Awakening: A Timeless Series Novel, Book Four

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Awakening: A Timeless Series Novel, Book Four Page 36

by Lisa Wiedmeier

  “If Callon hadn’t stepped in,” Colt added.

  “I don’t understand. I wasn’t supposed to live.”

  “As you were dying, you managed to return powers to part of the clans, Dex, Koda, Brogan and us.” He sighed. “Then Callon gave you his powers. It was enough to allow your Kvech powers to balance out the Servak and Sarac powers, so you could still live,” Colt said.

  “So I still have the power of three clans?” I said.

  Callon nodded.

  “But it’s deeper than that. The Sarac powers have been tainted by magic,” he said, brushing my hair behind my ear. “You got lost in their darkness.”

  “You need his powers to block them out, like you did with Marcus,” Colt said.

  “But that means I have the Consilador’s powers. I can’t, I have too many…what about Colt and Daniel…”

  “You only have mine,” Callon replied. “Colt and Daniel’s powers have been restored.”

  “But you’re the clan leader, Callon. You can’t be without your powers.”

  “Not anymore,” Callon said. “I’m not the leader of the Consilador.”

  My mouth opened. What…what did he just say?

  “Marcus was never far from the truth when he said I should join him because we were similar,” Callon went on, staring at his lap. “After I left you, I realized just how close to the truth he was. Victory, success, power…they were my idols as they were his. I was willing to do anything to win; I was willing to make you suffer, to force you to work toward my grand scheme, all so I could defeat him once and for all. I didn’t care about your happiness. I just wanted my own.”

  My throat tightened, and my eyes watered. Not all he said was the truth. He pushed his forehead against mine.

  “I never meant to hurt you, Cheyenne. I never meant to cause you such pain from my own greed. I’m sorry.” He held my hand. “I tried my best, but I don’t think I’m fit to lead anymore. So I’ve handed everything over to Colt. I’m sure he’ll do a fantastic job of rebuilding and reuniting our broken people.”

  Tears poured down my cheeks, and I pressed my eyes closed. He’d made a supreme sacrifice for me.

  “I don’t need to be a clan leader or have powers to be happy,” Callon murmured. “I’d rather not have them. I have peace now, real peace after years and years of endless fighting. Peace that you helped me find.”

  I threw myself into his arms. “I love you, Callon.”

  “And I’ll always love you, Cheyenne.” He drew back, placing a soft kiss on my forehead. “You’re going to have a long and happy life.”

  “As will you,” I whispered.

  He released a heavy sigh, and helped me lie back down.

  “I want you to rest. No visitors till tomorrow,” he said. “Colt will stay with you. I’ll come check on you in the morning.”

  He rose and headed for the door, glancing back one last time. A smile that reached his eyes spread across his face, before he gripped the handle and quietly left.

  I stared at the door, contemplating exactly what he’d said. He was stepping down, allowing me freedom to make my own choices now…my own choice with who I wanted to be with. The separation we’d had had taken its toll on both of us, but our love hadn’t faded; only changed.

  Colt stood, adjusting the blue comforter and tucking it in around me. He leaned over and placed a warm kiss on my forehead.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked.


  “Can I come and lie beside you?”


  A warm grin spread over his face. He crossed the room and sat on the edge of the bed, removing his shoes before crawling on top of the comforter beside me. He lay on his side, his elbow propping his head up, his free hand coming to rest over my waist.

  “I just want to be near you again,” he said quietly.

  I rolled to my side, and he cuddled up beside me. I closed my eyes. Callon had given up everything for me. He had stepped down as a clan leader in order to bring me peace from the black hole I’d been placed in. I’d never be able to repay this debt. I’d forever be grateful for Callon’s sacrifice. He’d always hold a piece of my heart, but I knew who held it all.

  I reached for Colt’s hand, holding it tight against my chest. My sunshine, my hope, was lying right beside me now. My throat grew tight, and tears streamed down my cheeks. Like Callon, he’d given up everything for me. He’d been banished for our love, he’d sacrificed himself to save me…we’d both made mistakes along the way, but our love never faded, it too had changed.

