The Mark

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The Mark Page 4

by Heather Burnside

  ‘You got any gear?’ he asked.

  ‘Yeah, some coke. Upstairs,’ whispered Crystal.

  They trundled up the stairs. ‘I need a piss,’ said Gilly, heading to the bathroom while Crystal went to check on Candice.

  By the time Gilly had finished in the bathroom, Crystal was already in bed, naked and waiting for him. He tried not to look at her bruises as he took off his clothes and slipped into bed beside her.

  ‘Where’s the gear?’ he asked.

  Crystal pulled out a drawer in her bedside cabinet where she had the cocaine. They took turns snorting lines of the white powder through a rolled-up five-pound note.

  ‘You got some condoms?’ he asked, once the cocaine had kicked in, and he was feeling high.

  ‘Yeah, but they’re for clients. It’s different with you. I thought you knew that.’

  ‘You think I’m gonna go bareback after that bastard fucked you without?’

  Crystal didn’t say anything, just pouted sulkily. ‘All right,’ she said, ‘but can we go without once I’ve been checked out?’

  ‘Course we can but I wanna make sure you’re clean first. I’m taking no fuckin’ chances!’

  ‘Good,’ she said. ‘Cos I want it to feel special with you, Gilly. You know, like it was before,’ she said, stroking his flaccid penis till it began to swell.

  ‘Yeah, I know. Come on, then,’ he said, taking the condom she was handing him and tearing the wrapper.

  For a few minutes Gilly went through the motions, indulging in a little obligatory foreplay while the sexual tension built up within him. It was while Crystal was riding him that he finally let go and felt the tremendous release. As his body shuddered to a climax he closed his eyes, focusing on the wonderful vision in his mind. But that vision wasn’t of the woman he was with. It was of the attractive, classy blonde who was increasingly occupying his waking thoughts.


  The following night, unaware of Gilly’s growing obsession with her, Maddy was on a high. She couldn’t help but feel a frisson of excitement as she thought about her forthcoming date with the delectable Aaron. She tried to recall what he looked like: blond hair, blue eyes and that lovely smile. It was the smile that dominated her thoughts whenever she shut her eyes and pictured him.

  Then she chided herself. She was getting carried away as always! For all she knew the guy could be the biggest jerk on earth. She’d thought Rob was OK and look how that had ended. And it was so difficult to tell in just a few minutes. Well, at least tonight she’d get to know him a bit better, and then she could decide what she really thought of him.

  They’d arranged to meet in a bar just off Deansgate. It was an older pub, which didn’t get as crowded as some of the more popular new bars that were springing up all over the city centre. And she’d decided to drive. After all, she didn’t know the guy yet so she didn’t want to have one too many and make a fool of herself or, worse still, rush into something she might regret.

  Maddy had selected her clothing carefully. She wanted to look neither too frumpy nor too tarty, so she’d selected a pair of fitted jeans that she knew showed off her shapely hips and thighs and she wore them with ankle boots that had a small heel. Her black silky blouse she had unbuttoned just enough to show a little cleavage but not too much.

  So it was with confidence that she strode into the city-centre pub, noticing the admiring glances from men as she made her way through the lounge. Aaron had already arrived and she saw him sitting on a leather sofa and looking relaxed with his half-empty glass in front of him. He stood up as soon as she approached and gave her a tentative hug.

  ‘What can I get you to drink?’ he asked.

  ‘Just lemonade for me, thanks. I’m driving,’ said Maddy.

  ‘Lemonade it is,’ he said, making his way to the bar.

  Maddy took a seat at the opposite end of the sofa. Manners, I like that, she thought. She had taken in his appearance in the few seconds before he went to the bar. Tonight he was wearing a smart pair of trousers with another nice shirt, a blue patterned one this time. She saw the same leather bomber jacket he’d worn before, on the back of the settee. It looked like quality leather. And he looked just as ravishing as the last time she had seen him with his dazzling smile and sparkling blue eyes.

