This Is Why I'm Hot

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This Is Why I'm Hot Page 4

by J. D. Light

  Lying to Da was a different animal all together. The man had never been anything but amazingly supportive of me. He always told me I could do anything I wanted in life and would spend hours going over all the different choices out there for careers. I think he was actually convinced I could be a damn brain surgeon.

  Seriously, he was stuck on that as my future career for like two weeks. He'd bought like twenty different charts that showed different parts of the brain and their functions, hoping it would spark an interest in me. It really was interesting, but I knew I'd never be a surgeon of any kind.

  I'd been so nervous to tell him all I wanted was to be a mechanic, but he'd just smiled and hugged me, telling me as long as my career made me happy, he didn't care what I did.

  Da could get overly excited sometimes… and downright pushy, but his only concern ever seemed to be the happiness of the people he loved, and honestly, he and Dad were some of the most loving people in existence.

  I'd known when Hinton's name came flying out of my mouth that day, I'd told Da about my boyfriend, that particular lie was going to come back to bite me in the ass, and guess what?

  "Hinton Day," I heard Hinton say as he reached out to shake my Da's hand from where he stood plastered to my side in the middle of the sandwich shop I hadn't even realized he worked at until just a moment ago.

  Things were getting out of hand. I'd known it for a while. I'd known it before I lied to my Da, telling him Hinton was my boyfriend. I'd known it before I'd woken up that one morning gripping Hinton's ass and pressing my dick against his. I definitely known it before I fell asleep holding a man I adored who was wearing my shirt and smelling like a combination of both of us, and I'd known it before I woke up the next morning to his bared ass pressed against me, and my whole body shaking with the need to touch.

  I'd managed to find the strength somehow, to pull the shirt that had ridden up his body in sleep, down over the lovely pale globes, and also managed to keep it down as he rolled over, burrowing his face against my chest, but Lord help me, it might have been the hardest thing I'd ever had to do.

  My heart rate spiked while I watched my Da's face as he automatically reached out and took Hinton's hand. Please don't make the connection. Please don't make the connection.

  "Oh!" Da said excitedly, and my stomach dropped out immediately. "The boyfriend!"

  Things were no longer getting out of hand. They were well and truly past the point of being contained by five fingers or even ten.

  Hinton stiffened slightly where he'd been leaning into me, blinking at my Da, head tilting slightly as he tried to process the man's meaning. "The boy…" His gaze bounced up to my face in question, obviously confused. I don't know what was written there. I can only imagine that it was probably an unattractive mixture of a cringe and a smile, but he only blinked for a moment before turning back to my Da, leaning even further into me and rubbing his hand on my chest. "Uh huh. Yep. Boyd's boyfriend."

  I nearly groaned, as always, my body responding to his touch in a way that I really didn't want my body responding in front of my Da.

  I'd been surprised to see Hinton when he'd slid slightly between Dawes and me to drop Dawes's sandwich off. Mostly because, for some reason, I hadn't realized that he had two jobs. It was both a surprise and not at all surprising when he immediately threw his arms around me in a big, sweet Hinton hug that left my heart feeling all warm and happy.

  We'd never seen each other in public before. I had kinda always assumed he'd maybe nod and smile, but otherwise act like he barely knew me in public. Not that I wanted that, but it would make sense given the fact that our relationship was a business arrangement, but he had hugged me and then pressed himself against me, just like he would if we were alone at my house watching movies, and he'd stayed like that while I introduced him to my brother Dawes and his… well apparently Kent was more than just the uncle to Dawes's son Ricki now, given that Hinton had accidentally called them out for being all lovey-dovey before I arrived, but they weren't trying to hide it anyway, so I probably would have figured it out on my own.

  Probably. Hard to say since they'd always been pretty close.

  Da actually threw a fist in the air like he was celebrating some great feat, and I sighed, rolling my eyes.

  "You make it sound like I can't get a boyfriend," I grumbled under my breath, feeling the blush on my face as Hinton looked up at me from under his brows, a small smile on his mouth.

