The Trial

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The Trial Page 17

by James Hunt

  "Let's start her training." The Father said at long last. "Elves live longer than us, they may take longer to heal as well... and we can't wait that long. Be ready for anything. We're going to speed the process along."

  "Yes, Father." Trent replied grimly. But inside, a dark glee rose up in his being at getting a sparring partner that would accelerate his own training tenfold -- if she didn't kill him.


  The evening hours were his alone. No annoying stewards or snooping elites bothered him after dark. He was free to work without interruption. Helrith’s mood also changed once the last of his visitors left for the day. The pretentious smile vanished and a sarcastic one replaced it.

  His fat stumpy legs lacked the grace of the athletic men that worked here. His steps could never be muffled as he just waddled across his apothecary with loud thumps to a back store room. Shelves with jars took over one room with barrels of seed and dirt on the floor beneath them. The opposite wall, from waist high to overhead was a massive glass window that showed the growing black of night taking over. Underneath, hanging from pots were plants of all shapes and sizes -- some ferns, some flowers, some massive vine systems.

  Helrith watched the night sky unfold with a bit of serene regard. Then with a deep breath he turned and moved a bronze gargoyle sideways along a shelf with a click. The whole section of wall suddenly became detached, and the large man was able to pull it open like a door. A pale magenta glow bathed the greenhouse and Helrith’s face as he entered. Inside a body hung from chains in the ceiling, her bare flesh bathed in the pinkish glow coming from matching symbols on the ceiling and walls. They were binding wards, to keep the demon within docile and weak.

  "Now..." Helrith began as he closed the secret door behind him. "Where did we leave off? Oh yes..." He reached up and untied the moist gag around her face. The dirty rag dropped to the ground with a wet plop. Weakly her eyes opened - red venomous eyes amid dark skin and blue-white hair. Those pupils were fully dilated and regarded him with blank curiosity.

  "Are you real?" She breathed faintly. Helrith reached up and pinched one of her nipples. She gasped sharply, and her eyes fluttered as a mix of pain and pleasure flooded her brain.

  "Does that feel real?" He chuckled. "Here, drink this. It's the last bit of medicine for you." He lifted a small cup to her lips. Inside a thick, dark red syrup poured out and dribbled into her mouth. She lapped it up hungrily. He smiled and brushed her hair back out of her face. Her long ears marked her as an elf, with the same face, build, and attitude as the Hekarim guest Trent was looking after. The same one that was supplying him with the blood to make the medicine he had just given her.

  "I had strange dreams again, Master. Dreams that were not my own." She whispered.

  "They were yours, my pet. I just hadn't collected them all yet. These are the last now." He smiled and brushed her cheek. The touch of her skin made her eyes flutter again and her breath come in short gasps. When they subsided, her head hung limply and she stared at the floor.

  "Can I go now master? I am very hungry." She begged.

  "Soon pet, I have more questions for you. Let us see if this potion has helped your memory. Do you remember your name?"

  "I," she started to say weakly. "I am The Mischevious to my people. Most just call me Zek."

  "Tell me of your people, and this elixir you drink."

  "It happens at birth, and only if you're from a noble house." She started. "I don't know much else about it. Except that the common folk, those that don't take it, seem more weak and docile."

  "You only take it at birth? Are you certain?"

  "Yes master. Only once. I don't know why."

  "Interesting," Helrith started to walk around his captured devil. She was truly a marvelous thing to him. Feminine, exotic, and powerful -- were it not for the wards. "How do you feel, my pet?" He smiled as he paused behind her. Her lower back muscles were tensing and releasing, an odd habit for someone chained. Her skin was even starting to glisten slightly with sweat. That was odd, Hekarim were heartier towards hot climates, and it was cool in here.

  "I feel hot," she sighed, "and I itch... between my legs." Her candid and uncensored remarks could be believed. The circle of wards repressed the demon blood inside her. It was what caused her weak and delirious condition.

  "This magic I used to create this barrier. It is a blood seal of the strongest kind, and it is containing the demon inside you." Helrith reached up and grabbed a handful of her hair and let the strands pull gently through his fingers. "You see, I know quite a bit about the summoning sciences and demon binding. Medicines, poisons, herbs... they're more like a hobby. Subjugating the strong willed spirits of the other realms is my true passion and calling. Did you know there is a rare white flower that when you smell its fragrance it sends you to hell temporarily? There you can see, touch and feel the demons... and if you survive, once your body eliminates the pollen from your blood, you return to the field of flowers from where you sniffed it, only to breath in more. Quite chilling... and beautiful.

  I am a great and powerful man." He leaned in and whispered in her ear. "I ask only obedience."

  "I will obey." She whimpered. "Please make it stop, the itching and the burning."

  "I will, my pet." He proclaimed grandly and resumed his pacing around her. "But first I need to understand the malady. Is there anything you haven't mentioned? Think back... way back to your homeland." He wanted to give his serum time to take effect. This person was a construct, an artificial creature and one of his own making. Yet despite his skill even transferring memories would take time.

