Be Mine Forever_Darcey's_Book 2

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Be Mine Forever_Darcey's_Book 2 Page 11

by Mary Lynn Cooper

  “Here’s a plane ticket. Let’s go after Christmas. Your grandfather invited me to your family’s party.”

  She gulped and stared at the ticket on the table. “Yes, my family would love to have you there.”

  “So, shall we start all over again?” His tone had shifter. The anger was gone. He was almost pleading. His beautiful eyes were soft as they searched her face.

  She breathed deeply. Her feelings for him ran deep, there was no denying that. But she didn’t want to be impulsive, especially not after the pain of their breakup.

  “Can you just give a little more time? I want to be there for you, but not as your part-time girlfriend.”

  “That’s why I want you to come with me and tell my mum that you’re not doing that feature piece in Japan. If you really want to visit Japan, I’m due to meet investors there in April. We could go there and enjoy the sakuras together.”

  “Are you serious? Sissi will fire me!”

  “So what? Is her media company the only one you can work for? There are plenty of other companies that’ll hire you. Do you have any idea how talented you are?”

  “Right! Because there were tons of firms offering me jobs for years and years. I babysat for the Leighton’s out of passion.” She didn’t bother to hide the sarcasm dripping from her voice.

  “You said you love me. Come fly with me. Run away with me, and I promise you, I’ll give you the world.” He reached for her hand but she pulled away.

  She immediately took a sip of wine and exhaled slowly. “I’m no longer the Darcey who didn’t care for responsibilities, who didn’t know what she wanted. I actually love this job. I’m not doubting you can give me the world.”

  Because you are my world, she wanted to add but didn’t.

  The expression on his face was stoic. But his voice betrayed his emotions. “I guess this breakup is a proper one then? You’re choosing your career over me?”

  She scoffed. “That’s very unfair. This is blackmail!”

  “I cancelled a multi-million dollar deal to fly here because I missed you. I was willing to trade the whole world for you, my own career goals for..for us.” He stood up, his own hands had formed into tight fists. “But you’re just like my mother. Now I see why my father left. No man can compete with ambition.”

  She stood up and glared at him. “Nathan, I’m not choosing my career over you. This is the first time in years I feel like I’m doing something that I love. And I thought you of all people would be the most supportive!”

  To her horror, their waiter came over and asked if they were all right. Nathan asked for the bill. Turning back to her, his tone grew chilly. “I am. Well, I was your biggest cheerleader until your job took you away from me. From us. Until my own mother took you away from me.” A sardonic laugh escaped his lips, stinging her ears.

  “Please don’t make it hard for me.” She sat down, a feeling of dread and defeat enveloping her body.

  He sat down with languid movements. All of a sudden, she noticed the fatigue in his eyes.

  “Fine, let me make it simple. Do you see a lifetime, a forever, with me?”

  She met his eyes with determination. “I will not answer that question.”

  An eyebrow rose. He nodded slowly but kept silent.

  “I think you should know the answer to that by now,” she added.

  He turned to his right and smirked. “I think I already know the answer.”

  She followed his gaze. Who should walk in, but Leo Warwick himself.

  “I swear, Nathan, I didn’t know he was coming.”

  He stood up, placing cash on the table. “I’m done here. Goodbye, Darcey.”

  She grabbed his hand, standing up to meet his eyes. “Wait, I’m not done yet.”

  The look he gave her was filled with sadness and disappointment. “My mother loved her job more than anything. My ex-girlfriend betrayed me. This time, it hurts more. I didn’t expect any of this from you.”

  Leo approached their table, a warm smile on his face.

  “Why, hello, Darcey.” Leo gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Nathan, great to see you.” He extended a hand.

  Nathan stared at her, ignoring the newcomer. “Warwick is here, he can keep you company.”

  “Mate,” Leo began, “I came over for Trisha. She told me Darcey might need a friend tonight.”

  Turning to Leo, Nathan finally acknowledged the other gentleman’s presence. “I played golf with you once. But that doesn’t make me your mate. And don’t apologize, it’s not surprising you’d be into Darcey. Excuse me, I have an early flight tomorrow.”

