Forbidden Attraction: An Office Affairs Romance (My Billionaire Boss Book 1)

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Forbidden Attraction: An Office Affairs Romance (My Billionaire Boss Book 1) Page 4

by Gabrielle Snow

  I felt so stupid. This guy obviously had no other intention than to swim his way into my pants..and I had almost let him! I was frustrated with myself for being so interested in this guy who obviously felt that way about many other women. Not to mention that I was annoyed with the fact that he had felt different...but obviously there was no way he had found me different in a good way. He was used to dating models and actresses after all, for god’s sake. Not that I could blame him, or any of the women he had been with. I just wanted nothing to do with all of that myself.

  I slammed my laptop shut and got up from my couch. The daydreams had been nice while they lasted, but I wasn’t going to waste my time lusting after another player. The only reasonable plan of action would be to keep it strictly professional between him and I. He was my boss after all.

  THE NEXT FEW WEEKS went by without any other incidents or distractions. The weather had changed colder and November rolled around, the holiday season fast approaching. On the plus side, it seemed as if I had managed to turn my relationship with Chris completely platonic and professional, which was a huge relief to me. Things were also progressing at work and I was getting the hang of everything, feeling right in my element.

  To tell the truth, it wasn’t smooth sailing at first. Chris still continued to flirt with me on a daily basis but every time it happened, I made sure that I wouldn’t return his advances. Even on the times I felt tempted. Yes, he still looked amazing in his business attire with his dark brown eyes glancing at my direction suggestively. But no matter what, I managed to keep my composure and resist giving in. I knew that if I did, one of us would end up getting hurt and I could bet it wouldn’t be him. I had no intention of putting myself through another heartbreak, especially seeing as I had only gotten over the first one recently.

  Now, a couple of weeks after our lunch, things finally felt normal. I’d even joined a dating app, not that any of my matches had been that appealing at all. I was still looking for something I had yet to find.

  With the company’s merger party nearing, I was looking forward to letting my hair down and enjoying an evening of fun with all my new coworkers. In anticipation, I made plans with Yvette to go shopping for something nice to wear. The party was going to be huge, with most of the 500 employees and their department heads attending. I couldn’t wait.

  Chapter 9


  For the life of me, I couldn’t understand why Nicole’s behaviour towards me changed so suddenly. One day, we were having an amazing time at lunch together, and the next she was completely putting me in the boss-zone.

  I didn’t give up that easily though. You don’t get to my position in life without persevering. I continued being playful and flirty with her but no matter what I tried, her reaction stayed the same: frustratingly professional. She had obviously changed her mind about me but the worst part was that I had no idea why. And I wanted to find out. Luckily for me, the merger party would provide me the perfect opportunity to do so.

  I finished up my last meeting around 5 p.m. and headed back to my apartment to change into a different suit. As per my expectations, I was back at the office building at 7 p.m. sharp, when my driver pulled over onto the curb. People were rushing through the doors, escaping the cold weather outside. I could hear the music booming from inside the building. It was not every day that a corporate office was filled with flashing lights and bass-heavy music.

  I made my way inside and handed my coat to a cloakroom attendant, then grabbed a drink from one of the waitresses. I squeezed my way into one of the elevators, not that it was that hard, considering I was the CEO. I was used to people respecting my position, and I pretty much never had to wait around anywhere.

  “Mr. Chase, great you’re here,” John White, the CFO, remarked, sounding out of breath. He pushed past people into the elevator just before the doors closed. “I need to run our budget for Q2 by you.”

  “John, please. Tonight is not about business,” I said and gave a distinctive chuckle that clearly indicated that the budget would not be discussed tonight. “We can do it on Monday. There’s no need to stress, we’re only finishing up Q4 of this year, so we’ve got time,” I smiled reassuringly. John nodded in acceptance and I proceeded to take a sip of my drink. I got out of the elevator at once when the doors opened and made my way past the newly created temporary dance floor to the bar, in need of a different drink.

  “A whisky, please. On the rocks.” I ordered and turned my gaze from the bartender to the crowd. I had one goal tonight and I was determined to achieve it. However, it looked liked Miss Miller was yet to make her entrance. I grabbed my drink and headed over to Tom who was entertaining people on the other side of the dance floor.

  After about 40 minutes Tom’s performance turned into flirting with one of the women, so I excused myself. Nicole still hadn’t arrived and I started to wonder whether she would show up at all. Best thing for me to do would be to escape the clamor for a while and spend a quiet moment or two in my office. Plus, I had better whiskey stashed in there.

  When I emerged half an hour later with another glass of whiskey in my hand, the party had turned rowdier. People had clearly been enjoying the open bar and the dance floor was packed like sardines. I spotted Nicole, who looked absolutely amazing in a curve-hugging black dress. She noticed me too and I gave her a grin, signalling her to meet me near the tables. To my delight, she nodded and started heading that way.

  I got to our meeting place before her and asked one of the waitresses to get her a glass of champagne.

  “Good evening, you look great,” I greeted her, trying to keep it very casual. I didn’t want to put any pressure on her, I just wanted to find out what caused the change of heart.

