Awakening: A Timeless Series Novel, Book Four

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Awakening: A Timeless Series Novel, Book Four Page 38

by Lisa Wiedmeier

  A tingling sensation rippled through me, and my hold grew tighter on Colt’s arms. My lower lip began to quiver, and my eyes twitched. We both began to shake, Colt’s jaw growing firm. My legs gave way as our grip was broken, and the braid fell away. A bright light flashed, and I collapsed to the floor.

  I struggled to catch my breath as strong arms came around me, cradling me to a strong chest. I blinked; Colt was holding me tightly as he kneeled.

  “I have you, sweetheart,” he whispered and kissed my forehead. “It’s going to be okay.”

  I reached up and cupped his cheek. His simple words were so touching. I knew now and forever more it’d always be okay as long as my light never extinguished.

  “I love you, Colt Adrian O’Shea,” I whispered. “I love you with my whole heart.”

  He pulled me up, his woodsy scent swirling around me, his warm breath pouring over my face.

  “I love you more than you’ll ever know,” he murmured above my lips, “more than you could ever comprehend.”

  His lips met mine with a tenderness I’d never experienced before. He caressed them as if they’d never been touched before, slow deliberate passes. I pulled my hand to his neck, pushing myself up and sought for more.

  His lips firmed, pressing mine apart. I gave way willingly, wanting, searching, fighting for more. I’d held back for too long. He was finally mine.

  A throat cleared, and then light laughter followed. Colt drew back smiling, and I felt my cheeks redden. I’d forgotten where we were.

  He helped me to my feet, his arm coming around my waist, as my legs were still wobbly.

  “May I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. O’Shea!” Dex cried.

  Applause sounded, and then our family gathered around us, offering congratulations. Hugs and wet eyes were everywhere, but they weren’t sad. For once, they were tears of happiness. Soft music began to play in the background, and Colt smiled down on me.

  “May I have this first dance, Mrs. O’Shea?” he asked, extending his hand to me.

  “I would love to, Mr. O’Shea,” I replied in a giddy giggle and took hold of his fingers.

  He moved us out to a wooden dance floor that had been set up, and our family gathered around as they watched us have our first dance as husband and wife. Colt gracefully led us around the floor, and I began to recall all the dancing lessons Skylar had given. The memory didn’t hurt as much this time, and it was as if I felt his blessing as I glided alongside Colt.

  We were floating on air, two dancers giving their greatest performance. Our eyes locked together. This was our moment, our time, and our love that had all come together as one. Not perfect, but far better.

  I’d never seen him so at ease as we moved. There were no worry lines on his brow, his strong arms held no tension. Even when I’d first met him, there had been tension in his shoulders, but now, now all his worries and cares had been replaced with contentment and peace. This was how he always should’ve been, how we should’ve been.

  The music slowed, and the song changed. Daniel poked his head out from behind Colt, tapping his shoulder.

  “May I have this dance?” Daniel asked.

  Colt leaned down and placed a soft, sweet kiss on the corner of my lip. “I’ll share you for now,” he said leaning closer to my ear, his voice low and dangerous, “but in just a few short hours, you’re all mine.” He drew back, a wicked smile growing as goosebumps raced across my skin.

  Butterflies erupted in my stomach, and I blinked, suddenly excited and nervous. He handed me off to Daniel, but purposely trailed his fingers across my bare back as he passed. A wonderful, excited shiver ran up my spine. He chuckled before leaving the dance floor.

  Daniel’s smile grew as well as the twinkle in his eyes. A small laugh escaped him.

  “Well,” he said pulling me into a dance, “he didn’t waste much time getting back to tormenting you, did he?”

  I laughed, knowing Daniel hit the nail on the head. Even with the weeks leading up to the wedding, Colt had been somewhat reserved from his old self, but now everything had changed, and I liked it.

  Others joined us on the dance floor and soon loud laughter and smiles took over. It wasn’t just Colt who’d changed—we all had. Gone was the pressure of ending this war, replaced instead with blank pages. We were creating our own stories now, new beginnings. We were words on the pages of our life that had not yet turned, beautiful unread words.

