Be Mine Forever_Darcey's_Book 2

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Be Mine Forever_Darcey's_Book 2 Page 14

by Mary Lynn Cooper

  She kissed Matt on the cheek. “Go get her. She deserves the best and she got it.” The grateful smile on his face told her just how much her encouragement meant.

  As soon as he left the cigar room to greet his future bride, a server lit Luis’s cigar. Leo handed warm outdoor blankets to everyone. As he handed one to Darcey, his eyes sparkled with a sheen she had never noticed before.

  “Here, this should keep you warm.” He placed the plush blanket around her shoulders gently. She smiled and thanked him. The blanket worked its magic on her cold body.

  Luis coughed after taking a few puffs of his cigar. “There, there.” She patted him on the back. “Trisha will say yes. Don’t you worry.”

  “How can you be this calm?” He was almost shrieking. “I checked their zodiac signs. They are simply not compatible! They’re night and day. No, make that truffle oil and champagne. They won’t be able to mix well together.” Luis took a few more puffs of the cigar which ended in a much worse fit of coughs than the first.

  She rolled her eyes. “Oh, hush! Don’t you believe that. Love transcends even the stars that dictated the hocus pocus that we know as the zodiac. Love goes beyond what society dictates. It contradicts tradition. No one can tell you who’s right for you and who isn’t, especially not the constellation. Why, when—“

  Leo interrupted her admonishing speech towards Luis. “When you see her, you know what beauty poets from centuries ago passionately wrote about. And kissing her is beyond what the sweetest dreams and mysteries of the galaxies are made of.”

  She almost gasped at Leo as Luis took a slug of whisky, his face instantly grimacing at the taste. Elizabeth, Leo’s mum, turned towards them.

  “It seems to me you are also smitten by someone, my dear first-born.”

  For the very first time, Darcey saw embarrassment etched on Leo’s face. He quickly adjusted his satin tie. “Mother, as soon as Matt is done with this evening, you’ll have two engaged sons. I’m certain that should keep your hands busy, with the preparations and all.”

  The olive-skinned and stunning Mrs. Warwick smiled, a mischievous light in her eyes. “But, my son, I never said you were getting engaged. I just said you sounded smitten.”

  Leo coughed from his cigar just as badly as Luis had. He placed it down on the tray and took a small sip of water.

  “Are you okay?” Darcey tilted her head, curious at seeing this side of the usually very confident Leo.

  He nodded, the typical serene expression back on his face. “Yes, my mother just likes to tease.” He smiled and winked at his mum who laughed prettily. She gave Darcey a curious look, as if the Warwick matriarch was studying her. “Darcey, right?”

  “Yes. Mrs. Warwick?”

  They shook hands. “Call me Liz, please. I believe I remember you from a magazine I browsed recently.” Liz paused dramatically, causing Darcey to feel worry. Had Leo’s mum seen the photo of her and Leo in one of the Manors, the image of them locked in a romantic embrace?

  Leo shifted beside her, obviously feeling as awkward. “Mother, it’s not what you think.”

  Darcey was only too happy he spoke for her as she couldn’t come up with any type of response.

  “Why? I thought it was splendid.” Liz smiled at Darcey.

  “Huh? I’m sorry, I’m not sure what you mean, Mrs. Warwick. I mean, Liz.”

  “Your article about our hotel, it was superb! Thank you, my dear. Your piece brought in people instantly. And how I love what you wrote about it being more than just a hotel. It’s a luxury home away from all luxury homes.”

  Relief and pride flooded through her veins. “Oh, that! You must have read C’est La Vie then. I work for them. Thank you, it’s an honour to hear these from you.”

  Turning to her son, Liz’s dainty brows furrowed. “Have you not read it, Leo? It had your photo in it. Doesn’t my son look absolutely handsome?” She beamed at Darcey.

  Several sets of eyes landed on her. Luis, Leo, Elizabeth and even the youngest Warwick brother were suddenly staring at Darcey, waiting to hear her opinion. Her heart pounded while her throat clenched. She couldn’t lie and disagree, but neither did she want to give Leo the wrong impression.

