Be Mine Forever_Darcey's_Book 2

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Be Mine Forever_Darcey's_Book 2 Page 18

by Mary Lynn Cooper

  Leo shrugged, his calm demeanor returning to his features as he checked messages on his phone.

  Darcey excused herself to go to the toilet. While she was washing her hands, she studied herself in the mirror, a rush of insecurities invading her mind. Her brown hair suddenly felt so plain next to Madeleine’s golden locks, her simple blue dress that appeared so elegant earlier now seemed plain and boring.

  She shook her head.

  Don’t let her get to you, darling, she told herself.

  As she made her way back to Leo and Luis, a hand reached out from behind and held her own tightly.

  “Let’’s talk.”

  It was Nathan.

  Before she could reply, he led her to a small corner near the cloakroom. Face to face with him, she was speechless. Intense emotions coursed through her veins. Their breathing patterns were in synch. His eyes gazed deeply into her own. They remained silent for a few minutes, both seemed to mistrust their own voices.

  She decided to speak first.

  “Nathan.” She smiled tightly, fighting the urge to cry. “I’m really happy to see you.” And she said without preamble and she meant it. Her hand raised to touch his face. To her surprise, he moved his head away.

  More pain. Definitely more pain.

  “Are you really?” he asked as he ran a hand through his hair.

  She nodded. It was getting harder to hold back the tears. “I miss you. Really, I do”

  “Do you really now? Why are you here with Warwick then? Why? I want to believe anything you tell me, but no one can force you to do anything you don’t want to do. I’m certain he didn’t drag you by the hair to come here.” Tension gripped his tone. His eyes, once gentle, were hard.

  “I’m so sorry.” She didn’t know what else to say.

  Nathan’s eyes narrowed. “Do you know what you’re sorry for? Or is this just another misunderstanding?”

  She wanted to reason with him, make him understand. “I’m sorry for breaking your heart. I’m sorry for choosing my career over you. I’m also sorry for being such a coward. But, Nathan, you have to believe me. I still love you. I really, really, really love you.” She almost choked out the words.

  He remained still, his expression impossible to read.

  She went on, “There isn’t a day I don’t think of you.”

  He studied her for the longest seconds in her life. The deafening silence invaded the air, chilling her blood. She could hardly breathe. Without thinking, she threw herself at his embrace, aching to hold him tight. Her arms held on for dear life. “I missed you so much, Nate. Now I can breathe again.”

  She tightened her hug. All the emotions she had held inside for so long wanted to break free. She hugged him as if her life depended on it.

  But slowly, painfully, she realized he wasn’t returning her embrace. As if in a dream, a bad dream, she saw his hands slowly lift to pull himself away from her embrace, the embrace he used to yearn for.

  Her eyes travelled all over his face as shame filled her senses. His face was hard, devoid of emotions. She blinked back tears but one escaped, cascading down her cheek like a lone soldier defiling orders to stand its ground. It filled her with more shame.

  His words plunged the dagger in deeper. “Don’t you ever think you can turn me on and off whenever you feel like it. I’m not your minion, Darcey. And don’t for once fool yourself into thinking I flew all the way to Tokyo to see you.” His voice was brimming with a coldness she could feel right in her bones.

  She shook her head, crying, “You don’t mean that. Please, listen to me.”

  “That’s the problem, Darcey. The whole time we were together all I did was listen to you. But did you ever listen to me? Did you even once, think about me, consider how I feel? How selfish can you be?” He took a step away from her.

  Anger began to mix in with her angst. “Why did you say you wanted to talk then? What do you want?”

  His lips formed a grim line before answering. “I don’t know if you know this yet, I’m not sure if my mother has told you. C’est La Vie has a new managing director.”

  “I know Sissi is here with your sister and her kids for a holiday, but she hasn’t contacted me. And not that I expect her to.” She focused her gaze on Nathan’s tie, suddenly unable to meet his eyes.

  “Well, I have to tell you that you need to get along with Madeleine.”

  Hearing the other woman’s name filled Darcey with dread. “Oh, don’t even think about it. I hate her with a passion, not only for what she did to you, but to my best friend Nicholas. I can’t pretend to be friends with her.”

