EROTICA: The Biker's Girl (Biker Mystery Romance) (Erotic Bad Boy BBW BWWM Romance)

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EROTICA: The Biker's Girl (Biker Mystery Romance) (Erotic Bad Boy BBW BWWM Romance) Page 4

by Jolie Day

  A knock at the door. Georgie grinned and opened it to see Charlie standing there, ready to take her away. The sight of him took her breath away all over again and she was struck once more with the sense that this was madness.

  “Hello,” she greeted, suddenly feeling shy.

  “Hello.” Charlie wasn’t shy. He was grinning at her with that big, confident grin of his and looking around her apartment with interest to look for packed bags and check that she hadn’t got cold feet. “Are you ready?”

  Georgie picked up her bag. “Let’s go.”

  “Wait. I have something for you.”

  Charlie handed her a bag and Georgie peered inside to see a set of folded leathers tucked up neatly inside. She laughed out loud.

  “Are you serious? Me, in leathers?”

  The biker’s lips curled into a sexual smile. “I can’t wait to see them. If you’re riding with me, I want you to be safe.”

  Georgie thought his intentions were sweet, but still, she didn’t know that she’d look good stuffed into a pair of leather trousers. Yet, she knew that if she ever happened to come off the bike, she’d want the extra protection, so she let Charlie in and headed to her bedroom to get changed.

  The leathers were so tight that she had to roll them up over her legs and ample thighs. She felt ridiculous pulling them on, yet, by the time she’d done up the button, she found herself admiring her own reflection in the bedroom mirror. It turned out she looked bloody good in leather. The black sheen of the soft material made her curves look powerful and alluring and she felt empowered. She twisted and turned in front of the mirror and then pulled on the leather jacket over her vest. Oh wow. That looked good. Dressed head to toe in leather with her hair up in that messy bun once more, she looked like a woman not to be messed with and she radiated sexual prowess.

  She returned to the sitting room where Charlie was waiting for her and she saw his eyes light up when he caught sight of her in her new riding gear.

  “That’s more like it!” he said, stepping back to look her over from head to toe. He stepped across the room and put his hands on her waist, discovering how her curves felt in leather. Georgie could tell that he was aroused by the way his tongue briefly emerged to lick his lips like a tomcat on the prowl. His hands reached down to unbutton those trousers once more but Georgie giggled and gave him a little push away playfully. “Come on. Let’s get out of here.”

  They left the apartment. Georgie locked the door behind her and wondered when she’d next see her little home. She hadn’t wanted to give it away just yet. After all, she barely knew Charlie and this whole thing was crazy. She had just enough savings to cover a couple of month’s rent while she was away and then she’d have to take a long look at her life and decide where she was going next.

  Charlie handed her a helmet when they were down by the bike and she mounted the vehicle. Then they drove to the outskirts of town and dismounted to wait for the others to join them. One by one the other bikers arrived and came to dismount and stand at the side of the road to wait for the whole pack to assemble. That was when Georgie really started having doubts about what she was doing. It was one thing to ride off into the sunset with Charlie, but she didn’t know how she felt about joining a whole pack of bikers on the road.

  Most of them were older than Charlie and she’d met many of them at Mickey’s over the last few days. She felt herself wither under their glares as they all cast her harsh, judging stares as they met up.

  “What’s she doing here, Charlie?” Jimmy spat. “You know what she’s done. Having her here is not going to go down well with the group. Some of us are loyal to Mickey. He picked you up when you had nowhere else to go and this is how you repay him?”

  “She’s with me.”

  That was all Charlie said in response and his words made Georgie’s heart flutter. He seemed to have some kind of presence within the group, as although the other bikers continued to glare at her, nobody said another word about the fact that she was coming along. Now she was really worried. She’d quit her job on an impulse protecting the reputation of these men and decided to leave everything behind to follow Charlie into the unknown, but she could sense she was unwelcome here, even with the other women.

  One of them was Charlene, a woman in her mid-thirties who managed to be both gangly and busty. She was standing next to Jimmy’s bike and looking over at Georgie with open contempt and smoking a cigarette. She purposefully flicked the butt in Georgie’s direction and then mounted Jimmy’s bike once more, preparing to ride.

  Georgie put her hand on Charlie’s arm to get his attention and looked up into his face with concern.

  “Maybe this is isn’t such a good idea, Charlie,” she said softly. “I don’t think these guys want me here.”

  Charlie responded by defiantly throwing his arm around her shoulders and then throwing a smoldering glare around the pack. “You’re with me. They know better than to be disrespectful.”

  He said it loudly enough that the others could hear and it made a few mouths curl into scowls. Georgie shook her head again and tried to open the compartment at the side of Charlie’s bike to remove her things.

  “It’s not a good idea, Charlie.”

  Charlie silenced her with a kiss. It was the kind of kiss that was designed to silence a woman when she doubted herself and her right to do whatever the hell she wanted. It was the kind of kiss that let a girl know that she was under the wing of someone who’d always protect her. It was the kind of kiss that said a man had known her body and wanted to know it again. The biker firmly pressed the lid of the compartment shut again. “You’re with me.”

