A Tiger's Destiny (Tiger Protectors Book 3)

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A Tiger's Destiny (Tiger Protectors Book 3) Page 15

by Terry Bolryder

  That’s if she could find happiness here with two men she barely knew. But wasn’t that how all relationships started? With people you barely knew? She’d just been rescued, kidnapped, and brought to a luxurious apartment instead of met at a bar and taken out on a boring first date.

  And when she thought of Ran’s and Draven’s face, something felt so right about it all. Like she was meant to know them, meant to love them. Though that could perhaps be wishful thinking because they were both so incredibly hot and so strong and just everything she’d want in a man.

  And they were right down the hall.

  Waiting for her.

  She ran her fingers along her arms, feeling a slight chill. Then she studied the window for a moment before leaning forward to close it.

  It was time to start her adventure. She didn’t want to wait another moment. She looked down out at her outfit. Her work pants were dirty from being thrown on the ground, and her blouse was loose and baggy and brightly colored. She wished she’d had something more seductive for her first time with them.

  She looked at the fully stocked closet. There had to be something in there. She ran her hands over the many silky shirts hung there until she found a section of lingerie, all new and high end with tags still on. Apparently, Ran had thought of everything. He certainly didn’t do things halfway.

  She flipped a tag over in curiosity and gasped at the price. Dragons must be loaded. She supposed that made sense with all the myths about hoarding treasure.

  She finally found a piece she liked. A negligee in shimmery, turquoise silk that caught the light nicely and would slide perfectly over her curves and complement her skin. She pulled it off the hanger and held it up to her, grinning.

  How had Ran known? And why was he so eager to move things along with someone like her, mate with her, as Draven had said, when he didn’t know anything about her?

  It must have something to do with the reason he’d called her dragon-heart.

  Well, she thought as she changed and prepared to head out to meet her fate, I feel dragon-hearted right now. And ready to give her heart to two dragons.

  * * *

  “She’s coming,” Ran said, leaning against the headboard with his hands lazily clasped behind his head. “Just wait.”

  “You’re insane,” Draven said, turning a page in the book he was pretending to read while he waited to see if Ran was right. What mortal in their right mind would come to visit them on their first night after being kidnapped and brought to a new location? And hearing about dragons and seeing dragon fire and everything else Ran had put her through.

  He knew dragons held a strong sexual attraction for humans. Most shifters did, but dragons had to choose humans for mates, so the pull was even stronger.

  He turned another page and adjusted his reading glasses on his nose as hairs prickled on the back of his neck in anticipation. He thought he heard footsteps in the hall and sat up straight, listening carefully. Dragons didn’t have the best hearing, unlike some shifters. But they made up for it with immortality, super strength, and dragon fire. Not to mention the advantages a lifetime of collecting treasure afforded.

  And Draven was all about the treasure. He couldn’t resist the acquisition of new loot. And the thought of her body, curvaceous and rich, would definitely be the ultimate treasure.

  He shook his head against the unbidden thoughts. She was just an average mortal. He wouldn’t be like Ran and foolishly run into this, despite the rare bravery she’d shown.

  Melissa. Ran had read her mind for her name, and she’d taken his mind intrusions with the same kind of calm wonder she seemed to take all of this. He had no idea what had happened to her to make her accept things with such fatalistic calm, but he was curious about it.

  Ran, on the other hand, was just delighted to have met another woman he considered a dragon-heart, after so many years.

  Draven sighed. If she stayed, she’d definitely be a handful. But at the same time, with each breath he knew he and Ran would protect her with everything they had.

  Damn, he was already thinking of her as his. While he tried to read his book, he kept thinking about her soft, warm body. Her flashing brown eyes, passionate and intriguing. She’d be curled up under the covers now. Would she be thinking of them as she had before? He didn’t mind-intrude nearly as often as Ran. But her lustful thoughts toward them were so obvious that one didn’t need to be a mind reader to catch on.