  "There is a curse." She finally admitted. "I remember it now." The Mischevious was starting to breathe heavily from a fever inside her. "The elixir... it heightens our... senses... We turn violent and reckless over time, unless we quench our inner fires... with sex." The last comment was almost a whisper. She wasn't reluctant to talk about this topic, but recalling the memories was also bringing back memories of sensations, and her body was reacting to them. Already her legs were dripping with moisture originating from her cunt. They were very vivid memories.

  "Very interesting. I see how it all relates now." Helrith smirked and ran his fingernails lightly down her bare sweaty back. Her breath caught in her throat and escaped in brief flutters from his touch. "My, you are sensitive." He chuckled. "What happens if you do not quench this fire?"

  "I don't know. There's usually someone willing." She gasped. "And if not we take them by force." Helrith’s left hand lifted to her breasts and squeezed one. She let out a long ecstatic moan as his fingers cupped the flesh in his palm. He massaged and kneaded her pert breasts and she moaned louder and louder as the breath caught in her lungs. Very quickly her excitement grew until she was about to peak, but then the fondling stopped.

  "But my dear, these wards are suppressing that curse as well as the heightened senses. You shouldn't be craving it so badly." Helrith pinched her nipple harshly and pulled until it sprang free. The sound the Hekarim elf made was an odd squeal of half pleasure and half pain.

  "I like, being interrogated." She whimpered. "It makes me hot." Helrith chuckled and walked around her until he disappeared from her vision.

  "Sadly, I have no interests in Hekarim women." Helrith sighed. "But I am interested in seeing what happens when you are denied what you crave. He reached up and rubbed a greasy finger across a line in the glowing diagram painted on the back wall. It smudged the line and broke it. The glow stopped immediately, and the array went back to being a dark stain on the wood. The Mischevious shuddered, her whole body started to tremble as the effect was immediate. "There are five of these. They are very powerful." Helrith continued as he walked around to a similar ward on the side. He smudged out the same line on this one and the glyph was similarly broken. "Tell me, how exactly is your lust sated? With a simple kiss? With a finger in your cunt, or their tongue buried in your twat?" he turned around and rubbed out the line on the floor ward with his shoe. The Mischevious ha
d started panting heavily and sweat was dripping down her legs to the floor. Helrith watched her drip, but her skin wasn't producing that much sweat. Her sex was so wet it was pouring from her silvery bush and down her legs.

  "Or does it take something more substantial? A man's cock perhaps?" He walked into her field of view and watched as her eyes went immediately to his crotch. "Oh? You want this do you?" Helrith undid his belt and let his portly belly emerge from the cloth to part his robe. Her red eyes were transfixed on his manhood even hidden inside his underpants. "But what do I get out of it?" He whined as if he had been grievously inconvenienced.

  "I won't rip out your throat and feed it to you first. Death can make your cock just as stiff as my tongue can." She snarled through her teeth at him. The subservient creature had been immediately overpowered by the dormant, now released monster lurking inside. Her violence was so overwhelming it even made the smug fat man afraid for a brief moment. She lurched forward suddenly and fought against the chains. They were thick wrought iron, and very strong. Her flailing about only bruised her skin and made a lot of racket.

  "I see. That was quick." Helrith recovered and reached the opposite wall with another active spell ward. He rubbed it out, canceling its power, and watched the immediate effect as his prisoner whimpered in pain and sagged in her chains. There was still one left, the ward on the ceiling, but he wasn't sure about canceling it out just yet. Her pained whimpers were turning to seething hisses of aggression. She jerked suddenly against the chains again trying to free herself. The Hekarim fought and thrashed and screamed in bloody rage. And Helrith just stood and watched in amusement. "Truly remarkable. But never fear, in order to determine how this curse works, I'll need to set our count to zero..."

  "GRRAH!" She roared at him and her hands jerked against the chains for his throat. They still held her tight but the sudden surge in ferocity made Helrith stumbled backwards against the wall, well out of reach of those sharp nails of hers. "Give it to me now human! I'll rip off your face and drink all your blood if you don't!"

  "My, my, aren't we feisty... rrar." Helrith mocked her and batted a sweaty, meaty fist at her like a cat would a ball of yarn. "Oh, the sacrifices I go through in the name of science." He sighed in a feigned hurt tone as he let his underpants fall to the ground. His penis was limp between his legs, overshadowed by his protruding girth. Yet his fingers knew where to find it and caress it to life. His captive hissed at him as she tried to crane her neck around to glare, and to observe. One hand stroked his member and the other went to her toned ass and caressed its way down the back of her thighs. Unlike earlier, the frenzied woman wasn't as receptive to his touch now. His fingers came away drenched as they rounded the curves of her thigh to her wet pussy. He considered them for a moment before plunging two of them into her folds. She hissed sharply at the intrusion but other than that seemed to be ignoring him. Pumping them in and out didn't seem to do much for her mood, and only made his hand drenched in her juices.