  Georgie had never before had a man speak that way about her before, but she didn’t feel objectified, but rather, chosen. She felt like Charlie had selected her from all the pretty young things in Darton to be his and that being his meant something more than just being someone to lie with at night. After all, here he was putting noses out of joint with his biker family to keep her by his side. Georgie was still nervous, but she found herself nodding and throwing her leg over the body of the bike.

  The biker smiled approvingly, climbed onto the bike, pulled Georgie’s arms around him and then, when she was holding on tightly, he kicked down and twisted his wrists and the bike began to roar. Georgie pulled her helmet on and then leaned forward to hold onto Charlie closely. Her nerves dissipated a little when her chest was pressed against his back. She felt safe nestled there, even though the pack viewed her as the enemy.

  Soon she forgot about all the glares and hostility as the pack began to ride. There was something so thrilling about riding along in a group like a group of hunters. The growl of engines all around her made Georgie feel like she was riding in the center of an angry storm. They drew stares from the pedestrians of every town they passed through as the sound of their engines and the sight of their distinctive, black leathers caused people to look twice. Georgie loved the way it felt to have people looking at her that way, wondering who she was beneath the helmet. Her anonymity gave her a strange feeling of power over all those people who were stuck in one place. Not her. She was free now.


  They rode all day and as the sun began to set, the pack came to a stop at a cheap motel which they obviously frequented as a number of rooms had already been set aside for them. Charlie accepted the key from the front office and led Georgie to their room. She looked around the run-down little place with interest and asked Charlie about his lifestyle.

  “How do you guys afford to stay at a different motel every night?”

  Charlie shrugged. “It varies. Sometimes they’ll let us stay a night for free in exchange for a few repairs or a couple of weeks’ work in the winter months. One way or another you always get by. How did you find the ride today?”

  Georgie’s muscles were aching and she was a little tired and cold, but she didn’t want Charlie to think of her as weak, so she gave a little shrug and a coy smile and said, “It was fun.”

p; “You get used to the cold and your body will loosen up in time,” he told her with a little laugh. “I was impressed that you didn’t make a fuss. I’ve met tons of girls who throw a fit over too many hours on a bike.”

  “Tons of girls, hey?”

  Charlie chuckled and pulled Georgie towards him. “You jealous?”

  She gave a little shrug. “Hey, I hardly know you. It’s none of my business who you pick up.”

  “I like that you’re jealous.”

  Georgie couldn’t help but smile when he said that. Sure, she didn’t like the thought of Charlie having been with hundreds of girls along the way, but then again, she could hardly blame him. He was a handsome man after all. She watched him as he shrugged off his jacket and then pulled off his T-shirt to expose that perfect body.

  “I’m going to take a shower,” he announced. “Are you going to join me?”

  She was tired and aching, but the sight of Charlie’s rippling abdominal muscles somehow made her forget all her aches and pains and her body started to feel very different sensations instead. Slowly, she unzipped her jacket and kicked off her leather trousers so that she was standing in her vest and panties. Charlie grinned in anticipation and slowly sauntered over to the door of the little motel bathroom, throwing it open and setting the shower running until the little tiled room began to fill up with steam. He pulled Georgie in after him and pulled her shirt off from over her head and then reached around to take off her bra, letting her breasts bounce free. He cupped one appreciatively in one hand and that devilish grin returned.

  “All mine...”

  They both finished undressing and stepped into the shower. Georgie could have felt uncomfortable standing fully nude in front of Charlie whose body was such perfection, but he seemed to utterly relish each and every one of her curves and delight in the feel of her flesh, which came in handfuls. Her desire and sexual need began to mount as the water covered them both. The steamy droplets cascaded down Charlie’s face, making his masculine brow seem even more brooding and his blue eyes more intense as the droplets rolled down from his eyebrows and over the cut from where he’d defended her the night before. His hair became wet and flattened into little spikes. She reached up and ran her hands through it, making those little spikes stand on end.

  Her touch aroused him and Georgie could feel his hard member pressing against her leg before she looked down and saw how her naked body and the steamy water had made him harden. Suddenly Charlie pressed her up against the wall of the shower. The coolness of the tiles against her back when her body was growing pink from the steam made her gasp and then she gasped again when Charlie began to touch her, but she soon let herself sink into the feeling. Every time she began to doubt that she’d done the right thing, Charlie would awaken that other half of herself that was pleasure-seeking and wild and she’d tell herself that she deserved to feel this good.

  They made love in the shower and Georgie emerged from the bathroom feeling rejuvenated in more ways than one. She wrapped her white cotton robe around herself and let her damp hair fall over her shoulders. Almost immediately Charlie emerged naked from the bathroom himself, placed his hands on her hips and pressed himself against her back as though he were ready to go again. Georgie could have easily sunk into his embrace again and given into the pleasure a second time, but she had work to do. She spun to face him and planted an apologetic kiss on his lips.

  “I’ve got work to do.”

  “I thought you lost your job?”

  “Someone gave me an idea about what I should do next.”

  “A blog?”

  “That’s right.”

