UnKiss Me

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UnKiss Me Page 10

by Dawn Martens

  I walk inside and check on the families we’re currently protecting. I’d move Eden and Glenna in here if we had the room, but, right now we are only setup to keep two families at a time. They seem to be adjusting well and feel pretty comfortable here. It makes me feel good, helping those who need it.

  I go into my office and take a quick look at my project board to make sure I cover everything. Everyone is waiting for me in the large conference room.

  I take my seat at the head of the table. My old man used to sit at the head of a very different table in this same room, only he wasn’t calling a meeting to do good. He was planning to move guns and make a dirty dollar.

  I call the room to order and get everyone’s undivided attention.

  “First up, round the clock watch on Eden. Some fucker managed to get in her house and put a fuckin’ letter from her father inside the coffee maker.” Shock goes through the club, and most members look angry. “I want to make sure this fucker can’t get in again. Sweep the property, stand guard. You don’t have to hide. Maybe it will be good if we make ourselves seen. Maybe, if we’re visible, whoever left that letter will back off. T-Bags, you’re on main Eden duty,” I tell him. He just nods, obviously not happy to be pulled out of Mona’s usual group.

  “Second, we have a charity ride this week. We need to get that sorted with who’s doing it, as half of you already have work this weekend.” I look to the women who are standing mixed around the group. “Betty, your group is in Devon this weekend. Pick fifteen to make the trip with you. After Tuesday, that’ll be done, and hopefully that fucker will be locked up,” I say to her. The case she’s on isn’t pleasant. Some high school teacher was raping two fourteen-year-old girls in his class. He wasn’t caught until one girl couldn’t take it anymore and told her parents. We’ve been making sure that bastard stays away from them.

  “Mona, you’re in Drayton Valley this weekend, taking care of the Chambers’ kid. Make sure you go over your testimony with the lawyer tomorrow, and take Mic and Dom with you.” She nods. She witnessed this little boy being beaten by his father when she drove through, decided to put a stop to it. The bastard was shocked when he was taken over by a woman, but she didn’t back down. She got the boy on her bike and drove straight to the police.

  “Everyone else, we’ll meet up at the elementary school for the ride, to get the donations flowing in town first, and then we’ll go from there. School needs new desks, computers, and that new gym. Wanna see that happen. Now, is there any new business we need to discuss before I turn everyone loose?”

  No one has anything to add, so I call the meeting to a close. I grab a stack of flyers one of the old ladies had printed up and ride out to town to start getting them posted at all the popular local businesses that like to help out with our cause.


  When I go back to the warehouse and get cleaned up, I store my bike away so I can take my truck. I decided to take Eden and Glenna out tonight to the Festival of Lights in town. Be nice just to spend time together.

  I make it to the house in record time and head straight inside.

  “You guys ready?” I shout through the house.

  “Yeah,” Eden yells back.

  I don’t hear Glenna, and it disappoints me. I was hoping to spend time with her too. But I’m not disappointed for long, because the twerp decides to surprise me from behind, jumping up on my back. “Gotcha, Angel!” she giggles.

  “That you did, Glenna,” I say chuckling as I spin her around. This kid is a little wild one, always up to something; reminds me of her sister. She’s prissier than Edie was as a kid, though; she keeps twirling her braids and grinning from ear to ear with excitement. For all the shit she’s been through, she sure is resilient and bright.

  “I know you lied about being Miss Monica’s boyfriend,” she whispers in my ear. “I won’t say anything, because I know how much you love my sister, but I hear her sometimes, talking. I think, if she knew, she’d be really hurt.”

  “How old are you again?” I ask her, shaking my head in disbelief. Kid is smart and catches on quick.

  She gives me a giant grin. “Sixteen,” she says with attitude. Her little chest is puffed out, and she giggles, flipping that hair.

  I laugh. “Sure, kid. Don’t worry about this, though, okay? I’ll talk to Eden about the Monica stuff when the time is right.” Shit, I was hoping that I wouldn’t have to bring this shit up any time soon. I want to get Eden back, not drive her further away.