  The words finally made their way from her stressed vocal chords. “Why, I’m sure every single female here, and some males even, would agree to that statement. There won’t be any objections.” She kept her tone light and forced a laugh that unfortunately came out more hysterical than she had planned.

  Luis groaned, making her want to kick him hard. She sipped her drink instead. “I mean, he’s gorgeous and--” She stopped mid-sentence, her face had heated up. Why did she have to be so socially awkward?

  “And?” Liz pressed on, a playful look on her lovely face.

  “He’s a great guy, Mrs. Warwick. Liz, I’m sorry. And in the short span of time I’ve known your son, I’m truly glad to have gained such a wonderful friend.” She took another quick sip of her drink.

  Liz’s next question almost made her spew out alcohol like a broken fountain. “Darcey darling, are you single?”

  “Mother,” Leo reprimanded, his brows rumpled and a frown formed on his luscious lips. She waved an elegant hand at him. “I believe I was talking to Darcey. Don’t be rude, Leonardo!”

  “Yes,” Darcey whispered a reply, avoiding the glance Luis sent her way.

  “Great!” Liz said. “Because Leo here is the only one of my boys who’s single. And to think he’s the best looking one of all. Don’t tell his brothers that.” She winked at Darcey.

  “I heard that, mother.” Marcus laughed. “Are you trying to torture Darcey and match-make Leo?”

  Liz shrugged daintily as she twirled the straw in her lavender cocktail.

  Leo cleared his throat. “Darcey, I apologize for-“

  His mum wouldn’t let him finish. “Don’t ever apologize for liking a woman. Would you prefer your brothers with children of their own while all you have is work and more work?” Her scolding of Leo was met with good chuckles from the rest of the group. Leo didn’t look too happy but Marcus grinned widely.

  “Too bad, Leo,” Luis joined in on the teasing. “Darcey’s leaving for Tokyo next week. I, on the other hand, will be in town.”

  Elizabeth’s eyes widened. “You’re not joking? Perfection! Leo is conducting some business in Japan. Why don’t you take a vacation while you are there, my dear? You work harder than any of your brothers. As your mother, I’m ordering you to go on vacation.”

  “You could always work and play after, older brother,” Marcus piped in. “Besides, we both know how much you love Japan and sushi and all that Eastern cultures have to offer.”

  Darcey caught the death stare Leo sent his brother. All the teasing was too much for her. If only her face wasn’t as red as Luis’s flamboyant bowtie. She tried to keep her voice steady. “I’m looking forward to seeing the cherry blossoms bloom, and visit temples and tea ceremonies. Japan has long been on my bucket list of countries to visit.” She hoped that should change the course of the conversation and ease the tension both she and Leo shared. “And it would great if you would be there, Leo. My Japanese isn’t great and it would be wonderful to have a friend show me around.”

  “You should go, Leo.” Luis said. “I can plan to be there, too. Like Darcey, Japan’s always been a target destination of mine. Plus I know Darcey would be lonely in an exotic country where she doesn’t speak the language. Tokyo, here we come!”

  “Leo doesn’t really know how to have fun. You two could teach him a thing or two,” Marcus added.

  Despite the stoic expression on his face, Darcey could sense Leo’s irritation. Or was it simple embarrassment? She couldn’t tell. All she knew was he looked gorgeous when he was more serious than usual.

  “Don’t mind them,” Leo finally replied. “I’m sure your schedule will be hectic, with your writing assignments and all. I don’t want to be a nuisance.”

  “No!” Luis said before she could think of something to say. “Yo
u’re never a nuisance, Leo. How could you suggest such a thing?” Luis quickly stepped beside Leo and rubbed his back.

  Darcey couldn’t help but laugh. “He’s right. It would be fun to have you there.”


  “Now you make it sound like you’re the one who wouldn’t want to be disturbed,” she teased, the alcohol and Luis were helping her calm down.

  “I wouldn’t dare say that to you,” Leo answered.

  “Oh, how lovely,” Elizabeth said. “It’s settled then.”

  Darcey felt Leo’s eyes on her. It was as if a million unspoken words stood between them but she didn’t know why or what those words were exactly.

