Sisters of Ruin (Lucent Book 1)

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Sisters of Ruin (Lucent Book 1) Page 5

by Darren Lewis

  “Christ. Oh Jesus, God, help us!”

  “Keep going please!”

  Mary heard a continuous call for help in between her own panicked breathing.

  “Help me, oh god, help me, oh god!” On and on as she descended further into the blackness below. The phrase married with the clatter of feet on the metal treads created an almost hypnotic rhythm. Mary dimly realised the desperate voice was her own, out loud and in her head, this realisation nevertheless didn't halt her mantra.

  “One more flight.”

  Mary flicked her eyes momentarily away from the steps and now saw a dim glow pooling at the bottom of the stairwell from a series of recessed lights. In the glow Mary saw another metal door which was now opening as the group reached their apparent destination. Space down here was limited but the operation's chief stopped everyone from proceeding further. Deep breaths were taken by all, many leaning on their knees before wiping the sweat from their faces. Mary looked for Gabby and saw her own fright and confusion reflected back at her. Brooke was sobbing gently into Mr Harris's shoulder and despite what she thought of the girl, Mary felt the need to comfort her.

  “What the hell is going on?” Mr Harris demanded. “All my bloody students are up there!” The arm not wrapped around his student punched straight up into the air. Chief Anderson nodded as he drew a long breath. He looked back up the stairs to the door they'd entered from but it was now lost in the darkness above as their destination had been hidden below during their descent.

  “I'm sorry, I truly am.” The man ran his fingers through his hair and bit his upper lip before continuing. “Code Manhattan is a total disaster code. It's used in the event of natural disaster, invasion or nuclear attack.”

  Mary felt the sharp sting of tears pierce her eyes without the need to even contemplate this man's words, her body was reacting to the news seemingly of its own accord.

  “I can explain more when we get to safety but please you have to realise that there is no going back. When the code was called the station's controls are set to automatic until an all clear. That means everything outside of the control room is sealed off.” The man's voice became hard as he finished his sentence and Mary noticed he actually physically leaned forward as if to emphasise his point. Mr Harris squeezed Brooke's shoulder and cleared his throat.

  “In other words they were locked out of the safe zone you have here, where we are now?”

  “We're not there yet, but essentially, yes.” The man sighed and looked at his colleagues before addressing the surprise guests. “Before we enter I want you to understand right now that we will be sealed in. No getting out until it's safe, and that is a relative term until we know what's going on up there. My team and I have trained for these scenarios.” The chief tried a half-hearted attempt at a smile. “But we couldn't just leave you up there could we?” Brooke groaned and Gabby shuffled over to Mary's side. The two girls placed their arms about each other's waist.

  “But our family, our friends.” Brooke sobbed. The man simply gave a shake of his head. He then closed his eyes and indicated towards the door. The technicians moved through the open door until, standing in the dim light, were the three girls, Mr Harris and the man who seemed to be in charge.

  “I understand, miss. I really do. All of us, every person here, has family out there.” He jutted his chin back towards the surface. Mr Harris nodded and guided Brooke to Mary and Gabby. Without words all four looked into the other's eyes and saw the truth of their situation. Mary took a deep, shuddering breath, trying to muster an ounce of will. She turned and nodded to the man who had led them down here.

  Slowly the small group joined the remainder on the far side of the door and watched as it was closed shut, the clang of the metal reverberating in Mary's chest and it seemed stilling her fluttering heart.