  She gives me a glare. “You better mister, or I will have to beat you up.” Her fist is bawled up, and she is shaking it at me. Yup, just like her sister.

  I give her a smirk and shake my head, running my fingers through my hair and trying to shake off the feelings of deja vu. Being in this house takes me back.

  I’m playing around with Glenna for a bit when I finally hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I look up and see Eden coming down. She finally took everyone’s advice about her scars—not to be ashamed and work it—because her hair is tucked behind her ears.

  “What took you so long?” I ask her, confused, when I take her appearance in. She’s not wearing any makeup, and she’s only in jeans and a t-shirt, but damn, that t-shirt hugs her body nice and snug. I am about ready to tell her to put on a jacket; don’t want everyone seeing how nice her tits look. But at the same time, I like people seeing she is hot and all mine.

  “I was having a bath,” she says, grinning wickedly.

  I know what that means. When we were younger and just dating, anytime she would bathe, it was because she wanted to shave, so it would take her forever. I know she has the same thing on her mind that I do.

  I shake my head and smile at her. I can’t wait to get those smooth legs wrapped around me later and bury my head between her thighs. But first, I promised my girls a night out.

  “Everyone ready to go?” I say, hoisting Glenna up and swinging her around to my back.

  She yanks my hair playfully and squeals. “You betcha.” Eden just smiles and nods.

  Jasper and I have only been an ‘us’ for two weeks now. At first, I thought maybe it would be awkward, being new again, but we just slid right back into the way we used to be. Although, he’s much more bossy.

  After finding that letter in my coffee pot, I can honestly say I haven’t made coffee in days. Jasper told me not to worry about it because it’ll be taken care of. He even told me T-bags would be watching out for me while he was gone.

  I hate calling T-bags, because I usually just call him ‘hey you’. I need to ask him how the heck he got his name anyways, because that’s just a really screwed up biker name.

  I haven’t seen Jasper in a few days, since he’s on the Charity run, but he calls frequently. I miss him. I turn on the deep fryer, and while waiting for it to heat up, I turn to look at Glenna.

  “You want just French fries? Or you want me to make it into a poutine?” I ask her.

  “Poutine please! Extra cheese.” I smile when she responds. Glenna loves her cheese.

  I move around the kitchen, tidying up a bit while getting out the plates and draining the oil from the fries, when there is a knock on my door. I finish Glenna’s plate and tell her to start eating while I check to see who’s here.

  Opening the door, I’m faced with an angry Mrs. Shepard—short grey hair, wearing what looks like a mumu, with wrinkles all over her face, but more so around her mouth from the years of smoking.

  “You come back to town, and you don’t bother to come say hi to me? I’ve been waiting for you to come say hi,” she says angrily.

  I look down, feeling ashamed; she has a way of making someone feel that way. “Sorry, Mrs. Shepard. I’ve just been busy,” I tell her. Mrs. Shepard is like the crazy family member you never knew you wanted, but she somehow just fits.

  “But not too busy to be lying in bed with that Jasper boy again,” she says, her eyes narrowed at me.

  I blush. “It’s still new,” I say quietly.

That’s horse shit! I knew the day you came back that you two would get back together. I was wondering what the hell was taking so damn long.” She pushes her way in my house, making herself at home. “Get me a beer, girl, and an ashtray,” she demands, still pushy and as opinionated as ever.

  “Uh, Mrs. Shepard, I don’t have alcohol in the house when my sister’s home, and there isn’t smoking around her,” I say hesitantly. I hope I don’t piss the old bat off—she can get mean.

  She starts grumbling. “Back in my day, that shit wasn’t a problem. You young folk take everything too damn seriously.” She opens up her purse and pulls out her own bottle of beer, an ashtray, and a pack of smokes.

  “If you already had that stuff, why’d you ask me to get it for you?” I ask her, shocked that such a tiny, frail old woman could lug around a bag full of booze.

  “Don’t you lip me, girl. Go on, finish seeing to your sister, then come on back out and have a chat with an old woman,” she says, lighting up her cigarette.

  Sighing, I walk into the kitchen and see Glenna finishing up her supper. “Who’s here?” she asks, curiously peeking around the corner.