  Dex stopped behind Daniel, tapping him on the shoulder as the music changed.

  “May I?” Dex asked.

  Daniel placed a warm kiss on my cheek.

  “Love you, Chey,” he said quietly. “Destiny may have tried to screw you, but in the end you won.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  Dex extended his arms, waiting for his dance.

  “The father of the bride does get his dance,” he said quietly.

  “Of course,” I replied.

  He sighed, and we began our dance.

  “I know I said I didn’t know if you’d ever get to this moment with Colt,” Dex said, his voice low and constricted. “And I said it with so many reasons in mind. I, like a number of others, had always seen Callon as the better fit. I doubted Colt’s leadership abilities, but with what’s happened over the last year, I now see that I was wrong.” He swallowed, his hazel eyes watering.

  “Colt isn’t the same man I once knew. He’s changed. He’s changed because of you, Cheyenne, because of your love.”

  Now it was my turn for my eyes to water. I knew Colt had changed, had seen it in so many ways. He’d sacrificed his life for me, endured being under Marcus’s hand like I had and then stood strong by my side, believing in me no matter the cost.

  “I know,” I whispered, knowing I didn’t need to say more.

  “He’s going to be a great leader, and the two of you side by side will bring peace to the Timeless race. I just wanted you to know that you have my blessing, with no hesitations.”

  The music hadn’t stopped before Callon maneuvered his way in to dance with me. Warmth radiated around him, warmth that had been gone for a long time. Just like Colt, the lines in his face seemed to have softened, the stress wrinkles under his eyes gone. There was clarity to his eyes that I’d never seen, and one I hoped would stay.

  “You feeling alright?” Doctor Callon had returned for a moment.

  “Yes, of course.”

  “I had to ask, since you did just bind your powers together with Colt.” A small smile rose. “It’s not something one does all the time, although…”

  I rolled my eyes and laughed.

  “Yes, third time is the charm,” I snickered. “Can I tell you how many times I’ve heard that in the past month?”

  “Not enough,” he said warmly. “I’m just sorry it took that long to get it right.” He hesitated.

  “What?” I asked.

  He sighed. “I know you’ve probably already heard this from Dex, but you’ve made the deepest impact on Colt’s life. I don’t think you understand the magnitude of it. I had a brother before, but now, regardless of what we’ve been through, I have a friend, someone I know I can rely on—forever. Because of you, I now have both my brothers back.”

  “And because of you,” I said, “because of you I’m here today, to share it all with you.”

  The music stopped and Callon drew my hands to his lips, placing a soft kiss on them. Colt’s shadow lingered behind me, and his soft fingers brushed my neck.

  “Lilly wants to cut the cake,” Colt said.

  I nodded and squeezed Callon’s hand, knowing it was more than Colt’s life that’d changed.

  Colt led me over to the cake, and I glanced over my shoulder. Nakari had come to stand beside Callon, their fingers entwining. Callon would find his happiness, and I couldn’t have been happier knowing that one day they’d marry, and she’d officially be my sister.

  The cake was cut and drinks were served. It didn’t take long before loud laughter filled the barn. I watched
as they interacted. It had been too long since they’d had the freedom to be themselves, to relax and enjoy each others’ company. I glanced over my shoulder. Colt was busy talking with his brothers, so I headed for the main doors.

  All the activity had caused my cheeks to heat, but the night air cooled them. I stood just outside the door, staring at the starry skies, taking in their simple beauty.

  “It’s been a while since you’ve stargazed,” Maes said, coming up beside me.

  I smiled.

  “It has,” I replied.

  “I think it’s something I’d like to take up.”

  My brow rose as I glanced at him.

  “You? Star gazing?” I couldn’t help but release a small chuckle.

  “What’s wrong with that? Andre says I need to learn to relax, settle down. I thought this was the best start.”

  “She didn’t mean stargazing, Maes.” I knew exactly what she meant. She wanted to get married.

  Maes winked at me. He knew too.

  “Maybe I’ll surprise her soon.” He shrugged.

  He opened his mouth to speak again, but then closed it.

  “What?” I asked.