  * * *

  Gabby could not resolve the images she was witnessing on screen with anything in real life. A few hours had passed since she and the others had fled to safety and as guests they had been dumped in a small lounge with a television, highly uncomfortable sofas and away in the corner two sets of bunk beds while the Chief and technicians went about their work in securing wherever they now were. With no real close ties to the outside world Gabby found herself the ablest to cope with the situation. If she was being completely honest she found it not only scary but quite exhilarating. But still, her best friend, Mary, was beside herself with worry, not to mention Brooke and Mr Harris. Mary had two brothers as well as her mum and dad to worry over so Gabby spent the time just sitting with her, neither really speaking but just comforting. Boredom as it often does however leaks into any situation regardless of the circumstances and the small group of four turned on the television, not expecting it to work and after a short while wished it wasn't. Gabby found the news stations straightaway and like her three companions had watched in a total state of confusion at some of the imagery they were seeing. Brooke would have none of it, accusing Gabby of turning to some stupid TV show rather than the news. The accusations grew louder and more hysterical until Mr Harris had been forced to intervene and calm the girl down. Gabby and Mary had continued watching and Gabby was sure if someone was recording them while sat there the video would show two girls with their jaws comically dropping to the floor.

  The news feeds available were showing the same clips again and again, each with their own commentary, ranging from utter disbelief to numbed shock. The one main clip that each news broadcaster focused on was apparently from a tourist on vacation in the United States. The clip started out with a shuddery image of the ground accompanied by the user complaining about the shot. In the background were the normal noises for any city; traffic, footsteps of people passing by, chattering and shouting. While the video camera was still taking in the view of the ground a scream causes the operator to judder and turn in the direction of the noise. The screams multiply and the operator finds a group of pedestrians pointing to something over the camera user's shoulder. The image becomes blurry as the camera is spun quickly and at first the camera focuses on a set of large black iron railings. Then as the camera is pointed upwards the image resolves to that of the White House in Washington D.C. More screams add to the pandemonium and rockets are fired from the roof of the President's residence up into the grey sky. The camera user tracks the smoke trail the rockets leave behind until the intended target comes into view and the camera blurs once again as it attempts to focus on this new object. Here it becomes obvious that the camera operator is a man as the screams become his and then as the camera shakes in fright the image resolves to that of a huge yellow figure hovering in the sky. Beating its wings almost lazily the creature studies the rockets swiftly approaching, extending its long neck and letting loose a glass shattering scream of its own. The wings are thrust frantically and the animal gains height before disappearing from the sky.

  A collective gasp is heard from those on the ground and the man behind the camera and silence returns for a short time. Conversations are picked up by the microphone and a few laughs as people think they've witnessed an elaborate hoax. The laughs are quickly replaced by shrieks, yells and screams as a mighty crunch is heard from the direction of the White House. On the roof of that most famous building is the yellow creature that a moment ago disappeared. Its weight has crushed part of the roof and the video clearly shows the men assigned to protect the President being dispatched in gruesome fashion. The man holding the camera begins to retch at the scene and he starts turning away as others around him are calling for help and fleeing the area. Just before the video loses focus on the White House roof a large stream of red and yellow fire can be seen streaking down from the roof, engulfing a large portion of the front of the house. Gun shots sound in the distance, sounding like nothing more than small firecrackers. Then with one final whimper for help from the man operating the camera the video and audio disappear.

  Gabby watched the video again and again. The news stations were freezing the video and attempting to enhance th
e still picture of the yellow beast in the sky. Though the outline of the creature became blurry and detail was lost as the image was zoomed in the shape was apparent for all who were watching to see. Gabby herself knew what the creature was but it seemed none on the television dare speak the name, either through the thought of ridicule or simple disbelief. Gabby knew and when she looked at her friend sat next to her she saw in Mary's eyes the mixture of incredulity and foreboding she knew must show in hers at this fantastical creature, a dragon.

  The video, before reaching any news outlets, had been uploaded to the internet via social media and from there quickly went viral. It was perhaps it's fantastical elements that created such a swift journey around the world as it was classed as an incredibly realistic CGI creation from persons' unknown or some sort of global advertising campaign designed to attract a large audience. Whatever the reasons it prepared the way for the mass of videos to follow.

  After a few hours Gabby switched the television off and placed the remote control gently to her side. She kept her movements slow as Mary was sleeping curled into Gabby's shoulder. Gabby looked down and saw wayward hairs dropping across her friend's face so using a finger Gabby swept them clear. Mary's face, though still now, showed the ravages of emotions over the last hours watching news reports from around the world. That an overwhelming attack was underway was clear but Gabby sensed that in each report from government or military agencies the air of utter confusion was fogging any proper response. Gabby shook her head slightly. She knew the picture she was seeing being laid out by the media was a small one and if the media did anything these days it was to shock and encourage feelings of horror from their viewers, they still had ratings to think about regardless of the dire circumstances apparently facing the human race.

