Awakening: A Timeless Series Novel, Book Four

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Awakening: A Timeless Series Novel, Book Four Page 17

by Lisa Wiedmeier

  “Promise me. It’s going to look worse than it will be.”

  Colt and Daniel exchanged glances, but didn’t respond. I knew I’d probably only have one shot at this before they came running. I closed my eyes and felt the warmth spread through me. I widened my stance and stretched my arms out from my sides. I focused on the heat rising beneath my skin. I pushed harder, forcing it out, and opened my eyes to see the flames consuming me.

  Colt dashed forward, but I held up my flame-ridden arm and stopped him. I needed to remain calm, or else this could be disastrous. He stopped in his tracks, his eyes growing wide.

  “You’re on fire,” he said.

  “I know,” I replied.

  The heat continued to rise, but it wasn’t overwhelming. I lifted my arm up and flexed my fingers through the flickering flames. My skin wasn’t burning; however, I had no idea if my clothes had remained intact. I felt the flames reach my neck, and I again closed my eyes, trying to force myself to breathe. The fire trickled up my cheeks and into my hair. I slowly opened my eyes again to see the long strands of hair lift from my shoulders like they were full of static electricity. I looked back at Colt and Daniel. Koda had arrived.

  “Gives a whole new meaning to woman on fire, Cheyenne,” Koda said nervously. “Flame on!”

  A dark shadow lingered in the background. Was that Shad watching? Or was it Maes? I didn’t need more of an audience than I already had…especially since I didn’t know if I’d be clothed after this little stunt.

  “I think you’ve got this,” Daniel said. “Can you back it down now?”

  I maintained eye contact with Daniel, willing myself to calm, to disperse the flames. Ever so slowly, the heat spread away from my cheeks, over my shoulders and then down my legs. I stood completely still, until I felt the chill of the night air.

  I blinked and glanced down.

  “Well, naked as a jaybird sure seems fitting now,” Koda chuckled.

  I cringed and felt a different kind of heat rising in my cheeks. What had I done?

  Heavy footsteps crunched in the snow, and Colt’s oversized jacket engulfed me in its warmth. A moment later, he plucked me from the ground and carried me back to the shed. He set me down and grabbed my shoulder.

  “Are you okay?” he asked. “Did you burn yourself?”

  I shook my head, too embarrassed to look up. Obviously I could control it with my hands, but allowing the flames to engulf me was a bit of a problem. I’d taken it too far.

  “Cheyenne, look at me.”

  I couldn’t bring myself to do it. They’d all seen me somewhat indisposed before, but the only people I knew who’d ever seen me completely naked were my parents, and that was when I was little. I should’ve thought of the consequences before going, as Koda said, full flame on.

  Colt’s fingers tilted my chin up.

  “I know it’s a little humiliating, but I’ve seen you in your underwear before. There’s not much difference.”

  I rolled my eyes. I knew he was trying to help, but at this point I was beyond reasoning with.

  “Just go grab me some underwear please.” I pointed towards the door. “And tell Koda not to blab this to anyone else.” I headed for the stool and sat, my back towards the door.

  Colt disappeared to get what I asked for, but I could hear Daniel and Koda murmuring outside. They were waiting for their chance to speak to me…and for Koda to tease me, I was sure.

  I added another log to the fire. I might have been warm enough with my clothes on, but being naked brought on a chill. Obviously my clothes were acting as insulation, keeping the warmth inside me. But with nothing to prevent the heat from escaping, it was like having a window open on a cold winter day.

  I tightened Colt’s jacket up around my neck, hugging it to myself and inhaling his woodsy scent. It was dangerous, thinking this way with a bridge opened to Marcus, but I couldn’t help but remember all the times Colt had held me, loved me, and cherished me. I sighed. I wished for simpler times, wished for the life I had before my parents were murdered.

  The shed door opened, and Colt placed my garments on the wooden counter. He nodded and then disappeared out the door again, allowing me to change. It only took me a few minutes to dress. He’d found another pair of jeans, a sweater, socks and boots for me, along with a jacket.

  A soft knock sounded on the door.

