When The Light Goes Out

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When The Light Goes Out Page 6

by Jack Thompson

  I found my eyes glued to the completely soaked boy. He was dripping again, but no longer with blood. Actually, taking note in the very back of my mind, there was very little blood left on him. He pants looked wet and clean, and he was indeed shirtless, so I figured he'd washed his while I was otherwise occupied. And even while his face was completely expressionless, I couldn't beat down the fear that he was mad at me.

  Again. "Get up." Cold words.

  Yeah, he was mad. "Get up now."

  Very mad.

  But I got to my feet. My very shaky feet. "II'm sorry. I"

  "I ask for soap, and you disrobe?"

  "She grabbed my" I'd already started answering before I realized that he'd made a joke. A dry joke, true enough, but one all the same. I spent a moment staring at him, before he sighed, and grabbed my wrist. I couldn't tear my gaze from his.

  That was probably the desired effect. "Come on."

  I remained plastered to the floor. "Come on."

  I just stared at him, raising my free arm to cover myself. Making, what was more or less a point. I was not not going back to the others, shirtless. Never. Nuhuh. Not happening. Ever. No. I shot him a look that (I hoped) said as much. But he pulled me toward the door anyway.

  "We'll find you something to wear on the way. There has to be something somewhere." Keyword: Somewhere.


  Malachi ended up leading me back to the chemistry room which I completely understood. It was probably the only room in the school he was familiar with at all, aside from the auditorium, which he was only in for a few minutes anyway. I was only a little shocked that he didn't complain about my neglect in retrieving him his soap. But maybe he was just being dare I say sympathetic. Maybe he was taking pity on me, and the fact that I'd been attacked. Effectively double teamed.


  Just maybe. Maybe not.

  "I.. never got you the soap.." I couldn't help but whisper. Wanting the second shoe to drop, if it ever would. Or was it still the first shoe? I wasn't entirely sure. But he didn't spare me a glance with those cold eyes. As nervous as it made me, I was glad he didn't look at me. I didn't want to see the disappointment that was sure to be there.

  "It's all right." He barely turned his head as we entered the room.

  I didn't know why the boy was suddenly being so damn hospitable. After the verbal threats. The looks of death. Why was he being so kind? Why wasn't he being mean? I shook my head, cracking a small grin. One figured he realized how shaken up I was. One figured that he knew I was scared. Absolutely terrified.

  And cold.

  "Just help me wash my hair."

  I took a moment to look at him oddly, but understood. It had to be difficult to wash his own hair, especially since it was longer then most boys. Not the mention the sink was uncomfortably low. I wondered how he'd get his head close enough in the first place.

  I didn't respond to him directly though, choosing to nod and begin moving instead. I grew oddly grateful that I had no shirt. Less to get in the way, I figured. Less to get dirty. It was unfortunate that the moment I put my hands under the water I realized how damned cold it was. The draft in the room hit me like a shot in the dark. Was the water heater broken?


  "You sure?" I finally spoke.

  "I need to get this crap out of my hair."

  "All right." I walked a handful of steps, and grabbed the closest stool. Placing it beside the sink. "Sit?" "Thanks."

  I sighed, running hands under the water before gently gently taking hold of his head. After sliding the band from his hair, and wrapping it around my wrist, I nudged his head back, and chose to watch the way he was reclined rather then the way the water flowed red from his brown locks. The fact that his locks were brown was something to contemplate too. I'd originally thought his hair was black, but it was just the amount of blood. It was disturbing to watch it slip down the drain. There was so much of it.

  No wonder he wanted his hair washed.

  I also tried to ignore the sounds of shuffling footsteps outside the door. It was as if they knew we were in the room. The groans, however, weren't something I could block out. No matter how hard I tried. They hit me bone deep. They almost physically hurt. They were pitiful noises. Not even very loud. Like a child crying, quietly, for its mother. Wanting her to hear, but not wanting to alert the monsters under the bed of its position.

  "God, I wish they'd shut up." "They're getting to you, Excel." "So?"

  "You shouldn't allow them to. As far as any of us know, they feed on fear. They feed on pain. Perhaps it makes the flesh more tasty."

  I stared in horror at the brown haired man. Gazing down into honey eyes. He was.. he was grinning. It was pleasant to see he was capable of happiness. But I didn't understand why he was laughing. It didn't make any sense given the current circumstances. Unless..

  "Oh my God. Malachi. You made a funny!" I didn't speak in shock as much as amusement. I hadn't expected such a comment to come from the man. But it had. And he was grinning about it.

  Maybe he wasn't so bad. "Yes, well"

  A shriek cut him off. A shriek, and something slamming into the door of the classroom. A shriek that simply broke my heart, and had me running to the window. It came from out there. It came from out there, and there was something body slamming the door. I was scared.

  "Oh my God."

  "What?" Malachi asked, approaching the window from behind me, pulling his hair band from my wrist. "There's a kid out there!"