  How was I ever going to explain any of this to him? It was one thing for Da to assume he was my boyfriend because of the way he was hanging all over me, but my omega father had only called him my boyfriend after Hinton had introduced himself. There was absolutely no hiding the fact that Hinton's name had been the catalyst in that snap revelation.

  When Da fished out his phone, I knew what he was doing, and I could only hope that he didn't immediately jump right into the wedding planning. What if this whole fiasco turned into Hinton thinking I was nuts and deciding he didn't want to see me professionally anymore? He was playing along now, but if Da started being al Da-ish, how long did I really expect the man to stick around? Poor Riley looked like he was barely hanging on to his sanity as it was, eyes constantly moving around as he crouched down slightly like he was ready if he needed to drag Da out, and I knew that poor omega had seen some things over the last month.

  I cringed, only halfway listening as Da invited Hinton to join us for our family dinners, barely pausing in his rambling spiel to take a picture of Hinton and I before going on about Ricki's birthday party this weekend at the park.

  Hinton giggled adorably, making my heart do that stupid flip thing it did almost any time he laughed.

  I know I missed more of the conversation, my focus solely on Hinton's smiling face as he interacted with Da, looking like he was genuinely enjoying the whole thing.

  Da's phone rang. He didn't even look at it as he answered, and I knew it was Dad, just like I knew the picture Da had just sent him was probably already all over social media, and our family and extended family all thought I had an adorable boyfriend with a beautiful smile.

  "I'm so sorry," I whispered down to Hinton as Da turned to harass Dawes and Kent while Riley watched the man like a hawk, weeks and weeks of wedding planning making my brother's omega leery, and maybe a bit sensitive to the change in his voice.

  He leaned close, keeping his voice low, so that only I could hear. "Having you as a boyfriend can't be all that bad."

  "Even if it comes with my family?"

  A woman called Hinton's name, drawing his attention, and he smiled, nodding.

  "Coming." He turned to my family, giving them all a nod and a smile. "It was nice to meet you all."

  Da actually looked sincere instead of insane when he smiled, his voice high and sweet. "You too, sweetheart. Don't forget about dinner next weekend."

  "Okay, I'll get the info from Boyd." Hinton said, turning to smile up at me. "Uh, bye, babe." He moved quickly, pressing a kiss to my cheek.

  I gasped, making him giggle, and he took off, following a brightly grinning woman who threw a wink at me over her shoulder.

  It's not real, Boyd. It's not real. Hinton Montgomery is not your boyfriend.

  I glanced over at Dawes and cringed at the pitying look on his and Kent's faces as Da and Riley left, the younger omega groaning as he followed along behind the man, clearly ready to be done with the whole thing.

  I continued to watch Hinton as he moved around the room, my cheek still tingling from the way his soft lips had felt against my skin. I blushed nearly every time we made eye contact, but I didn't look away, offering him small smiles instead, and relishing the way his face lit up each and every time.

  I was scared to hope… for anything, but I caught myself hoping anyway. I didn't know why he was helping me, or what that look on his face meant, but it felt like something was happening. Something amazing.

  It was too late to worry about keeping things just business, and honestly, it had probably bee
n too late for a while, but I didn't really know what that meant moving forward. All I could hope was that it didn't mean losing Hinton from my life completely.

  Chapter Four


  H inton made my life better just by being in it. I'd thought it many, many times over the few months that I'd known him, but there was just something so soothing about the man.

  I'd been a nervous wreck since that day at the sandwich shop. I'd been so sure he was going to cancel our session. It wasn't like I hadn't already made things awkward before the whole boyfriend fiasco by grinding on the poor guy while I was sleeping.

  I could have easily alleviated all that damn angst by texting him, since I did have his number now, but I'd been too scared. I'd decided to wait and see what happened, but as the night went on, even the ridiculousness of my family and the fact that Da had already started planning Dawes and Kent's wedding hadn't been enough to distract me from the anxious, nervous bubble in my stomach.