  “You can come in,” I said and lifted my hair from the inside of the jacket.

  Colt, Daniel, and Koda poured in, filling up the small space.

  “That was quite the fireworks display, Cheyenne,” Koda said, winking. “Any plans for a show in the future?”

  Colt elbowed him and sat on the stool beside me. Daniel stepped closer while Koda propped himself up against the workbench.

  “Are you okay? Anything burned? Hurting, sore?” Colt asked, taking my hand.

  “No, other than embarrassed, I’m fine.”

  “I think I’d advise against performing your last act tomorrow,” Koda teased. “Might not go over well with the others.”

  I narrowed my eyes.

  “I just wanted to see how far I could go,” I snapped. “I needed to know my limits, Koda.”

  He lifted up his hands.

  “I understand, just thought I’d give you my two cents worth.”

  “He’s just trying to help, Chey,” Daniel added. “We want you to manage this new power.”

  I had learned a lot about my new element with the little bit of time I’d had testing it out. I just had to focus on the flame and think about what I wanted it to become, like I’d done in the meadow earlier with the butterfly. I was capable of mastering this element and using it in war. The fact that no one could touch me while I pressed this power out made it all the better. I knew I wouldn’t go full on flame, knowing the consequences, but even without it I’d literally be untouchable during a battle.

  “Cheyenne?” Colt said, squeezing my fingers. “You alright?”

  I snapped back from my thoughts.

  “Yeah, just trying to figure this whole thing out.”

  “We all are,” Koda said. “That’s why we want to help.”

  I knew it’d taken a while for them to come around, and I needed to accept the help now so we could win this battle together.

  “Why don’t you rest,” Daniel suggested, grabbing a blanket and spreading it out near the stove. “We’ll hang out here so Shad doesn’t come and bother you.”

  I sighed. Who knew what he’d make of this new development, not that I cared. He’d already filled my head with words and thoughts, and as Maes said, he was a salesman, feeding me only what he thought I needed to hear.

  I curled up under the blankets and rolled what was left of my original coat into a ball for a pillow. Some rest would do me good. The use of my new powers was somewhat draining, but with my excitement I hadn’t felt it till now. I yawned and closed my eyes, listening to their low voices. Tomorrow was a new day, and I was going to blow everyone away.

  “Cheyenne?” Colt’s warm voice drifted through my mind. “Sweetheart, are you awake yet?”

  I stretched, and my lashes fluttered open. Streams of sunlight filtered through the dirty window, and I rolled to my back. Colt was kneeling down beside me. He brushed the hair from my eyes.

  “Morning, sleepyhead.” He gave a faint smile and glanced towards the door. “Actually, maybe I should say afternoon. You’ve been sleeping for a while, and I know you’re tired, but Maes and the others are waiting for you in the meadow.”

  “They are?” I replied groggily. “Why?”

  “Koda told them what you did last night, that you didn’t have any issues with controlling this new element.”

  I bolted upright. Koda had blabbed.

  “They want to see what you can do, Cheyenne. You need to show them. They need hope right now, and you’re just the one to provide it.” He helped me to my feet. “I believe in you. Always have, and always will.”

  I straightened my shirt and jacket, and l
eaned down to tie my boots. Calm, I just needed to remain calm throughout this whole display. One tangent on the wrong track would be disastrous in so many ways. Too much was riding on my shoulders to screw this up.

  I followed Colt out into the field, stopping midway between the wooden sheds and the stone building. The sun’s rays sprinkled the meadow, creating blinding sparkles across the surface. I glanced up. Dark storm clouds were coming from the north, clouds laden with moisture. It wouldn’t be long till it arrived and the snow would start again.

  As Colt had said, Maes, Brogan, Koda, Daniel, and the rest of the family were waiting in the meadow. Colt grabbed my hand and Daniel ran to our side.

  “Show them what you showed us last night,” Daniel said breathlessly. “Koda and I have been telling them all about it. You were amazing!”

  Great. Way to take the pressure off, Daniel.

  “Thanks,” I replied.

  I looked up into Colt’s icy blue eyes.