  Colt had always been there for me, and he always would be. He believed in me, no matter the cost.

  We’d gone through so much to get to this place. So much heartache and loss. Callon had opened the door for Colt and me to marry, giving me my sunshine without ever admitting it. But Callon needed happiness too, and I knew where he could find it…Nakari. If he were opening a door for me, I’d open one for him.

  Colt’s warm breath heated my neck, and I snuggled closer. It had been a long time since we’d lain like this, a long time since I didn’t need to worry about anger or jealousy flaring up between brothers. Too long I’d been denied my light.

  A peace began to drift over me, a peace I’d only ever felt when Colt held me safe in his arms. My Colt, my sunshine, had returned.


  “Is she awake yet?” I heard Daniel’s anxious voice. “How long does she need to sleep?”

  “Soon, Daniel,” Dex said. “She’s been through a lot. Give her time.”

  Their voices faded into the hall, and I stretched. Light filtered through the curtains, and I heard birds chirping outside. I took a breath. If I didn’t get up soon, Daniel would come in after me.

  I drew the covers back, and dropped my feet to the wooden floor. A chill raced up them. I stood, only to fall back from a bout of dizziness. I pressed my eyes closed as it passed and then stood again, this time slowly. I carefully made my way towards the bathroom. A cushioned bench sat in the middle of the large bathroom, along with a towel, clothes, and underwear.

  I reached in the mammoth shower and started the water, dropping my cotton nightie to the ground. The heat from the water’s spray soothed my achy muscles. I didn’t want to leave the relaxing space, but I knew others were waiting for me.

  I dressed and found a brush, toothbrush, and other toiletries on the counter that someone had left for me. I brushed my teeth first, not knowing how exhilarating it could be to have clean teeth. I then brushed through my wet locks; surprised there weren’t more tangles.

  I took slow and steady steps toward the great room, knowing my family would be out there. I didn’t even make it through the door when Daniel jumped in front of me. I released a squeal, and he crushed me in his arms.

  I felt a breeze pass over us as he jumped us further into the great room. He kissed my cheek before pulling back. The brilliant blue of his eyes showed, the twinkle that I hadn’t seen in years—the twinkle that I’d missed dearly.

  “I—I can’t believe you,” he said. “You did it. You really did it!”

  He hugged me again and stepped back. Bree walked up beside him, taking his hand. She too had a twinkle in her hazel eyes, and her freckles seemed to dance, as if she couldn’t help but smile.

  I glanced around the great room. My family, the family that I loved and adored, who’d accepted me and helped me, was all here waiting for me. I never thought I’d see them again.

  Dex and Lilly moved closer, Dex taking my hands in his.

  “You are our walking miracle,” he said, chuckling lightly and shaking his head. “I knew you could do it. I always knew you had it in you.”

  Lilly smiled and pushed him aside, hugging me hard.

  “I have grey hairs,” she said near my ear, “and I blame you.”

  She drew back, tears misting in her eyes as they now were in mine.

  “I love you,” she said.

  “I love you too, both of you,” I replied.

bsp; “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Brogan frowned and stepped forward. “We all know you did good, princess.” Layla elbowed him and he smiled. “And I have a feeling you’re never going to let me forget it either.”

  Layla pulled me into an embrace.

  “I won’t allow her to let you forget,” she said, hugging me tight.

  She placed her hands on my shoulders. “You remind him daily, okay?”

  I couldn’t help but smile and nod. She stepped away, and Brogan stuck out his hand. I looked at him in curiosity.

  “If I stick out my hand, princess, it means you shake it.”

  I stuck my hand out, and he swallowed in it his grip. A moment later, I was yanked forward, hitting his chest as his arms came around me. Laughter broke out. He patted my back and stepped back, his jaw protruding as he lifted a brow.

  “It’s called a hug,” he said and shrugged.

  “Thank you,” I replied, feeling more gratitude from him than I ever had before.