  His jade eyes softened.

  “I was just thinking,” he said, “how my father made the wrong choice in choosing the Sarac over the Kvech.”

  He paused, staring down at his hands.

  “I’m glad the curse was broken, because now future Timeless generations don’t need to live in fear.”

  “I’m glad it was broken too. I got you out of it.”

  He smiled.

  As I glanced around I couldn’t help but wonder where another Tresez was at.

  “Where’s Shad?” I asked.

  Maes sighed. “He felt the need to leave, but he does wish you the best.”

  “Ah,” I said guessing why he departed. “He’s still a loner at heart.”

  Maes nodded, but said nothing more.

  We stood silently in each other’s company, each disappearing to our own thoughts. Maes’s curse was broken, but there were still issues that needed to be dealt with, like ensuring the clan’s powers were balanced more equally. In time I’d discuss this further with Maes, share with him my visions for the future of the clans, because I knew no matter what, Maes would always support me.

  Daniel jumped beside me, causing me to startle. He grinned.

  “Sorry, forgot that scares you, but you need to come back. Koda and Brogan are about to arm wrestle!”

  Daniel took my hand before I could reply and jumped me beside Colt. He placed a kiss on my cheek and then jumped beside Bree.

  “I’ll wipe your sorry…” Koda bellowed.

  “You can’t do it!” Brogan jeered.

  “Let’s end this here and now!” Koda replied pointing to a table.

  “Fine by me!” Brogan said, joining him at the table.

  They placed their arms out, joining hands and began arm wrestling to see who truly was the strongest. Colt’s arm came around my waist, lifting me to a chair and then nuzzled his lips against my neck.

  “Come on, Koda!” Andre said, slurring her words and falling into Maes. “I’ve got twenty on you! Don’t let me down.”

  She pushed herself off Maes and tumbled towards Nakari who was on her other side. Maes’s fingers missed her arm, and she toppled to the floor. I couldn’t help but laugh. I’d never seen her this way, all of them were so lighthearted.

  “Aww, damn!” Nakari blurted, picking Andre up and pulling off her shoe. “You broke my heel!”

  “They were ugly shoes anyway,” Andre snapped and then snorted. “You’ve had them since like the nineteen hundreds!”

  “Yeah, well at least my makeup doesn’t look like a monkey put it on!”

  Andre, Maes, and the others all burst out into snorting laughter.

  The table shook and then split apart, sending Brogan and Koda to the floor.

  “I won!!” Koda shot to his feet, lifting his hand.

  “No!” Brogan bellowed. “The table broke. Do-over!”

  My stomach began to ache with all the laughter, and Colt lifted me down from the chair.

  “I think it’s time we bid our family farewell,” Colt whispered in my ear. “We’ve spent more than enough time with them.”

  Butterflies erupted in the pit of my stomach once again, and I turned to him. A twinkle in his eyes grew, a twinkle I’d thought long gone. He grasped my hand firmly, leading us out the side door of the barn, but the others didn’t notice.

  He scooped me up in his arms, and I squealed as he chuckled. I’d never felt so nervous and excited at the same time.

  We stopped just outside my bedroom terrace door. He leaned down and opened it, carrying me inside. The scent of roses, and the soft illumination of candles burning swirled around us. He moved inside the room, and set me down.

  Rose petals were scattered over the floor and bed, with a single red rose resting on my pillow. He turned me towards him, his fingers tilting my chin up, and I couldn’t help the quiver that came.

  “Do you want to change?” he asked gently while stroking my cheek.

  I couldn’t even respond, so I shook my head.

  “Don’t be scared, sweetheart,” he whispered. “I’d never hurt you.”

  “I know,” I replied, my voice quivering.

  “I still remember the young woman who didn’t want to talk to me the first time I met her.” He smiled. “The woman I had to coax a conversation out of.”

  “Coax? Um, I remember being tricked into showing someone all his classes.”

  “You would have ignored me otherwise.”

  I shrugged. “Maybe. I also remember an unruly man who instead of washing my Jeep, decided to wash me instead.”

  A broad smile rose. “Who, me?” He turned his head, giving an innocent look.