  “Wait. I’m not done talking to you,” she pleaded.

  Nathan turned to give her a penetrating look. “I am. I have nothing left to say to you.” His eyes pierced her heart. And with that, he left the room.

  The crooner’s voice floated from across the room. “I was your Mr. Right, if you recall. You tell me not to do it, but you're not going through it. I guess I'm not so right after all.”

  Chapter 16

  “Merry Christmas, Luis! You can’t believe how glad I am you were able to come!” Darcey gave him a big hug and immediately planted kisses on both his cheeks. Her eyes gave him an appreciative glance. Dressed in a blue blazer, light blue shirt and a chic Christmas tie, Luis was a style icon any day. He looked like he was about to attend a red carpet event of the Grinch that Stole Christmas rather than an ugly Christmas sweater party with Darcey’s family.

  “Indeed.” Luis admired his reflection in the full-length mirror in the Vaughn’s country home. “I was supposed to join co-workers in Australia, hitting the beach with a cocktail in hand while ogling hot surfers. Ah, that cute Australian accent! But, as you know, I really love that Turducken dish your uncle makes. Oh, and that goose. I also think you may want to watch a Christmas movie marathon tomorrow.”

  She beamed and hugged him once again. “You deserve the Best Friend of Year award.”

  “Of course that’s a given. But why shouldn’t I be here? Too bad Trisha is with her parents and the Warwicks in their huge estate.” Luis reached over to fix her hair, an annoyed expression touching his face. “Do you even own a comb?”

  Brushing his hand away, she pinched his already flushed cheek and led him towards her grandparents’ living room where the rest of the family was settled in. “Believe it or not, I do. But since you’re my date this Christmas, I know you’ll love me, messy hair and all. And, yes, I miss Trish, too, but she is where she belongs and I’m sure she’s having a wonderful time.”

  “I love spending Christmas here. Grandma Vaughn makes delicious food and Michael is always delightful. But wait.” He stopped her from entering the living room. “Here you go.” In his hand was a chic gold bag with a deep purple bow.

  “For me? What’s in it?” She shook the gift.

  “Stop that. You’re no longer seven. It’s a book. How to Get Over Your True Love and Marry a Billionaire. I also threw in a set of this new French skincare line for extra measure. You’re not getting any younger. This line is supposed to have the best collagen and comes with rare albino camel placenta. It’s sure to take years off your face. That and there are tons of chocolates in there as well, artisan of course.”

  She threw her head back and laughed. “So, after I’m done with your trashy book, I’ll have better skin and gain five stones. And I hate to disappoint you, but Michael is in Wales celebrating with his sister and their family.”

  “Ah, never mind. I came for your grandmother’s famous berry trifle and I wanted to be here for you.” Luis voice took on a more serious tone. It was his turn to hug her. “This may sound cliché but things will get better in the end. If it’s not better, it’s not the end. I read it somewhere.”

  “I’m sure you did, and in a better book than what’s in this bag!” Underneath all the jokes, her heart felt warm and grateful for Luis’s gesture. “Of course I’ll be fine. Thanks to you. And my family. There isn’t anything that I can’t deal with. As long as I got
you guys in my life, there’ll always be some sunshine.”

  They stepped inside the living room where her grandparents, mum, uncles, cousins and younger relatives greeted Luis with huge grins and even bigger hugs.

  “Auntie Darcey, where’s your boyfriend?” six-year-old Abigail asked.

  “Well, he’s not here but Luis is.” Darcey held the little girl’s hand and smiled.

  Luis pulled out a candy cane from another bag in his hand. “Abigail, I’m going to place your present under the tree, but if your mummy agrees, you can have this candy cane right now.” He patted the beautiful red headband on Abigail’s head.

  The little girl curtsied and accepted the sweets. “Thank you, Luis. You are too kind. I hope you find a beautiful girlfriend someday.”

  “Oh, I think I’ll have a hard time finding one.”

  Abigail’s brows furrowed. “You’re not at all bad looking. Maybe you simply need to change your tie.”

  Darcey giggled while Luis was speechless. A rare occurrence.

  “But where is Nathan?” the child asked, oblivious to having successfully insulted Luis. “Is he coming?”