  “Oh, but you would and you should if your job is that important to you.”

  She stared at Nathan with horror, the realization quickly sinking in. “She’s the new managing director?”

  Nathan simply nodded.

  “Are you kidding me?”

  “When it comes to business, I never joke around.”

  This was turning out to be the worst day of her life. Darcey felt defeated, embarrassed and angry. She had clung to Nathan, begged him and poured out her heart, only to realize she was too late.

  To top it all off, no matter how hard she fought the tears back, they refused to participate. Each drop that fell down her cheek stood for each source of pain she was feeling. As the tears fell, Nathan’s face slowly began to soften.

  He took a step towards her but an angry voice disrupted the change in the air. “Cromwell, I think you have upset the lady enough. This is hardly an appropriate place to display your jealous ex-boyfriend side.”

  It was Leo, perfect brows furrowed, grey eyes flashing with rage.

  “Stop spewing crap, Warwick. You weren’t even included in this conversation, so don’t pretend to be her knight in shining armour.”

  Leo scoffed. “Since you claim to be so great, have you ever thought of what Darcey wanted? Have you ever asked her why she wanted to work so bloody hard for your mother? Have you ever asked her what her dreams are, and what makes her happy?” Leo challenged. “And don’t brag you know her at all. You think you’re smart? Yeah, you are smart all right. Smart enough to pay for that damn painting for twice the price.” He raised a brow mockingly.

  “You don’t get it, Warwick. You’ve never wanted something so much where you didn’t care how much it cost.” Nathan told him. Leo “I let you get away with that Emin piece, but I’m going to fight you all the way where Darcey is concerned.”

  Nathan turned to her, his blue eyes bringing back a thousand memories. She could almost smell pancakes in the cold air. “Do you know why I bought that piece? Why I paid a fortune for that artwork, Darcey?”

  She slowly shook her head, unable to believe what she was hearing from both men.

  Nathan smiled sadly. “Because it reminds me exactly of how I feel for you.” And with that, he turned around and walked away.

  Chapter 25

  Despite her breaking heart and the fact that sleep eluded her, Darcey continued on as if everything was normal. In the mornings she made an attempt to occupy her mind with sightseeing. She visited an exclusive onsen, a Japanese hot spring that catered to the crème de la crème of Tokyo society. Her heart was heavy as she eased into the hot water, the onsen’s deluxe surroundings failed to remove Nathan’s hurt and angry face from her mind. On another day, she forced herself out of her bed to taste delicacies she had to write about. She drowned her taste buds with sake, the creamist sashimi and melt-in-the-mouth wagyu steak but none of the world-class cuisine raised her mood, not the Michellin-star restaurant with a celebrity chef Hollywood stars demanded to see, nor the exotic street markets and famous Tsukuji fish market.

  Her phone beeped and her heart immediately raced. Glancing at the message, she saw it was only Sissi’s secretary informing her that Sissi was set to arrive in Japan in a couple of days. Darcey miserably figured her boss was most probably arriving to do some work and mix it up with some bonding time with her ex-future daughter-in-law Madeleine.

bsp; She suddenly realized with a sharper pain that she hadn’t heard from Nathan in almost a week. Leo had been supportive, offering to take her out to see a show and sending her good morning messages. The eldest Warwick hadn’t been shy about expressing just how important she had become to him. She was well aware of what Leo was trying to convey but she also knew despite her confusion, what she felt for Leo wasn’t anything close to how she felt toward Nathan.

  Sure, she found it flattering to have the attention of a man like Leo. Over lunch and drinks with Luis that day, he quoted Johnny Depp.

  “As my ex used to say, if you love two people at the same time, choose the second. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second.” And to add to Luis’s argument, he showed her a picture from the snotty gossip blog of Edward Von. It was a photo of Madeleine and Nathan, gorgeous pink Sakura bloomed behind them as they spoke cozily, a huge smile on Madeleine’s sensual lips.

  Edward Von had captioned it the painful image with a spin of a verse from one of Pablo Neruda’s poem, “This is exactly what springs does to cherry blossoms.”