  “You’d better go and stand by the others. I don’t want to hurt anyone.”

  He nodded and squeezed my hand.

  “You’ve got this, sweetheart.”

  I took a breath and waited till Colt and Daniel were at a safe distance with the group, who were sheltering in front of the grouping of wooden buildings. A cool breeze began to pick up. Layla grasped Brogan’s hand, while Andre and Maes stood side by side. Koda, Bree, Nakari, Clayton, and Skylar formed another group, and Dex and Lilly stood alongside them. Colt and Daniel moved beside Dex and Lilly, and regardless of the trouble Shad would get into, his dark shadow hovered behind them, between the buildings.

  It was now or never. I closed my eyes, focusing on my hands. I began rubbing them together like I’d done previously and blew on them. My fingertips began to tingle, and warmth spread through my arms. I pressed my hands out before me and looked down to see the fire moving from the blue hue to orange and red.

  I’d completed step one.

  Holding my arms out at my side, I again repeated what I’d done last night, and flicked my fingers, throwing flaming spheres into the air. I turned to my right and pulsed out streams of fire, causing steam to rise when it touched the snow. With my confidence growing, I slapped my hands together and ripped them apart, creating the long thin strips of a fiery whip. The flames illuminated the now cloudy skies, and I smiled.

  I snapped them above my head like I’d done for Colt and Daniel the night before, creating a display of fireworks. Shimmering pieces of red-hot embers floated to the ground around me.

  I closed my eyes, taking slow breaths, and brought the flames down. I glanced down at my hands. The fire had dispersed.

  “I told you she could control it!” Daniel’s cheerful voice echoed in the meadow.

  I strode towards the group, wanting to at least capture their expressions with my own eyes. Colt met me halfway. He grasped my hand, grinning.

  “I knew you could do it, Chey.”

  I held tight to his hand. I had done it because Daniel and Colt believed in me.

  “She passed the first part of the test,” Brogan said. “She gets a free pass to sleep inside.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. Brogan hadn’t come out and said I did a good job, but allowing me to sleep inside meant he trusted me more than he had just twenty-four hours prior. I was making progress.

  Brogan and Layla headed back to the house, while the others lingered.

  “Looks like we know who to call for fireworks this year,” Andre said. “Better than what Koda’s done in the past.”

  “Hey now!” Koda protested. “My fireworks are awesome!”

  “Yeah, if you like things to be blown up,” Nakari said.

  “Like Clayton’s truck,” Andre added.

  Koda turned on them and headed towards the house. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, crazy ladies.”

  “Hey!” Clayton called out, chasing after him. “You still owe me for that truck!”

  Dex and Maes moved closer as the rest returned to the house.

  “You’re controlling it, Cheyenne,” Maes said. “And you can sleep inside, but I think it’d be best if you stayed in the great room just in case.”

  I nodded, although a ting of hurt struck at my heart. He still didn’t trust me completely.

  “We’re just thinking of everyone’s well-being.”

  “I understand,” I replied.

  Maes and Dex turned and walked away. Colt squeezed my hand.

  “It’ll take time, but they’re getting there.”

  He didn’t need to say anything more. I’d hoped for an overnight miracle, but I should’ve known it’d still take time. Maybe soon they’d resume their search for Callon, once they finally believed in me. They’d be able to convince him that he was wrong in leaving, that there was a change taking place. A change that could make the difference in the war.

  When evening finally rolled around, Colt helped me settle in on the couch in the great room. He was stoking the fire, hesitant to leave.

  “You can go to bed, Colt,” I said trying to chase him away. As much as I wanted him with me, I knew it’d been days since he’d gotten any rest. “You’re tired. You need to rest.”

  “I’m fine,” he said turning towards me, his large frame silhouetted by the fire.

  “I don’t need a babysitter.”

  “Who says I’m babysitting?” He came and sat on the edge of the couch.

  I grasped his fingers, squeezing.

  His gaze softened. We were both finally feeling hope.

  “Go,” I whispered. “Sleep so we can practice more tomorrow.”