  I'd gone home early with a headache, showered twice because I couldn't quit fucking sweating, and paced the floor by the front door dividing my attention between the clock and the window, waiting for headlights.

  When I finally saw the bright beams bouncing down the driveway, I'd actually leaned my forehead against the door and thrown a thank you heavenward.

  He didn't even hesitate when I opened the door before he knocked. He came immediately into my arms, sighing happily like he had been the one that worried I wouldn't be there or something. It soothed my nerves.

  I must have been close to dosing, because his soft voice made me jump slightly as I held him tight to my side and he rested his cheek on my chest.

  "You know, now that I'm your boyfriend, you should probably stop paying the agency for my cuddles," he said softly, letting his finger gently trace the lines of my ribs.

  I groaned, making him chuckle softly as he leaned his head back to look up at my face.

  "I'm so sorry," I said, meeting his gaze even though I kinda wanted to climb under the bed and hide a little. "Your name was the first to come to mind."

  He bit his lip, his eyes crinkling with humor. "Hearing your Da react like that over my name was a bit of a shock, but you told me your Da was pushing you to find somebody, and I know you struggle with talking to omegas, so it's not really all that surprising, I guess. The lying, or the fact that you used my name."

  Blowing out a breath, I pulled him closer, not entirely sure I was happy that he'd come to that conclusion or not. On the one hand, it made my life a lot less complicated, but on the other, I kinda wanted him to know how important he actually was to me. How important he was period.

  "So, you're not gonna break up with me?" I joked, beyond proud when his eyes brightened.

  "No way. You're the best boyfriend I've never had."

  I chuckled, reaching up to run my thumb over his beautiful birthmark. "I don't deserve you."

  Oops! My heart pounded, and I was happy he was resting against my right side so maybe it wouldn't be as noticeable. I couldn't believe I'd actually said that out loud. Sure, it played into the little joke, but I'd meant every word as I looked down into his beautiful face.

  He hummed happily, nuzzling against me, his eyes falling shut as he continued to draw lazy designs over my stomach.

  "I was serious before," he said after a long moment, his eyes sleepy as he looked up at me again. "You should cancel your appointments with the agency."

  Oh. "Is it because of the boyfriend thing?" Had I run him off after all?

  He giggled softly, shaking his head against my chest. "No. I just don't think you should be paying for this anymore. I like coming over here and hanging out with you. I get just as much out of it as you do." He swallowed hard, licking his lips. "I can just come over as a friend from now on, and we can snuggle and watch movies… You know, maybe hang out more than just once a week."

  "You'd want that?" I watched the nervousness melt from his face at my question, and he smiled, nodding. "Okay. That would be… I'd really like that."



  I wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans one at a time as I juggled the steering wheel. I just didn't see how this wasn't going to turn out horribly. My Da was either going to realize that the sweet, beautiful, amazing omega I'd lied about being my boyfriend, or my crazy-ass family was going to scare him off.

  I didn't want to lose Hinton. He might not be my real boyfriend, and given the fact that I was a giant chicken, he probably never would be, but he was my closest friend, and I desperately needed him in my life.

  He'd come over every night except Thursday this past week, and the only reason he hadn't come then was because he said he really needed to get some laundry done since he'd literally only gone home long enough to grab a shower, change and get clothes for the next day. I'd told him next time he could just bring his laundry to my house, and even as I said it, I knew I was giving my desperation away, but he'd simply smiled and agreed, not at all looking like a man who might be starting to feel like he was being smothered.

  Now, I just had to make sure that my family didn't scare him off. I wasn't an asshole. I knew my family was actually really great, but it was no secret that my Da's need for son in-laws and babies to spoil was pretty much the driving force behind everything that went on in my parents' house these days.

  I cringed. That reminds me.

  "So, if my Da starts talking about our wedding, maybe just go with the flow. He has two others to plan before he can plan ours anyway, so there is plenty of time to correct him down the road," I said, more butterflies taking off inside my stomach the closer we got. "He definitely won't get started on it for a while… I don't think."