  “Mrs. Shepard,” I tell her, snatching up a few fries from my plate on the counter and put them in my mouth.

  “The old lady across the street?” she asks.

  I nod. “She’s come for a visit.”

  “But she’s really old. How can she even move?” she says with her wide eyes.

  I burst out laughing. “She’s something else, that’s for sure,” I say. For someone that is almost ninety-three-years old, she sure doesn’t act like it, even if she does look like it. “Just a fair warning, G-Baby; don’t tick her off. She’s got a mean bite.”

  Her lips twitch, and she wiggles her nose. “She says bad words, like, a lot,” she exclaims.

  “That she does.” That old woman could give any foul-mouthed man a run for his money.


  I come back in the house after seeing Glenna off. Lilly came to pick her up for a sleepover; I figured that would be the best bet. When Mrs. Shepard started in on the sex talk, and with all her chain smoking, I had to get Glenna out. I couldn’t just tell Mrs. Shepard to get out; she’s old and kind of funny to be around. I figure G-baby can keep Lilly company, since I know she’s lonely with Vinny gone.

  “Eden! Get in here. Boot up this TV, would ya. There’s gotta be some trashy show on we can watch,” she shouts.

  I walk into the living room and notice she’s on her third beer. “Where’d you get that one?” I ask. No way could that have been in her purse, too, not with all of the other things in that bag.

  “You don’t need to worry about that. This was the last bottle I could fit in here, but I called the local store. They’ll be delivering more within the hour,” she says, practically chugging the rest of her beer.

  I would have thought old ladies would go more toward wine, not beer. “You’re gonna die from liver failure the way you are going,” I say under my breath.

  “I heard that!” she snaps. “I don’t care. I’m old. Just because I’m old doesn’t mean I can’t still live. Hell, just the other day, my yard boy was lipping off to me because I made him re-mow the grass. Gave that boy a good spanking, I did.”

  I burst out laughing. “I bet you did.” I’ve seen her do that a few times. Hell, once, when I was ten, I snuck into her back garden for some berries, and she came flying out of the house with a spoon and chased me right into my house with it.

  I smile at the memory.

  “I’m just going to go make a call! Be right back,” I tell the old bat and take off to the kitchen. I texted Jasper earlier, asking for T-bags’ number and real name; like I’d ever actually call someone that.

  After making my call, Trevor comes to the back door with some rum and sprite and what looks like Mrs. Shepard’s beer.

  “Met the delivery guy as I was coming in,” he says, lifting up the beer.

  I smile at him, letting him in. “Thanks! Now that you are here, stay. I won’t take no for an answer.”

  He nods. “Sure.”

  I hear Mrs. Shepard yell at Trevor as he walks into the living room, and I laugh.

  “Boy, you need to take that God awful thing out of your face! And shit, boy, eat some fucking food! What are you, one of those Emo punks?” I hear her say to Trevor.

  I walk into the room, smiling, and pass out a drink to Trevor, who is glaring at me while Mrs. Shepard is still ragging him out.

  Tonight will be fun.

  The club raised enough money for the school to buy thirty new desks, put a new computer in each room, and be able to remodel the gym. We’re making an overnight stay before hitting the road home.

  A few of the guys are off to the clubs in town. A few old timers are at the bar down in the hotel. Reaper, Zippo, Breaks, and I are playing a game of cards.

  I got a text from T-bags, telling me that old Mrs. Shepard made herself at home at Eden’s place, which means I should be getting another text or call eventually from Eden, freaking out. I remember the time Old Lady Shepard got a hold of Reaper and put him over her knee.

  Funniest shit I’ve ever witnessed. Reaper was so upset that he went to Momma B, but she just laughed at him and ended up baking a pie for Mrs. Shepard.

  Once the club got turned around, her old man ended up joining our club. He passed away in his sleep two years ago with a smile on his face.

  My phone buzzes in my cut, and I snag it out.

  What is t-bags’ real name, and what’s his number? – Eden

  I start laughing. I know what she’s gonna do.

  “Who’s that?” Breaks asks.