  Malachi didn't quite push me to the side as he made room for himself to look out, placing something over my shoulders in the process. It confused me long enough for him to effectively get me out of the way to view the situation. There, not so far in the distance, but rather hard to see due to the dim light, was what appeared to be a child. Barely coming to the stomach of the person attacking it. Screaming bloody murder. Probably scared as hell. I was scared as hell. I didn't know what to do.

  Malachi turned his head. I followed.

  He was looking down.

  "Malachi.." I tried to sound threatening. "Don't you dare. Don't you even think about it!" But he jumped regardless.

  At first, I gasped readying myself for the scream attempting to force its way out of my lungs. But the boy landed in a kneeling position, barely stumbling before he took of in a run. We were only on the second floor I realized. It wasn't a life threatening drop.

  But still, the ass jumped.

  "Malachi, you're an inconsiderate bastard!"

  I sighed when the boy didn't look back. He, I was beginning to realize, had a one track mind. If you didn't fit on that track, you either got bumped off, or ignored. Apparently, I was being ignored, and although I was pleased that he was going to save the child no one likes being ignored.

  Especially not with a flesh eating creature breaking in the glass windows of the door. "Dammit.."

  I looked down.

  At least there were no zombies down there. "Dammit.."

  It was getting to the point that I jumped every time that the thing hit the door. "Please don't let me die."

  I pulled whatever he'd put over my shoulders in front of me, trying to figure what it was. Realizing it was a leather coat, I slid it over my arms, and zipped up the front without wondering where it came from. Then I did the only thing I could think of. I grabbed hold of the window ledge, and pulled myself over it. Sitting only for a second before I pushed off. Unable to catch my breath. Unable to keep my eyes open though at the same time, I didn't want to close them. My heart wound up in my throat. My stomach in my knees. But, somehow, I refrained from screaming.

  Just groaned a bit when I landed on my butt, and rolled.

  "Jesus. If I get hurt for doing this, the boy will die." But I got the my feet, and raced in their direction all the same. Gasping when I caught the sight of Malachi almost physically throwing what appeared to be either a long haired boy, or a young girl out of the way of a diving zombie. I did m
y part by running forward, and scooping up the child, barely stumbling when the struggling mass was securely in my arms. "Shh.. shh. It's okay. Baby, it's okay. Calm down. We're not one of them. You're safe. You're safe."

  "They gots Louie!"

  "Louie?" I stared at the sobbing child in confusion. Wondering exactly who Louie was, and if I could help him. I just wanted the bawling girl to be quiet, and calm down. But I could tell it probably wasn't going to be happening anytime soon. Not with the way she started clawing at my shoulders like I was one of those monsters.

  "They gots Louie!!"

  "Malachi" I was cut off by two resounding gun shots. I barely flinched, but clung tighter to the terrified child. "There's a kid named Louie out there somewhere. We need to find him. She says they have him."

  "If they have him, he's dead." "We have to at least try."

  The boy looked back at me, and I could swear he was glaring death. Maybe he didn't want to go out on what could easily be a wild goose chase. Maybe he didn't want to risk his life like I was asking him to. Not to say I blamed him. But he nodded his head all the same, barely sparing a glance at the girl in my arms.

  Luckily he didn't outright throw the gun at me this time. He handed it to me.


  "Take her back to the school. Get her checked out. Dispose of her if you have to."

  I simply couldn't believe he said it. Couldn't believe he said it without hesitation. Then again I couldn't believe that my hand, the one not supporting the child's body, snapped out and across his face without hesitation as well. I couldn't believe he took the slap without a word. Just a nod of his head, and a nudge in the direction of the school.

  So I walked. Cooing kindly to the sobbing child. I did what I could to calm her down as I took to a jog not wanting to jar her out of position in my arms with a run, but knowing I

  had to get there quickly. At the same time, I had to keep the gun ready to shoot. It was bothersome. But not something I'd refuse to do. "I want Louie!"

  "Malachi's out looking for him right now. Shh.. it's okay. Calm down. Calm down." Unfortunately my assurances weren't doing much. The girl had taken to wailing, and several zombies were being drawn to the noise. The ringing that was beginning in my ears gave me half a mind to give her to them. But there was no way I could have. No way at all.

  With the need to get inside the building, and warn the others that children were now involved in the quickly growing dilemma, I sped up my jog. Doing my best not to get anywhere near the damned zombies. Completely forgetting that fact that, apparently, they could run but only for the few seconds before I was tackled to the ground. Child rolling from my arms, and away from me. Crying even harder.


  I raised the gun, only slightly, as the creature was trying to eat me. Shooting him in the mouth when he got close enough. After that it was all a matter of trying to get him off of me. Not so easy when its dead weight. But I did manage. Just enough to slide my legs from under him, and grow frantic when I couldn't immediately see the child.

  I was actually able to locate her, in the dark, due to her insistent screaming.