  She watched him walk back from the bar: he was gorgeous! Then she averted her eyes, trying to appear nonchalant as he placed the drinks on the table and sat down. There was a gap between them on the sofa and she was impressed that he hadn’t tried to come on too strong by sitting too close to her. He carefully moved his jacket from the back of the sofa and placed it between them. Then he turned to face her and draped his arm casually in the space where his jacket had been.

  ‘I must say, Maddy, I was really pleased when you messaged me back.’

  She smiled. ‘I was pleased when I received your message,’ she said.

  ‘So, tell me more,’ he continued. ‘Where are you from?’

  ‘Flixton. What about you?’

  He laughed. ‘NFA at the moment.’

  ‘NFA?’ she asked, puzzled.

  ‘No fixed abode. I’m joking. Actually I’ve just come back to Manchester and haven’t found a suitable property yet, so I’m staying in a hotel for now. I’ve been tied up with business so I haven’t really had the time.’

  ‘Really?’ asked Maddy. ‘Where were you living before?’

  ‘Yorkshire, although I’m from Manchester originally.’

  Maddy had noticed the slight trace of a Mancunian accent but it wasn’t guttural or pronounced; instead it was subtle and refined. He sounded educated and was perhaps from one of the better areas of Manchester.

  ‘Aah, so what made you come back to Manchester?’ she asked.

  ‘Business. Well, I’ve still got a base in Yorkshire. That’s where my electrical goods warehouse is,’ he said, ‘but I’d like to open up another one in Manchester seeing as how that one is doing so well. And, as I’m from Manchester originally, I thought I might settle back here.’

  Maddy recalled that he’d touched a little on his business the first night she’d met him but the few minutes they’d spent chatting hadn’t given her chance to find out much. She remembered they’d spent most of that time talking about favourite holiday destinations for some reason. Now, she decided to delve a little deeper.

  ‘Have you sold your place in Yorkshire?’ Maddy asked, presuming that he must have owned a house where he used to live.

  ‘Yes. I preferred to sell that one before I bought a place here. Otherwise, it becomes a bit stressful trying to synchronise everything. So, I thought this way I’d be able to take my time and find the perfect place.’

  ‘Sounds like a good idea. What areas are you looking at?’

  ‘Bramhall, Cheadle, Poynton, although I haven’t done many viewings yet.’

  ‘Nice areas,’ Maddy commented.

  ‘Yes, it will be nice to live somewhere a bit out of the hustle and bustle but still near enough to the city centre if I need to come in for any reason.’

  He smiled and his eyes lit up. The little hint about having a reason to visit the centre of Manchester wasn’t lost on Maddy. Maybe he was referring to future dates. She smiled back as she felt a sparkle of joy.

  ‘I must admit I’ve spent more time looking at warehouses than houses,’ he said. ‘I want to get the business up and running as soon as possible.’ He reached for his drink and took a long swig before putting down his glass and continuing to speak. ‘So, Maddy, I’d love to hear more about you. What do you do for a living?’

  They continued in that vein for several hours. By the time they were ready to leave, Maddy had told Aaron all about her job, divorce and eight-year-old daughter. She had also found out that Aaron was born in Heaton Mersey in Manchester, but his family had moved to Yorkshire when he was ten years of age. He had attended private school in Yorkshire then gone on to university, where he had studied business. That would account for the refined accent with just a hint of Man
cunian, she thought.

  He had only been back in Manchester for a few weeks and his family still lived in Yorkshire, but he popped back to visit them whenever he could. At twenty-nine, he was nine years younger than Maddy but the age difference didn’t seem to bother him. In fact, he’d made light of it and teased her by calling her a cougar.

  Maddy had thoroughly enjoyed being in his company. He was very attentive and polite as well as interesting. They’d also shared some laughs together. Aaron was the sort of man who made her smile and she liked that. He’d even made a joke about the amount of male attention she’d received on the way back from the ladies. He’s so unlike Rob, she thought. Rob would have become morose if another man so much as looked at her.

  At the end of the night he insisted on seeing her safely to her car and wouldn’t take no for an answer. ‘You never know who’s hanging about in the city centre,’ he said as he led her out of the pub.