  Her beautiful dark eyes said it all. He was painfully hard at the thought of giving her everything she seemed to want. But he’d already decided not to rush into things, and he wouldn’t let a tempting little female change that for him.

  He let out a hoarse sigh that drew Ran’s attention. But then Ran cocked his head and looked at the door curiously. “Did you hear that?”

  “Hear what?” Draven asked.

  “I swear I heard footsteps, but they stopped outside the door.”

  Draven’s heart pounded. Could she really have come? She’d have to be incredibly adventurous.

  Or incredibly horny.

  Ran gave him a triumphant look as he got up to answer the door.

  Draven picked up the book and studied it, trying not to listen. Even if she was here, he was determined not to participate. He was a dragon who didn’t bond easily, but he knew sex would speed that along. And he didn’t want to bond again until he knew it was with their true mate.

  The one that would last forever.

  Ran opened the door. “Melissa. I’m so glad you came.”

  Draven looked up to see Ran send him a devilish glance as he let Melissa in, and Draven turned quickly away.

  But not before he saw her flushed face, her wide eyes.

  This mortal was in way over her head. He thought he would perhaps let Ran play with her first, and if that didn’t scare her away, perhaps they could trust things to move a little further.

  “I’m glad you found what we bought for you,” Ran said, his voice husky, making Draven want to turn around and see what he was looking at. “You look beautiful. Truly perfect for a first time.”

  “My first time,” she said quietly. “I mean, I’ve used dildos and such. I think it’ll be fine, but…”

  Draven bit the inside of his cheek. “Damn.”

  He could feel them turn their attention on him, but ignored them, burying his nose in his book. He wasn’t going to be a part of this. Not tonight, when everyone seemed hell bent on ignoring common sense.

  But he could scent her. The sweetest smell in the world, delicate and floral and feminine. Damn, how long had it been? He adjusted his crossed legs, trying to deal with the fact that he was painfully hard.

  But her first time—with two dragons? He suppressed a growl deep inside him. Did he even know how to be gentle with a virgin? He’d never thought about having one. That was something dragons were into in the Middle Ages…

  “I’m sorry if I…” She trailed off, and he could feel her gaze on him, probably self-conscious because he was blatantly ignoring her.

  “Not at all. Come in. I promised you adventure after all,” Ran said easily as Draven heard footsteps moving toward the bed. He tried to resist looking but couldn’t help sneaking a peak to see Ran leading their curvy little mate toward the large bed in the middle of the room. He helped her climb up, and Draven caught a peek of gorgeous little blue panties on a curvaceous, amazing ass that just begged for his hands.

  Damn, he was hard. And aching to touch her. She looked so small in the middle of the bed as Ran gently nudged the thin silky straps of her negligee over her shoulder, exposing gorgeous, soft skin to their eyes.

  Ran’s eyes met his, glowing in the dim light of the room, a challenge lit within. They’d always enjoyed pleasuring a woman together, on the rare occasions they’d had one.

  But this was different. His body ached to be there, touching her, taking her with Ran, becoming one with her. Ran put an arm around her and drew her close to him. She let out a gasp as Ran gently nipped an
d sucked the skin at the base of her neck, keeping his eyes locked on Draven’s, inviting him—no, challenging him to come forward.

  But Draven stayed glued to his chair. He hadn’t yet lost control of himself, and he didn’t intend to. Even if her soft sighs as Ran caressed her back and kissed his way to her ear drove Draven to distraction.

  Then Ran slipped the negligee lower, down to settle around her generous hips. Draven let out a growl as Ran’s hands came up in front of her, presumably to cup her breasts, which would be full and delicious.

  Draven was definitely a breast guy.

  “Mmm, Draven, you sure you don’t want to come over here? These are a prime pair of—”

  Ran was cut off by a low growl that came from Draven without him even being conscious of releasing it. Those were his breasts. The breasts were always his. Ran knew that, dammit.

  Draven ran his tongue over his dry lips, trying not to imagine how her breasts would feel in his hands. Heavy and warm. Something to support, to kiss, to lick. To guard.