  "Shush!" I finally snapped, scooping her up one last time before actually taking off into a run. As much of a run as I could with the extra weight. Finding it hard to breath as the groans, and moans of the damned cannibals grew louder. I knew I needed to get into the school, damn quick. So, the moment I was sure I was within ear shot, I shouted. "Dustin!" I raised my voice even more when I wasn't positive he heard me. "Dustin! Open up! I've sort of got my arms full right now!"

  To my utter shock, the door actually opened. Just a little. A head barely stuck out. But next thing I knew the door flew open, and a man flew at me. A moment of uncontrollable fear warned me that it just might be a zombie out for my blood. But logic overruled that. Told me, "No." I wasn't willing to believe they knew how to open doors.


  "Give her to me." The order came from the man, as he took the child from me. Relieving me. "Cover us."

  So I nodded my head, doing as best I could to watch for moving shadows in the darkness. Praying that I would be able to see something coming at us, and shoot the pistol in time to save Dustin's neck. The little girls. I didn't want to be the reason behind their deaths.

  Even if I was a lousy shot.

  Considering I failed five point blank shots.. "Where's the boy?"

  "Malachi?" "Where is he?"

  "Went off to find Louie." "Who's Louie?"

  "I want Louie!" Came the bothersome wail from the small child. I didn't like thinking of it as bothersome, but the word popped up in my mind. I contributed it to my being tired.

  Come to think of it, I was tired. A yawn forced its way up my throat the moment I thought it. Listening to the way that Dustin was softly speaking to the child, the way that only a father would know how to, was making me a bit sleepy. Making me think of lullaby's and nightly stories. Comfy beds.

  I shook the thought out of my mind. It wasn't a time for distraction.

  The door was slammed closed behind me before I realized we'd walked through it.

  "How the hell did you get outside?!" It was the first time I actually heard Dustin sound angry, though he held it off until the child was passed off to Ian. His question made my heart stop for a moment figuratively of course as I stared.

  "I erm.. uhh.. We jumped?" "Jumped.."


  "You jumped.." "Only a little?" "How the hell"

  "Jesus, stop leaning on the door!"

  I hadn't noticed that the door was opening behind me. But it was, and Malachi was trying to get in. So I jumped out of the way, almost bumping into Dustin who also backed up a bit. The brunet closed the door behind himself, a grim look on his face.


  "The only even slightly living thing I found was a little boy that I had to" "I get the picture."

  I looked at the ground.

  I looked over at the little girl.

  I left Malachi to explain the situation to Dustin.

  I didn't really want to deal with it at that moment.

  However, there weren't very many places that I could go. I could travel the building, but I wasn't quite that daring. I could leave the building. But I didn't believe in suicide. So I just walked to the least crowded part of the auditorium, and sat on the floor. Pulling my knees to my chest, resting my face on them.

  There was only so much someone could take in one day, I reasoned. Only so much before one passed out, completely. Before they threatened to throw people out windows. Before they went through on those threats. I personally felt I was way past those three stages, and only staying awake because I felt extremely sick to my stomach, and had to concentrate on keeping it down. Keeping what down? I had no food left. I'd already lost my lunch. Tossed my cookies. Threw up.


  Dammit all to hell. "Excel?"

  "Yes, Dustin?" I responded quietly, calmly, from the safety of my knees. I hadn't heard him walk over. "Are you okay?"

  "We're being invaded by zombies, Dustin." "Yes, I know that."

  "Should I be okay?" "Good point." "Thank you."

  I never bothered lifting my head, or my voice. Instead I just kept my eyes closed. Barely holding onto a thread of consciousness. I wanted, so desperately to go to sleep. To go to sleep, and do one of two things. Either wake up, and find out that the entire situation was a terrible, terrible, flu induced nightmare. Or not wake up at all.

  I was thinking of death far, far too often. "Excel?"

  "Yes, Ian?" I still didn't lift my head. I didn't raise my voice. I just sighed a sigh that I hoped told him I was as close to sleep as I would probably get for a while. "Are you okay?"

  "Ian, do you realize that we're being invaded by zombies?" "Well, yeah. But"

  "That I just killed one of our classmates?" "Yeah, that"

  "I'm trying, desperately, to go to sleep?" "Well, I figured but"

  "And last, but most definitely not least
drum roll please I just went through this with Dustin!" I looked up then. Flashing a completely random, and incredibly toothy grin at the boy. "No, Ian. I'm not okay. You can go away now." And I placed my face back on my knees.

  Sure, dismissing the boy rather rudely made me feel bad. But that wasn't the point. I was tired. With a capital "T". Snore while I'm awake, tired. And the numerous people asking me the same question, while all I wanted to do was sleep whether I had to cry myself to that state or not wasn't putting me in a pleasant mood. It wasn't making me optimistic about the situation. It just wasn't.


  "Yes, Malachi?" Exasperation that time.

  "You're not okay."

  "Thank you for speaking the obvious, and previously stated." "What's wrong?"

  "Who sent you?"

  "Those two guys. Why?" "Purple. Now go away." "Make me."

  "Realize, Malachi, I still have your gun."

  A moment of hesitation before, "That you do, Excel." "Go away."


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