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Rouge Page 27

by Isabella Modra

  “You don’t want to?” He pinned her arms down, kneeling over her. Her shoulder throbbed in pain, but she was learning to ignore it.

  Hunter raised her head and planted a kiss on his lips. “Of course I do. I want this to be the rest of my life. I want to make love to you until I’m ninety five and I can hardly spread my legs.”

  Eli frowned. “That’s an attractive thought.”

  “Shut up. Let’s just sit here, okay? Let’s put on some music, enjoy the moment and try to come down from this magical high you’re on. And I’m pretty sure we’re out of condoms.”

  “Well that’s a sentence I’d love my friends to hear.” Eli pecked her and jumped off the bed. “What are you in the mood for?”

  “Surprise me.”

  With Eli’s back to her, Hunter had the pleasure of watching him lean over his laptop. In the glow of his golden lamp, his skin looked like a perfect blank canvas, rippled by the deep muscles of his broad shoulders. An old seventies folk song played softly and Eli turned back to her. He was glowing. Hunter hadn’t ever seen a more beautiful and happy person in her life.

  Eli slowly climbed into the bed beside her. He propped himself up on one arm and stared into her eyes.

  “Why did your mom leave?” she asked.

  A small portion of the light left Eli’s eyes. “Why do you want to know?”

  “I just want to know more about you. You know absolutely everything there is to know about my past, and it’s pretty shocking.”

  He nodded, his eyes full of memories that dragged him back to a bad place. “Um… my Dad was going through a hard time at work, and so he was a very hard person to be around. Mom never really… she wasn’t into the whole ‘being rich’ scenario. She always wanted to live normally, away from the big city. But Dad always put his needs before hers. She just got sick of it.”

  “Didn’t she want to take you with her?”

  Eli gave a short, humorless laugh. “Let’s just say she learned a thing or two from my dad about selfishness. She just left. Couldn’t handle it anymore. No note or anything.”

  “Didn’t you try to find her?”

  Eli sat up. “Can we talk about something else?” he asked, slipping out of the covers.

  “Wait.” Hunter’s hand shot out and she snatched his arm. Squeezing gently, she pulled him back beside her. “I’m sorry. We don’t have to talk about that now. When will you hear from Yale?”

  Looking relieved, Eli lay his head on the pillow. “Not for a while. I’d really like to get in, but I sort of feel… you know, pressured. Like I get all these good grades, and it’s almost expected for me to go to college and study something difficult like medicine or advanced engineering. But a part of me just wants to get out and… you know, see the world. Travel.”

  Hunter had been staring at the line of freckles down Eli’s neck when his head rolled on the pillow to stare at her.

  “What do you want to do, besides go to Hamilton?”

  “It doesn’t matter,” she said. “Whatever I want to do will be ruined by my stupid power.”

  Eli shifted on the bed so he faced her. “You don’t have to change your entire life just because you have a power.”

  “Yes I do Eli. My shift tonight proved that. No matter what I do, no matter what college I go to or what job I get, I’ll always be judged. And if I’m not out there saving the world, people will judge me anyway. I have no future ahead of me.”

  “Hunter.” He leaned over and ran his fingers gently down her jaw. “Don’t let this stop you from what you want to be. It’s your life, now you live it how you want, understand me?”

  She smiled. “Yes sir.”

  Eli kissed her again, and Hunter wondered when the feel of his mouth on hers had become so familiar. It was as if she knew his body like her own. They’d spent all week together at his house, avoiding Mr. Akerman and praying he didn’t hear them rock the bed so many times in a day. Eli studied hard, and Hunter tried to focus on her work, but there was so much for her to think about. Joshua hadn’t made any attempt at contacting her. Not even a message on her phone.

  But even though it had been the craziest week of her life, it had also been the best, because she spent every moment of it with Eli. And they had Prom to look forward to.