  His gaze was no longer hard, but softened as he sighed and moved away, allowing others to fill the gap.

  “Cheyenne,” Clayton’s soft voice said, his brown eyes misting. “Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

  I shook my head. “No, thank you, Clayton, for sticking by my side no matter the cost. I’ll forever be indebted to you.”

  He opened his mouth to speak, but Andre stepped beside him, the back of her hand touching his chest to silence him. Her blue eyes met mine.

  “Don’t argue with her, Clayton. She’ll just insist she’s right.”

  Clayton moved back as Andre placed her hands on her hips.

  “Of all the stupid things you’ve done, this has got to be the worst.” She shook her head, her lips pursing. “And don’t ever give me the excuse that you didn’t figure it out till the last minute. I know how your mind works, chica.” She swallowed, her eyes growing misty. “And if you ever pull a stunt like this again, I’m going to drag your butt from hell and beat you senseless myself.”

  I moved closer, hugging her tightly.

  “If I ever do anything close to this again, I give you permission to drag my butt from hell and beat it,” I said.

  “Enough with the beatings,” Koda snickered, waiting a few feet away. “Give some of us a chance to yell at her, Andre.”

  Andre drew back, wiping her eyes, and then rolled them.

  “You’re such a pain in the butt, Koda,” she said.

  “Touché,” he replied.

  He towered above me, the lines in his face growing soft.

  “Who knew such big surprises came in small packages?” he said.

  “You should never judge a package by its size, Koda,” I replied.

  “There’s a lot more to you than most of us realized, Cheyenne. And I’m proud to have served at your side.”

  “I’m the one who should be proud, Koda. You were the one who accepted me, helped me, and trained me when I didn’t deserve it.”

  “No,” he said quietly. “We’re the ones who didn’t deserve you.”

  I glanced around, noticing a few family members were missing.

  “Where are Jahlem and Darrien?” I asked.

  “They stayed behind,” Koda replied. “There’s a lot of work left to be done.”

  The sound of the front door closing and heavy footsteps nearing caused me to turn around. Maes and Shad stood a few feet away and I gasped. Jade and amber eyes stared down on me. The color had filled in from the rims—their curse had been broken.

  My lower lip trembled, and my hands shook. After all their years of suffering, the Quaysaar clan was finally restored. There’d be no curse to stop them, no forced servitude to the Sarac. They were free to rebuild their clan, and their name. Free to live out their lives as they chose—forever.

  I couldn’t stop myself as I lunged at Maes, his mighty arms coming around me and swallowing me in his strength.

  “Mon espoir,” he said, his breath brushing my head. “I never thought you’d fill my life quite like you have. This family, all of them, have touched me in more ways than I ever thought possible.”

  He drew back, his fingers tenderly wiping the tears from my cheeks.

  “There are so many things that I made the center of my life, never realizing that I was missing out on so much more. I spent my life searching for something to fill me, only to come back empty handed till I found you.

  “You are the center of our family. Your love, our love, is strong enough to weather the roughest storms. When the road ends, the emotional earthquakes hit, and all the tribulations of life batter us, we have something that most others only ever dream of…love. A love strong enough to hold us together so we’ll never come apart.”

  I pressed my hand to my mouth, closing my eyes to stop the torrent of tears wanting to gush forth.

  “I—I…” I fought to speak, but my lips wouldn’t move.

  A strong hand came to rest on my shoulder, and I looked up to see Colt behind me. He smiled down on me.

  Maes knelt on one knee and grasped my hand, placing a kiss on it.

  “Cheyenne,” he said. “You will forever be my hope.”

  Nakari peeked out from behind Shad. She’d been holding back with Callon. Maes rose and stepped back, giving Nakari space. A smile, warm and full of love welcomed me, but her green eyes couldn’t quite hide her sorrow. She was still hurting.

  “I’m not sure what to say after that,” Nakari said quietly. “Maes kinda stole the show.” She looked down, her hair falling into her lashes. “I can be a harsh person, come across as cold and uncaring. You and I have had our differences, but we overcame them, Cheyenne. I can only hope that we building a lasting friendship.”

