my most seductive tone yet. “I want it, right now.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  “I’ve never been more sure in my life, stud muffin. Take me, please? I can’t wait any longer.”

  He grinned and started to kiss down my neck. He unbuckled his pants and threw them to the floor, only wearing his bright red boxers.

  As he started to pull my shirt out of my jeans, I leaned up to his ear. “Do you have any protection?”


  Revenge is sweet when it’s done just right and I was good. I looked him in the eye. “I don’t think this is a good idea. I don’t need to get pregnant on my wedding day, right?”

  His eyes met mine. “Are you sure you don’t want to try?”

  Men were such simple creatures.

  “No, sir,” I said, shaking my head slowly. “That really wouldn’t be good, because I really wouldn’t get time to know you first.” I pushed him off me and stood up, then tucked my shirt back into my jeans. “I’ll be downstairs with my brothers if you need me.”

  I walked toward the door, but Mark hopped off the bed and held it shut behind me. “You didn’t win.”

  “I didn’t? What are you talking about?”

  He walked over to his suitcase and produced a condom. “Guess what? I had a few—actually a whole box. I was ready, just in case.”

  Uh-oh. I was playing with a master, and he knew it.

  “Would you believe I changed my mind?” I asked, my voice going up a few octaves.

bsp; He walked to me with a devious grin, playing with the package in his hand. “Nope. Try again.”

  “Bad time for me?”

  “Nope. I even looked into that. You’re fine.”

  “How do you know that?” I asked, my hands flying to my waist.

  “I have my ways. Try again.”

  “I’m terrified?”

  He stopped suddenly and the grin left his face. “Really? You were serious back in the car?”


  “Is that why you never did anything with Connor?”

  “That…and he was married.” I rolled my eyes because men didn’t seem to remember things when it came to sex.

  “You mean I have to warm you up to the idea?”

  I crossed my arms. “See what you get for not dating me first?”

  He lowered his head. “I never thought of that. So do you ever intend to—”

  “Yes, but that first time is going to be tough.”

  He moved very close to me, almost touching my nose with his, except he was a few inches taller than me. “I promise I won’t force you into anything and I’ll never, ever hurt you.”

  I stayed silent.

  “Tell you what,” he said. “We’ll go join your family and have a good time. After that, we’ll just come back here and watch some television. Sound fair?”

  “Sure,” I answered, wiping a tear.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “You’re just such a nice guy, that now I feel guilty for leading you on.”

  Mark kissed me with a grin. “I knew what you were doing and let you go. I wanted to see how far you’d take it.”

  “You knew?”

  He just nodded. “That was a fun game, wasn’t it?”

  The scum. “Sure. Just peachy.”

  “Grab your bathing suit and we’ll go downstairs.”

  We left our room, changed into our bathing suits at the water park and joined my family. Mark and I played with my nieces, rode a few slides and finally were relaxing in the slow river on inner tubes. Mark pulled me to him and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling my head to his chest while we floated backward along the slow river of water around the park.

  “So, do you like my house?” he asked.

  “Sure. It’s better than what I have.”

  “Very funny. You have no house. What about the job? Have you given it more thought?”

  “Actually I have. I want to know why you’re using the gaming section as just a front and not using it to make money.”

  “Well, it wasn’t designed that way. That’s why.”

  “Is it making money?” I asked.

  “Sort of.”

  I stared up at the ceiling, which was painted to resemble a tropical waterfall with colorful birds and lush greenery. “Why not make it worthwhile and make it a real front?”

  Mark was quiet for a moment. I closed my eyes and suddenly felt him stroke my hair while I rested on his chest.

  “That’s a brilliant idea,” he said.

  “What is?”

  “Make the gaming section really work. Make it a real front and expand the business to actually bring in more money. You’re a genius!”

  I turned my head and glanced over at his face. “You’re kidding me, right?”

  “No. It’ll need a complete overhaul, too. Any ideas?”

  “Sure.” I gave him a few ideas, told him to branch out into the business area and become a true figurehead.

  “You should be running my company.”

  “Are you upset with me?” I asked.

  “Not at all. Do you mind if I use your ideas?”

  “Go ahead. I don’t mind at all, considering I only laid here on the river and talked to you. It wasn’t like a big energy drain on me or anything.”

  “I’m rethinking your position in the business, actually. I think you should be moved up closer to my level, and be made in charge of a few of the departments.”

  “You’re just saying that because I married you,” I murmured.

  “No. The problem with moving you up is because you married me. It’ll look bad to bring my new wife in and clean house. It’ll have to be done quietly and under the radar.”

  I smiled up at him and suddenly cringed when I saw what was coming up on the river. I hid my face and Mark turned around right as a waterfall hit us from above. He was drenched, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Oh, very funny,” he whispered. “Just for that…” He dumped my inner tube into the water and I went face first into the three-foot gentle stream. I came up from under him and dumped him as well. Fair enough, if you ask me.

  “Oops! Did I make you fall in?” I asked, covering my grin as he came up for air.