  “Hello Chris,” she smiled, taking the glass from the waitress. “Thank you, so do you. I never knew you cleaned up so well,” Nicole let out a playful laugh.

  “I didn’t either,” I chuckled. She seemed to be in great spirits which put me in a good mood. It had been a while since we last joked liked this.

  “I’m just kidding. The party looks like a real hit though. There’s nothing like an open bar to get people to show up and let loose,” She grinned sarcastically and nudged me in the ribs.

  Nicole’s friendliness threw me off momentarily. I was expecting her to keep it extremely professional, even in a party setting. However, she seemed like she wasn’t attempting to boss-zone me anymore at all.

  I smiled at her. “Could I take you out on a spin?”

  After thinking it over and sipping her drink, she nodded. “Well, what the hell, let’s do it!”

  I lead her to the dance floor and we joined the crowd of people bobbing. The DJ was playing throwback tunes from the 90s and we danced away, goofing around with silly dance moves. More and more people joined in on the floor and the DJ switched to Christmas songs.

  After a while it got extremely hot with half the staff breaking it down, so I took off my bowtie and undid the top button on my shirt. “I’m gonna get some water and then step outside to cool off, you wanna come?”

  Nicole nodded, using her hand to fan her red face. I stepped aside to let her get ahead and then followed suit. She grabbed two bottles of water from the bar and we headed to the balcony at the end of the office. I held the door for her and stepped out into the breezy weather.

  “That was fun,” I said, twisting the top off my bottle and taking a huge swig. “I was working up a sweat though.”

  Nicole was focused on drinking her water, only answering me after half of it had disappeared. “I know! I can’t remember the last party where they played throwbacks and Christmas music,” she let out a laugh and walked over to the railing, facing the skyline. “This place is amazing,” she sighed, her voice sounding dreamy.

  I walked up and settled right next to her, looking at the sky high buildings in front of us. “I love this city. I love that I can see all these corporate buildings and Mt. Rainier. It makes me feel like I’m not completely distanced from n
ature, while still staying here where everything is hectic. I’m a city boy after all,” I said and grinned.

  Nicole turned to face me, listening with intent. “That’s beautiful. I’ve never thought of it like that.” She shivered as the breeze blew ruthlessly. “I’ve always been more of a nature lover but I actually find this city hard to dislike.”

  I took off my jacket and placed it on her shaking shoulders. “As a kid, I used to love coming here to visit my father in his office and just spend hours admiring the skyline. I guess it was just natural for me to take over after he retired.” I said, reminiscing. “Not that I mind, I love being in business and I love where I am able to do it. I’ve been very blessed.”

  Nicole nodded and then hesitantly stepped in towards me. “Thanks for the jacket,” she smiled, placing her hands on the lapels.

  “My pleasure,” I replied and lifted my hands up to meet hers, resting them on top of hers. Her fingers tangled with mine, feeling cool and warm at the same time. I leaned down, placing a soft kiss on her cheek.

  Abruptly, the moment passed just as it had begun and she stepped back, taking off the jacket. “I’m sorry, this was a mistake,” she uttered and handed my jacket back to me, then turned on her heels and headed for the door.

  “Nicole, wait!” I yelled out, stunned. The door shut and she was already gone.

  Chapter 10


  I had to get out. I’d made a huge mistake. I don’t know why I had been under the impression that things were completely platonic with Chris and I. I wasn’t angry at him for crossing the line. I was angry at myself because I’d really wanted him to kiss me. I’d been stupid to think that I didn’t have any feelings for him.

  I rushed past the dance floor, all the way to the opposite end of the floor, trying to find a secluded spot. Moving further from the crowd, the people became fewer and fewer until there was no one in my near vicinity. I stepped into one of the conference rooms and sat down in a chair next to me, my breathing fast and superficial.

  “Oh shit..” I sighed, the unfortunate reality dawning on me: that my work over the last few weeks had been in vain. As hard as I had tried to be strictly professional with him, it was obvious that Chris wanted something more from me. And I wanted something more from him too. I sure know how to pick em, I giggled to myself. First I’d wasted years of my life with a grade A asshole, only to finally get over him and end up developing feelings for my boss. “Someone should make this into a movie, for Christ’s sake,” I muttered under my breath.

  I was snapped back to reality when someone barged into the room.

  “Oh my bad, didn’t know anyone was here,” the guy said. He appeared to be in his fifties with a strong whiff of alcohol floating around him.

  “No problem, I was just here taking a moment to myself,” I replied in a friendly way, while still trying to hint that I wished to be left alone.

  He stumbled further in his drunken state, completely disregarding my previous statement and proceeded to take a seat next to me. “So pretty la..lady, what are you doing all by yourself?” He slurred.

  I got up from my seat, realizing that it would be best to make an exit because the peace and quiet had been disrupted. “Like I said, I came over here to take a moment to myself.” I smiled politely and began heading for the door. “I’ll leave you to it. Have a nice night.”

  Somehow, this drunk guy managed to get up and rush to the door, beating me to it and consequently blocking me from excusing myself. I could feel my heartbeat speeding up and my palms feeling sweaty all of a sudden, as if they had completely forgotten about being out in the cold just moments earlier.