  “We already have,” I whispered.

  I didn’t wait for her embrace and took the first steps, hugging her tightly. She could be somewhat blunt at times, but I knew deep down underneath her tough exterior, she truly had a heart of gold.

  “Enough of this dribble,” Brogan grumbled. “I’m famished! Let’s eat!”

  Laughter broke out, and Nakari stepped back. The family began to gather around the large dining table, but I held back, touching Nakari’s arm after everyone had passed.

  She blinked and stared at me in curiosity. I knew what I really needed to say to her, but it needed to be private.

  “You need to be happy, Nakari,” I said quietly. “You need to have your broken heart mended like another I know.” I glanced over my shoulder at Callon as I grasped her hands. “Callon told me what he did to save me, that he stepped down from being the Consilador’s leader.” I took a deep breath. “I want you to have my blessing. I want you to be with the man you love. I want you to have your life filled with happiness and laughter and children. I want your life to be complete as you’ve completed mine.”

  Nakari squeezed my hands, her eyes blinking back the tears.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  It was my turn to squeeze her hands.

  “Come on,” I said. “I’m famished.”

  Colt waited for me a few feet away, watching as Nakari passed. His head tilted as he looked down on me and he reached for my hand.

  “I love you,” he said.

  “And I love you too.”

  Chapter 28

  The warm breeze swirled around me, and the scent of wildflowers danced in the air. I stared out across the crystal clear lake, the same lake where I’d married Marcus almost a year ago.

  Images of his face flashed in front of me, the anger, the lies, the deceit. He’d been a master of disguise, cloaking his real self until it all but vanished. I’d caught glimpses of the man he was once, but it had been swallowed up, sacrificed for the power he thought would bring him happiness.

  A tear streamed down my cheek. So many had died in this war, and Skylar’s scraggly hair and gaunt face still haunted me. My family assured me he hadn’t died in vain, but I couldn’t help but feel the weight upon my shoulders. He’d died so we could live.

  I sighed. So much
had changed since his death, and so much still had to be accomplished to bring the clans together again.

  My recovery had taken longer than expected. At times it felt as if fingers from that dark void wanted to latch out and grasp me, wanted to suck me back down into that black oblivion. But Callon had taught me how to use his powers well, and Colt had been there to help me see the light. As long as he was by my side, I’d never have to worry.

  Once we knew that vault was securely fastened, Colt and I began traveling, along with the other clan leaders, searching for those still in hiding, who’d thought the Timeless were lost forever. There had been only one missing piece, the Braid del Amour.

  Colt and I couldn’t marry until it was found, and until today, we were beginning to lose faith. Marcus’s compound, although it had already been searched, was our last hope.

  It had taken a lot to bring me here. Too many memories lingered, for Colt as well. But somehow he was more mentally prepared than I. Even now my pulse raced, as I waited for Colt to come. Darrien had found the braid, and Colt and I would be leaving soon, but there was another task I needed to perform first. I still had possession of three clans’ power; the Kvech, Servak, and Sarac. This wasn’t good, as it would weaken the other clans too much and make the current imbalance even worse. Since I was the only Kvech alive, and since Marcus hadn’t had an heir, that meant I could only give back the Servak’s power, the power Marcus had drained and abused the most.

  Of course, not everyone had agreed with the person I was going to give it to. Raina was the last Servak with any blood connection to the Servak leaders, as cousin to my mother. Her curse had also been broken with Marcus’s death, that awful blackness removed from her soul, but some still doubted her loyalty. I couldn’t deny my own unease, either, but I’d been given many second chances, and Raina deserved one as well.

  Warmth radiated near my back, and I closed my eyes as Colt’s arms came around me. I tilted my head, allowing him access to my neck as he placed a small kiss there. His fingers caressed my arms, and the tightness in my shoulders eased. My pulsed slowed, and a peace began to flow over me, not unlike the peace Daniel used to give me. But this was different; Daniel’s peace was that of a brother, but Colt’s peace held his undying love for me.


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