  “Eden, bugging me for T-bags’ number. I bet you anything she’s going to make him join her and Mrs. Shepard tonight.”

  Reaper whips his head to me. “Don’t do that, man, unless T-bags has done something to piss you off. Don’t make him suffer that shit.” He shakes his head, knowing better.

  His name is Trevor

  I type out his number and hit send. I can’t wait to get home and see how T-bags liked his time with Mrs. Shepard. Crazy old bat.

  “I dare you to egg Mrs. Shepard’s house!” Eden shouted to Mason.

  He shot her a dirty look. “I don’t have a death wish.”

  “Chicken! I can’t wait to tell everyone how much of a chicken you are. I did your dare last night, and I got her spoon to my ass!” she yelled at him angrily.

  Mason sighed. “Fine, I’ll do it,” he grumbled.

  I could tell he was shaking, because if Mrs. Shepard snagged him before he ran away, he knew what he was in for.

  He walked over to the house slowly, and knocked on the red door before throwing the first egg. Worse thing was, Mrs. Shepard opened it before he threw the egg, and it landed on her chest. He should have known better. Why he would knock? I have no idea. Idiot.

  “RUN!” I screamed.

  Eden was on the ground, rolling around laughing.

  I looked back to Mason and saw that Mrs. Shepard had him by the ear.

  “You stupid boy! What did you think you would accomplish by doing that? Huh? Your mother should have spanked you more often, stupid fuck!” she yelled at him. “Byron, get my spanking chair,” she yelled into the house.

  Eden lost it even more, and Lilly came running out of the house holding a Video recorder, taping the whole scene.

  “Please don’t tell me you were thinking of that damn time she spanked me,” Reaper says through gritted teeth.

  “Yeah, actually. I wonder if Lilly still has that video,” I say laughing.

  At the mention of Lilly’s name, Zippo throws his cards down and takes off.

  “Seriously, what the fuck is up with him? It’s gotta be more than Lilly keeping the Eden shit from us,” Reaper says.

  I shake my head. “Not a clue. Eden was mine. I should have more of a right to be pissed at Lilly, and I forgave her. He needs to let it the fuck go.”


  I pull into t
he clubhouse gates and see everyone is back from their assignments. T-bags comes out of the clubhouse. When he sees me, he jogs over, looking upset.

  “Man, I just got a phone call. Big Willy got shived in prison.”

  “Fuck!” I bellow. “We know anything?”

  He shakes his head no.

  I wanted to be the one to take that bastard out. “Anything else?” I ask, sighing. Plans just got shot to hell.

  “Yeah, they found Foxy’s body by the old gun warehouse, shot in the back of the head.” I run a hand over my beard. “That’s not all, man. Some rumors say that we are falling back into the old ways. Everyone knows that Big Willy and Foxy were part of the old club. There is talk, that with Eden home and going through some troubles, we’re taking care of her problems like the club used to.” He shrugs his shoulders, not knowing what more to say. I’m not sorry to see either one of them get what they deserved, but I’d have loved to be the man that delivered the justice.

  “Shit, this isn’t good. We worked fuckin’ hard bringing this club around to what we are now, earning respect from the town.” I’m not about to stand aside and let our reputation take a hit after everything we’ve done to get it where it is. “Get the Chief on the phone. Tell him I want a meet,” I tell T-bags.

  “You got it, Pres,” he says with a nod, then goes to walk back inside but turns back to me. “Just so you know, I’m done with Eden duty. I had to put up with that batty old woman for three hours the other night.”

  I smile. “Yeah, sorry,” I say lying.

  He walks away, leaving me standing out here alone. I don’t know how the hell I’m going to tell Eden about this. I already told her I’d take care of it. If she finds out they are both dead, she might think it was me.

  I walk into the clubhouse to see everyone with a beer in their hand and chattering. “Hey, old timer,” I greet Bruce when I take a seat at the bar.

  He’s been in this club since the beginning. Getting him to change his ways was hard; he was one of our hardest men to turn. From what I know, he still goes out of town and parties with another charter, getting all the pussy he can.


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