  Mr. Akerman and Eli had argued long into the night when he and Melissa returned home on Tuesday evening. Hunter stood back - even though she wished she could throw a flaming ball of fire at Eli’s father just to shut him up. But Eli held his own for the very first time, and in the end Mr. Akerman accepted the terms that it was only temporary. She was grateful for even that, but it was still hard to ignore the hard glares from Mr. Akerman and the taunting and prickly gaze Melissa ran over her like a sharp knife.

  The only peace she felt was when they closed Eli’s bedroom door and were alone with each other.

  But her life still wasn’t perfect. What worried her the most was the fact that Jack hadn’t been in contact. According to Eli, this wasn’t normal at all, and he grew anxious also. She’d suggested maybe they go to his house to check on him, but Eli dismissed the idea.

  “What’s wrong with his home?”

  Eli had that uncomfortable look on his face that he had when he tried to hide something by painting over the truth. “Jack’s family is... complicated.”

  Hunter waited impatiently for him to explain, and finally Eli gave up.

  “His parents were killed a few years ago. He was only thirteen, and his sister was twelve. No one volunteered to take them in, so they were put into foster care until the two of them ran away. Jack looks after Clare, living off the meager inheritance his parents left them. Poor guy hardly gets any time for himself, except soccer once a week. He studies like a madman. He wants to go to college way more than I do.”

  Hunter wished Eli hadn’t said anything. No wonder he was so pushy that night at the library. He just wanted someone to talk to. Fear stabbed at Hunter’s heart. What had happened to him?

  She’d considered calling Joshua. A terrible feeling had been brewing inside her soul that Joshua had something to do with Jack’s disappearance. After all, Miss Smart had been killed only a few days after she’d told Joshua that her teacher knew of her powers. Joshua could have seen her talking to Jack the other night. Was it really possible that Joshua was behind all her heartache? That he would stoop to such a level to keep her protected?

  “What’s the matter?” asked Eli, and Hunter snapped back to the present where Eli was leaning over her on the mattress. He held in his hands a small silver digital camera. The flash went off and Hunter was blinded.

  “Eli!” she shouted and tried to swat it away from him. “What are you doing?”

  “I want to remember this night.” He raised the camera. Hunter threw her hands in front of her face just in time for the flash.

  “Stop it!”

  “Come on Hunter, please? Here,” he sat against the headboard beside her and raised the camera in front of the both of them. “Smile.”

  Sighing, Hunter made a face for the camera just to humor him. After a few more minutes, Eli had a collection of silly photos on his camera that he couldn’t wait to print.

  “You’re so cute, aren’t you?”

  Eli rested a fist under his chin and batted his eyelashes. “Don’t you know it?” Hunter laughed again as Eli placed the camera back on his desk. “But things are about to get a little more R-rated.”

  Hunter threw out her arms. “Bring it on.”

  And Eli’s grin grew wide as he dove on the bed.

  thirty- six

  The night of Prom, Hunter felt as if her dreams were becoming reality. After a perfect week, it would all be over in one perfect night, a night every teenage girl dreams about. Sure, Hunter had a lot more on her mind than any other girl her age, and she was never really one for partying, but getting dressed up for Eli and celebrating the end of high school was well worth getting excited over.

  The dress she wore was full length, flowing with chi
ffon material and a slit down the side. Silver diamantes spiraled around the hip where the back curved, revealing and very sexy. It was exactly her kind of dress. And, it was white, which went beautifully with the messy up-style of her rich red hair. She borrowed Melissa’s black high-heeled pumps and some of her less provocative silver jewelry. It was lonely doing her own hair, and Hunter kept wishing her mother stood behind her holding the curling iron and telling her how beautiful she looked.

  But when she came downstairs and found Eli waiting for her in a smart black tuxedo and red tie, all thoughts of her mother vanished. His eyes lit up like Christmas lights at the sight of her, and she blushed feverishly.

  “You look like an angel,” Eli whispered, coming towards her and slipping the white corsage on her wrist, blooming with red roses. “I knew that dress would go perfectly with your hair.”

  She twirled playfully for him. “You like?”

  “I’d like more to rip it off you,” he replied with a wink and she opened her mouth in false shock. Oh how he had changed since the night they met.