  Darcey swallowed hard. “Um. Nathan’s in California, luv. And California is far away.”

  Too far away.

  “Is it farther than Wales?”

  “It’s in America, Abbie.”

  “But why is he so far away from you, Darcey? Does he know it’s Christmas? He should be here. We’re all expecting him,” Abigail pressed on to Darcey’s chagrin.

  Luis gave Darcey a knowing look, grabbing two drinks from the dining table. He handed one to her.

  “Why are you looking for Nathan?” Darcey tried to keep her voice nonchalant but the pain in her chest was making it very difficult to keep a straight face.

  Abigail shrugged as she slowly peeled the wrapping from the candy cane. “Well, mummy said Nathan was giving you a beautiful ring.”

  Darcey almost choked on her white wine while Luis stared at the little girl in amazement.

  Sucking on the candy, Abigail’s innocence kept her from noticing the grownups’ discomfort. “And I like Nathan. Remember last Christmas, Darcey? He took us to see that huge Christmas tree and we went ice skating?”

  “Abigail, sweetie!” Darcey was only too glad to hear the voice of Amanda, her cousin and Abigail’s mum. “I’ve been looking for you. Luis, how are you? You’re looking handsome as ever. Merry Christmas!”

  The little girl raised her candy cane. “Luis gave me a present, and this candy cane. It would be rude not to eat it, mummy. I’ll save half for later.”

  “Maybe have a quarter now and save the rest for later. Dinner should be served soon.”

  “Mummy, you are wrong.” The child’s voice took on an angry tone.


  “You told me Nathan was coming tonight, but he’s in America.”

  “When did I say such a thing?” Amanda replied, feigning innocence but failing miserably.

  “Mummy, you said so over the phone. I was watching Horrible Histories and I couldn’t concentrate because you were loud.”

  Amanda blushed deeply and gave a nervous laugh. “Darling, I think you heard wrong. You were watching the telly and--”

  The child interrupted, “Mummy, it’s not good to tell a lie! I heard you say on the phone how Nathan asked Great Grandpa’s permission and that he had a ring.”


  Luis gasped and immediately covered his mouth with a well manicured hand. Darcey’s head began to spin.

  Amanda’s blush turned from a hint of crimson to the colour of a plum. She began to speak rapidly, “Oh, Abbie! Now, now. You see, Nathan’s in California and it’s very important that he goes there. His mum lives there, see. He should be with his family. He needed to give me a ring on the phone. You know, uh, to call me. Yes, to call because he’s far away and the only way we can communicate is on the phone.”

  The little one’s pretty face was covered with doubt. “Oh? Then why does he have to ask Grandpa’s permission to give you a ring?”

  Darcey took a huge gulp, finishing her drink in an instant. She pretended to peruse her phone while Luis glanced her way, deep concern written in his eyes.

  Amanda giggled nervously. “Oh, silly girl. Um, that’s because, you know, uh, I am here. Yes? I’m in England. In Grandpa’s house. Yes, that’s it, you see? In Grandpa’s house in England. And since this is Grandpa’s home, everything in it belongs to him. That includes the phone, you see. It’s out of respect that Nathan has to ask Grandpa’s permission to ring. To ring this phone in England in Grandpa’s house.”

  “Ohhhh.” Abigail nodded, her wide eyes staring at her mum to Darcey and Luis. “I see. Ring, like the bell, or like the ring tone. Ring on the phone. English is very hard. I prefer arithmetic in school.” Shaking her head, her cute curls swayed against her chubby cheeks.

  Luis smiled and placed an arm around the child. “It can be confusing, I agree.”

  “Luis, come,” Abigail said. “Let’s put your presents under the tree.” “Good idea,” Luis agreed.

  As the unlikely pair turned toward the tree, Abigail turned around to face Darcey. “Auntie Darcey? There won’t be any kissing under the mistletoe tonight.”

  Before Darcey could respond, Abigail led Luis to the tree. Her little voice filled the air with stories about school and her math teacher. Darcey smiled at the sight of Luis and her little niece. But her heart was somewhere far away, in a place filled with golden sand, perfect blue skies and the scent of Jasmine caressing the cool air.