  Love is sweeter in Tokyo indeed. Darcey immediately ordered another shot of sake as soon as she saw the photo. Luis sheepishly slipped his phone back into his pocket, regret written all over his face for showing Darcey the blasted post.

  A text message arrived in her phone. It was Leo again, telling her how he and Jack wanted to do business with Mr. Takemae but indecision plagued Leo.

  Is he asking my opinion? she wondered, uncertain what to text in return. She decided to leave her reply for later, when the saki wasn’t contributing to her already foggy mind.

  She was scheduled to attend and write about a special tea ceremony that day. Bidding goodbye to Luis, she found herself a little over an hour later patiently listening to a much older gentleman, Mistuko-san, explain the tradition of tea ceremonies in Japan. Even if it wasn’t her first time attending one of these old-fashioned and beautiful ceremonies, she felt amazed with the intricancies of the ritual. The artistically crafted bowls and sumptuous sweet cakes around her managed to actually boost her spirits a little. The Japanese certainly did not know the word mediocre, everything they did was done with their best, with so much heart and respect.

  Nothing is haphazardly accomplished in this surreal country, she thought. The people appreciated old-world cultures and rituals. Before she knew it, her thoughts moved back to Nathan and how he had always been passionate about the things dear to his heart, including people he loved. Especially people he loved.

  Hot pain seared her lap and she immediately shrieked. She instantly wanted to slap herself. Some tea had spilled from her cup to her right leg.

  “I’m so sorry,” she apologized to the tea master, her head low and her face hot. Since it was a private ceremony, it was attended by only her and the tea master, Mistuko-san.

  “It is perfectly fine, Miss Vaughn,” he replied with a thick English accent. The master was well into his seventies, with a kind face and impeccable manners. He handed her a new cup and proceeded to pour a fresh cup. “Be careful, it is hot.”

  She thanked him and sipped as daintily as she could muster, angry at herself for letting thoughts about Nathan ruin what was supposed to be a work meeting.

  Mistuko-san didn’t seem to care, he eyed her with twinkling eyes. “When I was a child, and I had attended my first ceremony, I burned my tongue. I recall complaining about how bitter it was.” His voice was soft and very relaxing.

  Darcey gave him a small smile, nodding to prompt him to continue.

  His smile grew as he continued, “I thought, why would people drink this vile tasting drink. Well, my father, the tea ceremony master at that time, told me something that remained in my heart that day. He said that, just like our tea ceremony, everything we do in life has a reason, a meaning. We don’t do things without thinking, although I must admit I can’t say the same for everyone.” He laughed and his eyes got smaller and more wrinkly.

  A chuckle escaped her lips. “It isn’t really that bitter. In life we must go through the bitterness to grow.”

  He nodded. “Indeed, Miss Vaughn. And you have learned more than most people who’ve experienced the tea ceremony. I see you understand its relevance to life.”

  A lightness that hadn’t been in her heart returned that moment. The next hour passed smoothly by as she talked to Mistuko-san about life and Japan. It was interesting, she noticed with a glad heart, how the most unexpected person sometimes can provide us with much needed support.


  Out of respect to tradition and Mistuko-san, Darcey had turned her phone off during the tea ceremony. As soon as she powered it back on in her hotel, it buzzed incessantly.

  A text message from C’est La Vie’s Japanese office informed her she was invited to a bridal fashion show that evening. There were a few missed calls from Sissi’s secretary and one missed calls from Leo.

  As soon as she played the messages, surprise filled her mind when she actually felt comforted hearing Leo’s voice. He also mentioned the bridal fashion show, asking her if she would come with him.

  Checking her watch, she calculated there wasn’t enough time to change and she hated being late for work-related appointments. She hurriedly reapplied lipstick and ran a comb through her hair. It was the best she could do.

  As she stepped out of the hotel’s main doors, she was greeted by a Japanese man in a suit. Urgency was written all over his face.

  “Miss Vaughn?”

  “Hai. How may I help you?”

  He bowed low. “Hello. I am Mr. Nakamura and I was sent by C’est La Vie to drive you to the fashion show.”