  “And for the final piece de resistance-” Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out her mother’s silver necklace. “I bought you a new chain after we broke the other one.”

  “Thank you.” She turned around, staring at the pair of them in the hallway mirror.

  As Eli attacked the chain, he brushed a small kiss against the scar on her shoulder, giving Hunter goose-bumps. Behind his glasses, those green and brown eyes sparkled. “Get ready for the best night of your life,” he whispered and swept her into a passionate kiss.

  Mr. Akerman came downstairs. “Limo’s here,” he grumbled. “Have a nice evening.”

  “You too Mr. Akerman,” replied Hunter, for nothing, not even the hatred in Mr. Akerman’s eyes, could ruin her mood. “Don’t wait up for us.”

  The first trace of a smirk crossed his lips, but then it turned into a scowl and he trumped off into the kitchen. Eli took Hunter’s hand and guided her to the limo outside.

  The air was warm and brushed Hunter’s loose curls around her neck as she climbed into the limo. Inside, there was non-alcoholic champagne and soft music playing. Eli slipped in beside her and they enjoyed the ride alone, laughing about Mr. Akerman’s reaction and school and life. Normal things that were rare and beautiful for Hunter.

  The limo arrived outside the Iris Hotel where seniors and their partners were already entering. The golden light from the lobby spilled onto the red carpet that had been set up for the prom and Eli and Hunter climbed the steps inside. Being their first public appearance together as an official couple, the two of them smiled and greeted some of Eli’s friends - all of which looked Hunter up and down in awe. She had never seen Eli so happy, and the grip he kept on her arm was so tight she couldn’t help but laugh inside.

  They linked arms and lined up for photos, mingling with other students and marveling at the decorations inside the foyer and banquet hall where the prom was held. Silver and gold sparkled from every corner of the room, right down to the over-the-top chandeliers and balloons to the glittering confetti that covered the floors.

  The prom was everything Hunter imagined it to be. She hardly noticed the stares, which were no longer disgusted. Her classmates now looked at her just like her customers in the restaurant; curious and sometimes even enthralled. Everyone was suspicious that she was the red-headed heroine who had run into the burning building. She was, after all, involved in Miss Smart’s rescue. They’d be blind not to put the pieces together.

  Regardless, she ignored it all. It was a magical night that she wished would never end. They danced each song together. They laughed as they ate at a table with Eli’s friends. They clapped and cheered for the awards given for ‘best dressed’ and ‘most likely to’. Hunter delighted in every moment that she shared with Eli. She began to wonder when things would start to go wrong again, because how could her life be any more perfect?

  “So how does it feel to be graduating?” she asked as they swayed to the music on the dance floor beneath the golden chandelier. Other couples around them were immersed in their own conversations, or just simply enjoying the feel of being in each other’s arms.

  “It’s been a long time coming, that’s for sure,” he replied. “I just can’t wait to get out there and start helping other causes. There’s a benefit at the aquarium next weekend. We’re raising money for a trip to Canada to save the Polar bears.”

  “For the love of Sushi, Eli, could you be more selfless?”

  He chuckled. “Did you want me to start doing drugs or something?”

  “No. But if you told me you were an assassin, I wouldn’t care.”

  “As a matter of fact, last night when you were asleep I crept out of the house, flew in my jet to China and battled against the Asian mafia. They were after an ancient Japanese relic believed to have healing powers.”

  “And did you retrieve said relic?” she asked solemnly.

  He sighed. “Unfortunately no. We were sabotaged by Jackie Chan.”

  They chuckled together, swaying to Aerosmith and kissing sometimes. The dazzling lights and electric disco ball cast a dream-like haze around them. They danced a while longer and when the song was over, Eli offered to get some drinks. He kissed her on the cheek.

  “Try not to miss me,” he whispered.

  “That’s impossible.”

  The crowd swallowed Eli and an odd feeling of loneliness washed over her. Hunter moved through the throng of swishing dresses to the chairs and tables decorated in white cloths and beautiful candelabras. She sat at their empty table and took the time to absorb the night. A popular song was playing, and the seniors and their dates were jumping and laughing and dancing to the music. Everywhere she looked there were smiles and laughter. She let herself relax and waited for Eli to return.