  As she pondered on Leo’s words, Trisha’s father, Paul, returned with the biggest smile on his face. “She said yes!”

  Laughter, loud toasts and squeals came from the group. The families of Trisha and Matt led the way to the couple. Darcey felt her heart pound. It was happening! Her best friend was getting married.

  She was about to pull Luis in for a hug but he had to put his cigar down. Leo stood up and hugged her instead. She felt his strong arms around her, a rush of fresh emotions cascaded down her spine.

  It was only a hug, she told herself. But why was she feeling the way she did?

  Nathan’s Chapter 4

  “Lucy, I told you to knock and--” The door to Nathan’s office had opened abruptly, causing his brows to furrow in annoyance as he looked up from an important contract he was reviewing. He stopped mid-sentence when he saw Madeleine stepped in, stunning in a flowing silk dress, diamonds glittered against her smooth tanned neckline.

  She looked radiant but he could only smirk at the sight of his ex. “What do you want? And do make it quick because, as far as I know, we have nothing left to say to each other.” His averted his eyes back to the contract, but he immediately discovered her presence made it beyond difficult to concentrate.

  She sauntered toward his desk, a sweet smile on her pink lips. But nervous fingers twirled a long blonde curl. “Oh Nathan, don’t be rude. Why don’t we say hello like two decent human beings?” She sat on the leather armchair across his desk.

  “We’re past decency. How ironic.” Anger coursed through his veins but he was able to keep his voice sounding neutral.

  “Look, Nate, I’m so sorry. Please, I mean it. Yes, I made a mistake, but don’t punish me for that one stupid mistake. And besides, I’m not here to talk about us.” She traced the armrest with a manicured finger.

  He simply raised a brow, his mouth set in a firm line. No words came to mind.

  “Not just yet,” she added softly.

  “So, do enlighten me then, why are you here?”

  “You won’t even offer me some beverage?”

  “You aren’t going to make it easy for me, are you?” He put the document down and leaned back on his chair, eyeing her with suspicion.

  Her blue eyes were wide, almost innocent. He almost laughed sardonically. Innocent. She wasn’t innocent.

  “Nathan, nothing worth anything is easy.” Her tone was light, free of guilt.

  “That’s the most honest thing you’ve ever said to me.” He pressed a button on the phone sitting on his desk. “Could you please bring two coffee, one with milk and sugar. Make the other black.“

  Like your heart, he thought as he studied Madeleine. From a business perspective, she was the best one for him. On paper, at least. The society pages had a feast when their engagement was announced. Even the usually nasty high society blogger Edward Von wrote compliments on his popular website. After Madeleine had agreed to marry him, Sissi was more pleased than Nathan himself.

  “Finally, son, you do me proud,” his mum had uttered. “You’ve done something right. Marrying her wouldn’t only expand the family business, I’ll also be having beautiful grandchildren.”

  That was one of the very few times his mother actually paid him a lavish compliment. But during the year he dated Madeleine, he never felt the same way he did with Darcey.

  Damn, he thought as his ex continued to stare at him with doe eyes. If she only knew how he hated being unable to go a day without thinking about Darcey. The long hours at work did nothing to fill the void in his heart.

  Madeleine’s posh voice interrupted his thoughts. “Allow me to get straight to the point. Daddy, as you know, bought more shares in your company when we got engaged. That makes us a major shareholder in Cromwell Group. My father, being one of the board of directors, told me, well, more like coerced me to join the company.”

  Nathan couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Her? Join the company?

  She went on, “And I spoke to your mother. Get this, I will be working directly under her. Not only that, she made it sound like once she retires, Sissi will be handing me her position. After all, neither you nor your sister is willing to work for C’est La Vie. But I am very keen. So keen.” She smiled brightly, her eyes boring into his.

  He didn’t know what to say. Despite what happened between them, he wanted Madeleine to be happy. He had cared deeply for her. But his strongest feelings all came before he saw the real person behind the sunny façade.

  “So you came all the way to my office to announce this? Should I be honoured?”