  The growl was still going inside him.

  “I don’t know, Dray. They’re so big. I’m not sure I’m the right one to handle them.” Ran sent him a wicked glance over Melissa’s shoulder, and Melissa looked back at him for a moment, her cheeks beautifully flushed, lips swollen, eyes slightly glazed.

  Damn, Draven wanted to be the one doing that to her. Taking her with Ran and making her scream their names.

  “I guess I’ll do what I can though,” Ran said, lowering his mouth slowly down in front of her.

  No! Those were Dray’s, and he was going to make sure the lips on them were his. He stood up abruptly, not caring about the enormous erection he was sporting, and strode to the bed angrily. When he was there, he reached from behind her and grabbed her hands in one of his, yanking her back and pinning her between him at the foot of the bed and Ran in the center. Ran’s hands held her soft thighs possessively, stroking them lightly as Draven kept her hands above her head.

  She was totally helpless between them, and judging by her face as Draven used his free hand to slowly circle one aching nipple, she was totally enjoying it.

  * * *

  “Dammit,” Draven said, his low, quiet voice stirring Melissa to the core. “The breasts are mine. Always.”

  “Excuse me?” she asked, trying to twist to see him, though it was difficult with Draven holding her hands down and Ran running distracting palms down her thighs and over her ass. Ran had a way of making her feel so wanted, so needed, with that hot green gaze that seemed to flicker from dragon to human.

  She was relieved to see Draven’s words were meant for Ran, whom he was staring at with hard eyes as he released her wrists in order to move both his large, strong hands over her breasts, closing them and then squeezing them possessively as his thumbs flicked over her nipples. She gasped in response, and Draven’s cold, blue gaze turned fiery.

  “Damn,” he growled. “So beautiful.”

  “Such language,” Ran said sardonically. “I can think of better things to do with my mouth at this moment.”

  Her eyes widened as Ran planted a hand on each thigh and parted them in a quick, firm motion that had her catching her breath, achingly wet. He tore off her panties with one quick movement like they were tissue under his hands and then gave her a voracious stare. His mouth was down and on her before he could even finish that ghost of a devious smile he sent her way before diving in.

  Ran was a storm, possessive, fiery, and knowing exactly what he wanted. His tongue flicked eagerly against her as his hands held her ass.

  Draven still seemed to be hesitating, though his hands were lingering on her breasts deliciously, making her writhe. He leaned forward and took her lips in an upside kiss that nevertheless fit perfectly, and his hands worked expertly over her nipples with gentle flicks as his tongue parted her lips and dove inside to stroke against hers.

  She felt her lower half straining against Ran’s mouth as her tongue entwined with Draven’s. It was a hot, wet possession, a total ignition of her senses as every part of her body felt treasured, owned, claimed.

  She moaned against Draven’s lips as his tongue explored, thrusting deep in her mouth and making her ache to be filled. Ran’s tongue dipped lower to stroke up against her pussy, pushing inside and then licking back up to her clit and swirling before he brought his lower teeth up gently to just barely graze her in a way that sent fire rushing through her. She couldn’t take much more, and she gasped against Draven’s lips as the delicious tension built inside her.

  Ran growled in satisfaction as her hip movements became more frantic, her body trying to jerk away against her own will. She wanted the pleasure, but it felt too strong. She couldn’t take it. The hands caressing her breasts and dipping down to play softly in her belly button. The hands cupping and squeezing her ass and then firmly holding her thighs while Ran devoured her with his tongue.

  The pressure was building, higher and higher, more rapid than it had ever been alone. More intense than it felt she could take.

  “I—” she gasped against Draven’s mouth.

  He kissed her more deeply and then pulled back to kiss his way down to her ear, licking along the shell as she gasped out huge breaths at the increasing pressure.

  “You okay?” Draven asked, murmuring the question against her ear.