  "Our wedding?" he coughed out, his eyes bright and filled with humor when I glanced over at him. "You think he'll already be planning our wedding?"

  "I know he will." I groaned, letting my head fall against the head rest of the seat. "I'm so sorry. He and Dad are like over the top about… well, really everything, but Da starts planning weddings before anyone is actually engaged. I just wanted to warn you… and let you know that you are absolutely not required to marry me, though Da will make it sound like you are."

  Oh Lord. This all sounds even crazier when you say it out loud.

  Chuckling, he reached out and grabbed my hand on the center consol. "I think I'm going to like your Da. "

  I snorted out a laugh, squeezing his hand. "I'll remind you of that when he's got a chapel booked for us in November."

  "November? Why not October?"

  "You're joking, but he's got Dawes and Kent booked for October. Dad won't let him book two in the same month. He says it makes him extra… extra."

  "Hmm. I think I'm actually free in November."

  "Mmmhmm," I hummed as we pulled up to the curb outside my parents' house, eyeing the dark red brick walls and seriously considering driving on. "Kent and Dawes are the ones that are booked for October, and they've only been dating for a little over two weeks.

  "Really?" he asked in surprise, blinking over at me. "But they look so in love."

  "I think they are, but I'm pretty sure they've been falling in love for years."

  "Then it sounds like they'll probably be plenty ready to get married by October."

  I paused with my hand on the door handle, turning to give him a surprised look. "I'm pretty sure that was exactly what my Dad said when Dawes tried to protest. You really might get along with my Da."

  He winked at me and climbed out of the car like he didn't have a care in the world, and I rushed out to catch up, not wanting my family to attack him without me there to protect the poor innocent little omega.

  "You suck up!" Wagoner cried when I rounded the car and reached out to put my arm around Hinton.

  "What?" I asked after a moment when I realized my brother was actually talking to me. "What are you talking about?"

  "Who's this?" he demanded, pointing at Hinton. "No way he's your boyfriend."

  I st
iffened, feeling more sweat gather at the small of my back, glad I had the ninety-five degree weather to blame for all this sweat on, because all this lying was making me feel guilty as shit, and every single member of my family knew my involuntary reaction to guilt was to sweat profusely.

  "Yes he is," I said defensively, getting a raised eyebrow for Wagoner as Hinton reached up, rubbing a circle on my chest soothingly.

  I felt myself starting to relax, thankful for the reminder that I wasn't in this alone. Hinton would be here by my side all night. Even Dawes and Kent knew the truth, and while I was sure Dawes would gladly expose me just to get the focus off of him, I happened to know that Kent had a soft spot for me and wouldn’t let my brother rat me out.

  "Nope," Wagoner said, shaking his head. "There's no way."

  Why did everyone seem to think it was so impossible for me to have a boyfriend?

  "I don't usually agree with Wagoner because he's wrong about everything," Cashin said, giving me an apologetic look. "But I reluctantly agree. With your particular shyness, asking a beautiful man out just seems unlikely."

  I was starting to get irritated. Sure, I was lying my ass off, and I really was too afraid to tell Hinton how I felt about him, but I wasn't completely useless when it came to omegas… or at least I didn't think I would be anymore. If I could have a normal conversation with Hinton, who in my opinion was the most beautiful omega I'd ever met in my entire life, then surely, I could talk to the rest.

  "So, what exactly do you think I'm doing here, then?" Hinton asked it a voice I'd never heard him use, and when I turned to look at him, he was giving Cashin a cold look before turning it on Wagoner, raising his eyebrow.

  Wagoner opened his mouth, and Cashin quickly clamped a hand over it, keeping his voice calm. "Do you want to get beat up by Boyd tonight? Because regardless of the fact that I just don't see Boyd asking this beautiful man out, you can clearly see that he is protective of him. It would be very, very stupid for someone to say something insulting."


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