  A short metallic squeak drew Gabby's attention to her left and the bunk beds in the corner of the room. Mr Harris their science teacher was rising, doing his best to do it quietly. In between watching the news reports the teacher had spent his time comforting Brooke who appeared to be in shock. The truth was they were all in shock but Brooke's fragility shocked Gabby as the girl was such a pain in the arse in school, not so much a bully as after their first encounter Brooke would never dare, but the occasional snide comment and enticing others to laugh at Gabby. Gabby's own shock at the situation had dissipated rapidly, having no real family in the outside world she was able to concentrate on the stories coming in, but it was her friend's distress that affected Gabby more than anything. Mary hadn't fallen apart as Brooke did but her tears were constant as she worried over her family. Gabby had tried to comfort Mary but in truth her friend's emotions brought Gabby's into play. Not only had she met Mary's family but they were warm and welcoming. Mary's Dad thought it hilarious to mention the incident with Brooke, much to Mary's and her mother's embarrassment. Gabby hadn't minded though, she sensed a subtle belonging after that as Mary said her Dad never would have said such a thing if he hadn't liked Gabby. Thinking of them brought tears to Gabby's eyes and the two girls had hugged tightly.

  “Has there been anything new happening?” Mr Harris nodded towards the blank television screen, easing himself into an armchair close by.

  “More eyewitness accounts and videos.” Gabby replied without taking her eyes off Mary's face. “And most countries are declaring a state of emergency one after the other.”

  “Have any of those technicians, whatever they are, come back?”

  Gabby now turned her head to respond and stared in dismay at the man sat near her. In his mid-forties, Mr Harris had been teaching for twenty years. His time in the classroom with teenagers had given the man the patience of a saint, not to mention the wit of a stand-up comic in dealing with the unruly elements of his classes. What he had looked like when he was younger Gabby hadn't a clue but in his class he became a science teacher and fitted the physical brief almost perfectly. Slightly hunched shoulders, brown hair, dappled with grey, a moustache that suited his face so well you knew he would look alien if he shaved it off. A pair of large round glasses added to the look, topped off with the customary brown jacket with elbow patches plus brown trousers and matching shoes. Gabby had thought each piece of clothing was an affectation, chosen and worn to complete the look to disarm students and teachers alike. But after a while Gabby realised this wasn't the case at all, Mr Harris simply dressed this way because that was who he was.

  Now though the grey hair seemed to have taken a deep hold in a few hours. The large glasses appeared to have grown as the teacher's face looked sunken and haggard. It was the paleness of her teacher's face that caught Gabby's attention the most and sent a spasm of irrational fear through her thoughts as the man sat in the armchair beside her looked dead.

  “How are you, Gabby?” Mr Harris whispered, placing his elbows on the arms of the chair and clasping his hands in front of his face.

  “Tired.” Gabby blinked and had to force her eyes open as sleep tried to quickly claim her.

  “Hmm. I doubt you have much to worry about really do you?” Mr Harris didn't move but his eyes found Gabby's. She frowned at the question, shaking her head slightly. The teacher sighed and rolled his eyes. “You have no one do you? Your parents? Nope. Family? Absolutely not.” Gabby felt her face flush with anger but her mind moved sluggishly as she tried to answer. “It's okay. I won't tell.” Mr Harris brought a finger to his lips. “But you're one of them so you still have to die.” Gabby whined in terrible fear. Her body locked in position, all she could see or think about was the man in front of her. Mr Harris smiled and he shuffled forwards, his knees meeting Gabby's own. He brought both hands to the sides of his mouth and reached in deeply with his fingers. He then pulled outwards, ripping the skin away exposing yellow teeth and a purple tongue. Gabby tried to scream but only whimpered. She tried to move but could only shake. Finished with the mouth the hands moved to the forehead where fingernails dug into the skin, slicing and then gathering the tattered flesh into loose balls, dropping them to the floor. Fingers then found the vulnerable eyeballs and ripped them clear in one motion revealing dark pits lit by yellow light. The jaws opened and cracked as the bone broke and grew forwards sprouting fangs as it seemed to reach for Gabby. Where the old skin was ripped away a new texture emerged, it was golden and looked to Gabby like lizard skin.