  She nodded vigorously, bringing a fist up to her mouth to bite down on it, eyes glazed in pleasure. She was going to come. Any second. She knew it.

  Draven drew a line from her ear to her breast and then followed it with his mouth, and when his lips closed around her nipple and he gently sucked her into his mouth to play with her with his tongue, she saw him share a look with Ran. Ran stroked hard, right over her center. Once, then twice, and she went.

  It was a cascade of feeling, falling and falling all around and through her until she couldn’t breathe, until all she could do was close her eyes and wonder how this were possible. They seemed to know just how to please her. She’d never known anyone could be so attuned to her body.

  They were a whirlwind but one she was happy to be caught up in. Ran swirled his tongue over her one last time, licking up her juices, and then he sat up and gave her a look that oozed alpha confidence, his mouth slightly quirked, his eyes glowing at her in the low light of the night.

  Draven kissed her breast and then released her nipple and walked around the other side of the bed to join Ran.

  “Move,” he said.

  Ran moved quickly, spinning her and lifting her in front of him so she was kneeling and he was behind her.

  “Wait,” she rasped out, her body still pulsing in the aftershocks of the most amazing orgasm of her life. “Aren’t we finished?”

  “Oh, sweetheart,” Ran said in a low, smooth voice that sent a shiver down her spine. “We’re only just beginning.”

  Her lips parted in a silent gasp as Draven came toward her on the front of the bed, and the two men closed around her, pinning her between them.

  Her body, which had been starting to relax, lit on fire once again. She put her hands in her hair and arched as Draven pulled her waist up for him to kiss her stomach and then her breasts as Ran pulled her hair back off her ears and gently nipped her lobe before closing his lips over the sensitive skin there.

  She gasped and thrust forward, and Draven pulled his shirt over his head, leaving her chest to chest with his hard, muscled body. Ran wrapped his arms around her, and she felt another set of incredible abs against her skin.

  She threw back her head.


  Chapter 4

  The dragons just stayed locked around her, and she could feel their iron strength, their hot breath on her skin. Draven’s blue eyes met hers, and for a moment, she swore she saw his irises change from blue to red and then back again like the flickering of a shutter.

  She put a hand up to brush lightly through Draven’s hair and saw his expression tighten slightly as his eyes narrowed on her.

  “I stil
l haven’t accepted you, human,” he said in a deep voice. “I just never seem to be able to resist Ran’s taunting.”

  “Well, I mean, these breasts are amazing,” Ran said, reaching around from behind to squeeze them gently. Draven’s eyes heated slightly.

  “I thought you said the breasts were yours,” she gasped out, trying to joke.

  Draven shook his head, keeping that intense gaze on hers as he moved back to remove his pants, baring himself to her.

  Melissa gaped at the size of him. When Draven came back against her, she could feel his hard length pressed against her and her body tightening in response. She was so wet, so aching and ready to have him inside her. Her mouth watered at the thought.

  “There’s only one time when I don’t mind Ran touching your breasts,” Draven said in a low voice as he lifted her gently onto his lap as if she were feather light. The feel of his hard muscle beneath her was erotic and intense beneath her sensitive, wet flesh. “And that’s when I’m taking you.”

  Ran softly massaged her nipples, his capable hands stirring her quickly into the frenzied tension from earlier. It felt like he was inside her mind. Then again, maybe he was.

  She still didn’t know that much about dragons, what magic they possessed. She still expected any moment to wake from this dream and be back at the library, having fallen asleep at work.

  “It’s not a dream,” Ran said.

  “Stay out of her head,” Draven growled. “Have you no shame?”

  “You know I don’t,” Ran retorted, nipping Mel’s neck and making her arch again in response as a thrill ran through her. Then Ran came close behind her. “Take her, Draven. She’s ready.”

  She nodded. Why hide it? She could hardly wait to feel him inside her, filling her, stimulating her while Ran held and stroked her from behind. She’d always imagined what it would be like to be completely encircled by pleasure, and it seemed she was only a few moments from being able to experience it.


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