  “Yes, you.” I put my hands on my hips.

  “Well, I can’t help it if you were dirty and needed a bath.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  He moved closer, his smile fading.

  “I can’t believe how far we’ve come.” He brushed the hair behind my ear. “There were times I didn’t think we’d make it, not with all the challenges we’ve had to overcome.”

  I grasped his hand as it rested on my neck.

  “I wasn’t sure either,” I said, “but we fought the odds and won.”

  “We did,” he replied, “and I’m never letting go.”

  His head lowered and velvety smooth lips touched mine in a soft caress. His fingers came to my neck, gently stroking it, and then he drew back. His eyes never left mine as he pulled off his jacket and bow tie. I watched as he untied his shoes and removed them and then his socks. He unbuttoned his shirt and dropped it to the floor as he slowly moved forward. I began to tremble as his hands touched my arms. His fingers ran up my shoulders and neck as he tilted my chin up, and his lips sought out mine.

  His kiss held such passion that it took my breath away. He was weaving and parting, helping me forget all the nerves that rolled through me. I moved my hands to his chest and rested them there.

  Fingers traced down my back and then began unbuttoning my dress. They moved over my bare skin as he firmly gasped my waist, and held me close as his kiss deepened. His kiss slowed, and he drew back.

  I gazed up into eyes that were on fire. He was showing me a passion so deep that everything inside me wanted to melt. My breath grew heavy, and I forced myself to move. I slipped my shoes off, one by one, the silken texture of the roses touching my feet. His fingers lingered at the base of my neck before he moved them over my shoulders and slipped them under the straps of my dress.

  I couldn’t look away as he stared at me, his eyes roaming every inch and then he pushed my dress off. It fell like water cascading from the falls, and I gasped. He lifted my chin, and a love so soft formed in his gaze that I couldn’t move.

  “A rose doesn’t release its true aroma until the petals are removed,” he whispered on my lips. “Its true beauty isn
’t revealed until it is opened, my love.”

  I let myself fall, giving in to his touches. Finally, there’d be no more heartache and suffering. I’d be with the man I loved, forever more, and nothing was ever going to take it away from me.

  I was free.

  Timeless Clans Glossary

  Timeless – a form of immortality, aging one year for every one hundred years.

  Kvech Clan

  Adalmund – former leader of the Kvech clan – Cheyenne’s grandfather - deceased.

  Jasalyn – spouse to Adalmund – Cheyenne’s grandmother - deceased.

  Qaysean – former leader of the Kvech clan – Cheyenne’s father – deceased.

  Cheyenne Wilson – leader of the Kvech clan – betrothed to Callon and Marcus.

  Consilador Clan

  Callon O’Shea – leader of the Consilador clan – betrothed to Cheyenne.

  Colt O’Shea – brother to Callon, second in line for clan leadership.

  Daniel O’Shea – brother to Callon and Colt, third in line for clan leadership.

  Bree – clan member.

  Sarac Clan

  Makhi Guerry– father of Marcus – deceased.

  Marcus Guerry – leader of the Sarac clan – betrothed to Cheyenne.

  Servak Clan

  Jorell – former leader of the Servak clan – Cheyenne’s grandfather – deceased.

  Sahara – daughter of Jorell – Cheyenne’s mother – deceased.

  Cheyenne Wilson– leader of the Servak clan – betrothed to Callon and Marcus.

  Darrien – guardian of the Servak clan leader. Skilled warrior, twin brother of Jahlem.

  Jahlem – guardian of the Servak clan leader. Skilled warrior, twin brother of Darrien.

  Raina – clan member, once a Cloaker, second cousin to Cheyenne

  Coltooro Clan

  Dex – leader of the Coltooro clan.

  Lilly – spouse to Dex.

  Gene Wilson – clan member, Cheyenne’s adoptive father – deceased.

  Alexis Wilson – clan member, Cheyenne’s adoptive mother – deceased.

  Silloquize Clan

  Koda – leader of the Silloquize clan.

  Nakari – member of the Silloquize clan.

  Clayton – member of the Silloquize clan.


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