  She found one of her favourite chairs beside the fireplace and sat on it, grateful for a quick moment of silence as dinner was closed to being prepared. Fortunately everyone else was busy either munching on appetizers or watching the telly.

  Memories of Nathan kissing her beneath the mistletoe warmed her cheeks. She recalled the previous year when he celebrated Christmas with her family, right in the very same room she was in at the moment. It was a cold December night and everyone had been enjoying a drink after a sumptuous dinner. Nathan had asked her out for a walk. Upon spotting the mistletoe by the front porch, he pulled her close, his scent casting a cloth of lovely giddiness on her mind.

  “Oh, what to do?” he teased.

  She stared at the mistletoe. “You planned this.” Her words accused him.

  He gave a small laugh. “Yes, maybe.” His hand reached for his pocket where it brought out a small box.

  “You already gave me a present.”

  “True, but this one is, well, just because.” He was grinning, his blue-grey eyes twinkling against the soft porch lights.

  “Because?” She tilted her head.

  “Open it.”

  Her fingers tenderly undid the dainty baby blue ribbon. Inside was a gold necklace with a shimmering pendant. Upon close inspection, she realized it had a unique design. “Why, it’s absolutely stunning, Nathan. A globe?”

  “Well, technically, the world.” He tightened his hold on her waist, making her feel like the most feminine creature. “Because, for one, I want to travel the world with you. And, more importantly, because you are my world.”

  Without giving her a chance to reply, he pulled her in for a kiss, a kiss so deep and hungry the world stood still. At least their world.

  “Darcey? Is everything okay?” Her cousin Amanda broke through her reverie.

  She lifted her head from the chair’s thick arms. “What? Oh, hey Amanda. I was just tired.”

  But the other woman didn’t appear convinced. Darcey sighed. “Tell me. What was that about? Did Nathan really talk to Grandpa?” She had to know.

  Amanda placed a hand on her arm. “Let’s go to the library, sweetie.”

  Darcey nodded weakly and stood up, following Amanda to the dark yet cosy library down the hall. Her cousin sat on the antique leather sofa, patting the empty space beside her.

  “I don’t know if I should tell you.” Amanda’s eyes were kind.

want to know, even if it would hurt. I still want to know.”

  “I was here when Nathan came over to see Grandpa. They let me in on their little secret. Your mother and Grandma also know.” Amanda bit her lip.

  “Carry on.” Darcey offered a small smile.

  “Nathan asked Grandpa for his blessing. For your hand in marriage.”

  Silence weighed heavily in the room. The faint laughter from the living room was the only noise in the air. That and Darcey’s wildly beating heart.

  Amanda continued, “Your mum was ecstatic. Grandfather, well he was teasing, telling Nathan he’d have to beat him in a round of golf before he’d agree.” She chuckled, an anxious little sound. “I also saw the ring.”

  “He asked Grandpa?” Darcey shook her head, her thoughts were beyond overwhelming.

  Amanda simply nodded.

  “Did Nathan say anything else?” She blinked back hot tears that were ready to trickle down her flushed cheeks.

  “He told Grandpa that if he agreed to the marriage, Nathan would give you the world. And that there was no one else he would rather spend forever with.”

  And that was when the first tear fell, followed by another. And another.

  Amanda placed her arms around her. “Oh, Darcey! I’m sorry, hun.”

  “Not as sorry as I am.” She rested her head on Amanda’s shoulder, her tears were followed by gasps.

  “It’s going to be okay, pet.”

  Amanda’s arms were comforting. Darcey didn’t know what she was feeling. Regret? Anger? Plain old pain?

  After a few minutes, she thanked Amanda and asked to be left alone.

  “I don’t want to keep you from celebrating Christmas. Thank you for telling me.”

  “It’s no worries. Are you sure you’re going to be fine? I can give you company. Truth be told, we all need some alone time during holidays with family.” Amanda rolled her eyes and gave Darcey another warm hug.

  “Thank you, Amanda. Yes, I’ll be fine. I’ll freshen up and join everyone in a moment.”

  Amanda gave her a kiss on each cheek. “Whenever you’re ready.”


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