  She bowed in return. “Arigato gozaimasu. I won’t have time to change into something more presentable, won’t I?” It was a statement.

  Nakamura-san shook his head. “I’m afraid not. There is traffic to consider and we have to go across town.”

  She turned her neck to glance around the hotel’s exterior, her eyes taking in the usual sight of tourists, men in suits and beautiful women in expensive outfits. She suddenly felt lost, it was as if her heart yearned for someone to appear.

  “Is there someone you’re waiting for, Miss Vaughn?”

  She smiled. “Oh, I’m sorry, no. I was just wondering if Mr. Warwick was joining us.” She was lying. Leo wasn’t on her mind that very moment. A man with eyes the colour of the most beautiful ocean invaded her thoughts once more.

  The gentleman appeared confused. “I don’t understand. I admit I don’t know a Mr. Warwick but Miss Sissi Anderson sent me to you. I was instructed to make sure you get to the bridal fashion show as you’ll be covering the event. The designer is a very good friend of her family. Please, we have to go. Miss Anderson is already at the venue.” The man looked like he was afraid of Sissi’s wrath and Darcey couldn’t blame him.

  “Right, let’s go then.”

  She followed him to a car parked just around the block. As soon as she made herself comfortable in the backseat and the car was on its way, she grabbed a compact mirror from her bag, scrutinizing her face. The sleepless nights were written around her eyes. Darcey grimaced. Crying herself to sleep had definitely wreaked havoc to her already pale skin. She put her mirror away in disgust and picked up the invitation to the event. It indicated a formal dress code was required. She grimaced again.

  What have I gotten myself into again?

  There was no way her simple leather boots would blend into what would definitely be a very posh crowd. And it didn’t help that Sissi would be there, ready to criticize Darcey’s every move and each detail of her appearance. Her boss was sure to comment how she wasn’t dress for the part of a luxury magazine’s writer.

  The car inched its way through the horrendous traffic. After what felt like hours, they arrived at an impressive grey and silver building in one of Tokyo’s ritziest neighbourhoods. She thanked the driver and scurried as quickly as her bootstrapped legs could carry her.

sp; The lift opened up to the top floor. It was a softly lit area with a grand chandelier hanging from its high ceilings. She quickly found the restroom, only too happy she didn’t run into Sissi, Nathan or Madeleine along the way.

  She plopped her handbag on the sink and rummaged for makeup in her bag, hoping to hide whatever damage stress left on her looks. As she was applying the last coat of mascara, a very harried looking woman walked into the restroom. She was talking to someone on the phone in rapid Japanese, her hands flailing while she looked like she was very close to tears.

  Not wanting to appear rude and a gossip, Darcey quickly averted her eyes away from the woman but it was hard not to feel sorry for her. She applied some blush on her cheeks as the stranger continued to talk in a frantic tone.

  The woman hanged the phone up as Darcey was applying a fresh coat of lipstick. From the large mirror, she noticed she was being studied with keen eyes.

  “Excuse me?” Darcey asked politely.

  The Japanese lady appraised her curiously, her face calmer than it had been when she walked inside the look. A smile appeared on her smooth face. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to stare, but is there any chance you can do me a huge favour?”

  Darcey put her lipstick down and turned to face the lady. She was dressed in a simple yet very chic black and grey dress, a pair of gorgeous emerald earrings glittered beneath the sophisticated lighting of the room. “Uh, perhaps.”

  The woman exhaled deeply. “One of our models didn’t show up today. Apparently a date with some Russian businessman is more important than work to Keiko. The show starts in twenty minutes. Twenty minutes! This might sound crazy but will you stand in for her? I’ll be in your debt forever!” There was more than a hint of desperation in her voice.

  Darcey almost laughed, but the look on the poor woman’s face kept her from doing so. “Oh my! But I’m not a model.” Despite the shock and the ridiculousness of the request, she couldn’t help but feel flattered.

  “You might not be a professional model but we can do something about that. You and Keiko are practically the same size. We don’t limit our hiring to size 0 girls, you know.”


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