  “I don’t think so,” he sniggered, sounding more sober. He closed the door behind him and then started taking slow, ominous steps towards me. “I think you should keep me company here.”

  I felt my blood run cold. I took a few steps back, trying to distance myself from him. “Excuse me, I really need to get going..thanks for the offer but my friends are waiting for me and they’re gonna be wondering where I am.” At this point my heart was racing faster than ever before and I recognized that I was in a fight or flight situation. Just get to the door, I thought to myself and glanced at it, trying to devise a plan to escape.

  He saw my eyes shift to the door and back, and let out a cruel laugh. “I don’t think anyone’s waiting for you, sweetheart. The way you’re looking at that door, I think you’re all on your own.” Taking a few quick strides towards me, he closed the gap between us.

  I turned on my heels and tried to run to the other side of the conference table to get away from him, but he grabbed my hair and yanked me backwards.

  “Help!!” I shrieked out in pain, my scalp stinging from the pull.

  “Now you and I are gonna have a nice time here and then you can leave,” he hissed, turning me around while still holding a handful of my hair.

  Tears pooled in my eyes, waiting to run free at any second. Finally, his hands let go of my hair but to my horror, they found themselves on my throat. “And you better not scream again or I’ll make sure that’s the last time you’ll scream,” he threatened as his fingers circled around my throat, applying pressure in a sinister way. I felt the tears running down my cheeks, leaving a trail of wetness and misery behind. I had never felt more hopeless and scared.

  He pulled on the v-neck of my dress, causing it to rip and expose my bra. I was paralyzed from fear, too scared to defend myself against his attack.

  “Just like that, nice and quiet,” he murmured to himself. Using one of his hands to unbuckle his belt, he forced the other hand on my thigh, aiming to get under the hem of my dress. It wandered up, making me nauseated, almost reaching my underwear and I cried out, trying to push him off of me. In some miraculous way I managed to take a step back, putting a bit more distance between him and I. The short lasting relief was banished when felt a stinging impact land directly on my face.

  “Stupid bitch!” he sneered and raised his hand to smack me again. I covered my head with my arms and crouched down, waiting for the blow.

  I heard the door slam, and then the attacker let out a grunt. Feeling safe enough to open my eyes, I saw Chris holding the guy from his collar, delivering a punch and then throwing him on the ground.

  I got up, pulling the hem of my dress back down and grasping the torn neckline. Chris’ eyes turned to me, observing me up and down. He looked so worried.

  “You okay?” He asked and then shifted his glance outside the conference room. “Security, here!”

  Three security guards stepped inside the room, grabbed the attacker and handcuffed him. They pulled him up off the floor and escorted him out. I could see that his nose was bleeding from the punch Chris had delivered. Right before they disappeared behind the corner, he looked at me one last time with pure hatred in his eyes. A shiver ran down my back. That had been a close call. Too close.

  Chris walked over to me and took his jacket off, then put it on me. “Oh Nicole,” he sighed, draping his arms around me, holding me close. My tears had cried and I wanted to cry but couldn’t, the fear still tasting bitter in my throat. I was waiting for my heart to stop racing, for the feeling of safety but neither seemed to reach me. All I could do was stay in his hold.

  “I’m so sorry this happened to you,” Chris said softly, stroking my back with a soothing motion. “Let me take you home.”

  Chapter 11


  My driver stopped in front of Nicole’s building and I stepped out on the pavement, helping her climb out. In silence, I walked her to the front door.

  She had barely spoken a word to me since I’d found her and I wasn’t exactly sure what had happened. I mean, I had an idea, as far as it was possible to analyze the situation but I wished there was something I could do to make her feel better. Right before we’d left, the police had shown up and taken the guy into custody. Nicole had given a statement and they let her go, promising to follow up later with more questions.
  She still seemed pretty shaken up and I could see her hands trembling when she got her keys out of her bag.

  “Is there anyone I could call to come stay with you tonight?” I asked, looking at her gently. Her mascara had run down her cheeks and one side of her face was red from the attacker’s slap.

  Nicole was shivering in the cold night air. “I really don’t feel like explaining this to anyone..,” she sighed. “Could you stay with me? I don’t wanna be alone either.”

  “Of course I can,” I gave her a nod, reached for the keys from her hand and opened the door. We stepped inside her apartment and after getting out of our coats, settled into her dining chairs.

  She sat looking at me and rubbing her palms. “I just can’t believe that just happened.” She said, almost speechless.

  “I know, and I’m so sorry it did. This should’ve never happened and I feel responsible,” I said and paused. Taking a deep breath, I continued. “The thing is, this guy, Bill Matthews, was just fired a few days ago. He should’ve never been at the party in the first place — I suspect he used his old pass to get inside.”

  Nicole looked at me questioningly. “What was he fired for?”

  “This probably isn’t a surprise now, but I fired him for drinking and sexual harassment. Bill had shown up to work drunk on multiple occasions. As if that wasn’t bad enough, a few of our female employees came forward with him having been inappropriate towards them.” I explained, studying Nicole’s blank expression. “When I discovered this information a few days ago, I immediately let him go without a notice.” I said, sounding apologetic.


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