  Instead, her pleasant moment was interrupted by Clare Holloway.

  “Hey Hunter,” she said timidly, eyeing the seat beside her but not sitting down. She wore a pink silk dress with a white sash around her waist. “Can we talk somewhere… private?”

  Frowning, Hunter stood immediately. This could only be about Jack, and Hunter had been worried sick all week about him. She quickly scanned the crowd for Eli but saw no sight of him. He was probably still making his way to the drinks table.

  “Sure.” She and Clare hurried out of the main auditorium and into an empty hallway. “Is this about Jack?”

  Clare’s honey brown eyes saddened as they faced each other in the dim light. Hunter realized that Clare didn’t look her usual bubbly, arrogant self. Her eyes were dark and hollow, covered by make up to hide the bags. Her entire body sagged.

  “Have you heard from him? He went to the hospital to visit you on Sunday, and he hasn’t come home since.”

  Hunter’s heart began to pound with worry. “What?”

  “I’m freaked out. It’s been nearly a week. I’ve had to scrounge up food and called everyone Jack knows.”

  “What about the police?”

  Clare’s bottom lip shivered. “I don’t want to lose him Hunter!” she sobbed. “If I call the police, it will just prove how serious this is. If Jack is gone, I’ll have no family left. None.”

  “Hey-” Hunter put a comforting hand on the young girl’s shoulder. She didn’t know how to reassure her, because she didn’t know where Jack was. But she could promise to get him back. Because after hearing nothing from Joshua all week, the doubt swirling inside her was becoming clear. He had something to do with it. He had to. “Clare, I promise you I’ll find him. I’m sure he’s just worried about his studies and has forgotten to let you know. Just enjoy your night, okay?”

  Clare let out a long, shaky breath and nodded. “Okay. Th-thank you Hunter.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Clare pulled out a compact mirror. “I can’t believe I’m ruining my make-up. I have to look my best tonight.”

  Hunter smiled. There’s the Clare I know and… well, there’s the Clare I know. “Y
ou look amazing.”

  Clare beamed at her. “So do you. And… if you do see Jack? Can you just tell him that I love him no matter what? He’ll know what I mean.” Hunter frowned in confusion, but nodded all the same. “I’ll see you later, okay?”

  “Sure.” Hunter watched her hurry back to the prom and reached into her clutch. As much as she dreaded this, she needed to talk to Joshua. If he knew where Jack disappeared to, only she could get it out of him.

  But there was already a message from him in her inbox.

  ‘Hunter, I’m losing it. I can’t stand this distance. I know you’re at Prom and I hope you’re having a wonderful time but… please come back to me. I’m sorry for whatever I did to upset you. I’m only doing what’s best for you. But I’m afraid that I can’t control it anymore. I’m truly sorry.’

  Hunter’s hands shook as she lowered her phone and lifted her gaze. Her head was swimming. What did he mean by that? As she stood in the corridor and ran through everything Joshua had done since discovering her powers, a new message appeared on the screen of her phone. She shakily opened the window and read the note.

  ‘I’ve got a surprise for you. Meet me in room 23 on level 8. The key is in the pot plant. Love you.’

  Hunter’s heart fluttered in excitement. Just when she thought things were going to take a turn for the worst again, Eli swooped in to save the night. He did say he wanted to get me out of the dress, she thought to herself as she ran to the elevator. Screw Prom, I’ve got better things to do.

  Hunter couldn’t keep her breathing even as she took the elevator to level 8. The golden doors slid open flawlessly to a long corridor with rows of doors. It was brightly lit and well furnished, but she didn’t care. When she came to the end of the corridor, she found room 23 and, as the text described, the key-card stuck up in the soil, the fake fern looking dead and droopy. Hunter reached for the key and froze.

  Wait a minute… Eli hates fake plants. He said so himself the night we met at the university benefit. It was just moments before we left the hotel.


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