  "So much for the two finger theory," Helrith smirked as he pulled them out soaking wet. "Let's try the one finger theory." With that, he pushed his wet fat stubby index finger into her anus. It slid in easily after meeting initial resistance. He wiggled it around, and watched the back of her head toss about, but she wouldn't make any sounds. By then his cock was throbbing in his hands and ready for the main course. But he wasn't sure this was a failure. He pushed a second finger into her tight hole and she threw her head back in a soundless gasp. Her hands were clenching tight, and every muscle in her back and shoulders was tensing up, but not fighting against him. In and out he slid them from her well lubricated hole, and it seemed to pacify her to a certain extent. It wasn't long before she started to whimper in pleasure at the same pace of his fingers entering her anus.

  "You seem to like this, but will it quench your fire?" He leaned in to whisper.

  "It feels so good," she panted. "I need it inside me, in my cunt."

  "Let us plunge our sword into the belly of this fiend." He announced dramatically as he pressed his short manhood against her petite form. Drenched labial folds welcomed the intruder almost immediately and The Mischevious let out a long pleasurable sigh. Like water on a fire it seemed to douse her ire almost immediately. She bucked backwards against his short member, wishing it would bury itself deeper inside of her. But her actions were only instinctual now, all reason was pushed aside, as she was finally getting what her body so badly craved. His pet did most of the work for him with her swaying and bucking back and forth. All that Helrith had to do was lean back so his gut cleared her toned ass as it slammed and ground against his cock.

  Grabbing a fist full of her sweaty blue hair, he pulled her head back, eliciting a moan of approval as he held on against her wild thrusting. Secure in his position, Helrith reached up and rubbed out the key line in the last array. "And, now, let the real test begin."

  The ward broke, the glow faded, and The Mischevious let loose a howl of carnal pleasure as the last seal broke. Helrith’s cock buried itself inside her soaked pussy and filled it at that last intense moment with a huge spurt of his hot semen.


  She woke with a shout. Strong arms grabbed her, but held her calmly. Instinct took over for a moment and she dug her nails into his wrists. But upon hearing his yelp of pain, and recognizing his voice, she let go immediately.

  "I'm so sorry!" she protested and reached out for him in the black of night.

  "Are you okay? You had a bad dream?" Trent asked concerned. Her hands found his face and his wiry stubble filled cheeks. She pressed her forehead to his.

  "Yes... I need a moment." She said unsure of herself. Her fingers caressed his cheeks as she caught her breath from the fright.

  "Umm..." Trent protested the unusual affection. Something had changed, and he could sense it in her. It was as if she was making up her mind about something, but all she could do is sit there in bed caressing his face like this.

  "Shhh.." she quieted him. "Let me have this one moment. Let me pretend it is real." She whispered softly. Those words sent chills down his spine, and all the muscles in his back tensed at once. "Yes, this is real. You are real. Thank the gods." Her voice never rose above a soft whisper, but there was a monumental amount of restrained emotions all trying to get out at once. "I remember so much more... I'm not sure what happened. I'm still trying to sort out what is real and what was a dream. It's very confusing."

  "Uh huh..." Trent calmly took her hands in his and pulled them away. "Excuse me one moment." He said as he crawled from their bed and went to the desk. After some shuffling in the dark, the door to their room creaked open letting in lamplight from the hallway. She could see the silhouette of his naked body reaching something up into the hall. When his arm came back in, he was holding a tiny lit oil lamp. The light was enough to see the shapes of the room in, and it made her eyes uncomfortably painful.

  "I used to have nightmares," Trent started. "Sometimes there were so bad, I would wake up and couldn't tell reality from dream. So I would light a candle and stare at it until I could." He set the small lamp on the desk and crawled back into bed beside her.

  "Now then," He started to say as he got comfortable. "Tell me about this..." he was cut off by her kiss. Soft and sensual, her lips were on his and her fingers had found their way to the back of his head. Trent balked at first, but this wasn't a seduction, at least not yet. So he closed his eyes and let her continue. She just kissed him softly. It seemed like hours to Trent as he kept waiting for the next step to happen. When it didn't come he pulled away, and pushed her back gently.

  "I can't imagine what you're going through," he said in a hushed voice that hinted at sternness. "But this can't go any further. Your feelings are jumbled, and I wouldn't be taking very good care of you if I let this happen without you being wholly yourself."

  She didn't respond.

  "Take some time with your new memories. When you're ready, I'd like to hear about them." Trent said as he rose from the b
ed. "Tonight I think you should have some privacy to think. We'll see what comes tomorrow."

  With that said he left the room with his acolyte's robe and it closed behind him. The Mischevious was alone in her room with her candle. Slowly her head lifted back down to the pillow on her bed, her gaze never left the candle. It was her companion until her eyes closed of their own accord and sleep reclaimed her.

  Trent prowled the night halls. Resisting the elf's temptation had his senses on edge. Even though he was in complete control of his urges, it still electrified his being to have been seduced so subtly. If she was doing this on purpose, she was very good. If not, there was an undercurrent of powerful emotions and feelings within her that was going to be trouble if they were focused onto a single target... like him.

  The hallway ended at the great chapel. Trent pushed the doors open quietly and closed them just as quietly once inside. He recognized the back of Garen's head kneeling in prayer with The Father. He should pay his respects and meditate with them, but he suddenly felt the urge to run laps around the compound.


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