  He sighed, but then stood up. He smiled down on me before I heard his heavy footsteps on the stairs. I adjusted my coat before curling up under the blanket. I may have had the element of fire running through my veins, but the great room was cold regardless of that fact that a fire had been roaring. I also didn’t want to accidently find myself on fire because I’d been cold during my sleep. I rolled to my side, watching the flames flicker, my blinks growing heavier. Soon my eyes closed, and the world around me washed away.

  “Do it again, Cheyenne!” Daniel cheered me on. “Show them what else you can do!”

  I snapped the fiery whip above my head again, cracking the two together. The whips began to whistle as I snapped them back and forth, moving them so fast they became a blur.

  I was in control.

  Control is meant to restrain or limit oneself. It’s false hope, the words whispered in my mind. Only I can give you true freedom, my angel.

  Without warning, my body shifted so I was facing my family, and my heart began racing. Coldness dripped over me, wrapping around me like a spider cocooning its prey. Icy tentacles spread out across my arms, fighting for control. A battle like I’d never fought before raged inside, and I felt my will relenting, bowing down to the darkness.

  Fight! I screamed inside my head, begging for the crimson-eyed beast to wake from its slumber. Fight! I bellowed inside again, but it remained silent.

  My limbs moved without my consent, and the fiery whips began to unleash their punishment. They cracked to the left of the group and then to the right as I drew closer. Panic began to etch their faces as they realized I was losing control.

  Cheyenne! Maes screamed in my head. Stop, you have to stop!

  The whip snapped, grazing his arm. He shifted into his Tresez form and darted off. Koda, Brogan, and Dex charged me, but they were halted in their tracks as my two whips became four. I watched in horror as the heads of the flaming cords became snakes, lashing out with their fangs.

  Colt was fighting to inch his way closer to me, but Marcus was having none of it. My left hand was thrown out to the side, sending a fiery boulder in his direction.

  “No!” I screamed, but I couldn’t stop it.

  Colt dove behind the wooden sheds as my attention focused on him. My legs took over, and I stalked towards the structures. The others had moved to hide behind them too.

  I fought with ev
ery step to turn and run away, but Marcus had firm control, and wasn’t relenting till he finished this battle.

  My fingers grazed one of the many small sheds, and instantly the old dry wood ignited. A woman’s scream caught my attention, and I swung around to see Nakari and Andre.

  “Run!” I screamed, but they didn’t move. “Run now!” I yelled again as tears began to stream down my cheeks.

  They stood immobile.

  “You can stop this, Cheyenne,” Andre said, her fierce blue eyes determined.

  My lower lip shook as my arms rose up. He was going to kill them and I couldn’t stop him…he was using me to get rid of them all! I felt the heat growing stronger, and the flames growing brighter in my palms. I knew at any moment I’d be responsible for their deaths.

  “Don’t let it control you!” Nakari yelled.

  The fire burst from my hands as Andre and Nakari jumped. I whipped around to see them between the structures, and in the blink of an eye my fingers flexed, sending a firebomb in their direction.

  An instant later, a loud explosion echoed in the meadow, knocking me off my feet, and then a fiery inferno blazed through the dark skies. I remembered the unstable dynamite. It had been ignited. I stared at what was once a grouping of wooden sheds; all that remained now was ash and flames. Snowflakes began to tumble to the ground, and I watched in slow motion as my family emerged from the rumble.

  Disoriented and staggering, they fought to move away from the flames, supporting one another. The shock quickly wore off, as the realization of what had taken place sank in.

  “Cheyenne,” Daniel said. “Cheyenne, what have you done?”

  My eyes flew open, and I rolled from the couch, panting. I blinked, reorienting myself. The glow from the fire told me I was still in the great room…it was just a dream!

  My lower lip trembled, and I pressed my hand to my chest, trying to calm my racing heart. It wasn’t real, it wasn’t real.

  I took a deep breath, and began to cough. I crawled to my hands and knees, pulling myself up from the couch. The smell of smoke and fire caught my nostrils. My eyes grew wide. Where was it coming from?

  “Cheyenne!” Daniel called out and I stilled.


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