  “Oh, come now, Nate. You’re part of the board of directors, it doesn’t matter whether you care for the company or not. Sissi said one day you’ll come to your senses, that you’ll realize you want to work for Cromwell Group. After all, you are a Cromwell.” Her voice oozed with confidence.

  He took a deep breath. Now wasn’t the time to argue. Not now, not ever. Deep down he knew his father, the CEO, would eventually ask him to join the company. Sure, he was grateful his father hadn’t pressured him to work for the company after he finished school. In fact, it was his father who made sure Sissi didn’t control Nathan’s life. His sister, Natalie, opened her own fashion brand in Italy, an extension of her husband’s large Italian fashion house. This gave Natalie the perfect reason to decline working for their mum in C’est La Vie.

  Tina, Nathan’s secretary, entered the office with two cups of coffee in her hands. Madeleine took one of the delicate cups and sipped it with the poise that would have made her former headmaster from Le Rosey, one of the oldest Swiss boarding schools, proud.

  He wasn’t impressed. Beyond the world-class grace he knew resided a two-timing snake. “There’s more to this than a casual hello between ex lovers, so spill.” He sipped from his own cup, not caring the hide the suspicion from his stare.

  She paused for several seconds before speaking. “The truth is, I only accepted this appointment because I know it would connect us again. I was foolish and I made a mistake that cost me the best thing I had. You.” Tears pooled in her eyes and she slowly lowered her gaze as she placed the cup back on the saucer. She did it abruptly, causing some of the coffee to spill on the oak desk.

  He remained calm, unmoved. His heart beat steadily, he might as well had been listening to a stranger talk in a foreign language he couldn’t understand. He took another sip of his coffee. It was good. He should ask Tina what this week’s brew was, he thought.

  “Nate, I still care about you. Plenty. I never really loved Nicholas. In fact, he--”

  “Stop, I don’t want to hear anymore.” He put his cup on his desk. Tension crept up his neck.

  Madeleine stood up and walked to his side. Her hands touched his shoulders. “He asked me to marry him, but I refused. It’s you I love. Please forgive me, people aren’t perfect, Nate. We make mistakes.”

  His shoulders relaxed under her gentle caress. Nicholas asked her to marry him? Memories of the night he proposed to her rushed back to his mind like a hurricane. He had cared for this woman, had seen a future with her. He even gave her a two-carat pink diamond, one he designed himself with the utmost care.

  Nathan couldn’t bring himself to look up to her face. With a tight voice, he asked, “Why now? Why now?”

  She breathed in deeply before speaking. “I
heard about your breakup with the writer. What’s her name? I know I hurt you, but I was so scared about getting married. That was then. It’s different now. I was filled with fright, scared I’d lose my freedom. I wanted to live on the edge. I wasn’t thinking. I swear I didn’t mean to hurt you. And I never loved him.”

  He felt his chair turn as she swiveled it so he would face her. Her hands cupped his face, leaving him no choice but to look into her deep-set eyes.

  “I don’t expect us to get back together right away. Maybe we can start as friends,” she whispered, her smile sweet.

  Silence floated in the air for over a minute. She calmly stared into his eyes. Despite her serene poise, a tear fell from each of her eyes.

  “I’ll think about it,” he finally answered.

  She pulled him gently towards her, the chair obliged willingly as it rolled closer to her body. Her fingers slid through his hair. “What’s there to think about? I’m not as terrible as you think. You and I loved each other. You and I come from the same world. We want to build the same life together. My family adores you, and your mother was so pleased to see me when I had dinner at her place.”

  “You had dinner with my mum?”

  She tenderly massaged the base of his neck, a spot he had always enjoyed being caressed. “It’s not exactly a secret that we’re one of the biggest shareholders in your company, especially when my father began buying shares after our engagement was announced.”

  He was silent, racing thoughts filled his mind. What was happening?

  She seemed oblivious to his confusion and went on. “I’m joining Sissi in Tokyo next week, hit the ground running for work. You know what that means, right?”

  “No,” he replied, eyeing her with curiousity.

  “It means I get to see you, my—How should I call you?”

  “Friend,” he answered immediately. “Although I’m not so sure about that. Business associate sounds better.” He stood up and offered his hand.


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