  “No, that obviously was my fault,” Mark said. “I think it’s time for dinner anyway.” He checked his watch, which fortunately was waterproof. “I have a phone call to make, too.”

  We both pulled our inner tubes to the nearest stairs and exited, dropping them into the huge pile of tubes. Mark grabbed a towel for each of us and wrapped one around me, then encircled me with his arms from behind, his mouth close to my ear. “Are you warm enough?”

  He really did care about me? How thoughtful! I was sure, now, that I was in love with Mark—regardless of the fact that I was also his wife. I thought about telling him more about my thesis, but didn’t trust his contacts. No, it could wait.

  Mark told everyone to meet back in the lobby at six and we went to our room. It was about four-thirty, so I hopped into the shower to get the chlorine out of my hair.

  The door to the bathroom opened just as I was getting my hair wet.

  “Can I join you?” Mark asked.

  “Well, I guess since we’re married—”

  The shower curtain opened and I instinctively looked down. “Oh my—”

  “You can bow to me later. Right now, I just want to get cleaned up.”

  “But…” I pointed at where I was looking, then pasted a smile on my face and raised my eyes.

  “You just wait till later,” he whispered. “Then we’ll see how excited you’ll really get.”

  He adjusted the nozzle to the showerhead toward both of us and picked up the shampoo. He spun me away from him and poured some of the shampoo in my hair, massaging it gently. It was so sensuous that I had to moan.

  “Oh, you like that.”

  “More than you’ll ever know.” I reached back and pulled his body against mine. Oh, he was hot all right. Hotter than hot. This marriage thing was feeling better and better.

  Mark turned me around to face him then lifted my chin. “Close your eyes.” His voice was low and it was almost as if he was seducing me already.

  I’d never had a nicer shower in my life. He rinsed out my hair and took the soap in his hands, which then moved behind me, lathering me all over my back. His lips met mine and he moved his hands to the front.

  I took the soap from him. “I can do that part.”

  “I want to do it,” he said. “You have a beautiful body and such creamy skin.”

  “Yeah, and you’ll get turned on and I’ll end up flat on my back and pregnant.”

  Mark started to laugh, then kissed me again. “I want to do this. Just enjoy it.”

  I watched as he lathered up his hands and kept his beautiful blue eyes on mine. I could have stopped him, but really didn’t want to. We were married and I deserved to be loved.

  He started at my neck and moved ever so slowly down to my chest then moved his hands to my sides and began massaging me. The anticipation was incredible, but we were suddenly interrupted by the phone ringing.

  “I guess I should get that,” I moaned.

  “Uh-huh.” He held on tighter, not letting me move. Just as his hands began to roam farther, the phone stopped ringing.

  “Oh darn, I missed it,” I said, out of breath.


  Within what seemed like seconds, someone banged at the door. “Amy! Let me in!”

it,” Mark said.

  “I’ll call management and have them let me in!” he yelled from the door.

  “It’s stupid Randy,” I whispered. “He’ll do it, too.”

  Mark backed away and grabbed a towel before he got out of the shower. “Save my place.”

  I winked and blew him a kiss, then continued my shower. Mark was still talking to Randy at the door when I wrapped myself in a towel. The voices silenced and I left the bathroom.

  “Is he gone?”

  “Yep.” Mark walked back into the room wearing only a pair of jeans. Oh man, he was hot.

  I raked my eyes over him, subconsciously licking my lips and swallowing hard.

  Mark laughed at me. “You’re in bad shape.”

  “No.” My eyes settled on his jeans. “Terrified.”

  “Oh, I doubt that, not after that shower. You were to wait for me.”

  I returned my eyes to his. “I was done. Did you want me to get all wrinkled?”

  He walked to me, put his hand on my cheek, caressing it. “You’d be adorable then, too.” He studied my eyes and I could’ve sworn he was seeing through me and into my soul. He leaned forward, touching his lips to mine.

  I stopped him from backing away and attacked him. The door flew open, and I stepped back from Mark.

  “Amy, what are you doing and why don’t you have any clothes on?” Randy asked, standing beside Brandy.

  “Didn’t I say to give us an hour?” Mark asked Randy.

  “Yeah, but I didn’t think you meant it.”

  “Well, I did. Now go away and leave us alone, please?”

  “We’d rather stay here,” Randy said, folding his arms over his chest. “I have to protect my sister.”

  “Out!” I yelled to my stupid brother. I pointed toward the door, but my towel began to slip, so I had to grab it.

  Randy walked in, sat on the bed and picked up the remote. Brandy joined him and they both glanced over at me while I tried to readjust my towel.

  Mark shook his head and took me by the shoulders. “Go in the bathroom and I’ll bring you some clothes.” He leaned up closer to me. “I’ll even help you get dressed.”

  “In the bathroom?” I whispered back.

  “Yep.” He winked. “It’s a challenge from the lack of space.” He spun me around and pointed me toward the bathroom, so I walked inside and dried my hair.


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