  When they reached the car he gave her a polite hug then left her, promising to text her soon. Maddy’s sparkle of joy had become intense pleasure. The man was a delight; such good company, so refined and so good-looking! And, what was more, he seemed to be just as enamoured with her. She drove home on a high, confident that she would soon receive a text from him asking to take her out again. And she couldn’t wait.

  As it was late at night, the drive home didn’t take long. Maddy parked her car on the drive and quickly checked her phone in case she already had a message. There was nothing yet. She knew it was foolish of her to expect a message so soon and the lack of one didn’t dampen her spirits. Maddy strode up to her front door as though walking on air. She noticed her curtains were still open and once inside went to shut them. Her thoughts were so full of the delectable Aaron that she failed to notice the vehicle that stopped on the other side of the road from her house.


  From the driver’s seat of his car Gilly keenly watched Maddy walk to her front door, then saw her silhouetted behind the living-room window. Later, the light was switched on in her bedroom and her silhouette appeared once more behind the curtains. This time Gilly could see her peeling off layers of clothing. The detail was missing but his imagination filled in the gaps. When there was no more to be seen, Gilly started the engine and his car zoomed off up the road.


  The following night Gilly was hanging around on Minshull Street, near Crystal’s usual spot. He had parked his car and was now on foot, hidden in the shadows of one of the sizeable red-brick buildings. As he felt the chill of the late night air, Gilly shivered and zipped up his fleece-lined hoody, not giving a moment’s thought to the street girls who hung out there in all weathers wearing little clothing.

  Gilly decided to keep moving so he would stay warm. While he meandered up and down the street he watched the street girls operating. Amongst them he spotted one or two of his own and was pleased to see they were keen at their work, constantly on the lookout for potential clients and sidling up to kerb-crawlers offering them business.

  He then caught the eye of Ruby, one of his girls. She looked surprised at seeing him and was just about to speak, but Gilly shot her a look that told her not to bother. Tonight, he preferred it if nobody knew who he was. He passed her by and continued on his mission to find the big, ugly, dark-haired guy with a beer belly, driving a red Toyota.

  After an hour Gilly was becoming bored. The warmth of The Rose and Crown was beckoning to him but he decided to wait around a bit longer and it was only ten minutes later that he was rewarded by the sight of a red Toyota Avensis stopping further up the road.

  As Gilly raced towards the car he saw one of the prostitutes approach the driver’s window, then, after exchanging a few words, go round to the passenger side. By the time Gilly reached the car she was sitting in the passenger seat and was just about to shut the door.

  ‘Hang on!’ he shouted, pushing the door fully open with the side of his fist.

  The girl looked at him, alarmed, and continued to pull the door towards her. ‘Fuck off!’ she yelled. ‘I’m taken. You’ll have to find someone else.’

  Gilly was too impatient for explanations. Instead he grabbed hold of the girl’s hair and hauled her out of the car.

  ‘What the fuck’s going on?’ he heard the driver shout.

  Gilly plonked himself in the passenger seat and looked across at the driver. A scrawny, balding man in his fifties stared back at him. Gilly could see the fear in his eyes, which were like saucers.

  ‘What do you want?’ asked the timid, pathetic-looking driver, with a catch in his voice.

  ‘Not you, dickhead!’ said Gilly, his anger and disappointment showing as he gave the man a sharp slap with the back of his hand and got out of the car.

  ‘Fuck!’ he cursed. He had been so sure he’d had him.

  He stormed off and headed towards The Rose and Crown. He’d had enough for one night. His vengeance would have to wait till another time.


  A day later Maddy stepped inside an upmarket restaurant on Deansgate in the city centre and was led to her table by a polite waiter. As she walked through the restaurant, with its polished tables set out in neat rows and adorned with perfectly aligned glasses and cutlery, she spotted Aaron, his golden hair shining under the subtle lighting.

  She reached the table and Aaron smiled across at her, his handsome features turning her insides to mush. He was just about to get out of his seat when the waiter motioned with his hand and then pulled out Maddy’s chair.

  ‘This is lovely,’ said Maddy, gazing round the wonderful restaurant with its wooden parquet flooring, tiled pillars and plush leather seating, as the waiter handed her a wine list and menu then left them alone.