  Charlie smiled with interest and casually sat down on the bed, unashamed of his nudity and seeming pleased at the way Georgie’s eyes kept wandering over to his perfect body. She opened her laptop and set it on the desk in the corner of the motel room. She’d packed it in the thickest laptop bag that money could buy and padded it out with tons of extra padding in the hopes that it would survive on the road and she breathed a sigh of relief when it whirred into life, despite probably having been heavily rattled on the way.

  “What are you writing about?”

  Georgie gave a little shrug. “The new me.”

  “Oh yeah? And what’s she about?”

  The writer threw a devilish glance over her shoulder. “Sex in the shower with horny bikers.”

  Charlie let out a loud laugh and nodded in approval. “I’d read that over the boring small-town propaganda you were writing any day.”

  Pleased with his reaction, Georgie began to write as Charlie reclined back on the bed and flicked on the television. She flexed her fingers for a while over the keyboard and tried to think of how to begin. Eventually the words came and she found that she couldn’t stop smiling as she began to write.

  ...We traveled on the bike all day today. Now, I’ve tried my fair share of workouts over the years to try and get in shape and impress the men around me, and I’ll tell you this: nothing hurts your muscles more than a day on a motorbike. I hurt all over, but it was worth every second of it. The sights I saw were incredible. A sunset looks so different when you’re travelling at speed with your arms wrapped around the waist of a gorgeous man who’s entirely in control. In fact, riding a bike as a passenger is a lot like having sex. It’s two people’s bodies moving together for one hell of an experience. I should know, as today I’ve had both.

  Georgie read back what she’d written and felt herself blush. Was it really in her best interest to write about her sex life on the internet? What would her mother say to read something like this or any of the nice boys who’d tried to woo her with flowers and candlelit dinners? Georgie felt her discomfort for only a moment, but then decided to persevere and be as honest as she could about the whole experience. Before she knew it, she’d put down everything into the little text box on her blog page and her hand hovered over whether or not to press the ominous publish button. She’d written not only about the sights and sounds and smells of riding on a bike, but also about the hostility from the other bikers and how Charlie had stood up for her, about how she’d felt to walk into a shady hotel room when she was used to her home comforts and how none of it had mattered when Charlie had said “she’s with me”. It was personal and revealing and more than a little saucy, but Georgie felt like she had to get it out there. She felt like she’d been holding her breath for years, unable to even breathe through the repression of closed minds all around her and haunted by all the opportunities she’d missed by playing it safe. Enough of that now. Now she was speaking for herself and this was her life. She clicked publish defiantly and sat back with a satisfied smile.

  “You finished?” Charlie asked, noticing her pose change as she came to the end of her post. “Can I read it?”

  Georgie hesitated for a moment, but then brought up the published page and stepped back from the computer to let Charlie read. She watched with baited breath as his eyes scanned the text and her smile grew larger as she saw Charlie’s expression change from surprise, to amusement, to the same kind of look he had just before he pulled her into the shower.

  “This is great stuff, Georgie!” he said at last.

  “It’s not too much? It’s not what I’d usually write.”

  Charlie shook his head firmly. “It’s you. It’s funny, it’s a bit naughty and when you read it it’s like being right there on the bike with you. It’s awesome.”

  Georgie smiled again and felt a little buzz that someone had read something she’d written and seemed to genuinely see some value in it. She closed down her laptop and turned her eyes to Charlie with a cheeky grin.

  “Now you can hit on me again.”


  Charlie was great. Georgie was finding that he had a great sense of humor once you got to know him and he was loyal and much more mature than a lot of the men she’d met around his age before. He had a sense of adventure about him that was so refreshing and the sex was mind-blowing. She’d never met anyone with a se
xual appetite quite like his before. It didn’t matter what time of day it was, what she was wearing or where they were, Charlie wanted her every moment of every day and she was constantly having to move his wandering hands away time and time again the second they were away from watching eyes for even a moment. Even though she fought her urges to give into his advances much of the time, secretly she was just as turned on as him. She was living in a perpetual state of sexual desire that made each moment feel electric. It didn’t matter what they were doing, the way Charlie looked at her and spoke to her in low, husky words made the moment feel erotic and Georgie wasn’t used to feeling so in tune with her own body and desires. She felt like she was coming to life after being asleep for a long, long time.

  Still, no matter how well things were going with Charlie or how he hungered for her, Georgie still hadn’t won favor with any of the other members of the pack three days later. On this day, the bikers came to a stop at a gas station to refuel and as Georgie was wandering the aisles looking for a snack, Charlene came up behind her and began to get nasty.

  “You shouldn’t be here,” she hissed. “You’ve got no loyalty to this group. You’re slumming it just because a good-looking guy has given you the time of day. You’re just some middle class slut making a fool of herself. As soon as Charlie comes across a younger, slimmer girl, he’ll drop you like a ton of bricks and then you won’t be so smug.”

  Georgie was shocked at the confrontation. She’d hardly even spoken to Charlene and didn’t feel she deserved this kind of abuse. She didn’t like the way the woman’s words sounded like a threat either, but Georgie wasn’t about to be walked all over by Jimmy’s bit on the side. She squared up to Charlene defiantly and looked her straight in the eye.


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