  The transformed teacher rose from the chair and Gabby could not take her eyes away from the terrifying sight, she knew if she wasn't rescued soon she would lose her mind swiftly and her life a short time after. The creature bent slightly at the waist and Gabby heard a rumbling noise deep inside the chest of the thing before her. A dim red light appeared in the maw of the elongated jaws and with no conscious thought Gabby knew she now faced the end of her life and how it was to happen. The red light grew in intensity, swirling with yellow and orange as it danced deeply within the dark jaws. The creature leaned back and then thrust its chest and head forward violently at Gabby. A deluge of red fire emerged with the sound of a thousand trains racing by, directly at Gabby's face.

  Gabby screamed.

  * * *

  Mary pressed down fiercely on Gabby's shoulders, holding her friend down on the bed as she thrashed and tried to shake Mary's hands loose.

  “Gabby please!” Mary pleaded, panic taking a hold as she feared Gabby was losing her mind as she shrieked in terror.

  “Gabby! Wake up!” Mr Harris's voice cut through Gabby's incoherent yells immediately, stilling the girl with such quickness that Mary feared her friend wasn't breathing. Mr Harris sat upon the bed opposite Mary and laid a hand on her aching arm, pulling it back from Gabby's shoulder. “Gabby, it's Mr Harris. You're safe now I promise. You were dreaming.” The teacher's voice had softened considerably and Mary remembered that he had two children of his own, two boys, both young. Gabby didn't move but both heard the slight whimper as she drew in a quick breath. Mr Harris indicated to Mary to speak to her frightened friend.

  “It's okay, Gabby. You fell asleep on the sofa with the news playing and Mr Harri
s placed you in bed. He's telling the truth you've been dreaming.” Mary reached out and gently laid her hand on Gabby's cheek. Gabby flinched slightly at the contact but opened her terror infested eyes, moving them back and forth from Mary to Mr Harris, who both smiled comfortingly. Gabby closed her eyes and took a long breath and let it out through pursed, trembling lips. She raised her own hand and squeezed Mary's where it still laid upon her cheek. Opening her eyes again she took a shorter breath and blasted it out in frustration and embarrassment.

  “Okay. I'm okay, thanks. Just a dream, right.” Mr Harris nodded and smiled in acknowledgment, Gabby's eyes once again danced from her friend to her teacher. “Though, could you both stop smiling at me while I'm lying down. It's quite unnerving.”

  * * *

  The room in which the three students and teacher had been left in was bland to the point that Gabby was certain only a sick, twisted mind that worked for the government could conceive of such a terrible room. In her opinion it only qualified as fit for humans because it contained somewhere to sit, sleep and watch television. A bathroom was situated through a door at the back of the room but as Gabby sat down shakily she realised it was missing something of vital importance.

  “How long have we been in here? I'm starving.” Mary let out a bark of a laugh and rubbed her red eyes. Pulling her terrified friend out of a nightmare had led to a short burst of tears and Gabby realised that the four of them were barely keeping their emotions in check and a simple comment or action could break that thin emotional shell each of them were currently residing in.

  “Only a few hours.” Mr Harris replied taking a seat next to Brooke, draping a blanket around the girl's shoulders. “It seems longer I suppose because of the news we watched.” Gabby grunted in response and stared at Brooke. It was clear to see how fragile she currently was. Her gaze seemed to focus on a spot directly in front of her and five miles away at the same time. Her face was deathly pale and Gabby shuddered as she remembered the white face of Mr Harris in her nightmare. She shifted her gaze to her teacher and cocked her eyebrow in question at him.


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