  ‘Not as lovely as you,’ said Aaron.

  Coming from anyone else the line would have sounded cheesy but from Aaron it added to his charm.

  ‘Thank you,’ she said, opening the wine list then staring, wide-eyed, as she saw the prices. ‘Oh, my! This is a bit expensive, isn’t it?’ she asked.

  ‘Yes, but you’re worth it,’ said Aaron. ‘Do you fancy wine?’

  ‘You sure?’ asked Maddy, thinking about the expense.

  ‘Course I’m sure. Would you like to choose it, or should I?’

  ‘I’ll leave it to you,’ she said, not wanting to select anything too pricey.

  ‘OK. Red or white?’ he asked.

  ‘Red, please.’

  They settled on an Australian Shiraz then turned their attention to the food menu.

  ‘How have things been?’ asked Maddy, once the waiter had gone. ‘Have you seen any nice houses since the last time we met?’

  ‘No, I’ve been too busy looking at warehouses,’ he replied.


  Aaron shuffled in his seat before replying. ‘Oh, just in and around Manchester.’ Then he seemed to stop and ponder before continuing. ‘Actually, I wouldn’t mind you coming with me to see what you think. I don’t really know anyone in Manchester any more and I miss having someone to give me a second opinion.’

  Maddy was flattered that he was already asking for her input. ‘I’d love to,’ she said. ‘Have you found somewhere of interest, then?’

  ‘No, not yet. I meant, when I do, perhaps you would come with me to look.’

  ‘Yes, course I will,’ she said, smiling.

  They turned their attention to the menu and Maddy gulped again when she saw the prices, although the wine list should have given her an indication of how high they would be.

  ‘Do you fancy a starter?’ asked Aaron.

  ‘No, I’d best not,’ she said.

  ‘Look, have what you want,’ said Aaron, smiling. ‘Don’t worry about the cost. It’s my treat.’

  ‘Are you sure?’ asked Maddy.

  ‘There you go again,’ said Aaron, sighing in mock exasperation.

  He reached out and covered her hand with his own, then gazed intently into her eyes and smiled. ‘Course I’m sure. I’ve told you: have whatever you want. I
t isn’t a problem.’

  Maddy noticed the way his lovely smile lit up his face and was alarmed to feel herself blush under his gaze. She felt like a schoolgirl with an unrequited crush, and lowered her head, focusing on the menu to hide her embarrassment.

  Once they had finished placing their order she looked at him again. ‘Which hotel are you staying at while you’re looking for a house?’ she asked.

  ‘The Midland.’

  ‘Oh, right,’ she replied, thinking of how much it must be costing him to stay at such a luxury, landmark hotel, but taking care not to comment on the price this time. Instead she said, ‘Really? I bet it’s a bit of a pain living in a hotel, isn’t it?’

  ‘It’s not too bad. The staff are really attentive and they see to it that I don’t want for anything. It’s really central as well so it’s handy for getting out and about when I’m checking out premises.’

  He then shuffled in his seat again before excusing himself to go to the gents. He was gone a while and Maddy was beginning to worry when she saw him returning to the table. She didn’t say anything though. As soon as she saw the lovely smile on his face she relaxed again, glad to have him back in her company.

  The rest of the evening passed by in a blur. The food was delicious and they got through two bottles of wine followed by cocktails, which Aaron insisted on. They spent so long in the restaurant that it was getting late by the time they finished. Although she was tempted by Aaron’s suggestion of continuing the evening elsewhere Maddy insisted on going home as she had work the next day.

  ‘OK,’ said Aaron, ‘I’ll walk you to the taxi and make sure you get home safely.’

  The nearest taxi rank Maddy could think of was Albert Square and, although she felt that the restaurant staff would have been happy to order a taxi for her, she fancied the walk outside with Aaron. As they stepped out of the restaurant Aaron took her hand and they chatted amiably while walking hand in hand.

  ‘Well, this is it, then,’ she said when they arrived in the square.

  He let go of her hand and turned towards her. ‘Thanks, Maddy. It’s been perfect,’ he said.


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